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Attention! The competition!

  July 15, 1994    N 2-OZ


List of amending documents
(in edition of the Laws of the Omsk region from 07.07.1999 № 204-OZ,
dated 18.12.2001 No. 324-OZ, dated 10.10.2002 No. 400-OZ, dated 15.12.2002 No. 413-OZ,
dated 10.02.2004 No. 508-OZ, dated 03.11.2004 No. 556-OZ, dated 22.12.2004 No. 604-OZ,
dated 08.04.2005 No. 625-OZ, dated 31.10.2006 No. 798-OZ, dated 08.10.2007 No. 952-OZ,
dated 23.11.2007 No. 974-OZ, dated 06.02.2008 No. 1006-OZ, dated 26.12.2008 No. 1114-OZ,
dated 28.07.2010 № 1279-OZ, dated 02.06.2011 № 1351-OZ, dated 23.12.2011 № 1422-OZ,
dated 10.04.2012 No. 1436-OZ, dated 31.07.2012 No. 1464-OZ, dated 08.04.2013 No. 1522-OZ,
dated 08.04.2013 No. 1526-OZ, dated 08.04.2013 No. 1530-OZ, dated 03.06.2013 No. 1544-OZ,
dated 25.12.2014 No. 1710-OZ, dated 16.12.2015 No. 1828-OZ, dated 29.04.2016 No. 1867-OZ,
dated 22.03.2018 No. 2056-OZ, dated 24.03.2021 No. 2364-OZ, dated 15.07.2021 No. 2405-OZ,
of 24.10.2022 No. 2517-OZ, of 29.03.2023 No. 2577-OZ)

The words "Section I. General Provisions" are deleted. - Law of the Omsk region of 10.02.2004 No. 508-OZ.


Article 1: Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region

The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region is a permanent supreme and the only legislative (representative) body of state power of the Omsk region, the status of which is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal law, the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk region and this Law.
(ed. Laws of Omsk region from 18.12.2001 N 324-OZ, from 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ)

Article 2: Competence of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region
(as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 18.12.2001 N 324-OZ)

  1. The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region carries out legislative regulation on subjects of jurisdiction of the Omsk region, as well as on subjects of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the Omsk region within the authority of the Omsk region.
    (in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 10.10.2002 N 400-OZ)
  2. The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in accordance with the Charter (Fundamental Law) of the Omsk region and the regional law exercises, along with other authorized public authorities, control over the observance and execution of regional laws, execution of the regional budget, execution of the budget of the territorial state extra-budgetary fund, observance of the established order of disposition of the property of the Omsk region.
    (ed. Laws of Omsk region from 26.12.2008 N 1114-OZ, from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)

Article 3: Legal Basis of the Activity of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region

The activity of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall be based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, the Charter (Fundamental Law) of the Omsk region, this Law and other normative legal acts of the Omsk region.
(ed. Laws of Omsk region from 10.10.2002 N 400-OZ, from 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ, from 23.12.2011 N 1422-OZ)

Article 4 Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region dated 26.12.2008 N 1114-OZ.

Chapter 5: Interaction of Bodies that Make Up the Unified System of Public Power in the Omsk Region
(as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)

  1. The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation shall exercise legislative power independently within its competence.
  2. The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region and other bodies that are part of the unified system of public authority in the Omsk region shall interact in order to create conditions for ensuring sustainable and comprehensive socio-economic development within the territory of the Omsk region.
  3. Participation of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in solving the tasks of local self-government is determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal law establishing general principles of organization of local self-government, other federal laws and the laws of the Omsk region adopted in accordance with them.

Article 6: The right of legislative initiative in the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
(as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)

  1. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region has the right of legislative initiative in the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
  2. The right of legislative initiative shall be exercised by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region through the submission of draft laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, draft federal constitutional laws, draft federal laws (hereinafter - bills) to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the State Duma) and amendments to the bills under consideration by the State Duma.
  3. The right of legislative initiative shall be exercised by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in the manner prescribed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, Regulations of the State Duma, regional laws, Regulations of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
  4. Subjects of the right of legislative initiative in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, specified in Article 40 of the Charter (Fundamental Law) of the Omsk region, have the right to submit to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region a proposal for legislative initiative in the State Duma. The said proposal shall be accompanied by a draft law or amendments to the draft law, formalized in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the State Duma.
  5. In case of violation by the subject of the right of legislative initiative of the order of its introduction, provided by this article, this legislative initiative shall not be considered by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.

Article 7: The right of legislative initiative
(amended by the Law of the Omsk region dated 07.07.1999 N 204-OZ)

  1. The right of legislative initiative in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region belongs to the subjects defined by the federal law, the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk region.
    (para. 1 in wording of the Law of Omsk region from 26.12.2008 N 1114-OZ)
  2. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ.
  3. Draft laws of the Omsk region shall be submitted to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region. Draft laws of the Omsk region, introduced by the Governor of the Omsk region, are considered on his proposal in the priority order.
    (ed. Laws of Omsk region from 18.12.2001 N 324-OZ, from 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ, from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
  4. Draft laws of the Omsk region on establishment, on introduction or termination of taxes (fees), on change of tax rates (rates of fees), procedure and term of payment of taxes (fees), establishment (cancellation) of tax benefits (benefits on fees) and (or) grounds and procedure of their application, other draft laws of the Omsk region, providing for expenses, financial support of which is carried out at the expense of the regional budget, are considered by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region on the proposal of the Governor of the Omsk region or by the Governor of the Omsk region or by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region. This conclusion is submitted to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region within the term established by the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk region.
    (para. 4 in wording of the Law of Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)

Article 8: The right of a legal person

The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region has the rights of a legal entity, has separate property, its own sources of funding from the budget, personal accounts, stamp seal, other seals, stamps, letterheads and other requisites with the state symbols of the Omsk region.
(ed. Laws of Omsk region from 10.10.2002 N 400-OZ, from 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ, from 22.12.2004 N 604-OZ, from 26.12.2008 N 1114-OZ)

The words "Section II. Structure and organizational basis of the Legislative Assembly" are excluded. - The Law of the Omsk region from 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ.


Article 9: Procedure for the formation of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region
(as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ)

  1. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region are elected by citizens of the Russian Federation living on the territory of the Omsk region and possessing active suffrage, on the basis of universal equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, the Charter (Fundamental Law) of the Omsk region, regional laws. The procedure for the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall be established by the regional law.
    (ed. Laws of Omsk region from 10.10.2002 N 400-OZ, from 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ, from 23.12.2011 N 1422-OZ, from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
  2. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region dated 29.04.2016 N 1867-OZ.
  3. Repealed. - Law of the Omsk region from 07.07.1999 N 204-OZ.
  4. Repealed. - Law of the Omsk region from 07.07.1999 N 204-OZ.

Article 10. Procedure for the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region

  1. The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall be entitled to exercise its powers if at least two thirds of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region are elected to it.
    (para. 1 in the wording of the Law of Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
  2. The newly elected Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall meet for the first session not later than three weeks after the election of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in a legally competent composition. The Governor of the Omsk region may call the first meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region before the expiration of this term.
    (ed. Laws of Omsk region from 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ, from 23.12.2011 N 1422-OZ, from 10.04.2012 N 1436-OZ)
  3. The first session of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region is opened by the oldest deputy.
  4. Excluded. - Law of Omsk region dated 06.02.2008 N 1006-OZ.


Article 11. Convening and conduct of meetings
  1. The main form of activity of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region is a session at which the issues referred by the current legislation to the jurisdiction of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region are resolved.
    (ed. Laws of the Omsk region dated 07.07.1999 N 204-OZ, dated 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ)
  2. Regular meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region shall be held at least once a month.
    Extraordinary sessions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region may be held on the initiative of at least one third of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, the Governor of the Omsk region.
    (as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    2.1. In exceptional cases, if it is necessary to promptly adopt a resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region of non-normative nature, an extraordinary session of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region may be held by absentee voting in the form of a poll of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region. The procedure of absentee voting shall be determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
    (item 2.1 introduced by the Law of the Omsk Oblast dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
  3. In meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region have the right to participate, including to speak, senators of the Russian Federation - representatives from the legislative and executive bodies of the Omsk region and deputies of the State Duma, who were included as candidates in the regional group of candidates of the federal list of candidates on the territory of the Omsk region or elected in single-mandate electoral districts formed on the territory of the Omsk region, in the order determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
    (para. 3 in wording of the Law of Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    3.1. To represent the interests of the Governor of the Omsk region and the Government of the Omsk region in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, the Governor of the Omsk region appoints permanent representatives who participate in the meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, its committees (commissions) with the right of deliberative vote.
    (item 3.1 introduced by the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    3.2. At the invitation of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, the head of the territorial body of the federal executive authority shall speak at the meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region with information on the activities of the territorial body of the federal executive authority in the Omsk region and answer questions of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state and other secrets protected by law in the order determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region. Invitation to the meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region with the indication of the issues of interest to the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall be sent to the head of the territorial body of the federal executive power body not later than seven days before the day of the meeting.
    (item 3.2 introduced by the Law of the Omsk Oblast dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    3.3. At the invitation of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, heads of executive authorities of the Omsk region (executive bodies of the Omsk region), officials of local self-government of the Omsk region shall speak at meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region and answer questions of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state and other secrets protected by law in the order determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
    (item 3.3 introduced by the Law of the Omsk Oblast dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
  4. The procedure for convening and holding a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall be determined by federal law, the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region. The meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region is competent if it is attended by at least fifty percent of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
    (ed. Laws of Omsk region from 23.11.2007 N 974-OZ, from 23.12.2011 N 1422-OZ, from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
  5. The procedure for adopting decisions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region on the approval of the agenda of the meeting and on other procedural issues is established by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
    (paragraph 5 introduced by the Law of the Omsk Oblast of 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
  6. The minutes of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall be drawn up on the basis of the transcript of the meeting and signed by the presiding officer of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
    (paragraph 6 introduced by the Law of the Omsk Oblast of 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
  7. During the period of introduction on the territory of the Omsk region in accordance with the legislation of the regime of high readiness, emergency or state of emergency, or in the event of a threat of spreading a disease that poses a danger to others on the territory of the Omsk region, or during the implementation of restrictive measures (quarantine) on the territory of the Omsk region, meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, permanent and temporary bodies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region may be held remotely.
    (paragraph 7 introduced by the Law of the Omsk Oblast of 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)

Article 11.1. Procedure for remote participation in meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region
(introduced by the Omsk Oblast Law N 2517-OZ of 24.10.2022)

  1. The decision to hold a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in a remote form using a video-conference system (hereinafter - remote meeting) shall be adopted by the order of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, which determines the date and time of the remote meeting, the video-conference system used.
  2. Registration of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, present at the remote session, is carried out through the use by the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region of the videoconferencing system at the time specified in the order of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region on convening the remote session. The presiding officer shall inform about the number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region taking part in the remote session.
  3. During a remote session, decisions shall be made by open voting by show of hands (oral poll of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region) or in any other manner determined by the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region at the beginning of the remote session.
    A deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region shall personally exercise his right to vote and shall not be entitled to delegate this right to another person.
    The counting of votes on each issue shall be carried out by the presiding officer of the remote meeting and the counting commission.
    The results of voting shall be announced by the presiding officer and recorded in the minutes of the remote meeting.
    If an error in the counting of votes or violation of the voting procedure is detected, the voting shall be repeated.
  4. At the remote meeting, minutes and a transcript are kept, in which the work of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region is recorded.

Article 12: Providing access to information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region
(in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)

  1. Meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall be open, except for cases established by federal laws, the Charter (Fundamental Law) of the Omsk region, laws of the Omsk region, as well as the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region. The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region has the right to make a decision to hold a closed session or a closed hearing of an issue.
    (ed. Laws of the Omsk region from 23.12.2011 N 1422-OZ, from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
  2. The Governor of the Omsk Region, the Prosecutor of the Omsk Region or persons representing them shall have the right to attend closed sessions or closed hearings of a matter.
    (as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ)
  3. Representatives of mass media, citizens (individuals), including representatives of organizations (legal entities), public associations, state bodies and local self-government bodies of the Omsk region have the right to attend the meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region. The procedure for attending the meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region is established by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
    (in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    The activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region shall be covered by the regional state mass media.
    (as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 26.12.2008 N 1114-OZ)
    (para. 3 in wording of the Law of Omsk region from 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ)

Article 12.1 Participation of political parties not represented in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region in the session of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region
(introduced by the Law of the Omsk Oblast of 28.07.2010 N 1279-OZ)

Political parties not represented in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, once a year have the right to participate in a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
At a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region with the participation of political parties not represented in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, reports and proposals of these parties are heard and discussed.
The procedure for consideration of issues at such a meeting, as well as the procedure for participation in the meeting of the said political parties shall be determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.

Article 13. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ.

Article 14. Adoption by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region of laws of the Omsk region, resolutions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region
(in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)

  1. Laws of the Omsk region shall be adopted by a majority of votes from the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, unless otherwise provided for by federal law. Resolutions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall be adopted by a majority of votes from the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, unless otherwise provided by the federal law. The decision on the adoption or rejection of a draft law, as well as on the adoption of the law is formalized by the resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
    (ed. Laws of Omsk region from 18.12.2001 N 324-OZ, from 23.12.2011 N 1422-OZ, from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
  2. The Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk region and amendments thereto, the regional law in the previous version rejected by the Governor of the Omsk region, the decision of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region to dismiss the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall be adopted by a majority of not less than two-thirds of votes of the established number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
    (ed. Laws of Omsk region from 18.12.2001 N 324-OZ, from 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ, from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
  3. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ.

Article 15. Expired. - Law of Omsk region dated 18.12.2001 N 324-OZ.

Article 16 Regulations of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region

The procedure for preparation, introduction and consideration of issues at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, the procedure for formation and election of the bodies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, voting and other issues of organization of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region and its bodies, as well as the responsibility of deputies for non-participation in meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region without valid reasons shall be determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
(as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ)


Article 17. Structure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region
(as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ)

  1. The structure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall be determined by the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk region. Expenses for ensuring the activity of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region are provided for in the regional budget separately from other expenses in accordance with the budget classification of the Russian Federation.
    A deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region shall carry out deputy activity on a professional (permanent) basis or on a non-permanent basis.
    (as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    A deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region shall hold a public office of the Omsk Region regardless of his/her deputy activity on a professional (permanent) basis or without taking time off from the main activity.
    (paragraph introduced by the Law of the Omsk Region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    To exercise powers on a professional (permanent) basis, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region shall submit a written application to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region. The Secretariat of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region informs the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region about the application at a regular session of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region. The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region adopts a resolution on the information of the Secretariat of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
    (as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall exercise their powers on a professional (permanent) basis.
    (ed. Laws of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ, from 29.03.2023 N 2577-OZ)
    On a professional (permanent) basis, deputy activity may also be carried out by one deputy elected as a member of each list of candidates admitted to the distribution of deputy mandates in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
    (ed. Laws of Omsk region from 25.12.2014 N 1710-OZ, from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    The number of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region who carry out deputy activity on a professional (permanent) basis shall be determined taking into account the provisions of paragraphs five and six of this paragraph.
    (as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    Paragraph deleted. - Law of the Omsk region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ.
    (para. 1 in wording of the Law of Omsk region from 02.06.2011 N 1351-OZ)
  2. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region dated 26.12.2008 N 1114-OZ.
  3. The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region may establish a public council at the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, other advisory and consultative bodies.
    (para. 3 in wording of the Law of Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)

Article 18. Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region

  1. The activity of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall be organized by its Chairman.
    (as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ)
  2. The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region shall be elected by the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region from among the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region by secret ballot using ballots. The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region may adopt a different voting procedure.
    (para. 2 in wording of the Law of Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
  3. The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region is accountable to the Assembly and may be recalled by secret ballot using ballots at a meeting by two-thirds of the votes of the established number of deputies.
    (ed. Laws of the Omsk region dated 07.07.1999 N 204-OZ, dated 18.12.2001 N 324-OZ, dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    The procedure for making proposals on the election, recall or early termination of powers of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region shall be determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
    (as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
  4. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ.
  5. Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region:
    1) convenes meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, informs the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region of the time and place of their holding, as well as the draft agenda of the meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region;
    (item 1 in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    2) manages the preparation of meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region and issues submitted for consideration of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, organizes the work of the Council of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region;
    (as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 26.12.2008 N 1114-OZ)
    3) conducts meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, organizes and controls the implementation of internal order in accordance with the Regulations of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region;
    (as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    4) signs resolutions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, minutes of meetings, documents of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region;
    (as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 26.12.2008 N 1114-OZ)
    4.1) approves the staff schedule of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region;
    (item 4.1 in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    5) carries out general management of the work of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region;
    (item 5 in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    6) exercises the powers of the employer's representative in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state civil service of the Russian Federation, functions of the employer in labor relations with employees who are not state civil servants of the Omsk region, in accordance with the labor legislation;
    (item 6 in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    7) excluded. - Law of the Omsk region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ;
    8) assists deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in the exercise of their powers, organizes provision of them with necessary information, considers issues related to the release of deputies from their official or work duties to exercise their powers in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, its bodies and constituencies;
    (para. 8 in wording of the Law of Omsk region from 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ)
    9) gives instructions to committees and commissions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in execution of decisions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, ensures their interaction;
    10) takes measures to ensure access to information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region and the study of public opinion on issues under the jurisdiction of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region;
    (item 10 in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    11) in accordance with the resolutions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region provides public discussion of draft laws of the Omsk region and normative legal acts of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, as well as issues of public importance;
    (item 11 in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    12) opens and closes personal accounts of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region;
    (item 12 in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    13) performs the functions of the administrator of the funds provided for by the regional budget to ensure the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region;
    (item 13 in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    14) represents the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in relations with citizens, state authorities, other state authorities, local self-government bodies, judicial bodies, organizations, public associations;
    (item 14 in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    15) dismisses deputies who carry out deputy activity on a professional (permanent) basis, in connection with the end of their powers;
    (item. 15 introduced by the Omsk Oblast Law of 07.07.1999 N 204-OZ; in ed. by the Omsk Oblast Laws of 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ, of 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    16) exercises other powers in accordance with federal and regional legislation, decisions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
    (item 16 in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
    (numbering of paragraph 5 in the wording of the Law of Omsk region from 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ)
  6. The Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region shall issue orders on issues within his competence.
    (as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ)

Article 19. Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region
(as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ)

  1. The Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region performs functions in accordance with the distribution of duties established by the Regulations of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, instructions of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, and in the absence of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region or inability to fulfill his duties performs the functions of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
  2. The Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region shall be elected by secret ballot at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region on the recommendation of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region from among the deputies for the term of office of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region.
    The second paragraph is deleted. - Law of the Omsk region dated 03.11.2004 N 556-OZ.
    The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region may elect several deputy chairmen of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.

Article 20. Committees (Commissions) of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region

  1. The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region forms committees (commissions) from among its deputies for the term of its powers to conduct legislative work, preparation and consideration of issues within the competence of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, as well as for the implementation of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region control activities.
  2. The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in case of necessity and within the limits of its competence may create temporary deputy commissions and vest them with appropriate powers within the limits of its competence.
  3. The structure, order of formation, powers and organization of activities of committees (commissions) shall be determined by legal acts of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
    (ed. Laws of Omsk region from 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ, from 26.12.2008 N 1114-OZ)
  4. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region dated 03.11.2004 N 556-OZ.

Article 20.1. The Council of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region
(introduced by the Law of the Omsk Oblast of 26.12.2008 N 1114-OZ)

  1. The Council of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region shall be established for preliminary preparation and consideration of organizational issues of the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
  2. The members of the Council of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region are the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region, the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region, the chairmen of the committees of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region.

Article 21. Deputies' associations (factions)
(as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)

  1. Deputy associations (factions) shall be created in the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
    The procedure for the formation of deputy associations (factions) and the conditions of participation of deputies in their activities shall be determined by federal law. The procedure for registration and powers of deputy associations (factions) shall be determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
  2. Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region shall have the right to form deputy associations (groups) that are not factions.
    The order of formation, registration procedure and powers of deputy associations (groups), which are not factions, shall be determined by the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.

Article 22. Provision of activity of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region
(in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)

Legal, organizational, documentation, information, financial, material and technical support of the activities of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, the Council of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, committees and commissions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, his deputy is carried out by the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.


Article 23. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region dated 26.12.2008 N 1114-OZ.

Article 24. Guarantees of activity of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region
(in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)

The guarantees of the activity of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region shall be established by federal and regional law.

Article 25.Powers of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region
(in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)

The powers of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, the procedure for their exercise shall be determined by this Law and other normative legal acts of the Omsk region.

Article 25.1 Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region dated 29.03.2023 N 2577-OZ.

The words "Section III. Competence of the Legislative Assembly" are excluded. - Law of the Omsk Oblast of 07.07.1999 N 204-OZ.


Article 26. Powers of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region
(as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ)

Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region:
1) adopts the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk Oblast and amendments thereto;
1.1) has the right of legislative initiative in the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
(item 1.1 introduced by the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
2) carries out legislative regulation on subjects of jurisdiction of the Omsk region and subjects of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the authority of the Omsk region;
3) makes proposals on amendments and revision of provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, approves amendments to Chapters 3 - 8 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
4) approves the agreement on changing the boundary of the Omsk Region;
5) approves the draft agreement on delimitation of subjects of jurisdiction and powers between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and the state authorities of the Omsk region;
(para. 5 in wording of the Law of Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
6) Approves the conclusion and termination of contracts of the Omsk region;
7) establishes the administrative-territorial structure of the Omsk Region and the procedure for changing it;
8) excluded. - Law of the Omsk region dated 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ;
9) establishes the procedure for appointing and holding a referendum of the Omsk Region, appoints a referendum of the Omsk Region;
10) establishes the procedure for holding elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, schedules elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region;
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region from 08.04.2005 N 625-OZ, from 29.04.2016 N 1867-OZ)
10.1) establishes the procedure for holding elections of the Governor of the Omsk region, and appoints elections of the Governor of the Omsk region;
(para. 10.1 in the wording of the Law of Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
11) within the limits of authority determined by the federal law, establishes the procedure for holding elections to local self-government bodies on the territory of the Omsk region;
12) approves the procedure for implementation of strategic planning in the Omsk Region in accordance with federal legislation;
(item 12 in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 22.03.2018 N 2056-OZ)
13) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees establishes, enacts (terminates) taxes and fees, determines tax rates (rates of fees), procedure and terms of payment of taxes and fees, establishes (abolishes) tax exemptions (fee exemptions) and (or) grounds and procedure for their application;
(para. 13 in the wording of the Law of Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
14) approves the regional budget and the report on its execution submitted by the Governor of the Omsk region or the Chairman of the Government of the Omsk region (in case of establishment of such position), exercises control over execution of the regional budget;
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region from 08.10.2007 N 952-OZ, from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
15) approves the budget of the territorial state extrabudgetary fund of the Omsk region and the report on the execution of the budget of the territorial state extrabudgetary fund of the Omsk region;
(para. 15 in wording of the Law of Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
16) establishes the order of management and disposal of the property of the Omsk region, including shares (participatory interests, units) of the Omsk region in the charter (share) capitals of organizations;
(para. 16 in the wording of the Law of Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
17) exercises control over observance and execution of regional laws, execution of the budget of the territorial state extra-budgetary fund of the Omsk region, observance of the established order of disposition of the property of the Omsk region;
(para. 17 in wording of the Law of Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
17.1) excluded. - Law of the Omsk region dated 31.07.2012 N 1464-OZ;
17.2) hears an annual report on the results of the Omsk Region Government's activities, including on issues raised by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, submitted by the Governor of the Omsk Region or the Chairman of the Omsk Region Government (if such a position is established);
(para. 17.2 in the wording of the Law of Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
17.3) monitors law enforcement in order to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 20, 2011 N 657 "On monitoring law enforcement in the Russian Federation";
(p. 17.3 introduced by the Law of the Omsk Oblast of 03.06.2013 N 1544-OZ)
18) appoints justices of the peace of the Omsk region in accordance with the procedure established by federal and regional law;
(as amended by the Law of Omsk region dated 26.12.2008 N 1114-OZ)
18.1) Hears annual reports of the Head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Omsk region on the activities of the police;
(p. 18.1 introduced by the Law of the Omsk Oblast of 23.12.2011 N 1422-OZ)
18.2) hears information on the activities of territorial bodies of federal executive authorities and local authorities in the Omsk region, determines the procedure for participation in the meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region of the heads of executive authorities of the Omsk region (executive bodies of the Omsk region) in accordance with federal law;
(p. 18.2 introduced by the Law of the Omsk Oblast of 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
19) appoints 50 percent of the members of the Election Commission of the Omsk Region;
20) makes a decision in accordance with the federal legislation on granting the powers of a senator of the Russian Federation - a representative from the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region;
(ed. Laws of the Omsk region from 08.04.2013 N 1522-OZ, from 24.03.2021 N 2364-OZ)
21) appoints and dismisses the Chairman, Deputy Chairman and auditors of the Control and Accounts Chamber of the Omsk Region;
(item 21 in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 08.04.2013 N 1526-OZ)
21.1) appoints and dismisses the Omsk Region Commissioner for Human Rights at the recommendation of the Governor of the Omsk Region;
(para. 21.1 in the wording of the Law of Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)
22) carries out legal regulation in the field of local self-government in cases and in accordance with the procedure established by federal law;
(para. 22 in wording of the Law of Omsk region from 26.12.2008 N 1114-OZ)
23) excluded. - Law of the Omsk region dated 29.04.2016 N 1867-OZ;
24) in accordance with the procedure established by federal law, adopts a regional law on the dissolution of the representative body of a municipal entity;
25) in cases provided for by federal law, adopt a regional law on approval of amendments and additions to the budget of the municipality for the current fiscal year, on approval of the budget of the municipality for the next fiscal year;
26) establishes the description and procedure for the official use of the symbols of the Omsk Region;
27) establishes state awards of the Omsk region and honorary titles of the Omsk region;
(para. 27 in wording of the Law of Omsk region from 26.12.2008 N 1114-OZ)
28) adopts the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region and resolves issues of internal order of its activities;
29) exercises other powers established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal law, the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk region and this Law.

Article 26.1. Monitoring of law enforcement
(introduced by the Law of the Omsk Oblast of 03.06.2013 N 1544-OZ)

The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in order to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from May 20, 2011 N 657 "On monitoring of law enforcement in the Russian Federation" carries out monitoring of law enforcement.
Committees of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region shall monitor law enforcement in the areas of their activities in accordance with the methodology of law enforcement monitoring approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Articles 27 - 32 (in edition from 15.07.1994). Repealed. - Law of the Omsk region from 07.07.1999 N 204-OZ.

The words "Section III. Guarantees of legality in the activity of the Legislative Assembly, protection of its rights and ensuring its responsibility" are excluded. - Law of the Omsk region from 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ.

The words "Chapter 7. Guarantees of legality in the activity of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region" are excluded. - Law of the Omsk region from 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ.

Article 27. It has lost force. - Law of the Omsk region from 18.12.2001 N 324-OZ.


(in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ)

Article 28. Binding of normative legal acts of the Omsk region
(in edition of the Law of the Omsk region from 24.10.2022 N 2517-OZ)

The Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk region, laws and other normative legal acts of the Omsk region, adopted within the limits of its authority, are obligatory for execution by all public authorities, other state bodies, local self-government bodies of the Omsk region, organizations, public associations, officials and citizens located on the territory of the Omsk region. Non-fulfillment or violation of the specified acts entails responsibility provided by federal and regional laws. If administrative responsibility for the specified acts is not established by federal law, it may be established by regional law.

Article 29. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region dated 10.02.2004 N 508-OZ.

Articles 30 - 31. Excluded. - Law of the Omsk region dated 26.12.2008 N 1114-OZ.

Article 34. Repealed. - Law of the Omsk region from 07.07.1999 N 204-OZ.

Article 39. Repealed. - Law of the Omsk region from 07.07.1999 N 204-OZ.

Head of Administration
Omsk region
July 15, 1994
N 2-OZ

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