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Attention! The competition!

dated September 24, 2009 N 264

(as amended by Resolution of the Legislative
Assembly of Omsk Region dated 26.01.2012 N 29)


Having reviewed the draft regulations on the Youth Chamber of Deputies under the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast, revised taking into account the comments and proposals of the Governor of Omsk Oblast, the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast resolves:
1. Create a Youth Chamber of Deputies under the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
2. To approve the attached Regulation on the Youth Chamber of Deputies under the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
3. To instruct the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast to ensure the holding of the first meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast in November 2009.
4. Publish this resolution in the "Bulletin of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast" and the "Omsk Herald" newspaper.

Legislative Assembly

to the resolution of the Legislative
Assembly of Omsk Region
dated September 24, 2009 N 264

(as amended by Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of
Omsk Region dated 26.01.2012 N 29)

on the Youth Chamber of Deputies under the Legislative
Assembly of the Omsk Region


1. The Youth Chamber of Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast (hereinafter referred to as the Youth Chamber of Deputies) is an advisory body to the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Oblast (hereinafter referred to as the Legislative Assembly), consisting of young deputies of the Legislative Assembly, the representative body of the urban district and the chairmen of the youth chambers of deputies of the representative bodies of the municipal districts of Omsk Oblast.
(clause 1 as amended by the Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region dated 26.01.2012 N 29)
2. The Youth Chamber of Deputies is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal and regional legislation, decisions of the Youth Chamber of Deputies, this Regulation and the Rules of Procedure adopted by the Youth Chamber of Deputies.
3. The activities of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are carried out on a voluntary basis in accordance with the principles of equality and voluntary participation of its members, legality, collegiality and transparency.
4. The Legislative Assembly adopts resolutions on the creation and termination of the activities of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.
5. The coordination of the activities of the Youth Chamber of Deputies is carried out by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy.
(as amended by Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region dated 26.01.2012 N 29)


6. The main goals of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are to assist the Legislative Assembly in the area of ​​legislative regulation of the rights and legitimate interests of youth, the implementation of youth policy in the Omsk region, and the improvement of the legal and political culture of youth.
7. The main tasks of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are:
development of proposals for improving federal and regional legislation affecting the rights and legitimate interests of young people;
preparation of recommendations and proposals aimed at realizing the rights and legitimate interests of young people;
generalization and analysis of the practice of applying federal and regional legislation in the area of ​​implementing the rights and legitimate interests of young people;
active participation of young deputies in the activities of civil society institutions.


8. The Youth Chamber of Deputies is formed for the term of office of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the current convocation on a voluntary basis from among the deputies of the Legislative Assembly, the representative body of the urban district, whose age does not exceed 35 years on the day of the decision on their inclusion in the Youth Chamber of Deputies, and the chairmen of the youth chambers of deputies under the representative bodies of the municipal districts of the Omsk Region.
(paragraph 8 as amended by the Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region dated 26.01.2012 N 29)
9. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly are included in the Youth Chamber of Deputies on the basis of a personal application sent to the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy of the Legislative Assembly.
10. Deputies of the representative body of the urban district and chairmen of the youth chambers of deputies under the representative bodies of the municipal districts of the Omsk region are included in the Youth Chamber of Deputies on the basis of a personal application sent to the committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on education, science, culture and youth policy or to the Secretariat of the Legislative Assembly.
(clause 10 as amended by the Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region dated 26.01.2012 N 29)
11. The Youth Chamber of Deputies is formed by a chairman, two deputy chairmen, an executive secretary and members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.
12. At the first meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies, a chairman, two deputy chairmen and the executive secretary of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are elected.
13. The Chairman of the Youth Chamber of Deputies is a deputy of the Legislative Assembly. The Chairman of the Youth Chamber of Deputies is elected on the recommendation of the Chairman of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy of the Legislative Assembly.
14. The deputy chairmen of the Youth Chamber of Deputies and the executive secretary of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are elected on the recommendation of the chairman of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.
15. The Chairman of the Youth Chamber of Deputies, the Deputy Chairmen of the Youth Chamber of Deputies and the Executive Secretary of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are elected by open vote.
16. A member of the Youth Chamber of Deputies is considered elected as the chairman, deputy chairman, responsible secretary of the Youth Chamber of Deputies if more than half of the members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies present at the meeting voted for him. The election of the chairman, deputy chairmen, responsible secretary of the Youth Chamber of Deputies is formalized by a decision of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.
17. The term of office of the chairman, deputy chairmen and executive secretary of the Youth Chamber of Deputies is established by the Regulations of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.
18. The grounds for early termination of the powers of the chairman, deputy chairmen and executive secretary of the Youth Chamber of Deputies, members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are established by the Regulations of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.


19. Meetings of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are held three times a year. If necessary, additional meetings of the Youth Chamber of Deputies may be held.
20. Meetings of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are held openly and transparently.
21. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly, deputies of representative bodies of municipalities, representatives of executive authorities of the Omsk Region, members of the Public Chamber of the Omsk Region, and representatives of public organizations have the right to attend meetings of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.
22. A meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies is valid if at least half of the total number of its members are present.
23. In order to implement the goals and objectives defined by this Regulation, the Youth Chamber of Deputies develops and adopts advisory decisions that are sent to the relevant committees of the Legislative Assembly for consideration.
24. The decision of the Youth Chamber of Deputies is considered adopted if more than half of the members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies present at the meeting voted for it.
25. Members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies have the right to attend meetings of the committees of the Legislative Assembly.
26. Decisions adopted by the Youth Chamber of Deputies may be published in the official publications of the Legislative Assembly and on the website of the Legislati
27. The Youth Chamber of Deputies annually submits information on its activities to the Legislative Assembly.

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