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Attention! The competition!



To protect the interests of homeowners
At the plenary meeting held today, deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region reviewed the reports of the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Omsk Region and the KSP of the Omsk Region. In addition, parliamentarians approved innovations to the law on the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings, discussed bills on the protection of the rights of shareholders, and also accepted for consideration a new bill regulating the activities of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Omsk Region.
In defense of the interests of homeowners

At the plenary meeting held today, deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region considered the reports of the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Omsk Region and the KSP of the Omsk Region. In addition, parliamentarians approved innovations to the law on the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings, discussed bills on protecting the rights of shareholders, and also adopted for consideration a new bill regulating the activities of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Omsk Region.

At the beginning meeting, deputies discussed issues of appointment to the post of magistrate judge Omsk region and on the election of representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in the qualification commission of the Chamber of Lawyers of the Omsk Region.

Special Parliamentarians paid attention to the reports of the head of the Ministry's Department Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Omsk Region Leonid Kolomiets about the activities of the police for 2018 and Chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region Valentina Chernoy about the activities of the PCB in 2018. After discussing both reports it was decided take note. Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Vladimir Varnavsky thanked the heads of these departments for the effective work and constructive interaction with the deputy corps.

During meeting, deputies considered a package of pressing bills relating to housing sector. Thus, in general, the law “On introducing amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region "On the organization of capital capital repair of common property in apartment buildings located on the territory Omsk region".

In accordance with it, the list of capital works repairs of common property in the house, the implementation of which is financed by funds from the capital repair fund, includes repairs, replacement, modernization elevators, repair of elevator shafts, machine and block rooms. To be specified, in in particular, the authority of the Government of the Omsk region to approve the order making a decision to carry out major repairs of common property in apartment building in the event of an accident or other emergency situations natural or man-made.

The draft law “On introducing amendments to Article 4 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On the criteria that must be correspond to socio-cultural and communal facilities appointments, large-scale investment projects in order to provide land plots for rent without bidding." It provides for the expansion options for solving problems of citizens - participants in shared construction apartment buildings, in front of which the developers did not fulfill their obligations to complete the construction of apartment buildings on the territory Omsk region.

As the speaker of the regional parliament noted, “the problem shareholders remains tense and important. At the federal level, a law has been passed that will be able to protect shareholders. Shareholders' money will be kept in accounts in banks. And banks give guarantees." In the Omsk region, work is also underway to solving the problems of participants in shared housing construction are adopted regulatory legal acts. "The new proposed version of the law will help solve the problems of shareholders,” emphasized Vladimir Varnavsky.

In addition, for the conclusion of the Governor of the Omsk region it was decided to send the bill “On measures of state support for citizens – participants in shared construction who suffered from the actions (inaction) of developers on the territory of the Omsk region", developed in order to reduce social tension.

Another housing law adopted by the Assembly concerns the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment of premises. In connection with the amendments in federal legislation, in the regional law on public policy In the Omsk region, some changes have been made in the housing sector. The point is that a unified procedure for organizing the reconstruction and (or) redevelopment for both residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building.

At the conclusion of the Governor of the Omsk region, the deputies decided send another draft law - “On the Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Omsk Region.” The draft defines the legal status main tasks and powers of the Commissioner for Children's Rights in Omsk areas. The procedure for appointment to the post of Commissioner for rights of the child and early termination of his powers.

During During the meeting, deputies also considered other issues. In particular, due to the expiration term of office of the auditor of the KSP of the Omsk region in July 2019, regional parliament decided to call elections for the post of auditor of the Omsk Region PSC from Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on the day of the meeting of the Assembly in July 2019 year.

After that, As all the issues on the agenda of the plenary meeting were considered, the speaker of the regional Parliament Vladimir Varnavsky, not without pleasure, congratulated the winners of the regional competition of creative works on legal issues, presenting them with Diplomas and memorable books on the activities of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region. The Chairman wished the winners successful defense of diplomas, a bright future and good prospects.

The competition was organized by the regional parliament in connection with the 25th anniversary of the Legislative Assembly Omsk region and was conducted among students and graduate students of educational organizations of higher education in legal specialties. Its main goal is to develop the creative potential of young lawyers, monitor the level legal consciousness, checking the quality of legal training of students youth, stimulating their further professional growth, attracting talented youth to cooperate with regional parliament committees and its deputies, state authorities and local authorities self-government of the Omsk region.

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