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October 2023 



October 19, 2023 at 10.00 o'clock  a meeting of the Legislative Assembly will take place. The following issues are submitted for consideration by the Legislative Assembly:

Meeting room of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region   
1.     On appointment to the position of justice of the peace in the Omsk region.
Speaker Trapeznikov P.V.  – Chairman of the Omsk Regional Court.
2.    On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1662-7  "On amendments to the Charter (Basic Law) of the Omsk Region" (submission).
Speaker Zaremba O.I. – Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region.
3.   About Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
Speaker Artemov A.V. – Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
Speaker  ;Korenny P.A. – Chairman of the Counting Commission of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
4.   On the Law of the Omsk Region "On accounting of state property of the Omsk region and maintaining the register of state property of the Omsk region".
Document. Zuga I.M. –  Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Committee on Property.
5.  On the Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region "On the Management and Disposal of Property of the Omsk Region". 
Speaker Kozlov E.Yu. –  Minister of Property Relations of the Omsk Region. 
6. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1646-7 "On amendments to Article 26 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region" (first reading).
Speaker Sedelnikov V.L. – Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government.
7. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1647-7 "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On elections to local government bodies of the Omsk region" (first reading).
Speaker Sedelnikov V.L. – Chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Legislation and Local Government.
8. On the draft law of Omsk region No. 1651-7 "On amendments to the Code of the Omsk Region on Administrative Offences" (first reading).
Speaker Pushkarev V.I. –  ;Chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Agrarian Policy, Natural Resources and Ecology.
9. On the draft law of the Omsk Region No. 1652-7 "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region "On the protection of atmospheric air in the Omsk region"          (first reading).
Speaker Pushkarev V.I. – Chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Agrarian Policy, Natural Resources and Ecology.
10. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1648-7 "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On the regulation of urban planning activities in the Omsk region" (first reading).
Speaker Shishkin D.S. – Chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on Economic Policy and Investment.
11. On the draft law of Omsk region No. 1649-7 "On amendments to Article 10.1 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On state regulation of subsoil use in the Omsk Region" (first reading).
Speaker Shishkin  D.S. – Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Committee on Economic Policy and Investment.
12. On the draft law of the Omsk Region No. 1644-7 "On introducing amendments to Article 44 of the Code of the Omsk Region on social protection of certain categories of citizens" (first reading).
Speaker Krott I.I. – Deputy Chairman of the Government  Omsk region, Minister of Education of the Omsk region.
13. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1643-7 "On amendments to the Code of the Omsk region on social protection of certain categories of citizens" ( first reading).
Speaker Kupriyanov V.V. – Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region, Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region.
14. On draft law of the Omsk region No. 1638-7 "On the delimitation of powers of public authorities of the Omsk region in the field of organizing the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxis in the territory of the Omsk region" (first reading).
Speaker Kurmanov D.Kh. – Deputy Chairman of the Government
Omsk Region.
15. O draft law of the Omsk region No. 1641-7 "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On interbudgetary relations in the Omsk region"     (first reading).
Speaker Chechenko V.A. – Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region, Minister of Finance of the Omsk Region.
16. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1642-7 "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On the list of objects owned by the Omsk region that are not subject to alienation" (first reading).
Speaker Kozlov E.Yu. – Minister of Property Relations of the Omsk Region.
17. On the draft law of the Omsk Region No.  1653-7 "On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region" (first reading).
Speaker Kozlov E.Yu. – Minister of Property Relations of the Omsk Region .
18. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1640-7 "On amendments to articles 2 and 3 of the Law of the Omsk region "On the regulation of forest relations in the Omsk region" (first reading).
Speaker Lobov I.A. – Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Omsk Region.
19.  ;On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1636-7 "On amendments to Article 5 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On protecting the health of the population of the Omsk region" (first reading).
Speaker  Murakhovsky A.G. – Minister of Health of the Omsk Region.
20. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1637-7 "On amendments to   Law of the Omsk Region "On Notification of the authorityal Property Tax" (first reading).
Speaker Negoduiko A.V. – Minister of Economy of the Omsk Region.
21. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1639-7 "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On free legal assistance and state support for advocacy and the legal profession in the Omsk region"  (first reading).
Speaker Bannikov A.A. – Head of the Main State Legal Department of the Omsk Region.
22. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1664-7 "On amendments to Article 7 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On the status of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region" (submission).
Document . Sedelnikov V.L. – Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government.
23. On the draft law of the Omsk Region No. 1665 -7 "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region "On the Election Commission of the Omsk Region"
and Articles 1 and 3 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On the procedure for forming precinct election commissions in the territory of the Omsk Region" (submission).
Speaker Sedelnikov V.L. – Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government.
24. About the project Law of the Omsk Region No. 1667-7 "On Amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region "On the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region" (submission).
Speaker Berezhnoy V.G.  ;– Chairman of the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of Financial and Budgetary Policy.
25. On the draft law of the Omsk Region No. 1657-7 "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region "On the regional budget for 2023 and for the planning period 2024 and 2025" (presentation).
Speaker Chechenko V.A. – Deputy Chairman of the Government of Omsk region, Minister of Finance of the Omsk Region.
26. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1656-7 "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region "On the budget process in the Omsk region" (presentation).
Speaker Chechenko V.A. – Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region, Minister of Finance of the Omsk Region.
27. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1661-7 "On amendments to Article 46 of the Code of the Omsk Region on social protection of certain categories of citizens" (submission).
Speaker  Crott I.I. – Deputy Chairman of the Government Omsk Region, Minister of Education of the Omsk Region.
28. On the draft law of the Omsk Region No. 1654- 7 "On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region on anti-corruption issues" (submission).
Report. Marukhina A.D. – Deputy Chairman of the Government of Omsk region, Head of the Office of the Governor and Government of the Omsk Region.
 29. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1658-7 "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region "On State Awards" Omsk region, awards of the highest government bodies of the Omsk region and honorary titles of the Omsk region" (presentation). region, Head of the Office of the Governor and Government of the Omsk Region.
30. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1659-7 "On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region" (submission).
Speaker Marukhina A.D. – Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region, Head of the Office of the Governor and Government of the Omsk Region.
31. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1663-7 "On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region" (submission).
Speaker Marukhina A.D.  – Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region, Head of the Office of the Governor and Government of the Omsk Region.
32. On the draft law of the Omsk Region No. 1655-7 "On Amendments" to Article 3 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On Transport Tax" (submission).
Speaker Negoduiko A.V. – Minister of Economy of the Omsk Region.
33. On the draft law of the Omsk region No. 1660-7 "On establishing a coefficient for 2024 that reflects the regional characteristics of the labor market" (submission).
Report Negoduiko A.V. – Minister of Economy of the Omsk Region.
34. On changing the composition of the Committee s of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
Speaker Adyrbaev M.Sh. –  Head of the Secretariat of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
35. Miscellaneous.    
Chairman Legislative Assembly               

A.V. Artemov    

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