A meeting of the Committee on Economic Policy and Investment was held
Major repair issues
A meeting of the Committee on Economic Policy and Investments was held
reviewed several bills, including two draft laws relating to capital
repairs in apartment buildings. The first one is “On amendments to the article
15 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On the organization of major repairs
common property in apartment buildings located on the territory of Omsk
region" - provides for expanding the list of services and (or) works on
additional capital repairs to the common property of an apartment building
type of work on repair of septic tanks and cesspools related to common property
apartment building. This project
it was decided to recommend the regional parliament to adopt the law in the second reading with
taking into account the conclusion of the amendment committee.
Second -
"On Amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region "On Organization
carrying out major repairs of common property in apartment buildings,
located on the territory of the Omsk region" - prepared in connection with
adoption of the federal law of December 28, 2016 No. 498-FZ and provides for
a number of changes. In particular, the draft law is supplemented with a provision according to which
work on major repairs of common property in an apartment building can
include work to replace and (or) restore load-bearing building structures
apartment building and (or) utility networks of an apartment building,
classified in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities
to the reconstruction of capital construction projects.
expansion of the list of information that the owner of a special
accounts to the state housing supervision authority. Among other innovations -
clarification of the deadline for the adoption of short-term plans for the implementation of the regional program
major repairs of common property in apartment buildings. Such plans
approved for a period of three years with distribution by year within these three
years. It was decided to recommend this draft law to the Legislative Assembly
accept for consideration.
On committee
Other issues were also considered. So, the deputies heard and discussed the report
Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Omsk Region for 2016. Accepted
decision to take note of the report.