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The Legislative Assembly completed its spring session
11 Jul 2024
On July 11, 2024, the last meeting of the regional parliament in the spring session took place. Deputies discussed bills on the transformation of settlements that are part of municipal districts, on the implementation of the regional budget for 2023 and other laws. Concluding the meeting, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Alexander Artemov noted that during the session 8 plenary meetings were held, at which more than 75 regional laws were adopted. At the same time, he emphasized: “We are responsible for ensuring that regional legislation works to achieve the goals set in the message of the President of the Russian Federation. This is the main priority in our work today.”
The Legislative Assembly completed its spring session

On July 11, 2024, the last meeting of the regional parliament in the spring session took place. Deputies discussed bills on the transformation of settlements that are part of municipal districts, on the implementation of the regional budget for 2023 and other laws. Concluding the meeting, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Alexander Artemov noted that during the session 8 plenary meetings were held, at which more than 75 regional laws were adopted. At the same time, he emphasized: “We are responsible for ensuring that regional legislation works to achieve the goals set in the message of the President of the Russian Federation. This is the main priority in our work today.”

Municipalities are changing status

Having considered the issues of appointment to the position of justice of the peace Omsk region and on the appointment to the position of auditor of the Chamber of Control and Accounts Omsk region, parliamentarians began discussing those included in the agenda bills.

A whole package of draft laws concerned the transformation settlements that are part of the corresponding municipal district of Omsk region, by merging them with the endowment of the newly formed municipal education with the status of a municipal district. During the meeting various speeches on these bills.  By Following a comprehensive discussion, parliamentarians decided to adopt laws in final reading in the previously submitted edition. The documents provide transformation of settlements in Gorky, Isilkulsky, Lyubinsky, Maryanovsky, Moskalensky, Nazyvaevsky and Tevrizsky municipal districts.

Full volume of priority funding socially significant obligations

In all readings, deputies adopted the Law of the Omsk Region "On execution of the regional budget for 2023." This draft law was discussed in detail at the meeting relevant committee of the regional parliament and at public hearings, held in the Legislative Assembly on July 2, 2024 with the participation of deputies regional parliament, members of the Government of the Omsk region, representatives regional ministries and departments, territorial state bodies authorities of the Russian Federation, local governments, the Chamber of Control and Accounts of Omsk region, residents of the city of Omsk and the media.

At the hearings it was noted that all the main parameters of the budget have been improved compared to plans. With growth by 2022, tax targets have been met and non-tax revenues. Priority priorities are fully funded socially significant obligations, including employee wages budgetary sphere, social payments to citizens, insurance contributions for compulsory medical insurance for the non-working population. The practice of operational providing subsidies to support measures to ensure balance local budgets.

The regional budget for 2023 was executed according to income in the amount of 145.6 billion rubles, which is 8.5 billion rubles more than in 2022, according to expenses - in the amount of 155.6 billion rubles (13.3 billion rubles more than in 2022 year). Regional budget expenditures per capita in 2023 amounted to 85,625.50 rubles.

Special attention was paid to the implementation of state programs of the Omsk region and national projects. In 2023, more than 26.9 billion rubles were allocated for national projects. This is 5.2 billion rubles more than in 2022.

Regional budget expenditures aimed at implementation of state programs of the Omsk region in 2023, compared with 2022 increased by 14.3 billion rubles. The most financially intensive state programs in 2023 - “Development of the education system of Omsk region" (22.9% of the total expenditures of the regional budget), "Development health care of the Omsk region" (17.4%), "Social support of the population" (15.6%), “Development of the transport system in the Omsk region” (11.8%).

Same with investment expenditures of the regional government increased compared to the level of the previous year budget. Expenses of the regional road fund amounted to 19.6 billion rubles.        

New laws

Having considered it in the first and second readings draft law No. 1752-7 "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region "On environmental protection in the Omsk region", deputies decided accept it as a whole. The document was prepared in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law of August 4, 2023 No. 469-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On natural healing resources, healing areas and resorts", certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and recognition certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation have lost force Federation", coming into force on September 1, 2024.

The specified Federal Law establishes, what is medical and recreational the area and resort may have federal or regional significance. Medical and recreational areas and local resorts are excluded, which can be recognized as therapeutic and recreational areas of the regional values ​​and resorts of regional importance.

Changes are also being made to the powers of government bodies authorities of the Russian Federation and state bodies authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In addition, the concept of a state register is clarified resort fund of Russia, the composition of information provided to it and placed in there are no documents. Maintaining the state register of the Russian resort fund The Federation falls within the competence of the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In order to bring the provisions of regional legislation into compliance with federal legislation, the specified regional law clarifies powers of the Government of the Omsk region and the executive authority of the Omsk region region authorized in the field of use and protection of natural medicinal resources, health-improving areas and resorts.

Parliamentarians accepted for consideration bill No. 1756-7 "On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region", developed in in order to create favorable conditions for conducting investment activities in the Omsk region by providing tax support to organizations that have entered into a special agreement with the Omsk region, as well as with the Omsk region together with the municipality of the Omsk region investment contract.

As part of the agenda of the meeting, a number of other bills and issues. These include draft laws No. 1744-7 “On introducing changes to article 1.1 of the Law of the Omsk region "On the implementation of reform local government on the territory of the Omsk region", "On the introduction amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region" and others.

Summed up

When all the issues on the agenda were considered, Alexander Artemov addressed those present:

"Dear colleagues! Today The next session ends

Briefly about some of its results. Since the beginning of the year, we have held 8 meetings of the Legislative Meetings. More than 75 laws of the Omsk region have been adopted. More than half of them belong to the competence of the committees on economic policy, social politics, legislation and local government.

We are experiencing an increase in the number of issues being considered on the agendas plenary sessions. I think everyone noticed this. This is caused by increased intensity of activity of the entire system of public administration in the region.

We are responsible for ensuring that regional legislation works for achieving the goals set in the message of the President of the Russian Federation. It's today the main priority in our work.

Both efficiency and quality are important here.

The set pace can be maintained thanks to the experience of the deputy corps and interaction with all participants in the legislative process.

I would especially like to say about constructive relations with the Governor Omsk region and the Government. We highly appreciate this. Just like the current one practice of working with the prosecutor's office, justice authorities, judicial and law enforcement systems.

Dear colleagues, let me remind you that in April of this year the Legislative Assembly celebrated the 30th anniversary of its activity.

The history of the regional parliament continues. We build our work based on on the traditions of all previous convocations. Every day new events happen, new plans are born.
Committees of the Legislative Assembly actively use the format of visiting meetings, round tables and working groups.

We support the most important draft federal laws, address the most pressing issues to the Government of the Russian Federation.

I would like to note such an important area of ​​our activity as interaction with local authorities.

Dear colleagues! Deputies go on parliamentary holidays, but this does not mean that the work is with us stops and we will rest. Work will continue in the districts.

We must always be close to voters, know people’s opinions, strive delve into all the problems that concern society and specific citizens.

The focus will continue to be on helping participants in the special military operations, support for their families. We will continue to help new regions of the Russian Federation.

I think this is our common position, our duty to the country and fellow countrymen.
Thank you very much for your attention.

The next meeting of the Legislative Assembly will take place on September 26. Session of the Legislative Assembly I declare the Omsk region closed."

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