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Attention! The competition!


to the order of the Chairman
Legislative Assembly
Omsk region
No. 54-od dated June 11, 2010

PROCEDURE for organizing access and control over ensuring access to information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region

  1. The organization of access to information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (hereinafter also referred to as information) is provided by the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Legislative Assembly).
  2. The publication (publication) by the Legislative Assembly of information about its activities in the official print edition of the Legislative Assembly "Vedomosti of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region" and other media is ensured in accordance with federal and regional legislation. Interaction with the media on the provision of information is carried out by the press center.
  3. Information posted on the official website of the Legislative Assembly on the Internet is prepared and submitted to the press center in electronic form by structural units of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly in accordance with the appendix to this Procedure. Information technology support of the official website of the Legislative Assembly is provided by the information technology department. The functions of the administrator for posting information on the site are assigned to the press center.
  4. The organization of direct video broadcasting of meetings of the Legislative Assembly is carried out by the information technology department.
  5. Providing the user with information the opportunity to get acquainted with the information in the premises occupied by the Legislative Assembly is provided by the information and analytical sector.
  6. The information posted on the stand in the lobby of the first floor of the building of the Legislative Assembly is kept up to date by the information and analytical sector and the sector for citizens' appeals.
  7. The organization of accommodation of citizens (individuals) who have expressed a desire to attend meetings of the Legislative Assembly and its committees (commissions), including representatives of organizations (legal entities), public associations, state bodies and local self-government bodies, is entrusted to the department of organizational support for meetings of the Legislative Assembly and its committees.
  8. Provision of information to users upon their request is provided in accordance with this Procedure and the Regulations for working with documents in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
  9. Registration and consideration of written requests and provision of information on requests are carried out in accordance with the requirements established by Articles 18 − 22 of Federal Law No. 8-FZ of February 9, 2009 "On Ensuring Access to Information on the Activities of State Bodies and Local Self-Government Bodies," and in the manner prescribed by the Regulations for working with documents in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
  10. In oral form, information is provided to users by information in the sector on citizens' appeals during the reception, as well as by calling the information and analytical sector (79-93-29) and the sector on citizens' appeals (24-81-09).
  11. An oral request received at a personal reception or by the numbers specified in paragraph 10 of this Procedure regarding the activities of the Legislative Assembly is registered by the relevant unit in the "Delo" automated document management and document management system on the day of receipt, indicating the date and time of receipt. If the necessary information is available, it is provided orally with an appropriate note on this in the electronic registration card.
  12. In the absence of information, the received oral request is considered in the manner prescribed for requests made in writing.
  13. The response to the verbal request can be provided by telephone, sent to the user by information by mail or transmitted over public communication networks.
  14. If the provision of the requested information does not relate to the activities of the Legislative Assembly, the user of the information is given an explanation of where and in what order he should apply.
  15. Control over the provision of access to information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly is carried out in accordance with paragraphs 22 − 24 of the Regulation on the organization of access to information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, approved by Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region dated April 26, 2010 No. 126.
  16. Current control over the implementation of this Procedure is carried out by the information and analytical sector, including in the form of inspections of the activities of structural units of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly for the timely and complete formation of information on the issues of its conduct, providing responses to requests from users of information.
  17. Inspections are carried out on behalf of the head of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly. Based on the results of inspections, statistical data are prepared on the execution of requests, the presence of citizens at meetings of the Legislative Assembly, its committees (commissions), as well as proposals for improving work in the field of providing access to information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly.

to Access and Control Procedure
ensuring access to information on activities

STRUCTURAL DIVISIONS of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region responsible for preparing information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, posted on the official website of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on the Internet

Information category
Placement frequency
Structural subdivision of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region responsible for the preparation of information
1. General information about the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Legislative Assembly)
Full name, structure of the Legislative Assembly, postal address, e-mail address, telephone numbers of the reception of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, chairmen of committees (commissions) of the Legislative Assembly, heads of deputy groups (factions) in the Legislative Assembly, heads of structural divisions of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly, phone number for information
Kept up to date
Public Service and Human Resources Sector
History of the Legislative Assembly
Kept up to date
Press center
Information on the powers of the Legislative Assembly, tasks and functions of its structural divisions, as well as texts of laws and other regulatory legal acts defining these powers, tasks and functions
Kept up to date
Department of legal support of the activities of the Legislative Assembly and its committees
Information on the powers of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly, as well as the texts of regulatory legal acts defining these powers, tasks and functions
Kept up to date
Public Service and Human Resources Sector
Information about the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, heads of structural divisions, deputies of the Legislative Assembly (surname, name, patronymic, as well as with the consent of these persons - other information about them)
Within three business days of the change of information
Public Service and Human Resources Sector
Electoral district scheme for the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly
Within three business days of the change of information
Information and analytical sector
Postal addresses of deputies of the Legislative Assembly in constituencies, email addresses, phone numbers
Within three business days of the change of information
Sector for citizens' appeals; public service and human resources sector
Information on mass media founded (co-founded) by the Legislative Assembly
Within three business days from the date of registration of the mass media
Press center
Information on bodies and organizations formed under the Legislative Assembly (list, functions, contact information)
Kept up to date
Public Service and Human Resources Sector
2. Information on the normative activities of the Legislative Assembly
Normative legal acts adopted by the Legislative Assembly, including information on amending them, invalidating them, invalidating them by the court
Kept up to date
Department of linguistic expertise and systematization of legislation
Texts of draft regulatory legal acts submitted to the Legislative Assembly
Within three business days from the date of submission to the Legislative Assembly
Documentation Support Division
Legislative Assembly Legislative Work Plan
Kept up to date
Organizational Support Department for Meetings of the Legislative Assembly and its Committees
Procedure for appealing regulatory legal acts and other decisions adopted by the Legislative Assembly
Kept up to date
Department of legal support of the activities of the Legislative Assembly and its committees
Requirements for the content and form of draft documents adopted by the Legislative Assembly for consideration in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts
Kept up to date
Department of linguistic expertise and systematization of legislation
3. Information on the current activities of the Legislative Assembly
Information on meetings of the Legislative Assembly and its committees (commissions):
- announcements of meetings of the Legislative Assembly, its committees (commissions), working groups;
- information on resolutions adopted by the Legislative Assembly, resolutions of committees (commissions),
Within three business days preceding the day of the meeting;
within three days from the date of signing of resolutions, decisions
Press center; information and analytical sector
Information on the participation of the Legislative Assembly in programs, international cooperation, as well as events held by the Legislative Assembly, including information on official visits and working trips of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly and official delegations of the Legislative Assembly
Kept up to date
Press center
Texts of official speeches and statements of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly
Kept up to date
Press center
Information on the interaction of the Legislative Assembly with federal state authorities, executive authorities of the Omsk Region, state authorities of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, public associations, political parties, trade unions and other organizations
Kept up to date
Department for ensuring interaction with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities; organizational support department for meetings of the Legislative Assembly and its committees; information and analytical sector
Information on the results of inspections carried out by the Legislative Assembly within its powers, as well as on the results of inspections carried out in the Legislative Assembly
Within three working days from the date of approval of the document on the results of the audit
Division of organizational support for meetings of the Legislative Assembly and its committees; assurance management
Information on the procedure for accreditation of journalists at the Legislative Assembly
Kept up to date
Press center
4. Statistical information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly
Statistics and indicators characterizing the activities of the Legislative Assembly
Kept up to date
Information and analytical sector
Information on the use of allocated budget funds by the Legislative Assembly
Not later than the twentieth day of the month following the reporting financial year
Accounting and Reporting Sector
5. Information on staffing of the Legislative Assembly
Procedure for admission of citizens to the state civil service of the Omsk region
Kept up to date
Public Service and Human Resources Sector
Information on vacant positions of the state civil service of the Omsk region available in the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly
Kept up to date
Public Service and Human Resources Sector
Qualification requirements for candidates for filling vacant positions of the state civil service of the Omsk region in the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly
Kept up to date
Public Service and Human Resources Sector
Conditions and results of tenders for filling vacant positions of the state civil service of the Omsk region in the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly
Under the terms of the competition, within one working day from the date of the official publication of the announcement of the acceptance of documents for participation in the competition in the newspaper Omsky Vestnik; according to the results of the competition - online
Public Service and Human Resources Sector
Telephone numbers for information on filling vacancies in the Legislative Assembly
Kept up to date
Public Service and Human Resources Sector
6. Information on the work of the Legislative Assembly with appeals of citizens (individuals), organizations (legal entities), public associations, state bodies, local self-government bodies
Procedure for consideration of appeals of citizens (individuals), organizations (legal entities), public associations, state bodies, local self-government bodies in the Legislative Assembly
Kept up to date
Documentation Support Division; sector for citizens' appeals
Schedule of reception of citizens (individuals), including representatives of organizations (legal entities), public associations, state bodies, local authorities, in the Legislative Assembly
Kept up to date
Information and analytical sector; sector for citizens' appeals
Surname, name, patronymic of the official, whose powers include the organization of reception of citizens (individuals), including representatives of organizations (legal entities), public associations, state bodies and local self-government bodies, and ensuring the consideration of their appeals; telephone number of the sector for the appeal of citizens of the support department
Kept up to date
Information and analytical sector; sector for citizens' appeals
Reviews of appeals of citizens (individuals), including representatives of organizations (legal entities), public associations, state bodies and local self-government bodies, as well as generalized information on the results of consideration of these appeals and measures taken
Once every six months
Sector for citizens' appeals; information and analytical sector
Procedure for organization of access and control over provision of access to information on activities of the Legislative Assembly
Kept up to date
Information and analytical sector
7. Other information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Omsk region


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