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Approved by the order
Chairman of the Legislative Assembly
Omsk region
from May 23, 2008 № 204-r


I. General Provisions

1. The Apparatus of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Apparatus) is permanent and provides organizational, legal, consulting, documentary, analytical, informational, material and technical support for the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Legislative Assembly), deputy associations in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (hereinafter referred to as deputy associations in the Legislative Assembly), committees and commissions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (hereinafter referred to as committees and committees), and the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Legislative Assembly).

2. The Apparatus in its activities shall be guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Charter (Fundamental Law) of the Omsk Region, federal and regional legislation, and these Regulations.

3. The Apparatus carries out its activities in cooperation with the relevant structural subdivisions of the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Omsk region, executive authorities of the Omsk region, local authorities of the Omsk region, organizations and citizens.

4. The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall exercise general management of the work of the Apparatus.
The staff of the Apparatus, remuneration of the employees of the Apparatus shall be determined by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly as advised by the Chief of Staff of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (hereinafter - the Chief of Staff) within the cost estimate of the Legislative Assembly.

5. The Regulations on the Apparatus shall be approved by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly upon the recommendation of the Chief of Staff.

II. Functions of the Apparatus

6. The main functions of the Apparatus are:
1) participation in the development of draft regional laws, resolutions of the Legislative Assembly, other documents submitted to the Legislative Assembly by deputies, committees of the Legislative Assembly, other subjects of the right of legislative initiative. Keeping records and systematization of regional laws and resolutions of the Legislative Assembly;
2) ensuring the preparation of meetings of the Legislative Assembly, its committees, working groups, deputy hearings, other events held in the Legislative Assembly, as well as documents and materials for them;
3) organization of execution of resolutions of the Legislative Assembly, orders and instructions of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly. Monitoring of regional legislation;
4) representing the interests of the Legislative Assembly in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, other federal courts, as well as in other bodies when considering lawsuits, complaints and other claims related to the acts adopted by the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the procedure established by law;
5) organization of consideration of draft federal laws, documents of federal state authorities, appeals of state authorities of other subjects of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, organizations, citizens, preparation of analytical, reference and other necessary materials on these documents and appeals;
6) preparation of an annual report on the work of the Legislative Assembly;
7) ensuring interaction of the Legislative Assembly with representative bodies of municipalities of the Omsk region, providing them with methodological and consulting assistance in the implementation of their powers;
8) formation, maintenance and development of information resources, including the official website of the Legislative Assembly. Organization of media coverage of the activities of the Legislative Assembly and its committees;
9) organizing and ensuring the functioning of a unified system of record keeping in the Legislative Assembly, preparation of documents for permanent storage in the state archive;
10) performing other functions in accordance with the resolutions of the Legislative Assembly, orders and instructions of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.

III. Chief of Staff

7. The Apparatus is headed by the Head of the Apparatus, who is appointed and dismissed by order of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the legislation on state civil service.

8. Chief of Staff within the limits of his competence:

1) represents the Apparatus in relations with the relevant structural subdivisions of the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, federal bodies of state power and legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation, apparatuses of parliaments of foreign states and inter-parliamentary organizations, the Government of the Omsk region, executive authorities of the Omsk region, local self-government bodies of the Omsk region, the Omsk region, and the Omsk Region;
2) organizes the activities of the Apparatus and is responsible for the performance of the functions assigned to the Apparatus;
3) coordinates the work of the structural subdivisions of the Apparatus for comprehensive support of the Legislative Assembly's activities;
4) organizes work on the drafting of the Legislative Assembly's legislative work plan and monitors the progress of its implementation;
5) exercises control over the preparation of sessions of the Legislative Assembly;
6) organizes the implementation of instructions of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly;
7) coordinates the activities of structural subdivisions of the Apparatus on organizational and technical support of participation of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, deputies of the Legislative Assembly in events held by the Legislative Assembly, the Governor of the Omsk region, executive authorities of the Omsk region;
8) submits to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the legislation proposals on appointment and dismissal of heads of structural subdivisions of the Apparatus;
9) submits for approval to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly the job descriptions of the heads of structural subdivisions;
10) approves job descriptions of the employees of the Apparatus;
11) approves the Regulations on the structural subdivisions of the Apparatus submitted by their heads;
12) approves proposals submitted to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly by the heads of structural subdivisions to improve the work of structural subdivisions and the Apparatus as a whole;
13) approves proposals submitted to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly by the heads of structural subdivisions on the issues of professional development and retraining of the employees of the Apparatus;
14) approves proposals submitted to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly by the heads of structural subdivisions on encouraging the employees of the Apparatus and bringing them to responsibility;
15) coordinates the use of annual vacations, business trips of the employees of the Apparatus;
16) exercises control over observance by the employees of the Apparatus of the Service Regulations of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region and creation of safe working conditions;
17) performs other functions in accordance with the job description.

IV. Structure of the Apparatus

9. The Apparatus shall consist of the following structural subdivisions:
- Organizational Department, with its departments: organizational support of meetings of the Legislative Assembly and its committees; on ensuring cooperation with the subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies; information technologies; sectors: information and analytical; public service and personnel;
- Legal Department, with its departments: legal support of the activities of the Legislative Assembly and its committees; linguistic expertise and systematization of legislation;
- Support Department, with the following sectors: accounting and reporting; logistics; reception, accounting and sending of correspondence; on application of citizens; bureaus: typewriting; copying and printing;
- press-center.

10. The structural subdivisions of the Apparatus shall perform their functions in accordance with the Regulations on them.

11. Regulations on the structural subdivisions of the Apparatus shall be approved by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.

12. The first copies of the Regulations on the structural subdivisions of the Apparatus shall be kept in the sector of public service and personnel of the organizational department of the Legislative Assembly.

V. Employees of the Apparatus

13. Employees holding positions of state civil service of the Omsk Region in the Apparatus shall be state civil servants.

14. The staff schedule of the Apparatus shall include the positions provided for by the List of positions of the state civil service of the Omsk region in the Apparatus of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region approved in accordance with the established procedure.
For the purpose of technical support of the Legislative Assembly, the above staffing table shall include the positions not related to the positions of the state civil service of the Omsk region.

15. Employees of the Apparatus shall be appointed and dismissed by order of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly in accordance with labor legislation and legislation on state civil service.

16. The job descriptions of the employees of the Apparatus, agreed with the Head of the Apparatus, shall be approved by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly upon the submission of the heads of the structural subdivisions of the Apparatus.

17. The working conditions of the employees of the Apparatus shall be determined by labor legislation and legislation on state civil service.

18. Job duties, rights and responsibilities of the employees of the Apparatus shall be determined by labor legislation, taking into account the peculiarities provided for by the legislation on state civil service, as well as these Regulations, regulations on the structural subdivisions of the Apparatus, job descriptions.

VI. Final provisions

19. These Regulations shall be enacted from the date of approval by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.

20. These Regulations shall be amended in accordance with the order of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.

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