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on the execution of the resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region
No. 126 dated April 26, 2010
"On providing access to information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region"

This information was prepared in accordance with paragraph 24 of section III of the Regulation on the organization of access to information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, approved by Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region dated April 26, 2010 No. 126 and contains information on compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of providing access to information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.

1. Publication (publication) by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of information in the media

Accredited media workers are provided with the necessary materials for preparing publications on the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region. During the meetings of the Legislative Assembly, a video broadcast is conducted in specially equipped rooms for the press and invited citizens.
Representatives of the media participate in meetings of committees of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, as well as other events held.
On an ongoing basis, the thematic television program "Legislator" is being released on the channel "Russia" - GTRK "Irtysh."
The official newspaper Omsky Vestnik publishes the texts of the adopted regulatory legal acts.

2. Placing information on the Internet

Sections of the current official website of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region are kept up to date. Information is available about the official name, address, organizational structure, deputy associations and deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region (by convocation), a directory of civil servants of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, work plans, results of activities, information on income and control measures, as well as other background information.
The base of regulatory legal acts is regularly updated, information on tenders for filling vacant positions of the state civil service of the Omsk region in the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region and their results are published.
To speed up the consideration of citizens' appeals on the site there is a section "Electronic reception."

3. Organization of direct video broadcasting of meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region through the state system of the Omsk region "Portal of the Government of the Omsk region"

Meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region are accompanied by a live video broadcast from the conference room.

4. Placement of information in the premises occupied by the Legislative Assembly and in other places designated for this purpose

In the building of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, information about planned and ongoing events, as well as relevant presentation materials, are shown using a video screen.
There is a demonstration of current issues of the thematic television program "Legislator," video materials on the activities of the President of the Russian Federation, the State Duma and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, as well as issues of the television programs "Senate" and "Parliamentary Hour."
Thematic photo exhibitions are organized using mobile exhibition stands.
Background information about the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region in the form of an electronic document is posted on a special computer terminal in the lobby of the building. There are also exhibition stands with portraits of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of five convocations and materials of the exhibition dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.

5. Familiarization of users with information in the premises occupied by the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, as well as through library and archival funds in the manner prescribed by law

Citizens' appeals related to the scope of the provisions of the Federal Law "On Ensuring Access to Information on the Activities of State Bodies and Local Self-Government Bodies" dated 09.02.2009 No. 8-FZ are processed by structural units of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities.

6. The presence of citizens (individuals), including representatives of organizations of public associations, state bodies and local self-government bodies at meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region and its committees (commissions)

In accordance with the requirements of the legislation, the participation of citizens and representatives of organizations, public associations, state bodies and local self-government bodies in events held by the Legislative Assembly is ensured.

7. Information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, posted in the public domain on the Internet, is given in Table 1 of this information.

Table 1.

1. General information about the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region
Full name, structure of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the Legislative Assembly), postal address, e-mail address, telephone numbers of the reception of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, chairmen of committees (commissions) of the Legislative Assembly, heads of deputy groups (factions) in the Legislative Assembly, heads of structural divisions of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly, telephone number for inquiries
Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (
History of the Legislative Assembly
First convocation
Second convocation
Third convocation
Fourth convocation
Fifth convocation
Sixth convocation
Information on the powers of the Legislative Assembly, the tasks and functions of its structural divisions, the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly, as well as the texts of laws and other regulatory legal acts defining these powers, tasks and functions
Charter of Omsk region
Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (
Law on the Legislative Assembly
Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (
Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Assembly
Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (
Law of Omsk Region on Committees (Commissions) of the Legislative Assembly
Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (
Structure of the Legislative Assembly (
Information on the structural divisions of the Legislative Assembly apparatus
Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (
Information about the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, deputies of the Legislative Assembly, heads of structural divisions of the Legislative Assembly
Chairman of the Legislative Assembly
Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly
Heads of structural divisions
Scheme of electoral districts for elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly.
Postal addresses of reception offices of deputies of the Legislative Assembly in electoral districts, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers
Information about mass media, the founder (co-founder) of which is the Legislative Assembly
Information about the bodies and organizations formed under the Legislative Assembly
Youth Chamber of the Legislative Assembly
2. Information on the legislative activities of the Legislative Assembly
Texts of regulatory legal acts adopted by the Legislative Assembly, including information on amendments to them, their recognition as invalid, their recognition by the court as invalid
List of laws adopted by the Legislative Assembly
Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (
Texts of laws adopted by the Legislative Assembly
Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (
Information on regulatory legal acts declared invalid by the court
Texts of draft regulatory legal acts submitted to the Legislative Assembly
Plan of legislative work of the Legislative Assembly
The procedure for appealing regulatory legal acts and other decisions adopted by the Legislative Assembly
Requirements for the content and form of draft documents accepted by the Legislative Assembly for consideration, in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts
3. Information on the current activities of the Legislative Assembly
Information on meetings of the Legislative Assembly and its committees (commissions): announcements of meetings of the Legislative Assembly, its committees (commissions), working groups; information on decisions taken at meetings of the Legislative Assembly, its committees (commissions), working groups
Agenda of the plenary session
Information on meetings of the committees of the Legislative Assembly
Information on the participation of the Legislative Assembly in programs, international cooperation, as well as on events held by the Legislative Assembly, including information on official visits and working trips of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly, the Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly and official delegations of the Legislative Assembly
Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (
Information on the interaction of the Legislative Assembly with federal government bodies, executive authorities of the Omsk Region, government bodies of other subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public associations, political parties, trade unions and other organizations
Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (
Information on the results of inspections conducted by the Legislative Assembly within its powers, as well as on the results of inspections conducted in the Legislative Assembly
Results of inspections
Control activities
Information on the procedure for accreditation of journalists at the Legislative Assembly
4. Statistical information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly
Statistical data and indicators characterizing the activities of the Legislative Assembly
Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (
Information on the use of allocated budget funds by the Legislative Assembly
Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (
5. Information on the staffing of the Legislative Assembly apparatus
The procedure for admission of citizens to the state civil service of the Omsk region
Information on vacant positions of the state civil service of the Omsk region, available in the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly
Qualification requirements for candidates for vacant positions of the state civil service of the Omsk region in the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly
Conditions and results of competitions for filling vacant positions of the state civil service of the Omsk region in the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly
Telephone numbers where you can get information on filling vacant positions in the Legislative Assembly apparatus
6. Information on the work of the Legislative Assembly with appeals from citizens (individuals), organizations
(legal entities), public associations, government bodies, local government bodies
The procedure for considering appeals from citizens (individuals), organizations (legal entities), public associations, state bodies, local government bodies in the Legislative Assembly
Schedule of reception of citizens (individuals), including representatives of organizations (legal entities), public associations, state bodies and local governments, in the Legislative Assembly
Surname, first name, patronymic of the official whose powers include organizing the reception of citizens (individuals), including representatives of organizations (legal entities), public associations, state bodies and local government bodies, and ensuring the consideration of their requests; telephone number of the sector for citizens' requests of the support department of the Legislative Assembly apparatus
Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (
Reviews of appeals from citizens (individuals), including representatives of organizations (legal entities), public associations, government agencies and local governments, as well as generalized information on the results of consideration of these appeals and the measures taken
Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (
The procedure for organizing access and monitoring access to information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly
7.      Other information on the activities of the Legislative Assembly
The TV show "Lawmaker" is broadcast on the channel "Russia" - GTRK "Irtysh".
Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (
Photo chronicle
Legislative Assembly of Omsk Region (

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