Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Alexander Artemov visited the ceremonial events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge and the opening of educational institutions - the Omaviat engineering lyceum and the school "Center for Elite Engineering Education" PJSC "ONHP".

The beginning of the school year coincided with a solemn
opening of engineering
Lyceum "Omaviat" A new educational institution built within the framework of
national project initiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin
"Education" is a structural subdivision of the budgetary professional
Institution of the Omsk region "Omsk Aviation College named after N.E.
Zhukovsky". Patronage of an educational institution
taken by the state corporation
on space activities
Happy disciples day,
teachers and parents were congratulated by honored guests: speaker of the regional parliament Alexander Artemov, Governor of Omsk
region Vitaly Khotsenko, senators, deputies of the State
Duma, regional parliament, members of the Government of the Omsk region, leaders
industrial enterprises and members of the institution's Board of Trustees. The general took part in the teleconference
Director of the state corporation "Roscosmos" Yuri Borisov.
Head of Roscosmos
Yuri Borisov expressed confidence that today’s event will become a new stage in
development of education in the region and young talents seeking to connect their destiny with
aviation, space, technology and science.
to those gathered, Governor Vitaly Khotsenko emphasized that in the engineering lyceum
all conditions have been created that will instill in children an interest in engineering
professions, love for aviation and space.

Alexander spoke to the students and teachers
"It is symbolic that in the decade
technology and science, which was announced by Russian President Vladimir Putin,
we are opening an engineering lyceum. Considering the economic and strategic
situation, there is no more important task than technological sovereignty. Preparation
engineering personnel is the main thing in achieving technological sovereignty.
The Government of the Omsk Region, headed by Governor Vitaly Khotsenko, team
The Ministry of Education makes a great contribution to achieving this goal, including
including thanks to the decisions to create an engineering lyceum."

A ceremony was held for the honorary delegation
sightseeing tour of the new building. The guests visited the offices of intellectual
robotic, satellite and aerospace systems, visited the sports
hall, dining room and modeling room. At the Lyceum
special "space" classes and workshops are equipped, where there is
everything necessary for specialized classes: sets “Rocket Science”, “Solid Fuel
rockets", "Space data", module "Water rockets",
soldering stations, 3D scanner, telescopes, Hangar models, themed
stands and various tools.
Education at the engineering lyceum will be aimed at the development of engineering education and the formation of engineering culture
students, motivation of schoolchildren to choose professional activities in
engineering industry. The educational model at the lyceum provides
combination of teaching schoolchildren with research activities in universities and
industrial practice at partner enterprises.
This year in engineering
The lyceum admitted 140 first-graders. Each of them received a branded
a backpack with a set of stationery, like all first-year students
classes in the Omsk region.
It is worth noting that from September the Omsk region begins
implementation of the concept for the development of engineering education "Territory
advanced development of engineering education for 2024 – 2027"
(TORIO), aimed at achieving the strategic objective outlined
President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

President of Russia
Vladimir Putin has repeatedly emphasized that the training of future engineers is a priority of the state, in
Recently, much and right attention has been paid to the creation of engineering schools and
training of appropriate personnel, which will ensure technological
sovereignty of the country.
The day before, on September 1, another school was opened in Omsk
engineering focus - "Center for Elite Engineering Education"

Alexander Artemov together with deputies Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region and
Omsk City Council, representatives of the Government of the Omsk region,
heads of companies, members of public organizations in the region accepted
participation in the grand opening of the school.
Speaker of the regional parliament
congratulated schoolchildren, teachers and parents on this significant day:
"The school is a modern center. In
it will train and educate future engineers who can work on
perspective, introduce new knowledge and technologies into
design, technological and engineering solutions. Center in all processes
of its activities is integrated into the cycles of the enterprise as a whole - from corporate
culture before production."

The "Center for Elite Engineering Education" will be preparing
engineering personnel, development of research, natural science activities,
in-depth study of algebra, geometry, physics. Particular attention will be paid
basic laws of mechanics, drawing and engineering graphics, programming and
technologies of training and application of artificial intelligence.