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APPROVED by the decision of the Youth Chamber of Deputies
under the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region
of February 9, 2010

Regulations of the Youth Chamber of Deputies
under the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region

Chapter 1. General Provisions

Article 1. The Youth Chamber of Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Youth Chamber of Deputies) as an advisory body to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region is an association of young deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region and representative bodies of the urban district and municipal districts of the Omsk Region.

Article 2. The organization of the work of the Youth Chamber of Deputies is determined by the Regulation on the Youth Chamber of Deputies, approved by the resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation on the Youth Chamber of Deputies), and these Rules.

Article 3. The Youth Chamber of Deputies organizes its work on the basis of collective, free, businesslike discussion of issues, transparency, and consideration of public opinion.

Article 4. The interaction of the Youth Chamber of Deputies with the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Legislative Assembly) is ensured by the Chairman of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.
In accordance with the Regulation on the Youth Chamber of Deputies, the Chairman of the Youth Chamber of Deputies annually submits information on the activities of the Youth Chamber of Deputies to the Legislative Assembly.
At the suggestion of the relevant committees of the Legislative Assembly, members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies participate in the activities of commissions (working groups) formed to prepare draft laws and draft decisions of the committees of the Legislative Assembly.

Article 5. The structure and procedure for the formation of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are determined by the Regulation on the Youth Chamber of Deputies.

Article 6. The Chairman, Deputy Chairmen, and Executive Secretary of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are elected from among the members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies in the manner established by the Regulation on the Youth Chamber of Deputies, every 2.5 years.

Article 7.The grounds for early termination of powers of a member of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are:
- a written statement of a member of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- termination of deputy powers by a member of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- absence from meetings of the Youth Chamber of Deputies without good reason.
The decision to terminate the powers of a member of the Youth Chamber of Deputies is taken at the next meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies. The powers of a member of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are terminated from the day determined in the decision of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.

Chapter 2. Powers of the Chairman, Deputy Chairmen, and Executive Secretary of the Youth Chamber of Deputies

Article 8. Chairman of the Youth Chamber of Deputies:
- ensures the organization of the work of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- chairs the meetings of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- coordinates the preparation of materials and draft documents for the meetings of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- determines the composition of the Youth Chamber of Deputies invited to the meetings;
- signs the decisions of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- ensures the registration and storage of documents of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- organizes and monitors the implementation of the decisions of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- represents the Youth Chamber of Deputies in relations with the Legislative Assembly.

Article 9. Deputy Chairmen of the Youth Chamber of Deputies:
- on the instructions of the Chairman of the Youth Chamber of Deputies, in his absence, hold meetings of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- organize preparation for meetings of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- organize work between meetings of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- within the limits of their authority, coordinate the activities of members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies in fulfilling the instructions of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.

Article 10. The Executive Secretary of the Youth Chamber of Deputies:
- organizes notification of members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies about the upcoming meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- provides members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies with the necessary materials and information about the meetings of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- organizes the management of the records of the Youth Chamber of Deputies, keeping minutes of the meetings of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- signs the minutes of the meetings of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- performs other functions assigned to the executive secretary by the decision of the Youth Chamber of Deputies, the Chairman of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.

Chapter 3. Procedure of work of the Youth Chamber of Deputies

Article 11. The Youth Chamber of Deputies holds its meetings and organizes its work based on long-term and current plans. Long-term planning is carried out by adopting a work plan for the Youth Chamber of Deputies for the year based on proposals from members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies. The preparation of a draft work plan for the Youth Chamber of Deputies for the year is assigned to the deputy chairmen of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.
In accordance with the work plan of the Youth Chamber of Deputies for the year, current plans for the main events of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are formed.

Article 12. The general management of the formation of work plans of the Youth Chamber of Deputies and their coordination with the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy of the Legislative Assembly is carried out by the Chairman of the Youth Chamber of Deputies. The work plan of the Youth Chamber of Deputies for the year is approved at a meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies present at the meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.

Article 13. The Youth Chamber of Deputies holds regular meetings three times a year.
The decision to hold a regular meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies is made by the Chairman of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.
If necessary, additional meetings of the Youth Chamber of Deputies may be held. An additional meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies is convened by the Chairman of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.

Article 14. The meetings of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are open. The meetings of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are valid if at least half of the total number of members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are present.
Registration of members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies is carried out at the beginning of the meeting.

Article 15.The draft agenda of the meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies is formed by the Chairman of the Youth Chamber of Deputies. The draft agenda of the meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies indicates the issues proposed for consideration at the meeting, the names of those speaking with a report and co-report.
The agenda of the meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies is approved by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies present at the meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.

Article 16.The Chairperson of the meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies:
- opens and closes the meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- chairs the meeting, monitors compliance with the Rules of Procedure and the adopted agenda of the meeting;
- gives the floor to speak in the order of receipt of applications in accordance with the agenda of the meeting;
- announces written statements and certificates of members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- gives the floor to members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies for oral questions, proposals and statements, as well as on the order of conducting the meeting;
- puts to the vote each proposal of members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies in the order of receipt;
- conducts the vote and announces its results;
- ensures the implementation of organizational decisions of the Youth Chamber of Deputies and order at the meeting;
- gives instructions on issues of ensuring the holding of the meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies;
- signs decisions taken by the Youth Chamber of Deputies.

Article 17. Members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies have the right to participate in debates, make proposals and comments on the substance of the issues under discussion, propose candidates and express their opinions on the candidates of persons elected by the Youth Chamber of Deputies, ask questions, provide information, and also enjoy other rights established by these Rules.

Article 18. The Youth Chamber of Deputies adopts its acts in the form of decisions.

Article 19. When voting on each issue, a member of the Youth Chamber of Deputies has one vote.
After the vote count is completed, the chairperson of the meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies announces the results of the vote, informing those present at the meeting about the acceptance or rejection of the decision.
Decisions of the Youth Chamber of Deputies are considered adopted if more than half of the total number of members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies present at the meeting voted for them.
The results of the voting are entered into the minutes of the meeting.
If errors are detected in the vote counting and the voting procedure is violated, a repeat vote is held by decision of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.
On procedural issues, decisions are made by a majority vote of the members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies present at the meeting.

Article 20. Minutes are kept at each meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.
The protocol specifies:
- date and place of the meeting;
- last name and initials of the person chairing the meeting;
- number of members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies present at the meeting;
- positions, last names and initials of persons invited to the meeting;
- agenda of the meeting indicating the last name and initials of the speaker and co-speaker for each issue;
- last names and initials of members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies who spoke in the debate or made proposals with a brief summary of the speech;
- voting results on each issue on the agenda of the meeting.

Article 21. The minutes of the meeting are drawn up no later than three days after the meeting and are signed by the secretary of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.
The completed and signed minutes of the meetings are sent for safekeeping to the Chairman of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.

Chapter 4. Final Provisions

Article 22. Changes and additions to these Regulations shall be adopted by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies present at the meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies.

Article 23. These Regulations shall enter into force on the day of their adoption by the Youth Chamber of Deputies.

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