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Property management issues are discussed in a broad format
On January 30, 2024, a seminar-conference was held in the regional parliament on the topic “Management and disposal of state property in the Omsk region,” organized by the property committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
Property management issues are discussed in a broad format

On January 30, 2024, a seminar-conference on the topic “Management and disposal of state property in the Omsk region” was held in the regional parliament, organized by the property committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.

Discuss current issues of management and disposal of state property, legislative regulation in this area, a wide range of circle of participants: deputies of the regional parliament, representatives of executive bodies authorities of the Omsk region, Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk region, prosecutor's office of the Omsk region region, Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Omsk Region, Office Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for Omsk region, members of the Scientific Expert Council under the Legislative Committee Meetings of the Omsk region on property, students of Omsk universities.

"Carrying out such events - this is an opportunity for exchange of views," noted the chairman of the Legislative Assembly committee Omsk region by property Igor Zuga, opening the event.
Seminars-conferences on management and disposal issues This is not the first time that the committee has held property meetings. As Igor emphasized Zuga, “the main goal is a common understanding of the issues of public administration property and preparation of relevant legislation. Necessary increasing the efficiency of property management, as discussed by the Governor of the Omsk Region Vitaly Khotsenko spoke in his message to the Legislative Assembly."

First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region Rustam Mingazov in his opening speech expressed gratitude to the deputies for active position on property management issues, assistance and assistance. At the same time, he noted that representatives of ministries will speak on management issues property.

The discussion of the conference topic began with the report “Organizational and legal the need to adopt a new law of the Omsk region in the field of management and disposal of state property of the Omsk region", represented by a member of the Scientific Expert Council under the Legislative Committee Meetings of the Omsk region on property, Doctor of Law Alexander Butakov.

Then the Minister of Property Relations of the Omsk Region Evgeniy Kozlov presented information on the topic “Public property: from theory to practice.” After which the Minister of Economics of Omsk region Anna Negoduiko spoke about the “Strategy for Development and Management investments in state property of the Omsk region."
In turn, the First Deputy Minister of Finance of Omsk region Yuri Nadelyaev made a report on the topic “Increasing revenue regional budget through increasing revenues from state property management Omsk region".

On the work to fill the Unified State Register with information about state and municipal property, the audience was informed by the deputy head Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and cartography in the Omsk region Olga Shirochenkova.

Questions about implementation problems legislation of the Omsk region in the field of management and disposal of state property of the Omsk region, on the management and disposal of natural resources resources of the Omsk region, information about which was provided by senior prosecutor of the department for supervision over the implementation of laws in the field of ecology, on protection interests of the state and society management for supervision of execution federal legislation of the prosecutor's office of the Omsk region Svetlana Nepomnyashchikh and member Scientific Expert Council under the Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region by property, Doctor of Philosophy Sergey Kostarev.

In addition, the event participants learned about the methodology state financial control on issues of management and disposal state property of the Omsk region, which the auditor spoke about Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region Lyudmila Shevchenko.

Further, a comprehensive discussion of the stated topic took place seminar-conference. Various opinions and proposals were expressed on the problems management of state property and legislative regulation in this area. Questions were raised about the use of movable and immovable property property in regional ownership, ownerless objects, income from budgetary institutions, preservation of objects, including monuments architecture.

We were talking about a plan for generating revenues into the regional budget from use of property owned by the Omsk region, on the need to update the law on the management and disposal of state property Omsk region. Examples of other regions of the Russian Federation in management were also given property.

Summarizing the discussion and concluding event, Igor Zuga noted: “An interesting discussion took place. We heard speeches representative composition of participants. We have a common position on management issues state property, replenishing budget revenues through effective use of property. It is necessary to continue to work together in this direction."

At the same time, he said that the property committee will continue work on a bill amending regional legislation on management and disposal of state property of the Omsk region. All proposals made at the seminar-conference will be used in its preparation.

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