July 5-7, 2024, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Alexander Artemov was on a working visit to the Mogilev Region of the Republic of Belarus. As part of the trip, a meeting was held between the Speaker of Parliament and the Chairman of the Mogilev Regional Council of Deputies, Alexander Goroshkin. The parties discussed issues of interregional cooperation and plans for joint work. Alexander Artemov's visit is aimed at further strengthening interaction between the regions of the union states and friendly relations between the two countries.
The Republic of Belarus is a significant foreign trade partner of Omsk region, is one of the five main foreign partners of the region. Cooperation is carried out in the agro-industrial complex, industry, healthcare, education, youth policy and culture. City Mogilev, like Minsk and Gomel, are sister cities of Omsk.
The Parliament Speaker's trip to Belarus is a continuation development of an important vector of cooperation. During mutual visits representatives of the regions held various meetings, events, signed documents and agreements on the basis of which interaction between countries is strengthened.
Since the beginning of this year, several significant visits and meetings have already taken place. 25 March 2024, Chairman of the regional parliament Alexander Artemov, consisting of official delegation of the Omsk region, headed by Governor Vitaly Khotsenko, took part in a meeting with Alexander Lukashenko, as well as with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Belarus Boris Gryzlov and with the Governor Minsk region Alexander Turchin.
We talked about cooperation in various sectors of the economy. Issues of opening in Omsk, a large multi-brand center of Belarusian technology, created in our region of the Belarusian Trading House, attracting Belarusian construction companies companies for the construction and major repairs of social facilities. On meeting with the Chairman of the Minsk Regional Council deputies Natalya Yakubitskaya discussed the interaction of regions.
Meeting representatives of the official delegation of the Omsk region with the President of the Republic Belarus by Alexander Lukashenko, March 2024
Quite recently, at the beginning of June, a delegation worked in the Omsk region Mogilev region of the Republic of Belarus, which arrived to develop bilateral communications. It was headed by a deputy Chairman of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee Ruslan Strakhar. An agreement was reached to strengthen bilateral connections in the industrial and social spheres. And these days the chairman of the regional parliament is on a return visit to the Mogilev region.
During the trip, Alexander Artemov discussed issues of interregional cooperation and plans collaboration, the parties shared their experience in making laws and decisions, aimed at the socio-economic development of regions.
Special attention was paid social support for citizens, patriotic education of youth, development tourism, mechanisms for attracting investment in various sectors of the economy, improvement of rural and urban areas.
Meeting representatives of the delegation of the Mogilev region of the Republic of Belarus with the leadership Omsk region, June 2024
The Speaker of Parliament also visited the agricultural town of Alexandria, where I visited the 15th Republican festival "Alexandria Gathers Friends". At the holiday they were deployed exhibitions reflecting cultural heritage, creativity of masters decorative and applied arts, original folk culture of peoples Belarus and Russia, as well as other neighboring countries. Thematic areas and pavilions were also dedicated to 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders.
One of the key events in the festival program was "Union State on Kupala", within the framework of which the concert took place "Allied Stars Visiting Alexandria" with the participation of Russian and Belarusian pop stars, personifying the idea of the unity of Slavic culture, friendship of fraternal peoples, time-tested, passing through the crucible of the great historical events. The themes of the Year of Quality were presented at the festival - in Belarus, Years of the Family - in Russia