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Work plan of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region
for August-September 2022



On September 22, 2022 at 10.00 a.m. a meeting of the Legislative Assembly will take place. The following issues are submitted for consideration by the Legislative Assembly:

Meeting room of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region

1. On appointment to the position of justice of the peace in the Omsk region.

Speaker Ershova L.A. – Deputy Chairman of the Omsk Regional Court.

2. On the Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments to the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk Region".

Speaker Bannikov A.A. – Head of the Main State Legal Department of the Omsk Region.

3. On the Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments to Article 10.1 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On State Regulation of the Use of Subsoil in the Territory of the Omsk Region".

Speaker Lobov I.A. – Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Omsk Region.

4. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1516-7 “On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region “On the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region” (first reading).

Speaker Sedelnikov V.L. – Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government.

5. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1523-7 “On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region “On quotas for jobs in the Omsk region” (first reading).

Speaker Kupriyanov V.V. – Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region, Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region.

6. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1522-7 “On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region “On property management of the Omsk region” (first reading).

Speaker Kozlov E.Yu. – Minister of Property Relations of the Omsk Region.

7. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1526-7 “On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region “On the submission by certain categories of persons of information on income, expenses, property and property-related obligations and verification of the accuracy and completeness of this information” (first reading).

Speaker Klyshnikova E.V. – Head of the Department of the Governor of the Omsk Region for the Prevention of Corruption and Other Offences.

8. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1536-7 “On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region “On elections to local government bodies of the Omsk region” (submission).

Speaker Sedelnikov V.L. – Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government.

9. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1537-7 “On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region “On the Election Commission of the Omsk Region” (submission).

Speaker Sedelnikov V.L. – Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government.

10. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1539-7 “On amendments to the Code of the Omsk region on administrative offenses” (submission).

Speaker Pushkarev V.I. – Chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Agrarian Policy, Natural Resources and Ecology.

11. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1540-7 “On amendments to Articles 4 and 7 of the Law of the Omsk Region “On organizing major repairs of common property in apartment buildings located on the territory of the Omsk region” (submission).

Speaker Shishkin D.S. – Chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Economic Policy and Investment.

12. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1541-7 “On amendments to Article 7.5 of the Law of the Omsk Region “On the state policy of the Omsk region in the field of investment activity” (submission).

Speaker Shishkin D.S. – Chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Economic Policy and Investment.

13. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1538-7 “On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region “On ensuring access to information on the activities of government bodies of the Omsk region” and article 13 of the Law of the Omsk region “On the principles of Notification of the authority and activities of the Public Chamber of the Omsk region” ( presentation).

Speaker Korenny P.A. – Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy.

14. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1529-7 “On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region “On the regulation of urban planning activities in the Omsk region” (submission).

Speaker Gubin M.V. – Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region, Minister of Construction of the Omsk Region.

15. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1535-7 “On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region” (submission).

Speaker Dernova T.V. – Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region, Minister of Education of the Omsk Region.

16. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1530-7 “On amendments to articles 2 and 4.1 of the Law of the Omsk region “On the regulation of urban planning activities in the Omsk region” (submission).

Speaker Kozlov E.Yu. – Minister of Property Relations of the Omsk Region.

17. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1532-7 “On amendments to Article 3 of the Law of the Omsk region “On the property tax of Notification of the authoritys” (submission).

Speaker Negoduiko A.V. – Minister of Economy of the Omsk Region.

18. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1533-7 “On the property tax of Notification of the authoritys” (submission).

Speaker Negoduiko A.V. – Minister of Economy of the Omsk Region.

19. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1531-7 “On amendments to articles 6 and 7.1 of the Law of the Omsk region “On interbudgetary relations in the Omsk region” (submission).

Speaker Chechenko V.A. – Minister of Finance of the Omsk Region.

20. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1534-7 “On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region” (submission).

Speaker Marukhina A.D. – Head of the Office of the Governor and Government of the Omsk Region.

21. On amendments to the resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region "On ensuring access to information about the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region".

Speaker Korenny P.A. – Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy.

22. On approval of the draft agreement between the Government of the Omsk Region (Russian Federation) and the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee (Republic of Belarus) on the implementation of international and foreign economic relations in trade, economic, scientific, technical, environmental, social, humanitarian, cultural and other fields.< br>
Speaker Negoduiko A.V. – Minister of Economy of the Omsk Region.

23. On the execution of the regional budget for the first half of 2022.

Speaker Chechenko V.A. – Minister of Finance of the Omsk Region.

24. Miscellaneous.

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly

V.A. Varnavsky

I. Meeting of the Legislative Assembly

September 22, 2022

1. On appointment to the position of justice of the peace in the Omsk region.
2. On the Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments to the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk Region".
3. On the Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments to Article 10.1 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On State Regulation of the Use of Subsoil in the Territory of the Omsk Region".
4. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1516-7 “On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region “On the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region” (first reading).
5. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1523-7 “On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region “On quotas for jobs in the Omsk region” (first reading).
6. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1522-7 “On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region “On property management of the Omsk region” (first reading).
7. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1526-7 “On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region “On the submission by certain categories of persons of information on income, expenses, property and property-related obligations and verification of the accuracy and completeness of this information” (first reading).
8. On the draft law of the Omsk region “On amendments to the Code of the Omsk Region on Administrative Offences” (submission).
9. On the draft law of the Omsk region "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On the state policy of the Omsk region in the field of investment activity" (submission).
10. Miscellaneous.
II. Meetings of Committee s of the Legislative Assembly

Property Committee 12.09.2022 15.00 off. 337

1. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1522-7 "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On property management of the Omsk region" (first reading).
2. On the procedure for interaction between the Ministry of Construction of the Omsk Region and the Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk Region on the issue of recording the property of the Omsk Region in the Unified Data Bank of Property Objects of the Omsk Region and specialized property registers of the Omsk Region.
3. On the procedure for interaction between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Omsk Region and the Ministry of Property Relations of the Omsk Region on the issue of recording the property of the Omsk Region in the Unified Data Bank of Property Objects of the Omsk Region and specialized property registers of the Omsk Region.
4. On the report of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region on the results of the control event "Inspection of the state enterprise of the Omsk Region "Sports and Rehabilitation Center" on the issue of management and disposal of property of the Omsk Region in 2020–2021.
5. On the measures taken to eliminate violations identified by the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region as a result of the control event "Checking the financial and economic activities of the joint stock company Logistics Company "Grain of Siberia", the share of ownership of the Omsk Region in the authorized capital of which is more than 50 percent, for 2020 year".
6. On clarifying the development strategy of OJSC Omsk Airport for 2022 – 2024 and the draft action plan (road map) for its implementation.
7. On holding a visiting meeting of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on property on the issue “On the current state and prospects for the development of the budgetary institution of the Omsk Region “Sports and Concert Complex named after Viktor Blinov”.
8. On information on changes in federal legislation in July - September 2022 in the areas of activity of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Property and on the need to amend regional laws.
9. On information about draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation received by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Property in July - September 2022.
10. Miscellaneous.

Committee  on legislation and local government 14.09.2022 12.00 off. 225

1. On appointment to the position of justice of the peace in the Omsk region.
2. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1511-7 “On amendments to the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk Region” (second reading).
3. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1516-7 “On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region “On the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region” (first reading).
4. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1526-7 “On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region “On the submission by certain categories of persons of information on income, expenses, property and property-related obligations and verification of the accuracy and completeness of this information” (first reading).
5. On monitoring the enforcement of the Law of the Omsk Region of February 9, 2005 No. 606-OZ “On holding public events on the territory of the Omsk Region.”
6. On information on changes in federal legislation in July - September 2022 in the areas of activity of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Legislation and Local Self-Government and on the need to amend regional laws.
7. On information about draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation received by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Legislation and Local Self-Government in July - September 2022.
8. Miscellaneous.

Committee  on education, science, culture and youth policy 14.09.2022 14.00 BPOU OO "Omsk Aviation College named after N.E. Zhukovsky"
(Omsk, Lenin St., 24)

1. On information from the Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region on the Notification of the authority of educational activities under secondary vocational education programs.
2. On the work of the budgetary professional educational institution of the Omsk region "Omsk Aviation College named after N.E. Zhukovsky" in training specialists for the Omsk region.
3. On information on changes in federal legislation in July - September 2022 in the areas of activity of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy and on the need to amend regional laws.
4. On information about draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation received by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy in July - September 2022.
5. Miscellaneous.

Committee  on social policy 15.09.2022 10.00 off. 225

1. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1523-7 "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On quotas for jobs in the Omsk region" (first reading).
2. On measures to eliminate violations identified by the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region during the control event "Inspection of the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region on the legality and effectiveness of the use of regional budget funds provided in 2020 for the professional notification of palliative medical care."
3. On measures to eliminate violations identified by the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region during the control event "Checking the legality and effectiveness of the use of regional budget funds allocated in 2020 and January - May 2021 for the implementation of the regional project "Financial support for families at the birth of children ", aimed at achieving the goals of the federal project "Financial support for families at the birth of children" of the national project "Demography".
4. On the report of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region on the results of the control event "Inspection of budgetary healthcare institutions of the Omsk Region "Children's Sanatorium No. 1" and "Children's Sanatorium No. 2" on the issue of the legality and effectiveness of the use of regional budget funds allocated in 2021 as part of state program of the Omsk region "Development of healthcare in the Omsk region" for sanatorium and resort treatment of children."
5. On information on changes in federal legislation in July - September 2022 in the areas of activity of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Social Policy and on the need to amend regional laws.
6. On information on draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation received by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Social Policy in July - September 2022.
7. Miscellaneous.

Committee  on Agrarian Policy
natural resources and ecology
15.09.2022 12.00 off. 302

1. On the draft law of the Omsk region "On Amendments to the Code of the Omsk Region on Administrative Offences" (submission).
2. On the implementation of the state program of the Omsk region "Integrated development of rural areas of the Omsk region" in 2021.
3. On the implementation and monitoring of enforcement of the Law of the Omsk Region of December 27, 2006 No. 842-OZ “On production and consumption waste in the Omsk Region.”
4. On information on changes in federal legislation in July - September 2022 in the areas of activity of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Agrarian Policy, Natural Resources and Ecology and on the need to amend regional laws.
5. On information about draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation received by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Agrarian Policy, Natural Resources and Ecology in July-September 2022.
6. Miscellaneous.

Committee  Financial and Budget Policy 15.09.2022 14.00 off. 225

1. On information from the Ministry of Economy of the Omsk Region on the implementation in 2021 of the Law of the Omsk Region dated May 25, 2020 No. 2270-OZ “On the establishment of tax rates for taxpayers using a simplified tax system.”
2. On information on changes in federal legislation in July - September 2022 in the areas of activity of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of Financial and Budgetary Policy and on the need to amend regional laws.
3. On information about draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation received by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of Financial and Budgetary Policy in July - September 2022.
4. Miscellaneous.

Committee  on economic policy
and investments
15.09.2022 16.00 off. 337

1. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1506-7 "On amendments to Article 10.1 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On state regulation of subsoil use in the Omsk region" (second reading).
2. On the draft law of the Omsk region "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On the state policy of the Omsk region in the field of investment activity" (submission).
3. On the progress of implementation of investment projects in the Omsk region, which have the status of a large-scale investment project.
4. On information on changes in federal legislation in July - September 2022 in the areas of activity of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Economic Policy and Investment and on the need to amend regional laws.
5. On information on draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation received by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on economic policy and investment in July - September 2022.

III. Miscellaneous.

III. Other events Participation of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region in events dedicated to the Siberian International Marathon (August 6), Omsk City Day (August 6) and Knowledge Day (September 1).

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