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Attention! The competition!


(brief overview)

The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region is the permanent supreme representative (legislative) body of state power of the Omsk region. The order of activity, rules and procedure of work of the regional Parliament were determined by the Regulations of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region, adopted on June 21, 1994, the Charter of Omsk region, adopted on December 26, 1995 and other laws.




Elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region of the third convocation were held on March 24, 2002. Deputies were elected in all 30 electoral districts. 16 people became deputies repeatedly, and five deputies were trusted by voters for the third time. One woman was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the region of the third convocation.

Vladimir Alekseevich Varnavsky was elected Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk region, Nikolai Gennadyevich Ryadovoy was elected Deputy Chairman.

Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of the third convocation

No. and name electoral district     Surname First Name Patronymic     
1. Omsky Bezzubtsev Anatoly Vasilyevich 
2. Nizhneomsky Lendikrei Vladimir Verneevich
3. Tavrichesky Melnikov Alexander Dmitrievich
4. Isilkulsky Bikbavov Ravil Akhmetovich 
5. Scherbakulsky Pokoev Alexander Panteleyevich
6. Krutinsky Sayenko Vitaliy Alimovich
Zhirikov Sergey Nikolayevich (since 27.10.2005.)
7. Bolsherechensky Riadovoy Nikolai Gennadevich
8. Nazyvaevsky Kuznetsov Anatoly Alexandrovich
9. Kalachinsky Shushubaev Khabulda Zhuspekovich
10. Tarsky Sarvarov Ildus Irekovich
11. Pavlogradsky Pushkarev Vladimir Ivanovich
12. Lubinsky Shostya Evgeny Grigorievich
13. Cherlaksky Potapov Konstantin Nikolayevich
14. Kirovsky Alekhin Andrei Anatolyevich
15. Kirovsky Todorov Sergey Nikolayevich
16. Kirovsky Andrushko Svetlana Vasilyevna
17. Central Tretyakov Alexander Georgievich
18. Central Novikov Sergey Valentinovich
19. Oktyabrsky Verkholezov Petr Serafimovich
20. Oktyabrsky Trippel Alexander Friedrichovich
Shapovalov Yuri Viktorovich (since April 21, 2005.)
21. Sovetsky Shishov Oleg Vladimirovich
22. Central Vereteno Vladimir Konstantinovich
23. Central Saliukov Yury Leonidovich
24. Central Orkish Sergey Nikonovich
25. Leninsky Varnavsky Vladimir Alekseevich
26. Leninsky Sedelnikov Vladimir Lukyanovich
27. Leninsky Strazhnikov Anatoly Nikolaevich
28. Sovetsky Kalinin Sergey Petrovich
29. Sovetsky Stepanov Valery Nikolayevich
30. Sovetsky Petrov Igor Vladimirovich

Deputies formed committees:

  • legislative committee;
  • finance and budget policy committee;
  • social committee;
  • agricultural committee;
  • property committee;
  • Committee on Economic Policy and Investments;
  • Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy.

    Standing committees were also formed: counting, mandate and deputy ethics committees. At the beginning of the convocation three deputy groups were registered: "United Russia", "CPRF", "People's Deputy".

Legislative activity of the Legislative Assembly of the region of the third convocation was carried out within the framework of the Law "On normative legal acts of the Omsk region" adopted in 2002. It was carried out in the following main directions:

  • consideration of draft laws submitted by subjects of the right of legislative initiative (in accordance with Art. 43 of the Oblast Charter);
  • harmonization of regional legislation with federal legislation;
  • continued work with bills whose adoption procedure was not finalized in the second convocation;
  • consideration of legislative initiatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, as well as initiatives of legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation to the State Duma of the Russian Federation and other.

The social sphere was one of the priorities in the activities of regional parliamentarians.

In 2005 alone, 16 laws of the Omsk Oblast were adopted aimed at further improvement of social protection of the population, labor protection and public health. For example, the target program of the Omsk Oblast "Older Generation" for 2005 - 2007 was approved, which is an integral part of the system of social security measures for elderly citizens and is aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of services provided to elderly citizens by the Oblast's social institutions.

In 2005, the Legislative Assembly of the Oblast considered and adopted 14 new target programs of the Omsk Oblast:

  • "Social support for single-parent families" for 2005-2007.
  • "Formation of real estate objects and their management in the Omsk Oblast" for 2005-2008.
  • "Development of production of equipment for fuel and energy complex on the basis of machine building enterprises of Omsk region for 2006 - 2010 - "SibVPKneftegazTEK".
  • "Children of the Omsk Region."
  • "Preservation and Improvement of Soil Fertility in the Omsk Region" for 2006-2010.
  • "Modernization and development of Omsk Oblast highways until 2025".
  • "Development of the Education System of the Omsk Region until 2007".
  • "Development of Archival Affairs in the Omsk Oblast until 2008".
  • "Health of the Working Population of the Omsk Region for 2006-2015".
  • "Students of the Omsk Region (2006-2008)".
  • "Ensuring the realization of the national-regional component of state educational standards and the development of Russian language teaching in the Omsk region" for 2006-2008.
  • "Construction of the Omsk Metro" for the period up to 2008.
  • "Staffing of the agro-industrial complex of the Omsk region until 2010" and other target programs.

Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the region actively used their right of legislative initiative. For example, they sent to the State Duma of the Russian Federation draft federal laws on amending the second part of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation; federal laws: "On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation"; "On the total number of justices of the peace and the number of judicial precincts in the subjects of the Russian Federation"; amendments to the draft federal law "On Amending the Federal Laws "On the Turnover of Agricultural Land" and "On Land Management", "On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Governance", "On General Principles of Local Self-Governance", "On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Governance", "On Amendments to the Federal Laws "On the Turnover of Agricultural Land" and "On Land Management".

The activity of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the region of the third convocation was characterized by effective interaction with the Government of the Omsk region and local self-government bodies. Representatives of the regional government and local self-government bodies regularly participated in the meetings of the Legislative Assembly of the region, committees and working groups, seminars, round tables and other events. Thus, representatives of 13 municipalities took part in the round table on the subject "On the draft law of the Omsk Oblast "On Amendments to the Law of the Omsk Oblast "On Administrative Liability for Violations of the Rules of Improvement of the Territories of Urban and Rural Settlements of the Omsk Oblast". Representatives of 33 municipalities participated in the public hearings on the Omsk Oblast draft law "On the Regional Budget for 2006".

In January-March 2005, in accordance with the order of the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, zonal seminars-meetings with deputies of representative bodies of municipalities were held, which have become traditional. They discussed the results of the ten-year activity of the Legislative Assembly of the Oblast, the prospects of interaction with local self-government bodies, as well as the topical issues of inter-budget regulation, property delimitation, social support of the population, preparation for elections in newly formed municipalities.

Special attention was paid to methodological and explanatory work on the implementation of Federal Law No. 131-FZ "On General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation". In March-June 2006, another round of seminars and meetings with deputies of representative bodies of newly established municipal entities was held. The main issue on the agenda of the seminars was the strategy of the local self-government reform in the Omsk region and the interaction of the regional parliament with representative bodies of municipal entities of all levels. Round tables on topical issues of local self-government reform and exchange of experience were held within the framework of the main topic.

Special attention at the seminars and meetings was paid to the implementation of national projects in the Omsk Region: "Health", "Education", "Affordable and Comfortable Housing for Russian Citizens", "Development of Agro-Industrial Complex".

In the third convocation of the regional parliament 59 journalists representing 28 federal, regional, city and district mass media were accredited.

The deputies did a lot of work in their constituencies.
In the third convocation 62 plenary sessions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region were held, 493 regional laws were adopted.

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