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Work plans of the Legislative Assembly

Fourth convocation

August 2011



On August 31, 2011 at 10.00 a meeting of the Legislative Assembly will take place .
The following issues are submitted to the Legislative Assembly:

1. On the appointment to the position of justice of the peace in the Omsk region.
Speaker Yarkova V.A. – Chairman of the Omsk Regional Court.
2. On the appointment of elections of deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
Speaker Kalinin S.P. – Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Committee of the Omsk Region on legislation.
3. On the Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments to Certain Laws of the Omsk Region" (second reading).
Speaker Dianov M.A. – Minister of State and Legal Development of the Omsk Region.
4. On the Law of the Omsk Region “On Amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region “On State Support for Advocacy and the Bar in the Omsk Region” (second reading).
Report by Dianov M.A. – Minister of State and Legal Development of the Omsk Region.
5. On the Law of the Omsk Region “On Archives in the Omsk Region” (second reading).
Speaker Dianov M.A. Minister of State and Legal Development of the Omsk Region.
6. On the Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region "On Innovation Activities on the Territory of the Omsk Region" (second reading).
Speaker Muraev I.G. – Minister of Economy of the Omsk Region.
7. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 270-4 “On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region” (first reading).
Speaker Kalinin S.P. – Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Committee on Legislation.
8. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 266-4 “On the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region” (first reading).
Speaker Shishov O.V. – Chairman of the Financial and Budgetary Policy Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
9. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 267-4 “On the road fund of the Omsk region” (first reading).
Speaker Shishov O.V. – Chairman of the Financial and Budgetary Policy Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
10. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 229-4 “On the delimitation of powers of public authorities of the Omsk region in the field of use of highways of regional or intermunicipal importance and the implementation of road activities in the territory of the Omsk region” (first reading).
Speaker Orkish S.N. – Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy and Investments of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
11. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 278-4 “On amending Article 4 of the Law of the Omsk Region “On the status of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region” (submission).
Report. Kalinin S.P. – Chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region region on legislation.
12. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 277-4 “On the recognition of certain laws of the Omsk region as invalid” (presentation).
Speaker policy and investments of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
13. On the draft law of the Omsk Region No. 279-4 “On amendments to Article 6 of the Law of the Omsk Region “On the regulation of relations in the field of education in the territory of the Omsk Region” (submission).

Speaker Goering G.I. – Chairman of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
14. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 275-4 "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On state regulation of subsoil use in the territory of the Omsk region" (submission). on interaction with legislative (representative) and executive authorities of the region, local governments.
15. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 276-4 “On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region “On the regulation of land relations in the Omsk region” ( presentation).
Speaker Zavrazhnov E.V. – senior assistant prosecutor of the Omsk region for interaction with legislative (representative) and executive authorities of the region, local government bodies.
16. Miscellaneous.

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly
V.A. Varnavsky

PROPOSALS to the work plan of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region for August - September 2011

I. Meetings of the Legislative Assembly

August 31, 2011

1. On calling elections of deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.

2. On the Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments to Certain Laws of the Omsk Region" (second reading).

3. On the Law of the Omsk Region "On Archival Affairs in the Omsk Region" (second reading).

4. On the Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region "On Innovation Activities in the Omsk Region" (second reading).

5. On the Draft Law of the Omsk Region No. 270-4 "On Amendments to separate laws of the Omsk region" (first reading).

6. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 266-4 "On the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region" (first reading).

7. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 267-4 "On the road fund of the Omsk region" (first reading).

8. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 229-4 "On the delimitation of powers of public authorities Omsk region in the field of use of highways of regional or intermunicipal importance and implementation of road activities on the territory of the Omsk region" (first reading).

9. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 269-4 "On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region" (first reading).

10. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 273-4 "On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region" (first reading).

11. On the draft law of the Omsk region "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On the regional budget for 2011" (submission).

12. On the execution of the regional budget for the first half of 2011.

II. Meetings of Committee s of the Legislative Assembly

Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy 24.08.2011 14.30 off. 302

1. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 261-4 “On archival affairs in the Omsk region.”
2. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 243-4 "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On innovative activities in the territory of the Omsk region".
3. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 269-4 "On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region" region."
4. On the recommendations of parliamentary hearings on the topic "Development of engineering education and its role in the technological modernNotification of Russia", held by the State Duma Committee on Education on May 12, 2011.
5. On the recommendations of parliamentary hearings on topic "On the development of environmental education and culture as the basis of state policy in the field of ecology, held by the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environmental Management and Ecology on June 10, 2011.
6. On the recommendations of parliamentary hearings on the topic “Museums for future generations (legislative aspect)” held by the State Duma Committee on Culture on June 2, 2011.
7. On the recommendations of the round table on the topic “Current problems of improving legislation on alimony for minors”, held by the State Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children on February 24, 2011.
8. On information about changes in federal legislation
from July 5, 2011 and the need to make changes to regional legislation in terms of the competence of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
9. About information about federal bills received by the Committee in July – September 2011.

Committee on Economic Policy and Investment 25.08.2011 10.00 off. 337

1. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 229-4 “On the delimitation of powers of public authorities of the Omsk region in the field of use of highways of regional or intermunicipal importance and the implementation of road activities in the territory of the Omsk region.”
2. On information on changes in federal legislation
from July 1, 2011 in the areas of activity of the Committee on Economic Policy and Investments of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region and on the need to amend regional laws.
3. On draft federal laws and resolutions of legislative (representative) bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation received by the Committee .
4. Miscellaneous.

Social Policy Committee 25.08.2011 15.30 off. 337

1. On information about changes in federal legislation
from July 5 to August 19, 2011 and on the need to make changes to regional legislation in terms of the competence of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Social Policy.
2. On draft federal laws and appeals from representative bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, received by the Committee in July – August 2011.
3. About information about meetings of representative bodies of local self-government in August 2011.
4. Miscellaneous.

Legislation Committee 25.08.2011 12.00 off. 225

1. On calling elections of deputies to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
2. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 260-4 “On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region.”
3. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 270-4 “On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region.”
4. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 273-4 “On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region.”
5. On information about changes in federal legislation and the need to make changes to the legislation of the Omsk region in terms of the competence of the Legislative Assembly Committee of the Omsk Region on legislation.
6. On draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, received by the Committee in July – August 2011.
7. Miscellaneous.

Property Committee September 2011

1. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 4-4 “On the powers of state authorities of the Omsk region in the field of water relations and the procedure for calculating and collecting fees for the use of water bodies owned by the Omsk region.”
2. On the report of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region on the results of an audit of the Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk Region on the issue of administering regional budget revenues from the management and disposal of property in the Omsk Region within the framework of the Law of the Omsk Region "On Property Management of the Omsk Region" for 2010 and measures taken by the leadership of the Ministry of Property to eliminate identified violations and shortcomings.
3. On information from the Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk Region on the results of activities to regulate land relations in the municipalities of the Omsk Region based on the results of 2010 and the 1st half of 2011.
4. On changes in federal legislation and the need to make changes to regional legislation.
5. On draft federal laws and legislative initiatives of constituent entities of the Russian Federation received by the Property Committee in July - September 2011.

Committee on Agrarian Policy, Natural Resources and Ecology September 2011

1. On the draft law of the Omsk region "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On the regulation of land relations in the Omsk region".
2. On information on changes in federal legislation since July 2011 in the areas of activity of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Agrarian Policy , natural resources and ecology and the need to amend regional laws.
3. On draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, received by the Committee in July-August 2011.
4. Miscellaneous.

Financial and Budgetary Policy Committee 25.08.2011 14.30 office. 225

1. On the draft law of the Omsk region "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On the regional budget for 2011".
2. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 266-4 "On the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk region".
3. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 267-4 “On the road fund of the Omsk region”.
4. On the implementation of the regional budget for the first half of 2011.
5. On information on those adopted and signed by the President of the Russian Federation. Federation of federal laws since June 10, 2011 on issues within the competence of the Committee and the need to amend regional legislation.
6. About letters and appeals on issues within the competence of the Committee received by the Committee since July 1, 2011. .
7. On draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, received by the Committee since July 1, 2011.
8. Miscellaneous.

III. Meetings of working groups of Committee s of the Legislative Assembly

Committee on Economic Policy and Investment Date, time and location will be confirmed later

On the draft federal law “On Amendments to Article 23 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation.”

IV. Events

Participation of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in events dedicated to the Day of Knowledge (September 1).
On-site seminars and meetings with deputies of representative bodies of municipal districts of the Omsk region “Ensuring further interaction bodies of state power and local self-government."

Chief of Staff of the Legislative Assembly

V.M. Shipilov

We decide together
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