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February 8, 2013

The youth chamber adopted a plan

On February 8, 2013 in the regional parliament a meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies at the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region was held. It considered organizational issues, elected governing bodies and a representative to the Chamber of Young Legislators at the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
The Youth Chamber consists of 37 members from the Legislative Assembly, City Council, 30 municipalities of the Omsk region. Mikhail Karakoz, a deputy of the Legislative Assembly, was elected Chairman of the Youth Chamber. He will also represent young parliamentarians in the Federation Council. In addition, the young deputies discussed the Statute of the Youth Chamber, the work plan for the current year, and also decided to hold a meeting of the Youth Chamber in April, dedicated to the Day of Russian Parliamentarism.
Vladimir Varnavsky, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, who was present at the meeting of the Youth Chamber, addressing the young parliamentarians, noted that the main tasks of the Youth Chamber are legislative regulation that protects the legitimate rights and interests of youth, their participation in the management of territories, adaptation of resonant laws among youth, the possibility of influencing the legislative process: "I would like to You had a direct impact, assistance to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in the field of legislative regulation of the rights and legitimate interests of youth, the implementation of youth policy, and the improvement of legal and political culture."

April 26, 2013

The traditions of parliamentarism are being picked up by young people

On April 26, on the eve of the Day of Russian Parliamentarism, a regular meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies at the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region was held. The young deputies talked about the development of youth parliamentarism in the Russian Federation. Vladimir Varnavsky, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, addressed a welcoming letter to the young parliamentarians. In his address, he noted, in particular, that "in your parliamentary activity you have seen how peculiar and complex, important and responsible it is. The deputy must be sensitive to the challenges of the time, realize new, socially significant goals and prepare ways to implement them."
Natalia Kuvshinova, Chairman of the Public Youth Chamber at the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, dedicated her speech to the role of youth in strengthening parliamentary democracy. She spoke about the stages of formation of youth parliamentarism, the experience of using the federal platform of the Youth Parliament to promote legislative initiatives, solve specific problems and implement projects in which the younger generation is interested, called for joining efforts and closer interaction of the youth parliaments of the constituent entities of the federation.
The peculiarity of the Youth Chamber at the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region is that it consists of deputies of the federal subject and municipalities of the region, they live and work next to their constituents, build a democratic society. Therefore, the idea of holding an open lesson in educational institutions of the Omsk region: "The history of Russian Parliamentarism", submitted for discussion at the meeting, found unanimous support.
In addition, the young deputies heard information about the implementation of the Immortal Regiment project, the participation of a representative of the Youth Chamber as part of a delegation of official and business circles of the Omsk region to the Republic of Belarus.

OCTOBER 31, 2013

Current issues

On October 31, a regular meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies at the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region was held.The meeting was attended by representatives of regional ministries, local governments of the Omsk region, students of educational institutions. At the beginning of the meeting, organizational issues were resolved. After reviewing the written statements of their colleagues, the parliamentarians decided to prematurely terminate the powers of members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies at the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Oleg Gardera, Pavel Loboda and Alexander Zeiler. At the same time, Alexander Golubev, Maria Gordienko and Alexey Derbenev were included in the chamber.
Then the deputies considered several topical issues aimed at the development of youth policy in the Omsk region. In particular, they heard and, having widely discussed, took note of the information provided by the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Sports of the Omsk region on the implementation of the regional law "On Support for children's and Youth public associations in the Omsk region", as well as information on the participation of representatives of the youth of the Omsk region in the preparation and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games in 2014 in Sochi. In addition, the deputies elected Natalia Ivanova as a representative of the Youth Chamber of Deputies at the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region to the Public Youth Chamber (Youth Parliament) at the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

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