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(brief overview)

The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region is the permanent supreme legislative (representative) body of state power of the Omsk region. The order of activity, rules and procedure of work of the regional Parliament were determined by the Regulations of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region adopted on June 21, 1994, the Charter of the Omsk region adopted on December 26, 1995 and other laws.



1 созыв

The first elections of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region were held on March 20, 1994. 21 deputies were elected for 30 seats. During the by-elections, the Legislative Assembly was finally formed. On December 13, 1994, it began to operate in full force. The deputy corps includes representatives of various social groups and professions. Most of them already had experience of parliamentary activity, were heads of enterprises, organizations and authorities. The first meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region was held on April 12, 1994.

Vladimir Alekseevich Varnavsky was elected Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, and Alexander Frolovich Razin was elected deputy chairman.

Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region of the first convocation

No. and name electoral district Surname First Name Patronymic
1. Omsk Podgursky Alexander Mikhailovich
2. Nizhneomsky Barnashov Vasily Mikhailovich
3. Tavrichesky Reiter Bruno Heinrichovich
4. Isilkulsky Panov Yuriy Nikolaevich
5. Scherbakulsky Shcherbina Petr Petrovich
6. Krutinsky Barsuk Nikolai Fedorovich
Chulanov Ivan Ivanovich (since April 16, 1996.)
7. Bolsherechensky Moiseenko Petr Yakovlevich
8. Nazyvaevsky Zabrasaev Vladimir Petrovich
9. Kalachinsky Khryakov Vladimir Sergeyevich
10. Tarskiy Vigilyansky Vladislav Alexandrovich
11. Pavlogradsky Razin Alexander Frolovich
12. Lubinsky Adabir Anatoly Nikolayevich
13. Cherlaksky Yeltsov Alexander Alekseevich
14. Kirovsky Alekhin Andrei Anatolyevich
15. Kirovsky Satonkin Pavel Yuryevich
16. Kirovsky Stepanov Valery Nikolayevich
17. Central Artemyev Viktor Nikolayevich
18. Central Bukovskiy Boleslav Stanislavovich
19. Oktyabrsky Zhukov Viktor Alexandrovich
20. Oktyabrsky Chertov Oleg Vladilenovich
Kotelnikov Vyacheslav Ivanovich (since January 21, 1997.)
21. Sovetsky Shishov Oleg Vladimirovich
22. Central Gorynin Leonid Georgievich
23. Central Saliukov Yury Leonidovich
24. Central Kovyrshin Nikolai Petrovich
25. Leninsky Varnavsky Vladimir Alekseevich
26. Leninsky Podosinnikov Konstantin Ilyich
27. Leninsky Lukashenko Vladimir Ilyich
28. Sovetsky Golushko Andrey Ivanovich
29. Sovetsky Litskevich Ivan Dmitrievich
Potapov Konstantin Nikolayevich (since April 16, 1996.)
30. Sovetsky Tikhomirov Valery Viktorovich
Sterlyagov Alexander Mikhailovich (since April 16, 1996.)

Acting in accordance with the principle of preserving the continuity of power, the Legislative Assembly of the region took under its control the implementation of the decisions of the previous bodies of representative power. The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region of the first convocation carried out its activities in accordance with the plan of legislative works.

Among the priority decisions the deputies developed and adopted the first laws that defined the legal conditions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, as well as defined the main directions of legislative and organizational activities.

First laws:

  • "Regulations of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region";
  • "On the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region";
  • "On Committees (Commissions) of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region";
  • "The Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk Region";
  • "On the Status of a Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region";
  • "On the Election of the Head of Administration (Governor) of the Omsk Region";
  • "On Elections to Local Self-Government Bodies";
  • "On the Election Commission of the Omsk Region" and others.

Seven committees were formed by the deputies:

  • committee on legislative assumptions, law and order;
  • finance and budget policy committee;
  • agrarian affairs committee;
  • Committee for Industry, Construction and Investment;
  • property committee;
  • Committee on Education, Science and Culture;
  • social affairs committee.

A permanent Advisory Board was also formed.

The work of the deputy corps was provided by the subdivisions of the apparatus of the Legislative Assembly of the region, consisting of the organizational department, the department of legislative proposals and legal advice, the general department, and the press center. The regional newspaper "Omskiy Vestnik" became the official printed body of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.

In October 1997 the Control and Accounts Chamber of the Omsk Region was established.

During the four years of work the deputies held 73 meetings, adopted the Charter and 141 laws of the Omsk region. At 511 meetings of the committees of the Legislative Assembly of the region deputies considered more than 3,500 issues, as well as more than 4,200 appeals of voters addressed to the deputies.

The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region actively used the right of legislative initiative. Draft laws, proposals, additions and amendments to existing laws were submitted to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. For example, draft laws were prepared:

  • "On the prohibition of advertising of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products";
  • "On control over the distribution and demonstration of erotic products on the territory of the Russian Federation";
  • "On the Fundamentals of Inter-budgetary Relations in the Russian Federation".

As a legislative initiative, amendments to the law "On Defense" were sent to the State Duma. According to them, it was prohibited to use soldiers of the first year of service in military operations. The Omsk deputies' amendments to the law "On Defense" were adopted.

In order to widely inform the population about its activities, the Legislative Assembly of the region decided to publish the "News of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region" and to become a co-founder of the regional newspaper "Omsk Herald". More than twenty journalists representing federal, regional and city mass media were accredited to the Omsk Region Legislative Assembly.

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