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(adopted with amendments by the resolution of the Legislative
Assembly of the Omsk region of 22.01.2002 No. 25)

(ed. by resolutions of the Legislative Assembly
of the Omsk region from 17.02.2004 No. 52,
No. 146 of 24.05.2007, No. 188 of 14.06.2007, No. 87 of 28.02.2008, No. 433 of 25.11.2008,
No. 352 of 26.11.2009, No. 71 of 17.03.2011, No. 269 of 22.09.2011, No. 27 of 26.01.2012,
No. 235 of 27.09.2012, No. 19 of 24.01.2013, No. 269 of 24.10.2013, No. 20 of 23.01.2014,
No. 136 of 22.05.2014, No. 285 of 23.10.2014, No. 61 of 25.02.2016, No. 60 of 27.10.2016,
No. 131 of 23.05.2017, No. 301 of 30.11.2017, No. 143 of 17.05.2018, No. 171 of 13.06.2019, No. 243 of 26.09.2019, No. 23 of 23.01.2020, No. 103 of 26.03.2020, No. 145 of 23.04.2020, No. 238 of 09.07.2020, No. 106 of 18.03.2021, No. 17 of 20.01.2022, No. 344 of 22.12.2022, No. 101 of 23.03.2023, No. 265 of 21.09.2023, No. 169 of 23.05.2024)


Article 1. The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region (hereinafter also referred to as the Legislative Assembly) is the permanent supreme and only legislative (representative) body of state power of the Omsk region, the status of which is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal law, the Charter (Fundamental Law) of the Omsk region, and regional law.

Article 2. The procedure for the activities of the Legislative Assembly shall be determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, the Charter (Fundamental Law) of the Omsk Region, the Law of the Omsk Region “On the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region”, other regional laws and these Rules of Procedure.

Article 3. The activity of the Legislative Assembly shall be based on collective, free discussion and resolution of issues, openness and publicity, legality and responsibility, accountability and accountability to the Legislative Assembly of its officials and bodies created by it, study and consideration of public opinion.

Article 4. The rights and duties of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly shall be regulated by the Law of the Omsk Region “On the Status of a Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region” and these Rules of Procedure.

Article 5. The Legislative Assembly shall exercise its powers as a permanent body of state power. The activities of the Legislative Assembly shall consist of meetings of the Legislative Assembly, meetings of committees (commissions), and the work of deputies in constituencies. Meetings of committees (commissions) may be held during the sessions of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 6. Excluded.

Article 7. Excluded.


Article 8. The work of the Legislative Assembly shall be carried out according to the plan approved by the Legislative Assembly.

Article 9. The draft work plan of the Legislative Assembly is formed by the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly on the basis of proposals of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, deputies of the Legislative Assembly, committees and commissions of the Legislative Assembly, the Governor of the Omsk region.

Article 10. After approval of the work plan by the Legislative Assembly, the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall exercise general control over its implementation.

Article 11. Legislative activity of the Legislative Assembly shall be carried out in accordance with the plan of legislative works of the Legislative Assembly for the next calendar year (hereinafter - the Plan of Legislative Works).
The plan of legislative works is formed on the basis of proposals of subjects of the right of legislative initiative determined by the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk region.
The Plan of Legislative Works shall specify the working title of the draft regional law, the committee responsible for the preparation of the draft regional law, and the deadline for submitting the draft regional law to the Legislative Assembly for consideration.
The draft resolution of the Legislative Assembly on the Plan of Legislative Works shall be considered by the committees of the Legislative Assembly as far as the issues within their jurisdiction are concerned.
The plan of legislative works shall be approved by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly adopted by a majority of votes of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 12. The newly elected Legislative Assembly shall meet for the first session not later than three weeks after the election of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly in a legally competent composition. The Governor of the Omsk region may convene the first meeting of the Legislative Assembly before the expiration of this term. The Legislative Assembly shall be entitled to exercise its powers if at least two thirds of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly are elected to it.

Article 13. The first session of the Legislative Assembly is opened by the oldest deputy.

Article 14. Meetings of the Legislative Assembly shall be convened by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, as a rule, at least once a month. The competence of a meeting of the Legislative Assembly shall be determined by the Law of the Omsk Region “On the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region”.

Article 15. The decision to convene a regular session of the Legislative Assembly shall be taken by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly not later than seven days prior to the beginning of its work. Materials for the meeting of the Legislative Assembly shall be provided to the deputies in advance, but not later than three days prior to the meeting.

Article 16. On the initiative of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, a deputy, a committee of the Legislative Assembly, the Governor of the Omsk region, the Legislative Assembly may decide to hold a closed session of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 17. Extraordinary sessions of the Legislative Assembly may be held on the initiative of at least one third of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly, the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, the Governor of the Omsk region.
A proposal to convene an extraordinary session of the Legislative Assembly shall be submitted by the initiators to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly in writing, indicating the issues proposed to be included in the agenda of the session, the justification of the need to convene an extraordinary session.
The date of an extraordinary session of the Legislative Assembly shall be fixed by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly not later than three days from the date of receipt of the proposal, subject to other provisions of these Rules of Procedure.

Article 17.1. During the period of introduction on the territory of the Omsk region of a state of high readiness, emergency or state of emergency, or in the event of a threat of spread of a disease that poses a danger to others on the territory of the Omsk region, or during the implementation of restrictive measures (quarantine) on the territory of the Omsk region, meetings of the Legislative Assembly, permanent and temporary bodies of the Legislative Assembly may be held remotely using telecommunication means in accordance with the procedure stipulated by the legislation of the Omsk region.The Law of the Omsk Region “On the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region”.

Article 18. Senators of the Russian Federation - representatives of the legislative and executive bodies of the Omsk region and deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the State Duma), who were candidates in the regional group of candidates of the federal list of candidates on the territory of the Omsk region or elected in single-mandate election districts formed on the territory of the Omsk region, may participate in the sessions of the Legislative Assembly, including speaking, in accordance with the procedure established by the State Duma of the Omsk region.

The Governor of the Omsk region and his permanent representatives, the prosecutor of the Omsk region, the chief federal inspector for the Omsk region, the chairman of the Control and Accounts Chamber of the Omsk region, the chairman of the Omsk regional court, the chairman of the Arbitration Court of the Omsk region, the heads of structural subdivisions of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly, as well as other persons whose participation (presence) is provided for by federal or regional legislation may attend the meetings of the Legislative Assembly and its bodies.
To represent the interests of the Governor of the Omsk region and the Government of the Omsk region in the Legislative Assembly, the Governor of the Omsk region appoints permanent representatives who participate in the meetings of the Legislative Assembly, its committees (commissions) with the right of deliberative vote.

Article 19. Representatives of mass media, citizens (individuals), including representatives of organizations (legal entities), public associations, state bodies and local self-government bodies of the Omsk region, who have expressed their desire to attend a meeting of the Legislative Assembly not later than three days prior to the day of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly, have the right to attend the meeting of the Legislative Assembly. Invitation to the meeting of the Legislative Assembly is carried out by the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly. The staff of the Legislative Assembly shall register the invitees and notify them of the place and time of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly.
To ensure the possibility of presence of the persons specified in paragraph one of this Article, seats shall be allocated at the meetings of the Legislative Assembly in a specially equipped hall. The number of persons present at a session of the Legislative Assembly shall correspond to the reasonable capacity of the working room and shall not create obstacles to the deputies of the Legislative Assembly in carrying out their deputy activities.
Persons present at a session of the Legislative Assembly who are not deputies of the Legislative Assembly must refrain from expressing approval or disapproval, comply with the procedure for attending the sessions of the Legislative Assembly established by these Rules of Procedure and fulfill the requirements of the presiding officer of the session of the Legislative Assembly. They shall be given the floor to speak by decision of the Legislative Assembly.
Representatives of the mass media shall carry out their activities at the meetings of the Legislative Assembly, guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the mass media and these Rules of Procedure, the requirements of the presiding officer of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 20. The Legislative Assembly shall discuss and adopt the agenda of the Legislative Assembly session. The draft agenda of the next meeting of the Legislative Assembly is formed by the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly and is submitted to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly one week before the meeting on the basis of the work plan of the Legislative Assembly, proposals of the committees and commissions of the Legislative Assembly, deputy associations, deputies, the Governor of the Omsk region, other subjects of the right of legislative initiative.

Article 21. Issues are submitted to the Legislative Assembly for consideration in accordance with the work plan, as well as unscheduled. Issues for the meeting of the Legislative Assembly are prepared in advance, in accordance with the given instructions or on initiative.
To prepare a draft law, subjects of the right of legislative initiative may create a working group of representatives of public authorities of the Omsk region, other interested organizations, scientists and specialists.

Article 22. The decision to include an unscheduled issue in the draft agenda shall be made by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly or, in his absence, by the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, if there is a draft regional law, other materials and documents necessary for inclusion of the issue in the agenda.

Article 23. The initiator of introducing an issue to a session of the Legislative Assembly shall independently determine the procedure for its preparation in accordance with the regional legislation.
The procedure for preparation and submission for consideration of the Legislative Assembly of draft normative legal acts of the Omsk region adopted by the Legislative Assembly is established by the Law of the Omsk region “On Normative Legal Acts of the Omsk region”.

Article 24. Draft laws and resolutions of the Legislative Assembly and other materials submitted to the Legislative Assembly are usually discussed in the relevant committee (several committees, commissions), which (which) prepares a conclusion on the submitted draft and may allocate co-rapporteurs on the issue under discussion.
The project shall be sent to the Governor of the Omsk region. The presence of disagreements is not a reason for withdrawal of the project from consideration by the Legislative Assembly.
Draft regional laws on establishment, on introduction or termination of taxes (levies), on change of tax rates (rates of levies), procedure and term of payment of taxes (levies), establishment (cancellation) of tax privileges (privileges on levies) and (or) grounds and procedure of their application, other draft regional laws providing for expenses, financial support of which is carried out at the expense of the regional budget, are considered by the Legislative Assembly on the proposal of the Governor of the Omsk region or in the presence of the conclusion of the decree of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region. This conclusion is submitted to the Legislative Assembly within the term established by the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk region. Draft resolutions submitted to the session of the Legislative Assembly are signed by executors and other persons in accordance with the Instruction on work with documents in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
Where necessary, drafts may be submitted for expert examination by decision of the Legislative Assembly. Draft regulatory documents and materials for the meeting of the Legislative Assembly shall be submitted to the Legislative Assembly, as a rule, not later than ten days prior to the meeting.

Article 24.1. A draft law of the Russian Federation on amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, a draft federal constitutional law or a draft federal law (hereinafter - draft federal law), intended for submission to the State Duma in the order of realization by the Legislative Assembly of the right of legislative initiative, an amendment to a draft federal law adopted in the first reading, may be proposed by any subject of the right of legislative initiative in the Legislative Assembly, defined by the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk Oblast, as follows.
A draft federal law prepared for submission by way of legislative initiative of the Legislative Assembly to the State Duma shall be sent to a committee of the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the issues under its jurisdiction for preliminary consideration.
By decision of a committee of the Legislative Assembly, a draft federal law may be sent by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly to the Council of Legislators of the Russian Federation under the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for expert evaluation prior to its submission to the State Duma.

Article 25. Sessions of the Legislative Assembly shall be presided over by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly and his deputy.

Article 26. The Legislative Assembly shall form the Secretariat by open voting. The Secretariat of the Legislative Assembly shall be elected from among the deputies in the number of three persons - the head and members. A resolution shall be adopted on the establishment of the Secretariat. The Secretariat of the Legislative Assembly shall exercise control over the observance of the present Rules of Procedure, as well as other powers on the instructions of the presiding officer of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 27. Registration of deputies, invitees, stenography, keeping minutes, organizational and technical support of meetings is carried out by the Secretariat and the staff of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 28. Before each session of the Legislative Assembly, the registration of deputies is held, which is organized by the Secretariat of the Legislative Assembly.
A deputy shall be obliged to attend every session. In case of inability to participate in the work of the Legislative Assembly, a deputy shall notify the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly in advance, and in case of his/her absence - the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.

Good reasons for absence from a meeting of the Legislative Assembly may be:
- disease;
- business trip on the business of the Legislative Assembly;
- vacation;
- study session, training camp;
- prior authorization of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly (in the absence of the Chairman - his/her deputy).

Article 29. Approval of the agenda of a meeting of the Legislative Assembly shall be decided by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the deputies present at the meeting of the Legislative Assembly.
Changes to the approved agenda of the meeting shall be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the deputies present at the meeting.

Article 30. The Legislative Assembly, unless it decides otherwise, holds its sessions without quantitative limitation of working days. Morning sittings of the Legislative Assembly begin at 10 a.m. and end at 1 p.m. Evening sittings shall begin at 2 p.m. and end at 6 p.m. The Legislative Assembly may establish a different order of work.
Every 1.5 hours of work of the Legislative Assembly, breaks of 20 minutes shall be announced, unless otherwise established by the Legislative Assembly.
At the end of the session, 30 minutes shall be allocated for statements of factions and speeches of deputies, unless otherwise decided when approving the agenda of the session of the Legislative Assembly, no debate on these speeches shall be opened.
For the purpose of obtaining additional information or for consultations for reasons to be determined by the Legislative Assembly, a meeting of the Legislative Assembly may be adjourned.

Article 31. As a rule, the time for reports at the sessions of the Legislative Assembly shall be up to 1 hour, for co-reports - up to 15 minutes. Speakers in debates shall be given up to 7 minutes, for repeated speeches, including for article-by-article discussion of bills, for closing remarks - up to 5 minutes. For statements on candidates, the order of business of the session, reasons for voting, statements, questions, proposals, messages, amendments - up to 3 minutes. With the consent of the majority of deputies, the chairperson of the session may extend the time for speeches.
Deputies shall have the right to ask questions to the speakers. Questions to speakers in debates shall be asked only with their consent.

Article 32. A deputy shall speak at a session of the Legislative Assembly after being given the floor by the chairperson of the session. The person presiding at the meeting shall give the floor for participation in the debate in the order of receipt of the application. With the consent of the deputies, the presiding officer may change the order of speeches with the announcement of the reasons for such change.

Article 33. A deputy may speak at one session of the Legislative Assembly on the same issue no more than twice. Transfer of speaking rights in favor of another deputy is not allowed. The floor may be given by the presiding officer out of turn on the order of business of the session of the Legislative Assembly, for reference, answer to a question and clarification, for an emergency message.
A deputy, a representative of a subject of the right of legislative initiative who has introduced an issue for consideration, a first-time speaker on the issue under discussion, and a deputy representing the interests of a group of deputies may have a priority right to speak.
The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly and the Governor of the Omsk Region shall have the right to take the floor at any time.
The Governor of the Omsk Region as the highest official of the Omsk Region shall speak in person or on his instructions - one of his permanent representatives.
The Chairman of the Government of the Omsk region (in case of establishment of such position) shall speak personally or on his instructions - one of the members of the Government of the Omsk region on presentation of the position of the Government of the Omsk region.

Article 34. A speaking deputy shall not use rude and incorrect expressions in his speech, call for illegal and violent actions.
The presiding officer shall issue a warning about inadmissibility of such statements and appeals. After the second warning by the presiding officer, the speaker shall be deprived of the floor on the issue under discussion. His/her behavior may be recommended for consideration by the Mandate and Deputies' Ethics Commission. If a speaker deviates from the topic under discussion, the presiding officer shall call upon him/her to stick to the issue under discussion. If the speaker exceeds the time allotted to him or speaks not on the issue under discussion, the presiding officer shall, after the second warning, deprive him of the floor.
Any speaker at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly shall be obliged to comply with the requirements of the Rules of Procedure on the correctness of behavior, tone and content of the speech. In case of violation, the Legislative Assembly (after a warning from the presiding officer) may deprive the violator of the floor until the end of the session.

Article 35. Excluded.

Article 36. Debates shall be terminated by a decision of the Legislative Assembly adopted by a simple majority of votes of the total number of deputies present. Before making a decision to terminate the debate, the presiding officer shall inform the deputies about the number of those who have signed up to speak and those who have spoken, announce the list of those wishing to speak, find out those who insist on speaking.
If after the decision on the cessation of debate the deputies - members of a deputy association insist on giving the floor, the presiding officer shall give the floor to one deputy - representative of that deputy association. The deputies who did not have the opportunity to speak in connection with the termination of the debate shall submit to the Secretariat of the Legislative Assembly the texts of their speeches to be included in the transcript of the session. After the closure of the debate, the rapporteur and the co-rapporteur shall have the right to make a closing statement.

Article 37. To conduct voting and determine its results, the Legislative Assembly shall elect a three-member counting commission from among its deputies at the first session.
The Counting Committee shall elect a chairman from among its members. Decisions of the Commission shall be taken by open voting by a simple majority of votes.
The Legislative Assembly shall adopt a resolution on the formation of the counting commission.

Article 38. Resolutions of the Legislative Assembly on the issues under consideration shall be adopted at the sessions of the Legislative Assembly by open voting.
Upon the decision of the Legislative Assembly, as well as in cases stipulated by these Rules of Procedure, a secret ballot shall be held.
When open voting is conducted using an electronic vote counting system, a list with the results of voting shall be formed, which shall contain the surnames, first names, patronymics of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly, names of factions and (or) numbers of single-mandate constituencies, voting results of each deputy of the Legislative Assembly. A deputy of the Legislative Assembly shall have the right to receive a list with the results of open voting.
The results of voting of deputies in the form of digital data shall be included in the transcript of the meeting. Lists with the results of open voting shall be stored in the memory of the electronic vote counting system.

Article 39. When conducting an open vote, the presiding officer shall indicate the number of proposals put to the vote, specify their wording and remind how the decision is taken.
When voting on a single issue, each deputy shall have one vote and cast it “for” the motion, “against” the motion, or abstain from voting.
A deputy of the Legislative Assembly shall personally exercise his/her right to vote, he/she shall not be entitled to cast his/her vote after the end of the voting procedure.

Article 40. Ballot papers shall be prepared for secret ballot under the control of the counting commission in the form and quantity established by the counting commission. Ballot papers shall contain the necessary information for voting. A ballot paper for voting on a draft law or on a single candidate shall contain the words “for” and “against”.
The time and place of voting and the procedure for voting shall be established by the Counting Committee on the basis of these Rules of Procedure and shall be notified to the deputies.

Article 41. Each deputy shall be given one ballot for voting.
Ballots shall be issued by members of the counting commission in accordance with the lists of deputies. Voting shall be conducted by entering by a deputy in the ballot paper any sign in the square relating to the candidate in favor of whom a choice is made, and in the ballot paper for voting on draft legal (legislative) acts or on a single candidate - any sign in the square relating to the option of the expression of will in respect of which a choice is made.
Invalid ballot papers shall be considered invalid ballot papers of an unidentified pattern, ballot papers on which it is impossible to ascertain the will of a deputy, in particular, ballot papers in which the sign(s) is (are) affixed in more than one square or is (are) not affixed in any of them.
Additional names written in the ballot papers shall not be taken into account in the counting of votes. New proposals on voting of draft legal (legislative) acts introduced in them shall not be taken into account either.

Article 42. The counting commission shall draw up protocols on the results of the secret ballot, which shall be signed by all members of the counting commission. The Legislative Assembly shall adopt a resolution on the approval of the results of the secret ballot.

Article 43. The Legislative Assembly may adopt a different voting procedure.

Article 43.1. In exceptional cases, if it is necessary to promptly adopt a resolution of the Legislative Assembly of a non-normative nature, an extraordinary session of the Legislative Assembly may be held by absentee voting in the form of a poll of deputies.
The decision to hold an absentee vote shall be adopted by an order of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, which shall determine the date and term for holding an absentee vote by means of a poll of deputies, the issue to be submitted for consideration, as well as the form of the questionnaire.
A deputy of the Legislative Assembly shall express his/her own opinion on the issue submitted for absentee voting by writing the words “for”, “against”, “abstained” and affixing his/her personal signature and date on the questionnaire.
A deputy is considered to have voted, if he/she receives a response in the form of the original of the completed questionnaire or by fax or e-mail in the form of a graphic image of the original of the completed questionnaire with subsequent submission of the original not later than the day of the next session of the Legislative Assembly. The questionnaires shall be submitted to the staff of the Legislative Assembly, whose employees shall transfer them to the counting commission to determine the results of voting.
A poll of deputies of the Legislative Assembly shall be deemed competent if at least fifty percent of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly participated in the poll.
According to the results of absentee voting, the counting commission shall draw up a protocol, which shall be signed by all its members and sent to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly. The results of absentee voting shall be communicated to the deputies of the Legislative Assembly.
Based on the results of absentee voting, a resolution of the Legislative Assembly shall be drawn up.
The minutes on the results of absentee voting of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly with the attachment of the necessary documents and materials, as well as questionnaires of absentee voting of the deputies shall be the minutes of the extraordinary session of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 44. If errors are detected in the order of voting, a second vote shall be held by decision of the Legislative Assembly.


Article 44.1. If the results of the inspection reveal that a deputy has violated the restrictions, prohibitions and failed to fulfill the obligations stipulated in Parts 1, 15 and 19 of Article 19 of the Federal Law
of December 21, 2021 No. 414-FZ “On General Principles of Organization of Public Power in the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation”, as well as the provision of knowingly false or incomplete information about income, expenses, property and property obligations, the commission of the Legislative Assembly on control over the accuracy of information about income, property and property obligations submitted by deputies of the Legislative Assembly (hereinafter in this article - the commission) shall take one of the following decisions:
- to recommend the Legislative Assembly to issue a warning to the deputy;
- to recommend to the Legislative Assembly to release the deputy from his position in the Legislative Assembly without termination of the deputy's powers with deprivation of the right to hold office in the Legislative Assembly from the moment of making a decision to apply a measure of responsibility to the deputy until the termination of his powers;
- to recommend to the Legislative Assembly to prohibit the deputy from holding office in the Legislative Assembly until the termination of his/her term of office.
The decision adopted by the commission shall be sent to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.
When applying liability measures specified in part two of Article 10.2 of the Omsk Oblast Law “On the Status of a Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Oblast”, the deputy's guilt, the reasons and conditions under which he or she knowingly provided false or incomplete information about income, expenses, property and property obligations, the nature and degree of distortion of this information, the circumstances of the deputy's violation of restrictions, prohibitions and non-fulfillment of duties, the compliance of the person with other restrictions and prohibitions, the fulfillment of other obligations, and the fulfillment of other obligations by the deputy shall be taken into account.
The decision to apply to a deputy one of the measures of responsibility specified in part two of Article 10.2 of the Law of the Omsk Region “On the Status of a Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region” shall be adopted by the Legislative Assembly by a majority vote of the established number of deputies and shall be formalized by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly.
Information on the application to a deputy of a measure of responsibility in the form of a warning shall be published in the newspaper “Omsk Herald” and shall be posted on the official website of the Legislative Assembly on the Internet.


Article 45. The right of legislative initiative in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region belongs to the subjects defined by the federal law, the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk region.

Article 46. The following documents shall be submitted to the Legislative Assembly together with the draft regional law:
- an explanatory note setting forth the subject of legal regulation, the rationale for the need to adopt the regional law, its objectives and main provisions, and other information;
- financial and economic justification, which contains information on the amount and directions of expenditure of the regional budget funds, other funds and facilities required for the implementation of the regional law;
- a list of regional laws to be recognized as invalid, amended or the effect of which should be suspended in connection with the adoption of the regional law; - a list of persons who are the developers of the draft regional law.
The subject of the right of legislative initiative who has submitted a draft regional law to the Legislative Assembly shall be obliged to appoint a person charged with the presentation of the draft regional law in the Legislative Assembly.
Other documents shall also be submitted together with the draft regional law, if required in accordance with federal and regional legislation.

Article 47. Issues prepared in violation of the procedure established by these Rules of Procedure shall not be included in the draft agenda of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 48. The process of drafting bills and other acts of the Legislative Assembly generally includes:
- study of the need to regulate a certain sphere of social relations or to change such regulation;
- analyzing the current legislation and the practice of its application;
- studying public opinion and obtaining information that necessitates the adoption of a draft law;
- making decisions on the preparation of a bill or other act of the Legislative Assembly, elaboration of its text, coordination of the bill with all interested bodies and organizations;
- discussion of the bill in the relevant committee of the Legislative Assembly;
- examination of the project in accordance with the procedure established by the Omsk Region Law “On Normative Legal Acts of the Omsk Region”.

Article 49. Introduced bills and other acts of normative nature shall be considered by the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the procedure established by the Law of the Omsk Region “On Normative Legal Acts of the Omsk Region”.
The procedure for passing a bill may be preceded by a special hearing in the Legislative Assembly.
Before the Legislative Assembly adopts a bill for consideration, it may be withdrawn by the subject of the right of legislative initiative who introduced the bill.

Article 49.1. After submitting a draft regional law for consideration in the first reading, the Legal Department of the Legislative Assembly shall carry out legal, anti-corruption, legal-technical and linguistic expertise of the draft and prepare a conclusion.
An anti-corruption examination of draft resolutions of the Legislative Assembly of a normative nature shall be conducted prior to their adoption by the Legislative Assembly. The anti-corruption expertise shall be conducted by the Legal Department of the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the federal legislation and according to the methodology determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Corruption factors identified in draft regulatory legal acts shall be eliminated prior to the adoption of a regional law, resolution of the Legislative Assembly. Anticorruption expertise of the laws of the Omsk region is carried out on behalf of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 49.2.Draft regional laws are subject to regulatory impact assessment:
- establishing new or amending mandatory requirements previously provided for by regional laws, related to the implementation of entrepreneurial and other economic activities, the assessment of compliance with which is carried out within the framework of state control (supervision), bringing to administrative responsibility, granting licenses and other permits, accreditation, conformity assessment of products, other forms of assessments and examinations;
- establishing new or amending obligations and prohibitions for the subjects of entrepreneurial and investment activities previously provided for by regional laws;
- establishing or amending liability for violation of regional laws affecting the implementation of entrepreneurial and other economic activities.
Draft regional laws specified in paragraphs two - four of this article shall be sent to the authorized body of executive power of the Omsk region, carrying out the regulatory impact assessment of draft normative legal acts of the Omsk region, after acceptance for consideration, as well as, if necessary, by decision of the head committee - after adoption in the first reading. Regulatory impact assessment is not carried out in respect of:
- draft regional laws on the establishment, enactment or termination of taxes (fees), on the change of tax rates (rates of fees), the procedure and term of payment of taxes (fees), the establishment (abolition) of tax benefits (benefits on fees) and (or) the grounds and procedure for their application;
- draft regional laws regulating budgetary legal relations;
- other draft regional laws in cases established by federal legislation.

Article 50. Draft regional laws are considered by the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the Law of the Omsk region “On normative legal acts of the Omsk region” and the present Rules of Procedure in not less than two readings. If after acceptance of the draft regional law for consideration the Legislative Assembly recognizes the draft regional law not requiring introduction of comments and proposals, it may be adopted in the first reading without preparation for consideration in the first reading.
If after the adoption of the draft regional law in the first reading the Legislative Assembly recognizes the draft regional law not requiring amendments, it may be adopted in the second reading without preparation for consideration in the second reading. The procedure for consideration, adoption, signing and publication of the regional law on the regional budget is established by the Law of the Omsk Region “On the Budgetary Process in the Omsk Region”.

Article 51. The text of a draft regional law, resolution of the Legislative Assembly shall be provided to the deputies no later than three days prior to the consideration of the draft.
In special cases, the text of the draft and materials thereto may be submitted to the deputies one day prior to the session of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 52. At the first reading, the Legislative Assembly shall hear the report of the initiator of the draft, the co-report of the head committee (commission), discuss the main provisions of the draft, make suggestions and comments, and, if necessary, consider the expediency of publishing the draft for discussion.
По результатам обсуждения Законодательное Собрание принимает проект в первом чтении или отклоняет его.
When alternative drafts are introduced, the Legislative Assembly discusses them during the first reading and decides which of the drafts under consideration to adopt in the first reading. Alternative draft laws shall not be considered after the first reading.
The decision to adopt or reject a draft law shall be formalized by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly adopted by a majority of votes of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

Article 53. After consideration of the draft law in the first reading, the Legislative Assembly shall entrust the preparation of the draft regional law for consideration in the second reading to the Governor of the Omsk region, if he is the initiator of the draft regional law, or to the head committee - in other cases. On the proposal of the Governor of the Omsk region, the Legislative Assembly may entrust the preparation of a draft regional law, initiated by the Governor of the Omsk region, for consideration in the second reading to the head committee.

Article 54. Amendments to the discussed draft shall be submitted by deputies and other subjects of the right of legislative initiative in writing to the relevant committees or to the Governor of the Omsk region, if he was the initiator of the introduction of the bill to the Legislative Assembly.

Article 55. The Head Committee or the Governor of the Omsk Region, if he was the initiator of the introduction of the draft regional law to the Legislative Assembly, considers the amendments to the draft law and prepares conclusions on them.
Deputies shall be informed of all amendments to the draft law.

Article 56. Discussion and voting shall be conducted separately for each amendment. If several amendments to one and the same article of the draft law are proposed, those amendments, the adoption or rejection of which excludes all other amendments, shall be discussed and voted on first. During the consideration of the draft regional law in the second reading at the session of the Legislative Assembly, additional amendments to the draft law are not accepted.

Article 57. At the second reading of the draft, the chairman or on behalf of the committee (commission) - any member of the committee (commission) in charge of the project or the Governor of the Omsk region, if he was the initiator of the introduction of the bill to the Legislative Assembly shall make a report. The discussion of the draft may be held as a whole, by sections, chapters and article by article.

Article 58. Excluded.

Article 59.As a result of the second reading, the Legislative Assembly adopts a law or resolution or rejects the draft.

Article 60. A draft resolution of the Legislative Assembly not having a normative character may be drafted directly at a session of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 61. Laws of the Omsk region shall be adopted by a simple majority of votes from the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly, unless otherwise provided for by federal law.

Article 62. The law of the Omsk region within seven days after its adoption by the Legislative Assembly shall be sent to the Governor of the Omsk region for signing and promulgation.
The Chairman of the head committee (commission) shall sign the text of the law, resolution and shall be responsible for the conformity of the legal (legislative) act sent for signing with the text adopted by the Legislative Assembly.
Once a legal (legislative) act has been adopted by the Legislative Assembly, no changes may be made to the text.

Article 63. The Governor of the Omsk Region shall sign and promulgate the law within fourteen days of its receipt in accordance with the regional law.
If the Governor of the Omsk region rejects the law within the time limits established for signing and returns it to the Legislative Assembly with a reasoned justification of its rejection or with a proposal to make amendments and additions to it, it shall be reconsidered by the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the established procedure. If at the reconsideration the regional law rejected by the Governor of the Omsk region is approved in the previously adopted version by the majority of not less than two thirds of votes of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly, the Governor of the Omsk region within seven days signs and promulgates it.
The Legislative Assembly and the Governor of the Omsk region may establish a conciliation commission to overcome the arisen disagreements, after which the regional law is subject to reconsideration by the Legislative Assembly.

Article 64. Excluded.

Article 65. The resolution adopted by the Legislative Assembly, as well as the minutes of the sessions of the Legislative Assembly shall be signed by the chairperson of the session of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 66. Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of normative nature (full text in the form of electronic copy and certified hard copy on paper) within three days after adoption by the Legislative Assembly shall be sent to the State Institution of Information Technologies and Telecommunications of the Omsk region for placement (publication) on the “Official Internet Portal of Legal Information” (


Article 66.1. The law of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation received for consideration from the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Federation Council) in the Legislative Assembly, the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall immediately send it to the deputies, committees and deputy associations of the Legislative Assembly for the preparation of comments and proposals.
The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall appoint the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government to be responsible for the preparation of the law of the Russian Federation on amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation for consideration at a session of the Legislative Assembly.
Comments and proposals on the law of the Russian Federation on amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation shall be submitted to the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government not later than 14 days from the date of receipt of the said law of the Russian Federation to the Legislative Assembly from the Federation Council.

Article 66.2.The Legislative Assembly shall consider the law of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation not later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the said law of the Russian Federation to the Legislative Assembly from the Council of Federation.
The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall organize the holding of a regular (extraordinary) session of the Legislative Assembly taking into account the fulfillment of the deadlines specified in this Article.

Article 66.3.The procedure for consideration by the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government of a law of the Russian Federation on an amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation shall be determined by the said Committee independently.
The Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government shall prepare a conclusion on the law of the Russian Federation on amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the basis of generalization of the comments and proposals received and may recommend to the Legislative Assembly to adopt one of the following decisions:
to approve the law of the Russian Federation on amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
not to approve the law of the Russian Federation on amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Article 66.4. Consideration of the law of the Russian Federation on amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation at a session of the Legislative Assembly shall begin with the rapporteur announcing the conclusion of the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government and the generalized position expressed in the comments and proposals specified in the third paragraph of Article 66.1 of these Rules of Procedure.
Based on the results of the discussion of the law of the Russian Federation on amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the chairperson of the session of the Legislative Assembly shall put to a vote the question of its approval.
A law of the Russian Federation on an amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation shall be deemed approved by the Legislative Assembly if more than half of the established number of deputies voted for its approval.
A law of the Russian Federation on an amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation shall be deemed not to have been approved by the Legislative Assembly if the required number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly did not vote for its approval.
The decision to approve or disapprove the law of the Russian Federation on amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation shall be formalized by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly.
If the Legislative Assembly receives two or more laws of the Russian Federation on amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation from the Federation Council, the resolution of the Legislative Assembly on consideration of the law of the Russian Federation on amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation shall be adopted on each of the said laws of the Russian Federation separately.

Article 66.5. The resolution(s) on approval (disapproval) of the law(s) of the Russian Federation on the amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation shall be immediately forwarded by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly to the Federation Council.


Article 67. The Legislative Assembly shall form committees (commissions) from among its deputies to conduct legislative work, prepare and consider issues within the competence of the Legislative Assembly, as well as to carry out control activities by the Legislative Assembly.

Article 68. The Legislative Assembly, based on its numerical composition, forms committees (on legislation and local self-government; on financial and budgetary policy; on social policy; on agrarian policy, natural resources and ecology), commissions (mandate and deputy ethics, on control over the accuracy of information on income, property and property obligations submitted by deputies of the Legislative Assembly).
The composition of the committee may not be less than five deputies.
Other committees, except those named in the first paragraph of this Article, shall be formed after the formation of the said committees, if there is an appropriate number of applications from deputies.
A deputy of the Legislative Assembly may be elected to no more than two committees.

Article 69.Committees and commissions shall be elected for the term of office of the Legislative Assembly and shall consist of a chairman and members of the committees and commission.
During the term of office, the Legislative Assembly shall have the right to disband previously established and form new committees and commissions, make changes in the composition of committees and commissions, change their names.

Article 70. The personal composition of committees and commissions shall be formed on the basis of free will of deputies and shall be elected by open voting. When electing committees and commissions, voting shall be held on the whole composition of the committee (commission) or on each candidate.

Article 71. The Chairman of the committee and commission shall be elected by the Legislative Assembly from among the members of the committee and commission by open voting. A deputy, deputy association (faction) shall have the right to propose a candidate for the position of chairman, a candidate for the position of chairman may be nominated by self-nomination. If in the course of voting none of the candidates for the position of chairman of a committee or commission gains the required number of votes, another candidate shall be nominated or, after additional argumentation and discussion, the candidate previously rejected by the deputies shall be discussed again with subsequent voting.
In the event of repeated non-election to the position of chairman of a committee or commission, that deputy shall no longer be considered for the position.
The vice-chair of a committee or commission shall be elected in the same manner.

Article 72. Changes in the composition of committees (commissions) shall be made by the Legislative Assembly on the basis of a personal statement of a deputy on inclusion in a committee (commission) and (or) on withdrawal from a committee (commission).

Article 73. Meetings of committees (commissions) shall be competent if at least half of the members of the committee (commission) are present. All issues in committees (commissions) shall be resolved by a simple majority of votes of the members of the committee (commission) present at the meeting. The decisions taken are of a recommendatory nature.

Article 74.Committees and commissions of the Legislative Assembly shall be responsible and accountable to the Legislative Assembly.
The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall assist in organizing the work of committees and commissions, ensure interaction and coordination of their activities.

Article 75. The procedure for the activities of committees and commissions, structure and their powers shall be determined by the Legislative Assembly.

Article 76. The Legislative Assembly shall have the right, if necessary and within the limits of its competence, to create temporary deputy committees, vesting them with appropriate powers.
The Legislative Assembly shall decide on the establishment of the temporary commission, approval of its composition, determination of its tasks and term of activity.
The Interim Commission shall inform the Legislative Assembly of the results of its activities.
Members of the interim commission having a dissenting opinion shall have the right to put it in writing.
Upon consideration of the information submitted by the interim commission, the Legislative Assembly may adopt a relevant resolution.

Article 77. The procedure for the formation of deputy associations (factions) and the conditions for the participation of deputies in their activities shall be established by federal law.
The full name of a faction shall be the name of the political party used in the election documents, in the list of candidates of which the respective deputies were elected. A faction shall have the right to have a short name corresponding to its full name, established by the provision on the faction.
The faction shall elect from its members a faction leader and a deputy faction leader.
The activity of the faction shall be organized by it in accordance with the federal and regional laws, these Regulations, and the provision on the faction.
The faction adopts the regulations on the faction at the organizational meeting by a majority vote of the total number of deputies included in the faction. The provision on the faction shall establish:
- the full and short (if any) name of the faction;
- Fraction structure;
- the procedure for electing the head of the faction and the deputy head of the faction;
- the procedure for adopting decisions of the faction;
- other provisions concerning the internal activities of the faction.
Decisions of the faction are adopted, as a rule, by open voting. The faction may decide to hold a secret ballot. Decisions of the faction shall be adopted by a majority of votes of the total number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly belonging to the faction, unless a different decision-making procedure is provided for by the provision on the faction.
The factions shall inform the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly and the Secretariat of the Legislative Assembly of decisions on the organization of their activities.
Registration of the faction, accounting of changes in the composition of the factions and provisions on the factions is carried out by the Secretariat of the Legislative Assembly.
To register, the faction submits:
- list of deputies of the Legislative Assembly who are members of the faction;
- minutes of the organizational meeting of the faction, including decisions on the adoption of the regulations of the faction, election of the head of the faction, deputy head of the faction;
- caucus stipulation.

Article 77.1. The Legislative Assembly may establish other permanent or temporary deputy associations (permanent or temporary deputy groups), which are not factions.
Registration of deputy associations (deputy groups), accounting of changes in their composition is carried out by the Secretariat of the Legislative Assembly.
For registration, a deputy association (deputy group) shall submit:
- a list of deputies of the Legislative Assembly who are members of a deputy association (deputy group);
- minutes of the organizational meeting of the deputy association (deputy group), including the decision to elect the head of the deputy association (deputy group).
The name of the deputy association (deputy group), goals and objectives, list of deputies belonging to the deputy association (deputy group) shall be brought to the attention of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly.
The activity of a deputy association (deputy group) shall be organized in accordance with federal and regional laws and these Rules of Procedure.
A deputy association (deputy group) shall notify the Secretariat of the Legislative Assembly upon termination of its activity.

Article 78. Deputy associations (deputy groups) shall have the right:
- Discuss candidates for election to all governing bodies of the Legislative Assembly in advance;
- to exchange opinions on issues considered by the Legislative Assembly;
- make appeals and questions;
- demand that deputies who are members of a deputy association (deputy group) be given the floor on the main agenda items;
- at the end of the debate, insist on giving the floor to the deputies in accordance with the procedure established by the present Rules of Procedure;
- propose candidates for election to any position in the Legislative Assembly and its bodies;
- exercise other rights provided for deputy associations (deputy groups) by the legislation.
At the suggestion of a deputy association (deputy group), the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall organize the distribution of the material prepared by them among the deputies of the Legislative Assembly.


Article 79. The Legislative Assembly shall elect the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly. The election of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall take place at the first organizational meeting of the newly elected Legislative Assembly after the election. The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall also be elected in other cases provided for by the current legislation and the Law of the Omsk region “On the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region”.

Article 80. The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall be elected for the term of office of the Legislative Assembly from among the deputies of the Legislative Assembly by secret ballot using ballots in the manner prescribed by Articles 40 - 42 of these Rules of Procedure.
The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall be accountable only to the Legislative Assembly.
The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall not be entitled to hold any other paid position.

Article 81. The Legislative Assembly shall independently establish the procedure for proposing and discussing candidates, as well as the procedure for including them in the voting procedure.

Article 82. Nomination of candidates for election to the position of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall be made at a session of the Legislative Assembly.
Candidates for the position of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly from among the deputies may be nominated by the organizing committee for the preparation of the first session of the Legislative Assembly, deputies of the Legislative Assembly, committees (commissions), deputy associations, by self-nomination.
After the end of the nomination, the chairperson of the Legislative Assembly session announces the list of nominated candidates, polls the candidates on their consent to run for the position of the Chairperson of the Legislative Assembly. Based on the results of the poll, the Legislative Assembly decides to include the names of candidates in the ballot for secret ballot and opens the discussion of these candidates.
By decision of the Legislative Assembly, candidates for the position of Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall address the Legislative Assembly with programs of their forthcoming activities.
During the discussion, each deputy has the right to ask questions to the candidate, to campaign “for” and “against” the nominated candidate. The discussion of candidates for the position of Chairman of the Legislative Assembly may be broadcast by the mass media.
The discussion of candidates shall be terminated by a decision of the Legislative Assembly adopted by a simple majority of votes of the deputies present at the meeting.

Article 83. A candidate shall be deemed elected to the position of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly if, as a result of voting, he or she receives more than half of the votes of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly.
The Legislative Assembly may adopt a different voting procedure. If more than two candidates were nominated for the position of Chairman of the Legislative Assembly and not one of them did not receive the required number of votes for election, a second vote shall be held on the two candidates who received the highest number of votes.
If, again, no candidate obtains the required number of votes, a repeat election shall be held with new nominations. Previously nominated candidates may participate in the repeat election.
The decision to elect the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall be formalized by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 84. The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly may be recalled by the Legislative Assembly from office at any time.
The issue of recalling the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall be included in the agenda of the session of the Legislative Assembly on the initiative of the mandate committee and the deputy ethics committee or by decision of at least one third of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly. The initiative to recall shall be substantiated and confirmed by the facts that, in the opinion of the deputies, prevent the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly from further fulfillment of his powers.
Under these conditions, the issue of recalling the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall be included in the agenda.
When considering the issue of recalling the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, he shall be given the floor to speak.
Voting on the issue of recalling the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall be conducted in accordance with the procedure established by Article 80 of these Rules of Procedure.
The decision to recall the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall be adopted by a majority of at least two-thirds of votes of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 85. Early termination of the powers of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly may be made by the Legislative Assembly upon the application of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.
A resolution of the Legislative Assembly shall be adopted on the early termination of the powers of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 86. The Legislative Assembly at the first organizational meeting after the election elects the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly from among the deputies. The candidacy for election to the position of the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall be submitted by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.
The election of the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall be held by secret ballot using ballots in the manner prescribed by Articles 40 - 42 of these Rules of Procedure.
The procedure for discussion of a candidate nominated for the position of the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly is similar to the procedure for discussion of a candidate nominated for the position of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 87. A candidate shall be considered elected Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly if more than half of the deputies from the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly vote for him/her.
The Legislative Assembly shall adopt a resolution on the election of the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 88. If the nominee fails to receive the number of votes required for election, the Chairperson of the Legislative Assembly may reintroduce the nominee with additional arguments. If the nominee fails to receive the required number of votes, the Chairperson of the Legislative Assembly shall propose another nominee, on which a new discussion and vote shall be held.

Article 89. The powers of the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly may be terminated early at any time by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly adopted on the proposal of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 90. The issue of recalling the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly may be raised and resolved by the deputies of the Legislative Assembly in the manner prescribed by these Rules of Procedure for recalling the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly by a majority vote of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 91. By decision of the Legislative Assembly, several deputy chairpersons of the Legislative Assembly may be elected. The number of Deputy Chairpersons of the Legislative Assembly shall be determined by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 92. Chairman of the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the Law of the Omsk Region “On the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region”:
- convenes the sessions of the Legislative Assembly, informs the deputies of the time and place of their holding, as well as the draft agenda of the session of the Legislative Assembly;
- manages the preparation of sessions of the Legislative Assembly and issues submitted to the Legislative Assembly, organizes the work of the Council of the Legislative Assembly;
- conducts the sessions of the Legislative Assembly, organizes and controls the implementation of internal regulations in accordance with these Rules of Procedure; - Signs resolutions of the Legislative Assembly, minutes of sessions, documents of the Legislative Assembly;
- assists deputies in the exercise of their powers, organizes the provision of necessary information to them, considers issues related to the release of deputies from their official or work duties to exercise their powers in the Legislative Assembly, its bodies and constituencies;
- gives instructions to the committees and commissions of the Legislative Assembly to implement the decisions of the Legislative Assembly, ensures their cooperation;
- takes measures to ensure access to information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly and the study of public opinion on issues under the jurisdiction of the Legislative Assembly;
- in accordance with the resolutions of the Legislative Assembly provides public discussion of draft laws of the Omsk region and normative legal acts of the Legislative Assembly, as well as issues of public importance;
- exercises other powers in accordance with federal and regional legislation, decisions of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 93. The Deputy (deputies) Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall exercise (exercise) his/her powers in accordance with the following
with the distribution of duties between the Deputy Chairpersons of the Legislative Assembly established by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly and instructions of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.
In case of absence of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly or inability to fulfill his/her duties, his/her powers shall be exercised by the Deputy (one of the deputies) of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the distribution of duties between the deputies of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly established by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.


Article 93.1. The Chairman of the Control and Accounts Chamber of the Omsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Chamber), Deputy Chairman, auditors of the Chamber shall be appointed to their positions by the Legislative Assembly by secret ballot using ballots in the manner prescribed by Articles 40 - 42 of these Rules of Procedure.
Proposals on candidates for the positions of Chairman of the Chamber, Deputy Chairman of the Chamber shall be submitted to the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the legislation.

Article 93.2. Excluded.

Article 93.3. Not later than three months before the expiration of the term of office of the chairman, deputy chairman, and auditors of the Chamber from the Legislative Assembly, the Legislative Assembly shall adopt a resolution on the appointment of elections for the positions of chairman, deputy chairman, and auditors of the Chamber from the Legislative Assembly.

Article 93.4. The Legislative Assembly shall place on the official website of the Legislative Assembly on the Internet, as well as publish in the newspaper “Omsk Herald” information on the acceptance of documents of candidates for the positions of auditors of the Chamber from the Legislative Assembly.

Article 93.5. Preliminary consideration of candidates for the positions of chairman, deputy chairman and auditors of the Chamber from the Legislative Assembly shall be carried out by the Legislative Assembly Committee on Financial and Budgetary Policy (hereinafter in this chapter referred to as the Committee) with the participation of the chairmen (representatives) of the committees of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 93.6. The Legislative Assembly shall hear a report from the committee on the decision made on the candidates for the positions of chairman, deputy chairman, and auditors of the Chamber from the Legislative Assembly. Deputies have the right to ask questions and express their opinion on the nominees.

Article 93.7. If more than two candidates are nominated for the positions of Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Auditor of the Chamber and none of them received the required number of votes, a second vote shall be held for the two candidates who received the highest number of votes.
If, again, no candidate obtains the required number of votes, a run-off election shall be held in the manner provided for in this Chapter.

Article 93.8. The Governor of the Omsk region shall submit to the Legislative Assembly candidates for the position of auditor of the Chamber in accordance with the requirements established by law.
Deputies have the right to ask questions and express their opinion on the nominees.
All candidates for the position of auditor of the Chamber submitted by the Governor of the Omsk Region shall be included in the ballot for secret ballot.

Article 93.9. A candidate shall be considered to be appointed to the positions of Chairman, Deputy Chairman of the Chamber if a majority of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly voted in favor of his/her candidacy.
A candidate shall be considered appointed to the position of the Chamber's auditor if a majority of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly voted in favor of his/her candidacy.

Article 93.10.The decision on appointment to the positions of Chairman, Deputy Chairman, and Auditor of the Chamber shall be formalized by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly on the approval of the results of the secret ballot and appointment to the positions of Chairman, Deputy Chairman, and Auditor of the Chamber.


Article 93.11. A deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region who meets the requirements stipulated by the Federal Law of December 22, 2020 № 439-FZ “On the order of formation of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation” and who has submitted to the Legislative Assembly the documents specified by the above Federal Law may be a candidate for the powers of a senator of the Russian Federation - representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.

Article 93.12. Candidates for the powers of a Senator of the Russian Federation - representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall be submitted for consideration of the Legislative Assembly by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, a faction or a group of deputies numbering not less than one fifth of the total number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly. The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, a faction or a group of deputies shall have the right to submit for consideration of the Legislative Assembly no more than one candidate for the powers of a senator of the Russian Federation.

Article 93.13. Nomination of candidate(s) for the powers of a senator of the Russian Federation - representative from the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region is carried out at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly. The discussion is held on all candidates. The candidates included in the voting list, by decision of the Legislative Assembly shall be given the floor at the meeting to speak and answer questions of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly. The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, representatives of each faction, group of deputies who have nominated candidates have the right to speak for or against a candidate, after which the discussion is terminated.
After the nomination is completed, the presiding officer of the Legislative Assembly session shall announce the list of nominated candidates, question the candidates on their consent to the nomination. All nominated candidates, except for those who have recused themselves, shall be included in the list for voting. A recusal shall be accepted without a vote.

Article 93.14. The candidacy for the powers of a senator of the Russian Federation - representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall be empowered by secret ballot using ballots in the manner prescribed by Articles 40 - 42 of these Rules of Procedure. The Legislative Assembly may decide to hold an open vote in the manner prescribed by Article 39 of these Rules of Procedure.

Article 93.15. If two candidates have been nominated and none of the candidates has obtained the required number of votes of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly, the Legislative Assembly shall conduct a new nomination in accordance with this Chapter. At the same time, candidates who have been nominated earlier shall be allowed to be nominated. At the suggestion of deputies, the Legislative Assembly may suspend its work for additional consultations.
In the event that more than two candidates have been nominated and no candidate has received the required number of votes of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly, a vote shall be held on the two candidates who received the highest number of votes. In this case, each deputy may vote for only one candidate. If, even in this case, neither of the two candidates obtains the required number of votes, the Legislative Assembly shall conduct a new nomination of candidates in accordance with this Chapter.

Article 93.16. The decision on granting the powers of a senator of the Russian Federation - representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region is adopted in accordance with the Federal Law of December 22, 2020 № 439-FZ “On the order of formation of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation” and is formalized by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 93.17. The Legislative Assembly no later than the day following the day on which the decision on empowering a Senator of the Russian Federation comes into force shall send it to the Council of the Federation. The resolution of the Legislative Assembly on empowering a senator of the Russian Federation - representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall be placed on the official website of the Legislative Assembly on the Internet, as well as published in the newspaper “Omsk Herald”.

Article 93.17.1. The Legislative Assembly shall have the right to submit to the Council of Federation a proposal to recall a senator of the Russian Federation - representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region before the expiration of his term of office (hereinafter - the proposal to recall a senator).
A motion to recall a senator may not be made within one year of the effective date of the decision of the Legislative Assembly
on vesting the powers of a Senator of the Russian Federation - representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, as well as less than three months before the expiration of the term of office of such Senator.

Article 93.17.2. The issue of a proposal to recall a Senator may be submitted to the Legislative Assembly by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, a faction or a group of deputies numbering not less than one-fifth of the total number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly. In this case, the initiator of this issue shall submit to the Legislative Assembly in writing a motivated justification of the need to submit a proposal to recall a senator.

Article 93.17.3. The decision to submit a submission to the Federation Council on the recall of a senator is adopted by a majority vote of the total number of deputies by secret ballot using ballot papers
in accordance with the procedure defined in Articles 40 - 42 of this Regulation,
and shall be formalized by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 93.17.4. The resolution of the Legislative Assembly on the introduction of to the Council of Federation on the submission to the Council of Federation of a submission on the recall of a Senator shall be sent to the Council of Federation not later than the day following the day of its entry into force for consideration and decision on the early termination of the Senator's powers.

Article 93.17.5. If, based on the results of its consideration, the Council of Federation rejected the submission on the recall of a Senator, the Legislative Assembly may resubmit the submission on the recall of the Senator not earlier than six months from the date of the decision of the Council of Federation to reject the submission on the recall of the Senator, taking into account the time limits provided for in the second paragraph of Article 93.17.1 of these Rules of Procedure.

Article 93.17.6. In the event of early termination of the powers of a Senator of the Russian Federation - representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, the decision to empower a new Senator of the Russian Federation - representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region shall be adopted not later than one month from the date of early termination of the powers of the previous Senator in the manner prescribed by this Chapter.


Article 93.18. The Legislative Assembly shall adopt a resolution on the beginning of the procedure for the appointment of public representatives to the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region at least 2 months before the end of the term of office of the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region and shall place the said resolution on the official website of the Legislative Assembly on the Internet, as well as publish it in the newspaper “Omsk Herald”.

Article 93.19. A candidate for appointment as a public representative to the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region may be a citizen of the Russian Federation who meets the requirements established by Federal Law No. 30-FZ “On Bodies of the Judicial Community in the Russian Federation” dated March 14, 2002.

Article 93.20. Proposals on candidates for appointment of public representatives to the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region shall be submitted to the Legislative Assembly by public organizations of legal orientation and public organizations, the main statutory purpose of which is the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, having state registration in accordance with the Federal Law of May 19, 1995, No. 82-FZ “On Public Associations” (hereinafter - public organizations), as well as scientific and pedagogical teams of legal colleges and associations.
- minutes of the meeting, other document stipulated by the charter of the public organization, educational organization, on the nomination of the candidate;
- a statement from a candidate on consent to be appointed as a member of the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region;
- a statement of the candidate's curriculum vitae;
- a copy of the candidate's education document;
- written consent of the candidate to the processing of his/her personal data, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”.
Public organizations shall also submit copies of their statutory documents.

Article 93.21. Each educational organization has the right to submit to the Legislative Assembly no more than three candidates, each public organization - no more than one candidate.

Article 93.22. Upon the expiration of one month from the date of publication of the resolution of the Legislative Assembly on the beginning of the procedure for the appointment of public representatives to the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region, the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government shall consider the documents submitted in accordance with Article 93.20 of these Rules of Procedure, invite the candidates to a meeting of the Committee and decide on the submission of the relevant candidates to the Legislative Assembly. All candidates who meet the requirements established by Federal Law No. 30-FZ “On Bodies of the Judicial Community in the Russian Federation” dated March 14, 2002 shall be submitted to the Legislative Assembly.

Article 93.23. The appointment of public representatives to the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region shall be made at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly. The Legislative Assembly shall hear the report of the Chairman of the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government on the results of consideration by the Committee of the proposals received. Only the candidates submitted by the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government shall be considered at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 93.24.If no more than seven candidates are presented to the Legislative Assembly, voting shall be conducted using an electronic tallying system for each candidate individually.
If more than seven candidates are presented to the Legislative Assembly, a secret ballot shall be held using ballot papers in the manner prescribed in Articles 40 through 42 of these Rules of Procedure.

Article 93.25. If necessary, several rounds of secret balloting may be held.
In the first round of voting each deputy has seven positive votes (according to the number of public representatives in the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk region).
If in the first round of secret ballot the required number of public representatives to the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region is not elected, a second round of secret ballot shall be held for the candidates who received the highest number of votes (in this case, the candidates elected by the public representatives to the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region in the first round of secret ballot shall not be included in the ballot for secret ballot). In the event that several candidates received an equal number of votes sufficient to include at least one of them in the ballot for secret ballot, all candidates who received an equal number of votes shall be included in the ballot.
The number of positive votes a deputy has shall be reduced in each round by the number of elected public representatives to the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region.

Article 93.26. After each secret ballot, the Counting Committee shall prepare and announce the record of the ballot, indicating the votes cast for each candidate and the names of the candidates proposed for inclusion in the next secret ballot.

Article 93.27. Candidates who receive a majority of votes from the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly shall be considered elected.

Article 93.28. A resolution of the Legislative Assembly on the appointment of public representatives to the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region shall be adopted based on the voting results.
The resolution of the Legislative Assembly on the appointment of public representatives to the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region shall be posted on the official website of the Legislative Assembly on the Internet, as well as published in the newspaper “Omsk Herald”.

Article 93.29. If the Legislative Assembly fails to adopt a decision to appoint the established number of public representatives to the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region, the procedure for nomination of new candidates shall be conducted in accordance with the procedure established by this Chapter.
The Legislative Assembly shall adopt a resolution on the beginning of the procedure for the appointment of public representatives to the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region within one month from the date of voting.

Article 93.30. The powers of a public representative in the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region may be terminated ahead of schedule by decision of the Legislative Assembly in cases provided for by Federal Law No. 30-FZ “On Bodies of the Judicial Community in the Russian Federation” dated March 14, 2002.

Article 93.31. The resolution of the Legislative Assembly on early termination of the powers of the public representative in the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region shall be adopted by a majority of votes of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly and shall be sent to the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region.

Article 93.32. In case of early termination of powers of a public representative in the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region, but not later than six months before the end of the term of office of the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region, the Legislative Assembly shall appoint public representatives to replace the retired ones in the manner prescribed by this Chapter.
The Legislative Assembly shall adopt a resolution on the beginning of the procedure for the appointment of public representatives to the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region within two months from the date of termination of the powers of the public representative in the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Omsk Region.


Article 93.33. Proposals on candidates to the members of the Election Commission of the Omsk region (hereinafter - the Election Commission) from the Legislative Assembly are submitted to the Legislative Assembly in accordance with paragraph 5 of Article 23 of the Federal Law of June 12, 2002 № 67-FZ “On basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in the referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation”.

Article 93.34.The proposals received are considered by the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government, which summarizes and submits them to the Legislative Assembly for consideration.

Article 93.35. The Legislative Assembly shall hear the report of the Chairman of the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government on the results of consideration of the proposals received and shall take a decision on voting after an exchange of views on the nominees submitted.

Article 93.36. The members of the Election Commission from the Legislative Assembly shall be appointed by secret ballot using ballots in the manner prescribed by Articles 40 - 42 of these Rules of Procedure.

Article 93.37. Two ballots shall be produced for the secret ballot:
- Ballot No. 1 - for the candidates proposed:
political parties nominating lists of candidates admitted to the distribution of deputy mandates in the State Duma and the Legislative Assembly;
Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation;
- Ballot No. 2 - for the candidates proposed:
by other political parties;
by civic associations;
representative bodies of municipalities of the Omsk Oblast;
by the previous Election Commission.
The ballot paper for secret ballot shall include the names of the candidates, indicating by whom the proposal for each candidate was made.

Article 93.38. Candidates who receive a majority of votes from the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly shall be considered as appointed members of the Election Commission.

Article 93.39.If necessary, several rounds of secret balloting may be held.

Article 93.40. In the first round of voting, each deputy has seven positive votes (according to the number of members of the Election Committee appointed by the Legislative Assembly).

Article 93.41. If in the first round of secret ballot the required number of members of the Election Commission is not elected, a second round of secret ballot shall be held for seven candidates who received the largest number of votes (in this case, the candidates elected as members of the Election Commission in the first round of secret ballot shall not be included in the ballot). In the event that several candidates have received an equal number of votes sufficient to include at least one of them in the ballot for secret ballot, all candidates who received an equal number of votes shall be included in the ballot.
The number of positive votes a deputy has shall be reduced in each round by the number of Elections Committee members elected.

Article 93.42. After each secret ballot, the Counting Committee shall prepare and announce the record of the ballot, indicating the votes cast for each candidate and the names of the candidates proposed for inclusion in the next secret ballot.

Article 93.43. Based on the results of the secret ballot, a resolution of the Legislative Assembly on the appointment of members of the Election Commission from the Legislative Assembly is adopted.
The resolution of the Legislative Assembly on the appointment of members of the Election Commission from the Legislative Assembly is posted on the official website of the Legislative Assembly on the Internet, as well as published in the newspaper “Omsk Herald”.


Article 93.44. In accordance with Article 8 of the Omsk Oblast Law No. 1968-OZ of April 27, 2017 “On the Principles of Organization and Activity of the Public Chamber of the Omsk Oblast” The Legislative Assembly approves one third of the composition of the Public Chamber of the Omsk Region
(hereinafter referred to as the Public Chamber) upon submission of non-profit organizations registered in the territory of the Omsk Region, including regional public associations, not later than sixty days from the date of posting the information on the beginning of the procedure of forming a new composition of the Public Chamber.

Article 93.45. Not later than four months prior to the expiration of the term of office of the members of the Public Chamber, the Legislative Assembly shall, in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules of Procedure, place on its official website information on the beginning of the procedure for the formation of a new composition of the Public Chamber.

Article 93.46. The Legislative Assembly Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy (hereinafter in this chapter referred to as the Committee) shall be responsible for placing information on the beginning of the procedure for the formation of a new composition of the Public Chamber on the official website of the Legislative Assembly on the Internet, establishing the deadline and procedure for accepting proposals from organizations specified in Article 93.44 of these Rules of Procedure, as well as preliminary consideration of candidates to be included in the composition of the Public Chamber from the Legislative Assembly.

Article 93.47. Upon expiration of the deadline for receiving proposals from the organizations specified in Article 93.44 of these Rules of Procedure, the committee shall consider the documents submitted by the candidates, invite the candidates to a meeting of the committee and make a decision to submit the relevant candidates to the Legislative Assembly. All candidates who meet the requirements established by Federal Law No. 183-FZ of June 23, 2016 shall be submitted to the Legislative Assembly
“On General Principles of Organization and Activities of Public Chambers of the Subjects of the Russian Federation”. Candidates for members of the Public Chamber shall have the right to attend this meeting of the committee.

Article 93.48. A draft resolution of the Legislative Assembly on the approval of the members of the Public Chamber shall be submitted by the committee for consideration by the Legislative Assembly.
Candidates for members of the Public Chamber shall have the right to attend the meeting of the Legislative Assembly, at which the issue of approval of members of the Public Chamber will be considered. Candidates for members of the Public Chamber shall be notified of the date, time and place of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly.
The Legislative Assembly hears a report of the committee on the nominees submitted for inclusion in the Public Chamber from the Legislative Assembly. Deputies have the right to ask questions and express their opinion on the candidates.

Article 93.49. Members of the Public Chamber shall be approved by secret ballot using ballots in accordance with the procedure established by this Chapter. When voting, each deputy shall have ten positive votes (according to the number of members of the Public Chamber from the Legislative Assembly).
For secret ballot, ballot papers shall be prepared in the form and quantity established by the counting commission under the control of the counting commission. The counting commission shall inform the deputies about the voting procedure.

Article 93.50. If no more than ten candidates are submitted to the Legislative Assembly, a secret ballot using ballots shall be held. The names of candidates to the Public Chamber shall be entered in the ballot in alphabetical order. An empty square shall be placed to the right of each line of the list.
A ballot paper which does not contain marks in the squares opposite the names of candidates shall be considered invalid.
Candidates who receive a majority of votes from the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly shall be considered approved.

Article 93.51. If more than ten candidates are submitted to the Legislative Assembly, a secret ranking vote using ballots shall be held. The names of candidates to the Public Chamber shall be entered in the ballot in alphabetical order. An empty square shall be placed to the right of each line of the list.
A ballot paper which does not contain marks in the squares opposite the names of candidates, or in which the number of marks in the squares is greater than the number of positive votes each deputy has, shall be considered invalid.
If due to the equality of votes received by two or more candidates to the Public Chamber it is impossible to approve ten members of the Public Chamber, a second round of voting shall be held among the candidates who received an equal number of votes. In this case, the candidate who received the highest number of votes necessary for approval shall be considered an approved member of the Public Chamber.
After each secret ballot, the Counting Committee shall prepare and announce the record of the ballot, indicating the votes cast for each candidate and the names of the candidates proposed for inclusion in the next secret ballot.
The number of positive votes held by a deputy shall be reduced in the second round by the number of members of the Public Chamber from the Legislative Assembly elected in the first round.

Article 93.52. The decision of the Legislative Assembly to approve the members of the Public Chamber shall be formalized by a resolution adopted by a majority of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 93.53. In the event that the Legislative Assembly fails to adopt a decision to approve the established number of members of the Public Chamber, as well as in case of early termination of powers of a member of the Public Chamber approved by the Legislative Assembly, the approval of a new member (new members) of the Public Chamber shall be made in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules of Procedure.


Article 94. The Legislative Assembly, its committees (commissions), deputies within their competence shall exercise control over the execution of regional laws, resolutions and other acts of the Legislative Assembly.
Deputies, committees (commissions) shall be responsible for ensuring the control activity of the Legislative Assembly.
The Legislative Assembly, its committees (commissions) at their meetings periodically discuss the state of implementation of regional laws, resolutions and other acts of the Legislative Assembly.
The control functions of the Legislative Assembly may be exercised by appointing deputy investigations, conducting deputy inspections and hearings, making a deputy inquiry, appealing to the court in connection with the violation of regional legislation, as well as other forms provided for by law.

Article 95. A deputy of the Legislative Assembly shall make proposals on hearing at a session of the Legislative Assembly reports, communications of officials, information of any body accountable to or under the control of the Legislative Assembly; shall raise a question of confidence in the composition of the bodies formed or elected by the Legislative Assembly, as well as in the officials elected or approved by the Legislative Assembly.
A deputy or a group of deputies has the right to address with a request to the Governor of the Omsk region, the Chairman of the Government of the Omsk region (if such a position is established), members of the Government of the Omsk region, heads of executive authorities of the Omsk region (state bodies of the Omsk region, the decision to establish which was made by the Governor of the Omsk region in accordance with Article 58.1 of the Charter (Fundamental Law) of the Omsk region), heads of local self-government bodies of the Omsk region on the issues within the competence of the said bodies.
An appeal shall be submitted to the Legislative Assembly in writing and announced at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly. The decision of the Legislative Assembly to recognize an appeal as a deputy inquiry shall be adopted by a majority of votes of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly and shall be formalized by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly.
The body or official to whom the request is addressed shall respond to it orally (at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly) or in writing not later than 15 days from the date of its receipt or within any other period established by the Legislative Assembly.
A written request and a written reply to the request shall be read out by the chairperson of the meeting or otherwise made known. Debates may be opened during consideration of the request.
Based on the results of consideration of the request, the Legislative Assembly adopts a resolution.
In accordance with part 8 of article 11 of the Federal Law No. 414-FZ “On General Principles of Organization of Public Power in the Subjects of the Russian Federation” dated December 21, 2021 “On General Principles of Organization of Public Power in the Subjects of the Russian Federation” at the invitation of the Legislative Assembly, heads of executive authorities of the Omsk region, officials of local self-government of the Omsk region shall speak at the meetings of the Legislative Assembly and answer questions of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state and other secrets protected by law.
A deputy, a group of deputies shall have the right to address a question to a member of the Government of the Omsk region, a representative of the executive authority of the Omsk region, a representative of the local government of the Omsk region at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly.
The question shall be submitted in writing to the Legislative Assembly in advance, which shall be the basis for the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly to invite the person concerned to the meeting.
If an invited person is unable to attend a meeting of the Legislative Assembly, he/she shall give a written answer to the question asked. The answer of the said person shall be brought to the attention of the deputies at the session of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 95.1. In accordance with federal and regional legislation, the Legislative Assembly shall hear an annual report on the results of the Omsk Oblast Government, including on issues raised by the Legislative Assembly, submitted by the Governor of the Omsk Oblast or the Chairman of the Omsk Oblast Government (if such a position is established).
The date of consideration of the issue shall be set by agreement with the Governor of the Omsk Region.
Deputies annually send to the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government questions about the activities of the Omsk Oblast Government.
The Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government summarizes the received questions, forms a list of such questions and submits it for consideration at the meeting of the Legislative Assembly preceding the meeting at which it is planned to consider the annual report on the results of activity of the Government of the Omsk region.
The Legislative Assembly decides on the list of issues on the activities of the Government of the Omsk region introduced by the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government. The resolution with the list of issues on the activities of the Government of the Omsk region shall be sent to the Governor of the Omsk region or the Chairman of the Government of the Omsk region (if such a position is established).

Article 95.2. The Legislative Assembly shall hear the annual report of the head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Omsk region (hereinafter in this article - UMVD of Russia for the Omsk region) on the activities of the police of the UMVD of Russia for the Omsk region in accordance with the Federal Law “On Police”.
Upon agreement with the Legislative Assembly, the Head of the UMVD of Russia for the Omsk region may delegate the authority to conduct the report to his deputy - Chief of Police of the UMVD of Russia for the Omsk region. The Head of the UMVD of Russia in the Omsk region shall report to the Legislative Assembly on the activities of the police of the UMVD of Russia in the Omsk region once a year. The time, place and regulations of the report shall be coordinated with the Legislative Assembly by sending an appeal to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.
The report on the activities of the police of the UMVD of Russia in the Omsk region contains the information established in the Instruction on the organization and conduct of reports of officials of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from August 30, 2011 № 975. The report may reflect other issues as agreed with the Legislative Assembly. In this case, the issues are preliminarily considered by the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government. The Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government also carries out preliminary consideration of the information and analytical note of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Omsk region, received by the Legislative Assembly.
Following the results of consideration of the annual report of the Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for Omsk region, the Legislative Assembly adopts a resolution, the draft of which is prepared and submitted to the Legislative Assembly by the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government.
The resolution of the Legislative Assembly adopted on the results of consideration of the report of the head of the UMVD of Russia in the Omsk region shall be sent to the UMVD of Russia in the Omsk region within five days from the date of its adoption.

Article 95.3. The annual report of the Omsk Region Commissioner for Human Rights is sent to the Legislative Assembly no later than three months after the end of the calendar year.
The annual report of the Omsk Region Commissioner for Human Rights is preliminarily considered by the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government.
Based on the results of consideration of the annual report of the Omsk Oblast Commissioner for Human Rights, the Legislative Assembly adopts a resolution, the draft of which is prepared and submitted to the Legislative Assembly by the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government.
The annual report of the Omsk Region Commissioner for Human Rights is presented at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly by the Omsk Region Commissioner for Human Rights in person.

Article 95.4. The annual report of the Ombudsman for Children's Rights in the Omsk Region on the results of his activities, including an assessment of the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of children in the territory of the Omsk Region, as well as proposals to improve their legal status, submitted to the Legislative Assembly, is considered by the Committee on Social Policy.

Article 95.5. The annual report of the Commissioner for the Protection of Entrepreneurs' Rights in the Omsk region on the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of subjects of entrepreneurial activity in the Omsk region, received by the Legislative Assembly, is considered by the Committee on Economic Policy and Investments.

Article 95.6. In accordance with part 6 of Article 11 of the Federal Law No. 414-FZ “On General Principles of Organization of Public Power in the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation” dated December 21, 2021 “On General Principles of Organization of Public Power in the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation”, at the invitation of the Legislative Assembly, the head of the territorial body of the federal executive authority in the Omsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the territorial body) shall speak at the meetings of the Legislative Assembly with information on the activities of the territorial body and answer questions of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 95.7.The head of a territorial body shall be invited to a meeting of the Legislative Assembly on the initiative of a committee of the Legislative Assembly.
A decision of a committee of the Legislative Assembly on the need to invite the head of a territorial body to a meeting of the Legislative Assembly, indicating the topic of the speech of the head of the territorial body at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly, shall be sent to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 95.8. The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly at the next session of the Legislative Assembly shall inform the deputies of the initiative to invite the head of the territorial body to the session of the Legislative Assembly, appoint a committee responsible for preparing this issue for consideration at the session of the Legislative Assembly, and determine the deadline for sending written questions to the committee to the head of the territorial body.
The committee responsible for preparing this issue for consideration at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly shall summarize the questions received and form a list of questions.

Article 95.9. The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly shall send to the head of the territorial body an invitation to the meeting of the Legislative Assembly indicating the topic of the speech and the list of questions of the deputies not later than seven days prior to the day of the meeting.

Article 95.10. In case of impossibility to attend a meeting of the Legislative Assembly, the head of the territorial body shall notify the Legislative Assembly not later than two days prior to the day of the meeting, indicating the reason for the absence and specifying the official who can come to the meeting and answer the questions raised. In this case, the speech at the meeting of the said official or the possibility of the head of the territorial body to speak at another meeting of the Legislative Assembly shall be agreed upon.

Article 96. On the instructions of the Legislative Assembly and its bodies, a deputy shall participate in inspections of the implementation of normative legal acts adopted by the Legislative Assembly, organizations located on the territory of the Omsk region, their officials, as well as citizens. At the request of a deputy in the course of such inspections, organizations shall form commissions to study and consider the issues raised. The said commissions shall also include persons specified by the deputy.
The deputy shall inform the Legislative Assembly and its bodies about the results of the fulfillment of the assignments. If necessary, the deputy shall make proposals to the relevant competent bodies to eliminate the identified shortcomings, cancel illegal decisions, prosecute persons who have committed violations of laws, resolutions and other acts of the Legislative Assembly.
At the request of at least five deputies expressed in writing, by decision of a committee (commission), deputy association, the Legislative Assembly on issues within its competence shall appoint a deputy audit.
State authorities and their officials shall be obliged to provide the necessary assistance in conducting an inspection; at the request of the deputies, committee (commission), deputy association conducting the inspection, they shall be obliged to provide the information and documents necessary for an objective study of the issue. No one shall have the right to evade giving explanations to the deputies conducting the inspection.
When conducting an inspection, deputies shall not have the right to interfere in the procedural activities of the bodies of internal affairs, inquiry, preliminary investigation and court on cases of administrative offenses, criminal and civil cases in their proceedings.
The result of the deputy inspection shall be a reasoned opinion, which shall be considered by the Legislative Assembly or its bodies accordingly.


Article 96.1. In accordance with the Law of the Omsk region “On the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region” The Legislative Assembly shall hold deputy hearings on issues under its jurisdiction.
The deputy hearings shall discuss the issues referred to the jurisdiction of the Legislative Assembly by federal laws, the Charter (Fundamental Law) of the Omsk region, the Law of the Omsk region “On the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region”, other normative legal acts.

Article 96.2. Deputies' hearings shall be held by the Legislative Assembly at the initiative of the committees of the Legislative Assembly or by decision of the Legislative Assembly.
The organization and holding of deputy hearings shall be the responsibility of the relevant committee of the Legislative Assembly and the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly. Committees of the Legislative Assembly may jointly organize deputy hearings.
The terms and procedure for holding deputy hearings shall be established by the regulations of deputy hearings adopted by the committee of the Legislative Assembly organizing the deputy hearings.

Article 96.3. The deputy hearings are open to representatives of mass media, public associations and the public.
Information on the topic of the deputy hearings, time and place of the hearings shall be transmitted to the mass media no later than seven days prior to the start of the deputy hearings.
The composition of persons invited to the deputy hearings shall be determined by the committee of the Legislative Assembly that organizes the hearings.

Article 96.4. The deputy hearings shall be conducted by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly or, on their instructions, by the Chairman or Deputy Chairman of a committee of the Legislative Assembly.
The parliamentary hearings shall begin with a brief introductory speech by the chairperson of the parliamentary hearings, who shall inform about the substance of the issue under discussion, its importance, the order of the meeting and the composition of the invited persons. Then the floor is given to a person authorized by a committee of the Legislative Assembly to report on the issue under discussion, after which the deputies of the Legislative Assembly and invited persons participating in the parliamentary hearings speak.
All invited persons shall speak at the deputy hearings only with the permission of the presiding officer.
The speeches of the invited persons at the deputy hearings are followed by questions and answers of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly and other persons present. Questions may be asked both orally and in writing.
The chairperson of the deputy hearings shall monitor the order of discussion and make reports.
Invited persons have no right to interfere in the course of deputy hearings.
The presiding officer of the deputy hearings may remove persons violating the order of the deputy hearings from the meeting room.

Article 96.5. The deputy hearings shall be finalized by the adoption of recommendations on the issue under discussion. Recommendations of the deputy hearings are adopted by approval of the majority of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly who participated in the deputy hearings.
Recommendations of deputy hearings may be published in the mass media, posted on the official website of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 96.6. Deputies' hearings shall be recorded and stenographed. The minutes of the deputy hearings shall be signed by the chairperson of the deputy hearings.


Article 97. Representatives of political parties not represented in the Legislative Assembly shall be invited to a session of the Legislative Assembly once a year, regardless of whether regional branches of such political parties operate in the territory of the Omsk region.
Failure of a political party to participate in the relevant session shall not be grounds for holding an additional session of the Legislative Assembly with its participation.

Article 98. Notice of the place and time of a meeting of the Legislative Assembly with the participation of political parties not represented in the Legislative Assembly shall be posted on the official website of the Legislative Assembly on the Internet, as well as in the newspaper “Omsk Herald” not later than 30 days before the meeting.
Representatives of political parties not represented in the Legislative Assembly shall notify the Legislative Assembly in writing of their wish to participate in the session no later than 15 days prior to the day of the session.

Article 99. A session of the Legislative Assembly with the participation of political parties not represented in the Legislative Assembly shall begin with a brief introductory speech by the chairperson of such session, who shall inform about the substance of the issues to be discussed and the procedure for holding the session.

Article 100. At a session of the Legislative Assembly with the participation of political parties not represented in the Legislative Assembly, only those reports and proposals of political parties that are stated in the agenda of the session are heard and discussed.
The draft agenda of the meeting is formed on the basis of proposals of political parties submitted to the Legislative Assembly in writing with justification of the need to discuss them.
A decision on inclusion of an issue in the draft agenda of a session of the Legislative Assembly with the participation of political parties not represented in the Legislative Assembly shall be made by the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly.


Article 101. Legal, organizational, documentation, information, financial, material and technical support of the activities of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly, the Council of the Legislative Assembly, committees and commissions of the Legislative Assembly, the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, his deputy is carried out by the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 101.1. No more than two deputies of the Legislative Assembly may participate in the work of the regional tripartite commission on regulation of social and labor relations from the Legislative Assembly.
The personal composition of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly, participating in the work of the regional tripartite commission on regulation of social and labor relations, is determined by the Legislative Assembly on the recommendation of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region on economic policy and investment for the term of office of the Legislative Assembly. The decision on the personal composition of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly is formalized by the resolution of the Legislative Assembly.
The Legislative Assembly shall approve the candidacy of the coordinator of the regional tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations by adopting a relevant resolution.

Article 101.2. The representative of the Legislative Assembly in the Association “Council of Municipalities of the Omsk Region” is appointed by the Legislative Assembly on the recommendation of the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government for the term of office of the Legislative Assembly. The decision to appoint a representative of the Legislative Assembly in the Association “Council of Municipal Entities of the Omsk Region” is formalized by the resolution of the Legislative Assembly.
The resolution on the appointment of the representative of the Legislative Assembly in the Association “Council of Municipal Entities of the Omsk Region” shall be sent to the Association “Council of Municipal Entities of the Omsk Region” within five days from the date of adoption.

Article 102. Control over the observance of the Rules of Procedure at the meetings of the Legislative Assembly shall be exercised by the Secretariat of the Legislative Assembly.
Secretariat of the Legislative Assembly:
- monitors compliance with this Regulation and informs about every case of its violation;
- gives references, clarifications on issues arising in connection with the implementation of these Regulations;
- enjoys the right to make extraordinary speeches on the issues of its activity.

Article 103.A resolution amending these Regulations shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure set forth in Chapter III of these Regulations.

Article 104. Decisions of the Legislative Assembly adopted in violation of these Rules of Procedure shall be illegal and shall be subject to revocation.

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