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Law of Omsk Region "On the Status of a Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region" 

List of amending documents
(as amended by Laws of Omsk Region dated 02.11.1998 N 158-OZ,
dated 25.03.2002 N 364-OZ, dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ, dated 04.06.2004 N 522-OZ,
dated 03.11.2004 N 556-OZ, dated 24.07.2006 N 770-OZ, dated 31.10.2006 N 795-OZ,
dated 06.02.2008 N 1006-OZ, dated 04.07.2008 N 1057-OZ, dated 07.28.2010 N 1279-OZ,
dated 07.26.2011 N 1369-OZ, dated 03.10.2011 N 1391-OZ, dated 23.12.2011 N 1422-OZ,
dated 06.11.2012 N 1485-OZ, dated 04/08/2013 N 1522-OZ, dated 04/08/2013 N 1530-OZ,
dated 06/03/2013 N 1545-OZ, dated 06/26/2013 N 1553-OZ, dated 07/17/2013 N 1565-OZ,
from 04.12.2014 N 1681-OZ, from 26.02.2015 N 1725-OZ, from 28.05.2015 N 1747-OZ,
from 16.12.2015 N 1829-OZ, from 14.07.2016 N 1898-OZ, from 28.12.2016 N 1947-OZ,
from 21.07.2020 N 2290-OZ, from 06.10.2020 N 2298-OZ,
with amendments introduced by the Decision of the Omsk Regional Court
from 18.02.2013 N F3-8/2013)

This Law defines the rights, duties and responsibilities of a deputy Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, provides basic legal and social guarantees for the implementation of its parliamentary activities.


Article 1. Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast

A deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast (hereinafter referred to as a deputy) is a representative elected by the population, authorized to exercise legislative power in the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast and other powers provided for by the Charter (Basic Law) of Omsk Oblast, laws of Omsk Oblast and this Law.
(as amended by Laws of Omsk Oblast dated 25.03.2002 N 364-OZ, dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)
The deputy is guaranteed conditions for the unhindered and effective exercise of his powers, protection of rights, honor and dignity.
In his activities, the deputy is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal and regional legislation.
(Part three as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 04.07.2008 N 1057-OZ)

Article 2. Legislation on the status of a deputy

The status of a deputy is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal legislation, the Charter (Basic Law) of Omsk Oblast, the Law of Omsk Oblast "On the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast", the Law of Omsk Oblast "On the committees (commissions) of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast", this Law and the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast. Additional measures of social protection of deputies in connection with their performance of deputy activities are established by the Code on state positions of the Omsk Region and the state civil service of the Omsk Region.
(as amended by the Law of the Omsk Region dated 04.07.2008 N 1057-OZ)

Article 3. Term of office of a deputy

The term of office of a deputy begins on the day of his election as a deputy and ends on the day of the first meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of a new convocation, with the exception of cases stipulated by federal and regional legislation, and in the event of early termination of the deputy's powers.
(part one as amended by the Law of the Omsk Region dated 03.06.2013 N 1545-OZ)
The powers of a deputy are not subject to transfer to another person.

Article 4. Early termination of powers of a deputy

The powers of a deputy shall be terminated early in the following cases:
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)
a) a written statement of the deputy on the resignation of his powers;
b) the loss by the deputy of citizenship of the Russian Federation, the acquisition by him of citizenship of a foreign state or the receipt by him of a residence permit or other document confirming the right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to permanent residence in the territory of a foreign state;
(paragraph "b" as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 31.10.2006 N 795-OZ)
c) the entry into force of a guilty verdict of the court against a person who is a deputy;
d) the recognition of a citizen who is a deputy, incapacitated or partially incapacitated by a court decision that has entered into legal force;
d) declaring a citizen who is a deputy dead or recognizing him as missing by a court decision that has entered into legal force;
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Region dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)
e) death of a deputy;
g) his election as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, vesting with the powers of a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (except for the grounds stipulated by federal legislation), appointment as a judge, filling other state positions of the Russian Federation, other state positions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, positions of the federal civil service, positions of the state civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as municipal positions and municipal service positions, unless otherwise provided by federal law;
(as amended by the Laws of Omsk Oblast dated 28.07.2010 N 1279-OZ, dated 08.04.2013 N 1522-OZ, dated 04.12.2014 N 1681-OZ)
h) dissolution or self-dissolution of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast;
(as amended by the Laws of Omsk Oblast dated 25.03.2002 N 364-OZ, dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)
i) entry into force of the decision of the Omsk Regional Court on the incompetence of this composition of deputies, including in connection with the resignation of the deputies;
(clause "i" was introduced by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 25.03.2002 N 364-OZ, as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)
i.1) failure to submit or untimely submission by a deputy of information on his/her income, expenses, property and property obligations, information on the income, expenses, property and property obligations of his/her spouse and minor children;
(clause "i.1" introduced by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 14.07.2016 N 1898-OZ)
k) in other cases established by federal law.
(clause "k" was introduced by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 31.10.2006 N 795-OZ)
The decision on early termination of deputy powers is made by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast no later than 30 days from the date of occurrence of the grounds for early termination of deputy powers, and if this ground appeared in the period between sessions of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast, no later than three months from the date of occurrence of this ground.
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 03.10.2011 N 1391-OZ)

Article 5. Certificate and badge of a deputy

A deputy has a deputy certificate, which is a document confirming his identity and powers, a badge "Deputy of the Legislative Assembly", which he uses during the term of his powers.
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)
The regulations on the certificate and badge of a deputy, their samples and description are approved by the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast and formalized by a resolution.
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)

Article 6. Excluded. - Law of Omsk Oblast dated 03.11.2004 N 556-OZ.

Article 7. Conditions for the implementation of deputy activities by a deputy
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 04.07.2008 N 1057-OZ)

A deputy may carry out deputy activities without interrupting his main activity, or on a professional permanent basis, or on a professional basis for a certain period.
A deputy working on a professional permanent basis or on a professional basis for a certain period is paid a monetary reward from the funds provided for by the law on the regional budget for the relevant year to ensure the activities of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast.
Requirements and restrictions related to the exercise of the powers of a deputy are established by federal law.
A deputy annually no later than April 1 of the year following reporting financial year, is obliged to submit to the commission of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region for control over the accuracy of information on income, property and property liabilities submitted by deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, information on his income, expenses, property and property liabilities, as well as information on the income, expenses, property and property liabilities of his spouse and minor children in the form of a certificate approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2014 N 460 "On approval of the form of a certificate of income, expenses, property and property liabilities and amendments to certain acts of the President of the Russian Federation".
(as amended by Laws of Omsk Oblast dated 23.12.2011 N 1422-OZ, dated 08.04.2013 N 1530-OZ, dated 26.06.2013 N 1553-OZ, dated 26.02.2015 N 1725-OZ, dated 14.07.2016 N 1898-OZ)
Control over the expenses of deputies, as well as the expenses of their spouses and minor children, is carried out by the commission of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast for control over the accuracy of information on income, property and property obligations submitted by deputies of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast, in the manner established by federal and regional legislation.
(part five introduced by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 08.04.2013 N 1530-OZ; as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 14.07.2016 N 1898-OZ)

Article 7.1. Grounds and procedure for reporting by deputies to the commission of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast for monitoring the accuracy of information on income, property and property obligations submitted by deputies of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast, on the emergence of a personal interest in the exercise of their powers, which leads or may lead to a conflict of interest
(as amended by the Law of the Omsk Region dated 06.10.2020 N 2298-OZ)

1. A deputy is obliged to report the occurrence of a personal interest in the exercise of their powers, which leads or may lead to a conflict of interest, to the commission of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region for monitoring the accuracy of information on income, property and property obligations submitted by deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (hereinafter in this article - the commission), no later than the working day following the day when he became aware of this, and also take measures to prevent or resolve a conflict of interest.
2. The message is drawn up in writing in the form of a notification of the occurrence of a personal interest in the exercise of powers, which leads or may lead to a conflict of interest (hereinafter - the notification).
3. The notification must contain the following information:
1) the deputy's last name, first name, patronymic, and telephone number;
2) the deputy's official powers, the performance of which is or may be affected by personal interest;
3) a description of the situation and circumstances that are the basis for the emergence of personal interest;
4) proposed and (or) taken measures to prevent or resolve a conflict of interest.
The deputy has the right to indicate in the notification other information not provided for in this paragraph that is important for preventing and resolving a conflict of interest.
The notification is signed by the deputy personally, indicating the signature transcript and the date of its preparation.
4. The notification is registered in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on the day of its receipt in a separate journal. A copy of the notification with a registration mark is returned to the deputy who sent the notification.
5. Based on the results of the notification review, the commission prepares a reasoned conclusion on the deputy’s compliance with the established requirements for the prevention or resolution of a conflict of interest (hereinafter referred to as the reasoned conclusion).
6. When preparing a reasoned conclusion, the commission has the right to interview the deputy, receive written explanations from him, and send requests to federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other government bodies, local government bodies and interested organizations in accordance with the established procedure.
7. The reasoned conclusion contains:
1) the information set out in the notification;
2) information received from federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other government bodies, local government bodies and interested organizations on the basis of requests (if any);
3) information received during an interview with the deputy (if any) and information provided by the deputy in a written explanation (if any) availability);
4) one of the following conclusions based on the results of the review of the notification:
on the recognition that there is no conflict of interest in the exercise of powers by the deputy;
on the recognition that personal interest leads or may lead to a conflict of interest in the exercise of powers by the deputy;
on the recognition that the requirements for resolving a conflict of interest were not met in the exercise of powers by the deputy;
5) recommendations based on the results of the review of the notification.
8. The notification of the deputy, a reasoned conclusion and other materials are submitted to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region within 7 working days from the date of receipt of the notification. In the event of sending requests, the notification, as well as the reasoned conclusion and other materials, are submitted to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region within 45 calendar days from the date of receipt of the notification. This period may be extended, but not more than by 30 calendar days.
9. The commission's decision is attached to the personal file of the deputy.

Article 7.2. Procedure for preliminary notification of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region by deputies carrying out deputy activities in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on a professional permanent basis, of the intention to participate on a gratuitous basis in the management of a non-profit organization
(introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region dated 06.10.2020 N 2298-OZ)

1. A deputy carrying out deputy activities in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on a professional permanent basis is obliged to notify the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of participation on a gratuitous basis in the management of a non-profit organization (except for participation in the management of a political party, a body of a trade union, participation in a congress (conference) or a general meeting of another public organization, housing, construction, garage cooperatives, real estate owners' associations) (hereinafter referred to as participation in the management of a non-profit organization) prior to the commencement of such participation.
Participation in the management of a non-profit organization should not lead to a conflict of interest or the possibility of a conflict of interest arising in the performance of official duties.
2. A deputy who carries out deputy activities in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on a professional permanent basis shall send to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region a written notice of the intention to participate free of charge in the management of a non-profit organization (hereinafter referred to as a notice of participation in the management of a non-profit organization).
3. The notice of participation in the management of a non-profit organization must contain the following information:
1) the last name, first name, patronymic of the deputy who carries out deputy activities in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on a professional permanent basis, the deputy's telephone number;
2) the name of the non-profit organization;
3) location and address of the non-profit organization;
4) individual taxpayer number of the non-profit organization;
5) name of the sole executive body of the non-profit organization or name of the collegial governing body of the non-profit organization, in the capacity of which or as a member of which the deputy, carrying out deputy activities in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on a professional permanent basis, intends to participate on a gratuitous basis in the management of this organization, as well as the functions that will be assigned to him.
Notification of participation in the management of a non-profit organization is signed by the deputy, carrying out deputy activities in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on a professional permanent basis, personally, indicating the signature transcript and the date of its preparation.
4. A copy of the charter of the non-profit organization, in the management of which the deputy, carrying out deputy activities in the Legislative Assembly, is attached to the notification of participation in the management of the non-profit organization, shall be attached. Omsk Region on a professional permanent basis, intends to participate on a gratuitous basis, and a copy of the regulations on the body of the non-profit organization (if such regulations exist).
5. Notification of participation in the management of a non-profit organization is registered in the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region on the day of its receipt in a separate journal.
A copy of the notification of participation in the management of a non-profit organization with a registration mark is returned to the deputy who carries out deputy activities in the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region on a professional permanent basis, who sent the notification.
6. Notification of participation in the management of a non-profit organization with a receipt mark is attached to the personal file of the deputy who carries out deputy activities in the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region on a professional permanent basis.
7. A deputy who carries out deputy activities in the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region on a professional permanent basis, participating in the management of a non-profit organization, is obliged to notify The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region in the manner established by this article:
1) on changing the name, location and address of a non-profit organization;
2) on reorganization of a non-profit organization;
3) on changing the sole executive body of a non-profit organization or collegial governing body of a non-profit organization, in the capacity of which or as a member of which a deputy, carrying out deputy activities in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on a professional permanent basis, participates on a gratuitous basis in the management of a non-profit organization, as well as on changing the name of the relevant body or its powers.

Article 8. Participation of a deputy in the work of executive bodies of the Omsk region
(as amended by the Law of the Omsk region dated 04.07.2008 N 1057-OZ)

A deputy has the right to attend meetings of the executive bodies of the Omsk region.
A deputy has the right to submit proposals, appeals, statements and other documents prepared by him to the executive bodies of the Omsk region.

Article 9. Excluded.- Law of Omsk Oblast dated 28.07.2010 N 1279-OZ.

Article 10. Deputy Ethics

A deputy is obliged to comply with the Regulation on Deputy Ethics adopted by the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast. Responsibility for its violation is established by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast.
(as amended by the Laws of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ, dated 04.07.2008 N 1057-OZ)
Chapter II. ACTIVITIES OF A DEPUTY IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF OMSK REGION AND ITS ABOUT BODIES (as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)

Article 11. Participation of a deputy in a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast

At a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast, deputies consider and resolve, on the basis of collegial and free discussion, all issues attributed by law to the competence of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast.
(Part 1 as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)
A deputy is obliged to personally participate in the work of meetings of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast and its bodies to which he was elected. If it is impossible for a deputy to attend a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, he/she shall inform the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region about this.
The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region shall inform the deputy in advance, within the timeframes established by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, about the time of the meeting and the place of the meeting, about the issues submitted for consideration, and shall provide him/her with all the necessary materials on these issues.
The deputy shall have the right to vote on all issues considered by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
The deputy shall exercise the rights granted to him/her in accordance with the procedure established by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
(Article 11 as amended by the Law of the Omsk Region dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)

Article 12. Powers of a deputy at a meeting Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast

A deputy participating in a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast has the right to:
a) elect and be elected to the bodies of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast;
b) express opinions on the personal composition of the bodies created by the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast and the candidacies of officials elected or approved by the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast;
c) propose issues for consideration by the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast;
d) make proposals and comments on the agenda, the procedure for consideration and the essence of the issues under discussion;
d) make proposals on hearing at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast reports, messages from officials, information from any body accountable or controlled by the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast;
e) raise the issue of confidence the composition of the bodies formed or elected by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, as well as the officials elected or approved by it;
g) submit proposals to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region and its bodies on the need to conduct, within the limits of their competence, inspections of the implementation by state authorities of the Omsk Region, local government bodies of the Omsk Region, organizations located on the territory of the Omsk Region, officials of the said bodies and organizations, as well as citizens of the laws and regulations adopted by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region; conducting parliamentary audits on issues related to the jurisdiction of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast;
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)
h) raise questions about the need to develop laws, resolutions and other acts of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast, draft acts on amendments to current laws and resolutions, submit for consideration by the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast draft new acts, as well as proposals on amendments to current acts of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast;
i) participate in debates, ask questions to the chairperson of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast, speakers, members of the Government of Omsk Oblast, demand an answer and evaluate them;
(as amended by the Laws of Omsk Oblast dated 25.03.2002 N 364-OZ, dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)
k) submit a parliamentary inquiry;
l) apply on issues related to his activities to state authorities of the Omsk Region, local government bodies of the Omsk Region, organizations and public associations, to officials of the said bodies and organizations;
(as amended by Laws of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ, dated 06.11.2012 N 1485-OZ)
m) speak with justification of their proposals, on the reasons for voting, provide information;
n) make amendments to draft acts of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast;
o) announce at meetings of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast appeals of citizens of public importance;
p) familiarize themselves with the texts of their speeches in the transcripts and minutes of meetings of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast and its bodies prior to publication, as well as receive texts of speeches that are not subject to publication.
A deputy who did not speak at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast due to the closure of the debate has the right to hand over to the chair the text of his speech, as well as the written proposals and comments on the issue under discussion in the form of a proposal.
The text of the deputy's speech transmitted to the chairperson is included in the minutes and transcript of the meeting with a corresponding note.
Comments and proposals made by deputies at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region are considered when finalizing draft regional laws and resolutions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region. In the event that the draft regional law is adopted by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region without preparation for consideration in the first and second readings, the deputy may, at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, submit in writing comments and proposals, amendments to the draft regional law. A vote is held on the amendments submitted by the deputy.
(Part Four as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 14.07.2016 N 1898-OZ)
The procedure for exercising the rights of a deputy specified in this article is established by this Law, the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast, and other regulatory legal acts of Omsk Oblast.
(as amended by the Laws of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ, dated 04.07.2008 N 1057-OZ)
(Article 12 as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)

Article 13. Deputy Inquiry

A deputy or a group deputies have the right to submit a request to the Governor of Omsk Oblast, the Chairman of the Government of Omsk Oblast, members of the Government of Omsk Oblast, heads of executive bodies of Omsk Oblast, heads of local government bodies of Omsk Oblast on issues within the competence of the said bodies and officials.
(Part 1 as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)
The request is submitted in writing, announced at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast and is recognized as a deputy request by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast.
The body or official to whom the request is addressed must respond to it orally (at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast) or in writing no later than fifteen days from the date of its receipt or within another period established by the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast.
A request submitted in writing, and the written response to the request is announced by the chairperson of the meeting or brought to the attention of the deputies in some other way. When considering a request, debates may be opened.
Based on the results of considering a deputy's request, the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region shall adopt a resolution.
(Article 13 as amended by the Law of the Omsk Region dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)

Article 14. Appeal of a deputy with a question to members of the Government of the Omsk Region at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region
(as amended by the Laws of the Omsk Region dated 25.03.2002 N 364-OZ, dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)

A deputy or a group of deputies has the right to address a question to any member of the Government of the Omsk Region at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
The question in writing shall be submitted in advance to the Secretariat of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly Assembly of the Omsk Region, which is the basis for inviting the relevant member of the Government of the Omsk Region to the meeting.
If the invited member of the Government of the Omsk Region is unable to attend the meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, he/she shall give a written answer to the question asked. The response of the member of the Government of the Omsk Region is communicated to the deputies at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
(as amended by the Law of the Omsk Region dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)
(Article 14 as amended by the Law of the Omsk Region dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)

Article 15. Activities of a deputy in the bodies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region

A deputy who is a member of committees (commissions), other bodies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region is obliged to take part in their work.
A deputy who is not a member of a body of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region has the right to take part in its meetings, make proposals, participate in the discussion of the issues under consideration and in decision-making with the right of an advisory votes.
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 14.07.2016 N 1898-OZ)
(Article 15 as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)

Article 16. Fulfilment of instructions of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast and its bodies by a deputy

A deputy is obliged to carry out instructions of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast and its bodies given within the limits of their competence.
On the instructions of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast and its bodies, a deputy participates in inspections of the execution of acts adopted by the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast, state authorities of Omsk Oblast, local governments of Omsk Oblast, organizations located on the territory of Omsk Oblast, officials of the specified and organizations, as well as citizens.
(as amended by the Laws of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ, dated 14.07.2016 N 1898-OZ)
The deputy informs the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast and its bodies about the results of the execution of instructions. If necessary, submits proposals to the relevant authorities to eliminate identified deficiencies, cancel illegal decisions, and hold accountable persons who violate laws, regulations, and other acts of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
(as amended by the Law of the Omsk Region dated 14.07.2016 N 1898-OZ)
(Article 16 as amended by the Law of the Omsk Region dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)

Article 17. Deputy inspection

At the request of five deputies, expressed in writing, by decision of the committee (commission), deputy association (faction), the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region appoints a deputy inspection on issues within its competence.
(as amended by the Law of the Omsk Region dated 04.07.2008 N 1057-OZ)
The state authorities of the Omsk region, their officials must provide the necessary assistance in conducting a parliamentary inspection, at the request of the deputies, committee (commission), deputy association (faction) conducting the inspection, are obliged to provide the information and documents necessary for an objective study of the issue, and give explanations.
(part two as amended. Law of Omsk Oblast dated 04.07.2008 N 1057-OZ)
When conducting an inspection, deputies have no right to interfere in the procedural activities of the internal affairs bodies, inquiry, preliminary investigation and court in cases of administrative offenses, criminal and civil cases pending in their proceedings.
The result of the deputy inspection is a reasoned conclusion, which is considered by the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast and (or) its bodies.
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 04.07.2008 N 1057-OZ)
(Article 17 as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)

Article 18. The right of a deputy to receive and disseminate information
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 06.11.2012 N 1485-OZ)

Deputies are provided with documents adopted by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, as well as documents, other information and reference materials officially distributed by the Governor of the Omsk Region, the Government of the Omsk Region, other state authorities of the Omsk Region, local government bodies of the Omsk Region and organizations.
When a deputy applies to state authorities of the Omsk Region, local government bodies of the Omsk Region, organizations and public associations located on the territory of the Omsk Region on issues related to his activities, officials of the said bodies, organizations and associations within 15 days from the date of receipt of the application provide a response to this application and provide the requested documents or information, unless otherwise provided by federal legislation. In this case, the provision of information to the deputy that constitutes a state, commercial or other secret protected by law is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
(part two as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 03.06.2013 N 1545-OZ)
The deputy's appeal is sent by him independently on the deputy's letterhead and does not require announcement at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast.
The deputy has the right to disseminate information about deputy activities through regional state media. The procedure for publishing the specified information is determined by the charter of the editorial board or an agreement replacing it.
(part four as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 03.06.2013 N 1545-OZ)

Article 19. Duties of officials to consider deputy appeals
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 03.06.2013 N 1545-OZ)

State authorities of Omsk Oblast, local government bodies of Omsk Oblast, organizations and public associations located on the territory of Omsk Oblast, officials of the specified bodies, organizations and associations to which the deputy has applied on issues related to his activities, provide a response to this appeal and provide the requested documents or information within 15 days from the date of receipt of the appeal, unless otherwise provided by federal legislation.
The deputy has the right to accept direct participation in the consideration of the issues raised by him in the appeal, including at closed meetings of the relevant bodies, unless otherwise provided by federal legislation. The deputy must be notified of the day of consideration in advance, but no later than three days.


Article 20. Work of the deputy with voters
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Region dated 26.07.2011 N 1369-OZ)

The deputy informs the voter about his activities during meetings with them, but not less than once every six months, as well as through the media.
The deputy considers citizens' appeals, promotes, within the limits of his authority, the timely resolution of the issues contained therein, receives citizens, studies public opinion and, if necessary, makes proposals to the relevant state authorities, local governments and public associations. The deputy's assistants ensure that the population is notified of the place and time of the deputy's reception of voters.
To work with voters, the deputy has the right to have a room equipped with furniture and communication equipment for use at the expense of the regional budget. The room is provided to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region upon the submission of the deputy by the executive bodies of state power of the Omsk Region authorized to manage and dispose of property owned by the Omsk Region. At the suggestion of a deputy, the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region may conclude an agreement on the gratuitous use of non-residential premises or a lease agreement for non-residential premises with local government bodies, organizations, and other persons.
The area of ​​the premises paid for from the regional budget may not exceed 25 square meters.
Part five is excluded. - Law of the Omsk Region dated 04.12.2014 N 1681-OZ.
Part six is ​​excluded. - Law of the Omsk Region dated 03.06.2013 N 1545-OZ.


Article 21. Guarantees for the implementation of deputy rights at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region

A deputy is guaranteed:
a) mandatory consideration of the proposal or draft legal act submitted by him at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region with the adoption, in case of a positive consideration, of one of the following decisions:
- on the acceptance of a proposal, consideration of an appeal, request or draft legal act;
- on the start of the development of a new legal act;
- on sending the proposed draft legal act for revision to the relevant bodies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region;
b) mandatory voting on proposals, appeals, requests, as well as all amendments to the draft legal act submitted by the deputy.
(Article 21 as amended by the Law Omsk Region dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)

Article 22. The right of a deputy to visit state authorities of the Omsk Region, local government bodies of the Omsk Region, organizations
(as amended. Law of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)

On matters of deputy activity, upon presentation of a deputy certificate, a deputy has the right to unimpeded visits to state authorities of Omsk Oblast, local government bodies of Omsk Oblast and organizations located on the territory of Omsk Oblast, in accordance with federal legislation.
(as amended by Law of Omsk Oblast dated 03.06.2013 N 1545-OZ)

Article 23. Deputy's right to be received by officials
(Article 23 as amended by Law of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)

On matters of deputy activity, a deputy enjoys the right to be received on a priority basis by heads and other officials of state authorities of Omsk Oblast, local government bodies Omsk Region and organizations located on the territory of Omsk Region, in accordance with federal legislation.
(as amended by the Laws of Omsk Region dated 06.11.2012 N 1485-OZ, dated 03.06.2013 N 1545-OZ)

Article 24. Protection of honor, dignity and personality of a deputy

Insulting a deputy, including in the performance of his deputy duties, as well as slander against a deputy or dissemination of information about his deputy activities in a distorted form, unlawful influence on a deputy with the aim of preventing the performance of deputy powers entail liability established by law.
(as amended by the Laws of Omsk Region dated 06.11.2012 N 1485-OZ, dated 03.06.2013 N 1545-OZ)

Article 24. Protection of honor, dignity and personality of a deputy

Insulting a deputy, including in the performance of his deputy duties, as well as slander against a deputy or dissemination of information about his deputy activities in a distorted form, unlawful influence on a deputy with the aim of preventing the performance of deputy powers, entail liability established by law.
(as amended by the Laws of Omsk Region dated 06.11.2012 N 1485-OZ, dated 03.06.2013 N 1545-OZ) Law of Omsk Oblast dated 04.07.2008 N 1057-OZ)

Article 25. Immunity of a Deputy

A deputy enjoys immunity in accordance with federal law.
(Article 25 as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 25.03.2002 N 364-OZ)

Article 26. Excluded. - Law of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ.

Article 27. Excluded. - Law of Omsk Oblast dated 25.03.2002 N 364-OZ.

Article 28. Excluded. - Law of Omsk Oblast dated 17.07.2013 N 1565-OZ.

Article 29. Excluded. - Law of Omsk Oblast dated 25.03.2002 N 364-OZ.

Article 30. Excluded. - Law of Omsk Oblast dated 04.07.2008 N 1057-OZ.

Article 31. Exemption of a deputy from performing work (official) duties for the duration of the performance of deputy powers

(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 21.07.2020 N 2290-OZ)

1. A deputy who carries out deputy activities without interruption from his main activities, in order to exercise his powers, is guaranteed to retain his place of work (position) for a period, the duration of which cannot in total be more than four working days per month.
2. For the period of deputy activities in accordance with paragraph 1 of this article, the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast pays the deputy compensation in the amount of the average daily earnings at his main place of work, but not higher than the monetary remuneration of a deputy who carries out deputy activities on a professional permanent basis, for each day of such activities.
3. The Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast shall pay the deputy the compensation stipulated by paragraph 2 of this article, upon the deputy's application for payment of compensation upon presentation of a certificate from his main place of work on the amount of his average daily earnings, as well as a copy of the order (instruction) on the release of the deputy from the performance of labor (official) duties at his main place of work.
4. An application for payment of compensation, a certificate on the amount of average daily earnings, a copy of the order (instruction) on release from the performance of labor (official) duties shall be submitted by the deputy to the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast no later than 10 days from the date of release of the deputy, who exercises his deputy powers without interruption from his main activity, from the performance of labor (official) duties at his main place of work for the period of his deputy activity.

Article 32. Provision of material and financial conditions for the implementation of the deputy's powers

The deputy shall be reimbursed for expenses related to ensuring the activities of the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, in the manner and amounts established by the resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region. The expenses reimbursed to a deputy in connection with ensuring deputy activities include:
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 28.12.2016 N 1947-OZ)
a) expenses related to informing voters about the time and place of the deputy’s receptions, meetings with voters and other events held by the deputy;
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 28.12.2016 N 1947-OZ)
b) expenses related to the deputy’s participation in official festive events;
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 28.12.2016 N 1947-OZ)
c) expenses for organizing socially significant events, festive events held by the deputy;
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 28.12.2016 N 1947-OZ)
d) payment for services for the production of printed materials on the activities of the deputy;
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Region dated 28.12.2016 N 1947-OZ)
d) payment for services for the preparation of analytical, informational and other materials necessary for the deputy to exercise his powers;
(as amended by Law of Omsk Oblast dated 28.12.2016 N 1947-OZ)
e) expenses for the purchase and sending of postal correspondence;
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 28.12.2016 N 1947-OZ)
g) expenses for the purchase of office supplies, consumables for office equipment;
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 28.12.2016 N 1947-OZ)
h) payment for communication services provided by one telephone number belonging to a deputy;
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 28.12.2016 N 1947-OZ)
i) expenses for the use of personal transport for the purpose of exercising the powers of a deputy;
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 28.12.2016 N 1947-OZ)
k) travel expenses by all types of transport within the Omsk Region for travel for the purpose of exercising the powers of a deputy;
(as amended by the Law of the Omsk Region dated 28.12.2016 N 1947-OZ)
k) expenses for payment under a contract for the provision of paid transport services concluded for the purpose of exercising the powers of a deputy.
(as amended by the Law of the Omsk Region dated 28.12.2016 N 1947-OZ)
Material support for the activities of a deputy is carried out at the expense of funds provided for by the law on the regional budget for the relevant year to support the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
(as amended by the Law of the Omsk Region dated 04.07.2008 N 1057-OZ)
Paragraph 3 is excluded. - Law of Omsk Oblast dated 25.03.2002 N 364-OZ.
(Article 32 as amended by Law of Omsk Oblast dated 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ)

Article 33. Provision of office space to a deputy

Deputies are provided with office space equipped with furniture, office equipment, and communication equipment to carry out their deputy activities in the building of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast.
(as amended by Laws Omsk Region from 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ, 04.07.2008 N 1057-OZ)

Article 34. Vacation of a deputy

A deputy who carries out deputy activities in the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region on a professional permanent basis is granted an annual paid vacation of 55 calendar days with payment of a medical benefit in the amount of his two-month monetary remuneration.
(as amended by the Laws of Omsk Region from 25.03.2002 N 364-OZ, from 10.02.2004 N 507-OZ, from 04.06.2004 N 522-OZ, from 28.07.2010 N 1279-OZ)

Articles 35 - 36. Excluded. - Law of Omsk Oblast dated 04.07.2008 N 1057-OZ.

Article 37. Provision of official housing to a deputy
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 28.05.2015 N 1747-OZ)

A deputy who carries out deputy activities in the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast on a professional permanent basis and does not have a permanent place of residence in the city of Omsk, for the period of exercising his powers, is provided with official housing in the manner and on the terms stipulated by housing legislation.

Article 38. Assistants to the Deputy
(as amended by the Law of Omsk Oblast dated 06.11.2012 N 1485-OZ)

A deputy has the right to have up to eight assistants, no more than five of whom may carry out their activities on the basis of a fixed-term employment contract.
An assistant to a deputy carries out his instructions on working with voters, as well as state and municipal bodies, public organizations, provides the deputy with organizational, technical, legal and other assistance in the exercise of deputy powers.
The rights, responsibilities, conditions, and work procedure of an assistant to a deputy carrying out his activities on the basis of a fixed-term employment contract are determined by a fixed-term employment contract concluded between the assistant to the deputy and the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast on the basis of a submission from the deputy. A deputy has the right to submit a motion to terminate a fixed-term employment contract with an assistant to a deputy in accordance with labor legislation.
An assistant to a deputy who carries out his/her activities on a voluntary basis is not in an employment relationship with the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region and does not receive remuneration for his/her activities. The procedure for the work of an assistant to a deputy who carries out his/her activities on a voluntary basis is determined by the deputy.
An assistant to a deputy is issued a certificate, which is issued by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region upon the submission of a deputy. An entry about his/her work on a voluntary basis is made in the certificate of an assistant to a deputy who carries out his/her activities on a voluntary basis.

Article 39. Excluded from February 1, 2017. - Law of the Omsk Region dated December 28, 2016 N 1947-OZ.


Chapter V. Excluded. - Law of Omsk Oblast dated 24.07.2006 N 770-OZ.


Chapter VI. Excluded. - Law of Omsk Oblast dated 25.03.2002 N 364-OZ.

Head of Administration
Omsk Oblast
L.K. Polezhaev
Omsk city
September 26, 1994
N 7-OZ


Appendix No. 1
to the Law of Omsk Oblast "On the Status of a Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast"

on income, property and liabilities of a property nature of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast

Excluded. - Law of Omsk Oblast dated 26.02.2015 N 1725-OZ.

Appendix No. 2
to the Law of Omsk Oblast "On the Status of a Deputy
of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast"

on income, property and liabilities
of a property nature of the spouse
and minor children of a deputy
of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast <1>

Excluded. - Law of Omsk Oblast dated 26.02.2015 N 1725-OZ.

Appendix No. 3
to the Law of Omsk Oblast "On the Status of a Deputy
of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast"

on the expenses of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly
of Omsk Oblast, his spouse (wife)
and minor children for each transaction
on the acquisition of a land plot, other
real estate, vehicle,
securities, shares (participatory interests, units
in the authorized (share) capital of organizations)
and on the sources of funds, at the expense of
which the said transaction was made <1>

Excluded. - Law of Omsk Region dated 26.02.2015 N 1725-OZ.


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