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Work plan of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region for May 2022



May 19, 2022 at 10.00 o'clock a meeting of the Legislative Assembly will take place. The following issues are submitted for consideration by the Legislative Assembly:

1. On appointment to the position of justice of the peace in the Omsk region.

Speaker Ershova L.A. – Deputy Chairman of the Omsk Regional Court.

2. On the involvement of a retired magistrate judge of the Omsk region to perform the duties of a magistrate judge of the Omsk region.

Speaker Ershova L.A. – Deputy Chairman of the Omsk Regional Court.

3. On the report on the situation of youth and the implementation of state youth policy in the Omsk region for 2021.

Speaker Krikoryants D.O. – Minister of Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and Sports of the Omsk Region.

4. On the Law of the Omsk Region “On certain issues of holding a gathering of citizens on the issue of introducing and using means of self-taxation of citizens on part of the territory of a settlement that is part of a settlement in the Omsk Region, an urban district of the Omsk Region.”

Speaker Sedelnikov V.L. – Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government.

5. On the Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments to the Code of the Omsk Region on Administrative Offences".

Speaker Sedelnikov V.L. – Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government.

6. On the Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments to Articles 2 and 3 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On the Regulation of Urban Development Activities in the Omsk Region".

Speaker Shishkin D.S. – Chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Economic Policy and Investment.

7. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1501-7 “On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region” (first reading).

Speaker Sedelnikov V.L. – Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government.

8. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1493-7 “On amending Article 4 of the Law of the Omsk Region “On the criteria that social, cultural and communal facilities, large-scale investment projects must meet for the purpose of providing land plots for rent without bidding" (first reading).

Speaker Gubin M.V. – Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region, Minister of Construction of the Omsk Region.

9. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1498-7 “On amendments to articles 4 and 5 of the Law of the Omsk region “On the delimitation of powers of public authorities of the Omsk region in the field of development of small and medium-sized businesses in the territory of the Omsk region” (first reading).
Speaker Negoduiko A.V. – Minister of Economy of the Omsk Region.

10. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1499-7 “On amendments to Article 3 of the Law of the Omsk Region “On the main directions of industrial policy in the Omsk region” (first reading).

Speaker Posazhennikov A.V. – Minister of Industry, Communications, Digital and Scientific and Technical Development of the Omsk Region.

11. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1496-7 “On the execution of the budget of the territorial compulsory health insurance fund of the Omsk region for 2021” (first reading).

Speaker Spinov V.I. – Director of the territorial compulsory health insurance fund of the Omsk region.

12. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1503-7 “On amendments to Article 3 of the Law of the Omsk Region “On Fire Safety in the Omsk Region” (submission).

Speaker Shishkin D.S. – Chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Economic Policy and Investment.

13. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1502-7 “On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region” (submission).

Speaker Negoduiko A.V. – Minister of Economy of the Omsk Region.

14. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1497-7 “On amendments to Article 2 of the Law of the Omsk region “On the property tax of Notification of the authoritys” (submission).

Speaker Kokorin V.M. – Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.

15. On the list of questions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region to the Governor of the Omsk Region on the activities of the Government of the Omsk Region in 2021.

Speaker Sedelnikov V.L. – Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government.

16. On the results of consideration of the deputy request of the Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region V.M. Kokorin to the Governor of the Omsk Region A.L. Burkov.

Speaker Gubin M.V. – Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region, Minister of Construction of the Omsk Region.

17. Miscellaneous.

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly

V.A. Varnavsky

Work plan of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region for May 2022

I. Meeting of the Legislative Assembly

May 19, 2022

1. On appointment to the position of justice of the peace in the Omsk region.
2. On the report on the situation of youth and the implementation of state youth policy in the Omsk region for 2021.
3. On the Law of the Omsk Region “On certain issues of holding a gathering of citizens on the issue of introducing and using means of self-taxation of citizens on part of the territory of a settlement that is part of a settlement in the Omsk Region, an urban district of the Omsk Region” (second reading).
4. On the Law of the Omsk Region “On Amendments to Articles 2 and 3 of the Law of the Omsk Region “On the Regulation of Urban Development Activities in the Omsk Region” (second reading).
5. On the Law of the Omsk Region “On Amendments to the Code of the Omsk Region on Administrative Offences” (second reading).
6. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1501-7 “On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region” (first reading).
7. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1493-7 “On amending Article 4 of the Law of the Omsk Region “On the criteria that social, cultural and communal facilities, large-scale investment projects must meet for the purpose of providing land plots for rent without bidding" (first reading).
8. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1498-7 “On amendments to Articles 4 and 5 of the Law of the Omsk Region “On the delimitation of powers of public authorities of the Omsk region in the field of development of small and medium-sized businesses in the territory of the Omsk region” (first reading).

9. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1499-7 “On amendments to Article 3 of the Law of the Omsk Region “On the main directions of industrial policy in the Omsk region” (first reading).
10. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1496-7 “On the execution of the budget of the territorial compulsory health insurance fund of the Omsk region for 2021” (first reading).
11. On the list of questions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region to the Governor of the Omsk Region on the activities of the Government of the Omsk Region in 2021.
12. Miscellaneous.
II. Meetings of Committee s of the Legislative Assembly

Committee on legislation and local government 11.05.2022 12.00 off. 225

1. On appointment to the position of justice of the peace in the Omsk region.
2. On the Law of the Omsk Region No. 1483-7 “On Amendments to the Code of the Omsk Region on Administrative Offences” (second reading).
3. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1489-7 “On certain issues of holding a gathering of citizens on the issue of introducing and using means of self-taxation of citizens on part of the territory of a settlement that is part of a settlement in the Omsk region, an urban district of the Omsk region” (second reading).

4. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1501-7 “On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region” (first reading).
5. On the list of questions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region to the Governor of the Omsk Region on the activities of the Government of the Omsk Region in 2021.
6. On information on changes in federal legislation in April - May 2022 in the areas of activity of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Legislation and Local Self-Government and on the need to amend regional laws.
7. On information about draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation received by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Legislation and Local Government in April - May 2022.
8. Miscellaneous.

Committee on Education, Science,
culture and youth policy
11.05.2022 14.00 off. 337

1. On the report on the situation of youth and the implementation of state youth policy in the Omsk region for 2021.
2. On the Notification of the authority of recreation and health improvement for children in the summer of 2022 in the Omsk region.
3. On information on the preparation of the budgetary institution "Year-round sanatorium educational camp "Lesnaya Polyana" of the Tarsky municipal district of the Omsk region for the summer health campaign in 2022."
4. On information on changes in federal legislation in April - May 2022 in the areas of activity of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy and on the need to amend regional laws.
5. On information about draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation received by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy in April - May 2022.
6. Miscellaneous.

Committee on Social Policy 12.05.2022 10.00 off. 225

1. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1496-7 “On the execution of the budget of the territorial compulsory health insurance fund of the Omsk region for 2021” (first reading).
2. On the report of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Omsk Region on the results of activities and assessment of compliance with the rights and legitimate interests of children in the Omsk Region in 2021.
3. On the activities of the budgetary healthcare institution of the Omsk region "Bureau of Forensic Medicine".
4. On the activities of the budgetary healthcare institution of the Omsk region "Dental Clinic".
5. Information from the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region on the progress of implementing the recommendations of the round table on the topic
“On improving the professional notification of medical care to patients, including children, with diseases of the blood system and hematopoietic organs”, held on June 24, 2021 by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Social Policy.
6. On the recommendations of the round table on the topic “On the availability and quality of free medical care to the population, including medical rehabilitation within the framework of compulsory health insurance in the Omsk region”, held on April 19, 2022 by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Social Policy .
7. On information on the preparation and holding of a visiting meeting of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on June 9, 2022
on social policy at the autonomous inpatient social service institution of the Omsk region "Omsk psychoneurological boarding school".
8. About information about changes in federal legislation
in April - May 2022 in the areas of activity of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Social Policy and
on the need to amend regional laws.
9. On information about draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation received by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Social Policy in April - May 2022.
10. Miscellaneous.

Committee on Agrarian Policy
natural resources and ecology
12.05.2022 12.00 off. 302

1. On measures aimed at introducing unused agricultural land into agricultural circulation.
2. On measures to ensure the reduction of the negative impact of economic activities on the environment in the field of production and consumption waste management.
3. On information on changes in federal legislation in April - May 2022 in the areas of activity of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Agrarian Policy, Natural Resources and Ecology and on the need to amend regional laws.
4. On information about draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation received by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Agrarian Policy and Natural Resources
and ecology in April – May 2022.
5. Miscellaneous.

Committee Financial and Budget Policy 12.05.2022 14.00 off. 225

1. On the draft regulations for public hearings on the annual report on the execution of the regional budget for 2021.
2. On information about draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation received by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of Financial and Budgetary Policy in April - May 2022.
3. On information on changes in federal legislation in April - May 2022 in the areas of activity of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of Financial and Budgetary Policy and on the need to amend regional laws.
4. Miscellaneous.

Committee on Economic Policy
and investments
12.05.2022 16.00 off. 337

1. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1490-7 “On amendments to articles 2 and 3 of the Law of the Omsk region “On the regulation of urban planning activities in the Omsk region” (second reading).
2. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1493-7 “On amending Article 4 of the Law of the Omsk Region “On the criteria that social, cultural and communal facilities, large-scale investment projects must meet for the purpose of providing land plots for rent without bidding" (first reading).
3. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1498-7 “On amendments to Articles 4 and 5 of the Law of the Omsk Region “On the delimitation of powers of public authorities of the Omsk region in the field of development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Omsk region” (first reading).

 4. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1499-7 “On amendments to Article 3 of the Law of the Omsk Region “On the main directions of industrial policy in the Omsk region” (first reading).
5. On current information on the progress of work on design, passing state examination, concluding contracts for the construction of facilities as part of the implementation of national projects "Healthcare", "Demography" and "Education" in 2022.
6. On information on changes in federal legislation in April - May 2022 in the areas of activity of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Economic Policy and Investments and on the need to amend regional laws.
7. On information about draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation received by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on economic policy and investment in April - May 2022.
8. Miscellaneous.

Property Committee 13.05.2022 10.00 Omsk Airport OJSC, assembly hall

1. On the performance efficiency and development prospects of OJSC "Omsk Airport".
2. On information on changes in federal legislation in April - May 2022 in the areas of activity of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Property and on the need to amend regional laws.
3. On information about draft federal laws and appeals from legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation received by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Property in April - May 2022.
4. Miscellaneous.

III. Other events

Property Committee 26.05.2022 15.00 off. 337

Meeting of the working group on the draft law of the Omsk region "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On property management of the Omsk region".

Participation of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region in events dedicated to the Spring and Labor Festival (May 1), Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 (May 9).

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