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Requirements for the content and form of draft documents adopted by the Legislative Assembly for consideration are determined by the Law of the Omsk Region dated November 21, 2002 No. 409-OZ "On Regulatory Legal Acts of the Omsk Region" (in an edition Zac. dated 27.07.2004 No. 538-OZ, of 29.04.2005 No. 631-OZ, dated 08.10.2007 No. 952-OZ, dated 04.07.2008 No. 1056-OZ, dated 29.05.2009 No. 1159-OZ, dated 05.10.2012 No. 1480-OZ, dated 28.06.2013 No. 1555-OZ, dated 10.12.2013 No. 1591-OZ, dated 28.07.2014 No. 1655-OZ, dated 04.12.2014 No. 1688-OZ, dated 10.12.2014 No. 1693-OZ, dated 04.03.2016 No. 1856-OZ), Regulations of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, adopted by Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of January 22, 2002 No. 25 (as amended by dated 17.02.2004 No. 52, dated 24.05.2007 No. 146, dated 14.06.2007 No. 188, dated 28.02.2008 No. 87, dated 25.11.2008 No. 433, dated 26.11.2009 No. 352, dated 17.03.2011 No. 71, dated 22.09.2011 No. 269, dated 26.01.2012 No. 27, dated 27.09.2012 No. 235, dated 24.01.2013 No. 19, of 24.10.2013 No. 269, dated 23.01.2014 No. 20, No. 136 dated 22.05.2014 , No. 285 dated 23.10.2014 , No. 61 dated 25.02.2016).

According to Article 4 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On Regulatory Legal Acts of the Omsk Region," the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region adopts regulatory legal acts in the form of the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk Region, laws of the Omsk Region (regional laws), and regulations.

According to Article 6 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On Regulatory Legal Acts of the Omsk Region," regional laws are adopted in accordance with the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk Region, federal and regional law procedure, regulatory legal acts of the Omsk Region regulating the most important public relations, having the highest legal force in relation to the decisions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of a regulatory nature, regulatory legal acts of the Governor of the Omsk Region, the Government of the Omsk Region and executive authorities of the Omsk Region.

Chapters 5, 6 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On Regulatory Legal Acts of the Omsk Region" determine the procedure for adopting regional laws and regulations, including general requirements for the content and form of draft documents adopted by the Legislative Assembly for consideration.

In accordance with Article 18 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On Regulatory Legal Acts of the Omsk Region," when submitting a draft regional law to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (implementation of the right of legislative initiative), the following documents are submitted to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region:

1) explanatory note setting out the subject of legal regulation, justification of the need to adopt a regional law, its goals and main provisions, other information;
2) financial and economic justification, which contains information on the amount and directions of spending the funds of the regional budget, other funds and objects necessary for the implementation of the regional law;
3) the list of regional laws to be declared invalid, amended or suspended in connection with the adoption of the regional law;
4) a list of persons who are the developers of the draft regional law.

The subject of the right of legislative initiative, who submitted a draft regional law to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, is obliged to appoint a person who is entrusted with the submission of the draft regional law to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region. Together with the draft regional law, other documents are also submitted, if required in accordance with federal and regional legislation.

According to Article 32 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On Regulatory Legal Acts of the Omsk Region," together with the draft resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of a normative nature, the following documents are submitted to the corresponding meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region:

1) explanatory note setting out the subject of legal regulation, justification of the need to adopt a resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of a regulatory nature, other information;
2) financial and economic justification, which contains information on the amount and directions of spending the funds of the regional budget, other funds and objects necessary for the implementation of the resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region of a regulatory nature;
3) a list of persons who are the developers of the draft resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region of a regulatory nature.

When preparing projects, follow the rules of legal technology.



(as amended by the Laws of the Omsk Region dated 27.07.2004  No. 538-OZ, 
dated 29.04.2005  No. 631-OZ, dated 08.10.2007  No. 952-OZ, 
dated 04.07.2008  No. 1056-OZ, dated 29.05.2009  No. 1159-OZ,
dated 05.10.2012 No. 1480-OZ, dated 28.06.2013  No. 1555-OZ,
dated 10.12.2013  No. 1591-OZ, dated 28.07.2014  No. 1655-OZ,
dated 04.12.2014  No. 1688-OZ, dated 10.12.2014  No. 1693-OZ,
dated 04.03.2016  No. 1856-OZ)



Article 51. General Rules of Legal Technology

1. Regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region are drawn up only in Russian. The use of foreign terms and expressions in the regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region is allowed if there are no Russian terms and expressions or terms of foreign origin that have the same meaning that have become common in the Russian language.

2. The statement of the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region should be short, clear, providing simplicity, clarity and accessibility. The provisions of the normative legal act of the Omsk region should be unambiguous and prevent the possibility of their arbitrary interpretation. In the regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region, metaphors, allegories, outdated or slang terms are not used. The text of the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region must comply with the rules of the modern Russian literary language, taking into account the functional and stylistic features of the texts of regulatory legal acts.

3. In the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region, definitions of the introduced technical, scientific and other special terms should be given. Words and expressions in the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region are used in the meaning that ensures their accurate understanding and unity with the terminology used in federal and regional legislation. It is not allowed to designate different concepts in a normative legal act of the Omsk region with one term or one concept with different terms, unless it is specifically stipulated in the normative legal act of the Omsk region itself.

4. The regulatory legal act of the Omsk region should contain only provisions regulating interconnected issues.

Article 52. Structure of the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region

1. The structure of a normative legal act of the Omsk region may consist of the following elements: section, subsection, chapter, paragraph, article, clause, part of article, clause of article, subparagraph, paragraph.

Regional laws are divided into articles, if necessary, combined into sections, chapters, paragraphs.

In exceptional cases, with a small amount of information, regional laws may not be divided into articles.

Resolutions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of a regulatory nature, regulatory legal acts of the Governor of the Omsk Region, the Government of the Omsk Region and the executive authorities of the Omsk Region are divided into paragraphs, if necessary, combined into sections, chapters, paragraphs.

2. Sections, subsections shall be numbered with Arabic or Roman numerals with a period. Chapters, paragraphs, articles shall be numbered with Arabic numerals with a period.

Sections, subsections, chapters, articles are indicated respectively by the words "Section," "Subsection," "Chapter," "Article." Paragraphs are indicated by the symbol "§."

3. Paragraphs and subclauses shall be numbered with Arabic numerals with a period or parenthesis.

Numbering of clauses and subclauses with letters of the Russian alphabet with a bracket is allowed (with the exception of the letters "ё," "й" "ь" "ъ").

Parts of articles and paragraphs do not have numbering. Paragraphs can be denoted by hyphens. Paragraphs cannot be marked with characters other than hyphens.

4. Article, clause, part of article, clause of article, sub-clause, paragraph shall be printed from the red line.

5. If subitems, paragraphs can be combined into one interconnected sentence, then they end with a semicolon, with the exception of the last one ending with a period.

6. Sections, subsections, chapters, articles and clauses of regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region should have a single end-to-end numbering.

Separate numbering of articles and clauses of each section, subsection, chapter or paragraph is not allowed. Paragraphs of each article and subparagraphs of each paragraph are numbered separately.

7. Sections, subsections, chapters, paragraphs, articles of regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region, as a rule, should have names, a period is not put at the end of the names. The items have no names. The names of sections, subsections, chapters and paragraphs are aligned in the center. The titles of the articles are printed with a red line.

8. The regulatory legal act of the Omsk region should have a name. The name is the requisite of the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region, reflecting its content.

The name of the normative legal act of the Omsk region is aligned in the center and is not highlighted with quotation marks. The period at the end of the name is not put.

Article 53. Preamble of the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region

The preamble of the normative legal act of the Omsk region contains an explanation of the goals, motives and grounds for its adoption. The inclusion of normative provisions in the preamble is not allowed. The preamble should be summarized. Normative legal acts of the Omsk region may not have a preamble if an explanation of the goals, motives and grounds for adopting a normative legal act of the Omsk region is not required.

Article 54. Requirements for the content of the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region

1. The presentation of the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region should ensure consistent disclosure of its provisions.

2. Individual regulations may be included in the regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region.

3. In the regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region, the full official names of state authorities, local authorities, positions, organizations are used or a generalized definition of the relevant authorized body is given.

4. When referring to other regulatory legal acts, the form of the regulatory legal act, its name, as well as the date and number of the relevant regulatory legal act are indicated, unless otherwise established by regional legislation.

When referring to certain provisions of regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region, articles, clauses, subclauses are indicated by the corresponding numbers, letters (in this case, letters are enclosed in quotation marks), and parts of articles, paragraphs, sentences - by words. Internal references in the text of the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region are indicated using the word "real" in the corresponding case.

5. Dates in the regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region are indicated in a verbal and digital way in the following sequence - number (numbers), month (word), year (numbers) with the addition of the word "year" in the corresponding case, without abbreviation. In the single-digit number of the month, zero is not placed before the figure.

Sources of official publication are indicated as follows:

  • name of the source of official publication, year, number, article - for the "Vedomosti of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region";
  • name of the source of official publication, year, date (day and month), number - for newspapers;
  • name of the source of official publication, year, date (day and month), number - for the "Official Internet Portal of Legal Information" (

6. When writing numbers in regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region, verbal, digital and verbal-digital methods are used. When writing complex nouns and adjectives that include numerals, verbal and verbal-digital methods are used.

7. The content of the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region can be formalized by a table if it is necessary to indicate information about several objects by a number of signs. Table columns must have names expressed by the noun in the nominative case. Column names are capitalized. The period at the end of the names of the graph is not put.

Numbers of columns and rows of the table are indicated without dots.

If the table is printed on more than one page, the name of the columns or their numerical designation is repeated at the top of each page.

The table may be positioned along the long side of the sheet. In this case, the table is drawn up by an appendix to the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region.

8. Notes, footnotes in the text of the normative legal act of the Omsk region are indicated, as a rule, in the annexes and only when the content of the note, footnotes cannot be stated in the part of the article, paragraph of the article, paragraph, subparagraph, paragraph.

Notes, as a rule, are located at the end of the text of the normative legal act of the Omsk region (annexes to it) and are indicated by the word "Note." In exceptional cases, it is allowed to place notes at the end of a section, subsection, chapter, paragraph, article and other structural elements of a regulatory legal act of the Omsk Region. If there are multiple notes, they are numbered with Arabic numerals.

The footnote sign is indicated by a superscript asterisk (s) or Arabic numeral (s). The footnote is located at the end of the sheet and is separated from the text by a horizontal line located at the border of the left margin of the sheet. The footnote to the provisions set out in the table is located after the table.

9. The regulatory legal act of the Omsk region provides for provisions on the procedure for its entry into force, with the exception of the case when the relevant regulatory legal act comes into force the day after its official publication.

Article 55. Execution of appendices to the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region

1. The provisions of a normative legal act of the Omsk region can be drawn up in the form of annexes to such a normative legal act, which are its integral part (regulation, procedure, rules, list, charter, instruction, list, scheme, schedule, plan, schedule, program, etc.).

The regulatory legal act of the Omsk region contains a provision on the approval of the relevant annex or a reference to it.

If a normative legal act of the Omsk region provides for the approval of several annexes, they are numbered in Arabic numerals.

2. The first sheet in the upper right corner of the appendix indicates: the word "Appendix," the number of the appendix (if there are several of them), the form, date and number or name of the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region.

3. Appendices to the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region should have names that include an indication of their form (regulation, order, rules, list, charter, instruction, list, scheme, schedule, plan, schedule, program, etc.).

4. Appendices to the normative legal act of the Omsk region, with the exception of those ending with a table with highlighted borders, end with a line.

Article 56. Amendments to the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region, recognition of the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region as invalid

1. All changes made to the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region must correspond to its structure.

2. Amendments to the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region means:

  • deletion or presentation in the new edition of sections, subsections, chapters, paragraphs, articles, paragraphs, sub-paragraphs, paragraphs, proposals, annexes to regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region;
  • excluding or replacing words, symbols in other words, with symbols;
  • supplementing the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region with new provisions (sections, subsections, chapters, paragraphs, articles, clauses, subclauses, paragraphs, sentences, words, etc.).

2.1. If the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region provides for the presentation in the new edition of the annex to the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region, then the new edition of the annex should contain a stamp of the annex set out in the new edition.

3. Newly supplemented sections, subsections, chapters, paragraphs, articles, paragraphs, subclauses, paragraphs, proposals are located where the provisions of the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region are similar in content. Paragraphs are counted from the first red line of a subparagraph, clause, part of an article or article of a normative legal act of the Omsk region.

4. If a normative legal act of the Omsk region provides for significant changes in any normative legal act of the Omsk region, then changes in such a normative legal act of the Omsk region should, as a rule, provide for its presentation in a new edition.

5. Structural elements newly included in the text of the normative legal act of the Omsk region are assigned serial numbers of structural elements of the same type preceding them with the addition of additional serial numbers to the specified numbers through a period or hyphen, starting from the first. New structural elements included in the text of the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region after the last structural element of the same type are assigned numbers following the number of the latter.

6. If sections, subsections, chapters, articles, paragraphs and subclauses are excluded from the normative legal act of the Omsk region, as well as when the normative legal act of the Omsk region is supplemented with sections, subsections, chapters, articles, paragraphs and subclauses, the numbering of subsequent sections, subsections, chapters, articles, paragraphs and subclauses is not changed.

6.1. When amending the regional law, the date of signing the regional law by the Governor of the Omsk Region, the number and name of the regional law are indicated, then the source of its official publication is indicated in brackets, as well as the sources of official publication of all subsequent regional laws that made changes to the regional law.

When the regional law is recognized as invalid, the date of signing the regional law by the Governor of the Omsk Region, the number and name of the regional law are indicated, then the source of its official publication is indicated in brackets.

7. If the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region provides for the termination of any regulatory legal act of the Omsk region, then such a regulatory legal act of the Omsk region is recognized as invalid. Normative legal acts of the Omsk region or their individual provisions, which amended the normative legal act of the Omsk region recognized as invalid, are subject to simultaneous recognition as invalid or amended, respectively.

7.1. If the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region provides for the recognition of several regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region as invalid, then these acts are listed in chronological order, starting with the acts adopted earlier.

If the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region provides for amendments to several regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region, then these acts are listed in chronological order, starting with the acts adopted earlier.

Article 57. Details of regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region

1. Regulatory legal acts of the Omsk region have the following mandatory details:

1) coat of arms of the Omsk region;
2) name of the form of the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region;
3) the name of the normative legal act of the Omsk region;
4) date and place of adoption, signing of the regulatory legal act of the Omsk region;
5) number;
6) signature of the authorized person.

2. The following details are established for regional laws:

1) the emblem of the Omsk region is placed in the upper part in the center and the words "Law of the Omsk region" are indicated below;
2) the name of the regional law is located lower in the center;
3) under the name of the regional law, the date of its adoption by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region is indicated on the right;
4) under the main text of the regional law, the position, initials of the name, patronymic and surname of the Governor of the Omsk region are indicated: on the left are the words "Governor of the Omsk region," on the right are the initials of the name and patronymic and surname of the Governor of the Omsk region;
5) under the props of the signature of the regional law, the place of its adoption is indicated - the city of Omsk, the date of signing of the regional law by the Governor of the Omsk Region, number.

3. For resolutions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of a regulatory nature, the following details are established:

1) in the upper part in the center is the coat of arms of the Omsk region;
2) the words "Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region" are indicated below in the center;
3) the word "Resolution" is indicated below in the center;
3.1) below on the left is the place of its adoption - the city of Omsk;
4) the date of adoption and the number of the resolution are indicated below on the left;
5) the name of the resolution is located lower in the center;
6) under the main text of the resolution, the position, initials of the name and patronymic and the surname of the person authorized to sign the resolution are indicated.

4. Details of regulatory legal acts of the Governor of the Omsk Region, the Government of the Omsk Region and executive authorities of the Omsk Region, not provided for in paragraph 1 of this article, are established by the Governor of the Omsk Region.

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