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(brief overview)

The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region is the permanent supreme representative (legislative) body of state power of the Omsk region. The order of activity, rules and procedure of work of the regional Parliament were determined by the Regulations of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, adopted on June 21, 1994, the Charter of the Omsk region, adopted on December 26, 1995 and other laws.


(March 2007-November 2011.)


On March 11, 2007 elections of the new deputy body were held. The election of deputies was held for the first time by a mixed system: 22 people in single-mandate constituencies and 22 on party lists. In total 44 deputies were elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region. Two women were elected to the new deputy corps.


At the session of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, held on March 19, 2007, the following standing commissions were formed: counting, mandate and deputy ethics. Also, a secretariat was formed and two deputy groups were registered: from the United Russia party and from the CPRF party.
The deputy group from the Omsk regional branch of the All-Russian political party "United Russia" included 38 deputies, the deputy group from the Omsk branch of the political party "CPRF" - 6 deputies. Vladimir Varnavsky was elected Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, and Anatoly Adabir was elected Deputy Chairman.

Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of the fourth convocation:

in single-mandate constituencies -

Number and name constituency      Surname First Name Patronymic
Kirovsky No. 1 Kokorin Valery Mikhailovich
Kirovsky No. 2 Todorov Sergey Nikolayevich
Sovetsky-Kirovsky No. 3 Stepanov Valery Nikolayevich
Soviet No. 4 Kalinin Sergey Petrovich
Soviet No. 5 Shishov Oleg Vladimirovich
Central-Sovetsky No. 6
Vereteno Vladimir Konstantinovich
Central No. 7 Orkish Sergey Nikonovich
Central No. 8 Novikov Alexander Ivanovich
Central-Oktyabrsky-Leninsky No. 9 Tretyakov Alexander Georgievich
Central-Oktyabrsky No. 10 Zuga Igor Mikhailovich
Oktyabrsky-Leninsky No. 11 Shapovalov Yuri Viktorovich
Leninsky No. 12 Strazhnikov Anatoly Nikolaevich
Leninski-Kirovsky No. 13 Sedelnikov Vladimir Lukyanovich
Tyukalinsky No. 14 Polezhaev Konstantin Leonidovich
Tarsky No. 15 Sarvarov Ildus Irekovich
Muromtsevsky No. 16 Varnavsky Vladimir Alekseevich
Lubinsky No. 17 Shostya Yevgeny Grigorievich
Omsk No. 18 Bezzubtsev Anatoly Vasilyevich
Kalachinsky No. 19 Shushubaev Khabulda Zhuspekovich
Cherlaksky No. 20 Zhirikov Sergey Nikolayevich
Pavlogradsky No. 21 Pushkarev Vladimir Ivanovich
Isilkulsky No. 22 Bikbavov Ravil Akhmetovich

in the unified regional constituency from the Omsk regional branch of the United Russia All-Russian political party -

Adabir Anatoly Nikolayevich

Adyrbayev Marat Shakenovich

Verkholezov Petr Serafimovich

Gering Gennady Ivanovich

Dobrovolsky Vladimir Evgenievich

Ivanov Andrey Georgievich

Karakoz Mikhail Mikhailovich

Kirilenko Galina Pavlovna

Nos Sergey Anisimovich

Panov Yuriy Nikolaevich

Perminov Dmitry Sergeevich

Potapov Konstantin Nikolayevich

Snitsar Anatoly Yerofeyevich

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sutyaginsky (deputy powers were terminated on 20.12.2007 due to his election as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)

Tishchenko Alexey Viktorovich

Tryapitsina Irina Gennadyevna

Yakubovich Valery Stepanovich (deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region since 2008)

in the unified regional electoral district from the Omsk regional branch of the CPRF political party -

Alekhin Andrei Anatolyevich

Brishchenko Valentina Ivanovna (deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region since 2010)

Bugakov Boris Mikhailovich

Matveev Oleg Yakovlevich (deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region since 2009)

Melnikov Alexander Ivanovich (deputy powers were terminated on 29.09.2010 in connection with death)

Mikhailenko Leonid Dmitrievich

Nikolai Maximovich Novikov (deputy powers terminated on 01.11.2009 due to death)

Petrov Igor Vladimirovich

Deputies formed committees:

  • legislative committee;
  • finance and budget policy committee;
  • social policy committee;
  • Committee on Agrarian Policy, Natural Resources and Environment;
  • property committee;
  • economic policy and investment committee;
  • Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy.

Addressing the deputies at the first session of the fourth convocation, the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Vladimir Varnavsky emphasized that "the task set to maintain continuity in its first part - the formation of the legislative body - has been fulfilled. Voters overwhelmingly favored the incumbent deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the third convocation who entered the election campaign. Out of 26 deputies of the third convocation running in the elections 23 received their mandates again. Two deputies of the first convocation returned to the Legislative Assembly.
The results of voting testify to the fact that our voters saw, appreciated and supported the joint work of the legislative and executive authorities; they actively supported and approved the course of development, social policy pursued by the Governor and the Government of the Omsk region.
Effective co-operation between the authorities must, of course, remain the main working tool of our activities. This tool is proven and reliable. It is precisely this interaction that allowed us to make a serious step towards creating conditions in the region for the implementation of large-scale economic and social programs aimed at improving the quality of life of Omsk residents".

Speaking about the tasks of the regional parliament, Vladimir Varnavsky noted that "the transformation of the regional economy from investment to innovative, high-tech in all spheres - industrial, agrarian and social - will make it possible to transform the region's potential into a competitive and dynamically developing territorial complex capable of worthily representing Russia in international economic relations. For the region, this work invariably involves the human factor: solving the problems of employment, improving the qualification level of personnel, the accompanying solution of demographic and social problems, and preserving the spirituality of the nation. This system-forming task has a long-term target character.
Legislative support of these processes, active involvement of deputies in solving specific problems is the most important component of the work carried out in the region. This is the main task of the legislators of the new convocation".
The activity of the deputy corps of the Legislative Assembly is focused on further ensuring the constitutionality, continuity and efficiency of the regional parliament, preserving the achieved business cooperation of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region with sectoral ministries to improve control over the "work" of the laws of the Omsk region, strengthening the control function of the Legislative Assembly in accordance with Federal Law No. 184 "On General Principles of Organization of Legislative (Representative) and Executive Bodies of the State Legislature".

In 2007, keeping continuity in the activity of the Legislative Assembly, the deputies of the fourth convocation continued the work on improvement of the regional legislation covering various directions of public and economic life of the Omsk region, on the basis of coordinated policy with the state authorities and local self-government bodies, constructive cooperation with civil society institutions.

During this period much attention was paid to harmonization of the Omsk Oblast legislation with the federal legislation. The issues of state structure, local self-government, property management, financial and budgetary, tax, land and housing legislation, state support of entrepreneurship, social security were further developed. The Legislative Assembly, using measures of deputy control over the efficiency of legislation implementation, paid special attention to the issues of implementation of priority national projects in the territory of the Omsk region.

In 2007 the Legislative Assembly held 12 sessions and considered 325 issues. 130 laws of the Omsk region were adopted, including: 51 new laws, 76 - on making amendments and additions to the previously adopted laws of the Omsk region, 3 - on recognizing the laws as invalid.

The activity of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region in 2008 was aimed at further improvement of the regional legislation and bringing it in compliance with the federal legislation. The priorities in the work of the Legislative Assembly were determined by the main provisions of the annual messages of the President of Russia to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Omsk Region L.K. Polezhayev to the Legislative Assembly, the Strategy of Russia's development till 2020, the issues of realization of priority national projects on the territory of the Omsk Region.

The constitutional initiatives of the President of the Russian Federation D.V. Medvedev: the Laws of the Russian Federation on Amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation "On Changing the Term of Office of the President of the Russian Federation and the State Duma" and "On the Control Powers of the State Duma with Respect to the Government of the Russian Federation" passed the necessary procedure of consideration and were approved.

Special attention was paid to the social sphere, further development of budget and tax legislation. A number of regional laws were adopted aimed at strengthening social support for certain categories of citizens and providing additional guarantees for family, motherhood and childhood.

The legislative base regulating the formation of state policy in the sphere of health care, education, culture, youth policy continued to be improved. The work on legislative support of the reform of local self-government in the Omsk region, including the issues of municipal service in the Omsk region was carried out. The Legislative Assembly timely considered reports on the execution of the regional budget, the budget of the territorial fund of compulsory medical insurance of the Omsk region, the progress of implementation of target programs of the Omsk region. At the end of 2008 the Law of the Omsk region dated July 15, 1994 No. 2-OZ "On the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region" was supplemented with a new article providing for the creation of the Council of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region for the purpose of preliminary preparation and consideration of organizational issues of the activity of the regional parliament. The Council consists of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region and the Chairmen of the Legislative Assembly Committees. In 2008 the Legislative Assembly held 14 meetings and adopted 127 laws.

In April 2009 the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region - the highest legislative (representative) body of state power of the Omsk region - celebrated its 15th anniversary. The result of the fifteen-year activity of the Legislative Assembly, carried out in cooperation with the Governor of the Omsk region and other subjects of legislative initiative, was the creation of a modern system of regional legislation aimed at the realization of the constitutional provisions on the federal, democratic, legal and social structure of the Russian Federation.

In 2009 in accordance with the federal and regional legislation, taking into account the priorities defined by strategic documents of social and economic development of the Russian Federation, Omsk region, messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Legislative Assembly continued the work on improvement of legislative support of various spheres of state, economic and social life of the population of the Omsk region.

On September 24, 2009 the Legislative Assembly formed the Youth Chamber of Deputies at the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region. The first meeting of the Youth Chamber was held on December 23, 2009. M. M. Karakoz, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy, was elected Chairman of the Youth Chamber.

The necessary legislative measures aimed at stabilizing the regional economy and social sphere in the conditions of the ongoing financial and economic crisis in order to minimize its negative consequences for the residents of the Omsk region were taken in a timely manner. The Legislative Assembly adopted 97 laws of the Omsk region, including: 18 - newly adopted laws, 76 - on amending the laws of the Omsk region, 3 - on recognizing the laws as invalid.

In 2010 the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region continued work on creation of effective mechanisms of legal regulation in various spheres of public relations on the basis of constructive interaction with the Governor of the Omsk region, the Government of the Omsk region and other subjects of the right of legislative initiative.

Particular attention was paid to the implementation of the priorities of State policy outlined in the messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, taking into account the tasks set before the authorities to improve electoral legislation, ensure social stability, create conditions for modernizing the economy, and improve the quality of life of the population. The initiatives of the President of the Russian Federation related to the development of democratic institutions and ensuring the electoral rights of citizens received a legislative solution.

The legal regulation of the financial and economic sphere was improved in order to create conditions for stimulating the economy, as well as to develop inter-budget relations, to ensure the formation of budgets of municipal entities of the Omsk region mainly at the expense of their own sources of income, to strengthen control over the targeted use of budgetary funds.

In the sphere of social policy the work was continued on detailing the targeted approach depending on the income level of social groups. The problem of protection of citizens - participants of shared construction of apartment buildings on the territory of the Omsk region received legislative support. In the year of the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, additional measures were taken to provide social support to veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Regional laws have been adopted in the sphere of education and youth policy in terms of social support measures for orphans and children left without parental care, families with many children, and support for talented young people. Measures of social support in the form of regional maternity (family) capital have been established.

The work on other urgent problems in various spheres of legal regulation, attributed to the powers of the Legislative Assembly, as well as on the organization of control over the execution of regional laws, bringing them into compliance with federal legislation continued.

The Legislative Assembly prematurely terminated the powers of A.D. Melnikov, deputy of the Legislative Assembly, since September 29 due to his death. The vacated mandate was transferred to the candidate from the regional list of candidates for deputies to the Legislative Assembly, nominated by the Omsk regional branch of the political party "CPRF", V.I. Brishchenko.

In 2010 the Legislative Assembly held 12 meetings, at which more than 270 issues were considered. As a result of consideration 367 resolutions and 95 laws of the Omsk region were adopted.
On May 24, 2011 the regional parliament adopted the Law of the Omsk region "On shortening the term of office of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region of the fourth convocation", which provides for the reduction of the term of office of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region of the fourth convocation up to December 4, 2011 in order to combine the day of voting in the elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region with the day of voting in the elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

On November 24, 2011 the last session of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region of the fourth convocation took place. At it the chairman of Legislative Assembly Vladimir Varnavsky summarized the work of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region of the fourth convocation, noting that during these years 62 meetings of the Parliament were held, at which 542 laws of the Omsk region were adopted.

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