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Attention! The competition!


(brief overview)

The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region is the permanent supreme representative (legislative) body of state power of the Omsk region. The order of activity, rules and procedure of work of the regional Parliament were determined by the Regulations of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region, adopted on June 21, 1994, the Charter of Omsk region, adopted on December 26, 1995 and other laws.




On March 22, 1998, elections of a new deputy corps were held. Four women were elected as deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.

Seven committees were formed at the organizational meeting:

  • Committee on Legislative Assumptions, Law and Order;
  • finance and budget policy committee;
  • social committee;
  • agricultural committee;
  • property committee;
  • economic policy and investment committee;
  • education, science and culture committee.

The secretariat, counting and mandate commissions, as well as three deputy groups were formed: "CPRF", "Agrarians", "Public Accord". On January 23, 2001 one more deputy group - "Unity" was registered.

Vladimir Alekseevich Varnavsky was elected Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, and Anatoly Moiseevich Golub was elected Deputy Chairman.

Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of the second convocation

No. and name electoral district                     Surname First Name Patronymic   
1. Omsky Bezzubtsev Anatoly Vasilyevich
2. Nizhneomsky Ogorodnikov Yuri Ivanovich
3. Tavrichesky Yenikeev Ilfir Fazylianovich
4. Isilkulsky Golub Anatoly Moiseevich
5. Scherbakulsky Pokoev Alexander Panteleyevich
6. Krutinsky Belov Evgeny Ivanovich
7. Bolsherechensky Riadovoi Nikolai Gennadevich
8. Nazyvaevsky Savostyanov Vladimir Vasilyevich
9. Kalachinsky Kabakova Alevtina Nikolaevna
10. Tarsky Iutin Nikolai Alekseevich
11. Pavlogradsky Pushkarev Vladimir Ivanovich
12. Lubinsky Shostya Evgeny Grigorievich
13. Cherlaksky Belevkin Victor Iakovlevich
Potapov Konstantin Nikolayevich (since May 13, 1999.)
14. Кировский Alekhin Andrei Anatolyevich
15. Kirovsky Rovinskaya Valentina Dmitrievna
16. Kirovsky Andrushko Svetlana Vasilyevna
17. Central Bezdenezhnykh Alexander Alekseevich
18. Central Mashkarin Mikhail Ivanovich
19. Oktyabrsky Nikitina Altina Kuzminichna
20. Oktyabrsky Trippel Alexander Friedrichovich
21. Sovetsky Shishov Oleg Vladimirovich
22. Central Vereteno Alexander Konstantinovich
Vereteno Vladimir Konstantinovich (since 30.05.2000)
23. Central Dorokhin Vladimir Nefedovich
24. Central Malykhin Afanasy Grigorievich
25. Leninsky Varnavsky Vladimir Alekseevich
26. Leninsky Avdeychikov Andrey Henrykhovich
27. Leninsky Strazhnikov Anatoly Nikolaevich
28. Sovetsky Kalinin Sergey Petrovich
29. Sovetsky Stepanov Valery Nikolayevich
30. Sovetsky Petrov Igor Vladimirovich

The activity of the deputy corps of the second convocation was especially focused on further improvement of its lawmaking work, development of the activity of the subjects of legislative initiative, increasing the role of the committees of the Legislative Assembly of the region, in which the main volume of work on the bills was concentrated, working out the technology of the whole legislative process.

Special attention was also paid to the development and implementation of regional target programs with social orientation and special significance.

Deputies developed and adopted:

  • Territorial program of compulsory medical insurance of the Omsk region;
  • Territorial program of state guarantees to provide the population of the Omsk region with free medical care for 1999;
  • Regional Target Program "Promotion of Employment of the Omsk Oblast Population" for 1998-2000;
  • Regional target program "School textbook" for 1999-2002;
  • Regional target program "Forests of the Omsk Region" for 1998-2000 and others.

Participation in lawmaking activities at the federal level remained a constant priority. Amendments to federal laws were prepared and submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation for consideration. A lot of efforts were made by the deputies to introduce an amendment of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Vladimir Alekseevich Varnavsky to the federal law "On Veterans". As a result, from January 1, 1999, it was possible to increase pensions for a significant number of Russian pensioners who began their working life at the age of 12-14 during the Great Patriotic War. The Legislative Assembly of the region sent to the State Duma a draft law "On Amending Article 33 of the Federal Law "On Education". Omsk lawmakers proposed to place the costs of certification of educational institutions, the vast majority of which were in a difficult financial situation, on the founders of educational institutions. It was proposed to provide in the respective budgets for the financing of the costs of attestation of educational institutions.

As a legislative initiative were also prepared and submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation draft federal laws: "On the bases of inter-budget relations in the Russian Federation", "On the number of justices of the peace and the number of judicial precincts", "On the attraction and use of foreign labor", "On the election of deputies to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation"; on amendments and additions to the Code of the RSFSR "On Administrative Offenses" and others.

For four years of work deputies held 60 meetings, adopted 224 laws of the Omsk region. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the region actively interacted with the media. More than 50 accredited journalists representing 25 federal, regional, city and district mass media covered the activities of the regional parliament.

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