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Annex to the order
Chairman of the Legislative Assembly
Omsk region from 07.04.1998 No. 33-r

on the procedure for accreditation of journalists at the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region

In accordance with Art. 48 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Mass Media”, in order to develop and strengthen relations of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region with the editorial offices of newspapers, television, radio, timely and comprehensive coverage of the work of the Legislative Assembly, its committees (commissions), deputies, to ensure relations with voters to establish the following rules of accreditation of journalists:

  1. The right to accredit journalists at the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region have representatives of officially registered mass media of Russia, as well as foreign mass media that officially have their special correspondents in the Omsk region.

  2. The fulfillment of the duties of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region to observe the rights of journalists and the rights of citizens to receive information provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Mass Media” is ensured by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly or his deputies, or on their behalf - the Press Center of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.

  3. Accreditation of journalists at the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region is made:
    а) permanent (during the term of office of deputies by convocation);
    б) temporary (for one-time participation in one of the sessions of the Legislative Assembly).

  4. The basis for accreditation of journalists at the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region is an application from the editor-in-chief of a print media outlet, the head of a news agency or a TV and radio company, made on letterhead and containing a request for accreditation of a journalist of this media outlet, indicating the surname, first name, patronymic, position, telephone numbers - office and home. Two 3x4 photos should be attached to the application.

  5. A mass media outlet has the right to accredit no more than two journalists at a time, except when the presence of a larger number is due to technological needs.

  6. The decision on accreditation is made by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly or his deputy within 10 days from the date of registration of the application. In case of a positive decision on accreditation a verbal notification is given to the applicant, in case of its refusal - a substantiated written and verbal notification.

  7. Each accredited journalist is issued an accreditation card of the established sample, which he/she is obliged to wear in the building of the Legislative Assembly.
    The accreditation card provides the journalist with the right of free access to the building of the Legislative Assembly on working days from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, to the Press Center, to attend meetings (except for closed ones) of the Legislative Assembly, its committees, press conferences and other events of interest to journalists, about which they are notified in advance.
    Upon request, an accredited journalist can be provided with draft documents and other materials according to the agenda, get acquainted with the transcripts of the sessions of the Legislative Assembly, receive copies of the adopted decisions.
    The media accredited to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region are obliged to regularly provide the Press Center of the Legislative Assembly with their printed products (free subscription, inclusion of the Press Center of the Legislative Assembly in the list for mandatory distribution).
    The press center and other services of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region do not provide journalists with the opportunity to conduct long-distance and international telephone conversations from the building of the Legislative Assembly, multiplication works, transfer of materials by fax.

  8. An accredited journalist shall:
    - arrive in good time for the beginning of the meeting or the start of the consideration of the matter of interest;
    - observe professional ethics and in their actions obey the requirements of the Regulations of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.

  9. A journalist may be deprived of accreditation if he or the editorial office violates this Regulation, or if they disseminate untrue information defaming the honor and dignity of the Legislative Assembly or its deputies, which is confirmed by an effective court decision. Failure to participate in more than half of the meetings, evasion from covering the activities of the Legislative Assembly is also a reason to terminate the accreditation of a journalist. In this case, the decision to deprive the journalist of accreditation is made by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly or his deputy on the proposal of one of the state committees of the Legislative Assembly, or at least 1/3 of the deputies.

  10. The term of accreditation of a journalist corresponds to the term of office of deputies (by convocation). The application for extension of accreditation (new convocation) is submitted in the same form and is considered within the same terms.

  11. The editorial office of a mass media outlet due to production necessity or for other reasons may replace an accredited journalist. In this case, an application for accreditation for the journalist shall be submitted in accordance with these Regulations.

  12. Accreditation of own correspondents of mass media editorial boards is also carried out in accordance with the requirements of Article 48 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Mass Media”.

  13. The press center shall, on behalf of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, notify the newspapers of the composition of accredited journalists.

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