On June 30, 2023, in the regional parliament, the Property Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region held a seminar-conference on the topic “On the legislative regulation of property accounting issues in the Omsk Region.”
In discussing current issues of property accounting, we took
participation Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Alexander
Artemov, deputies of the property committee of the regional parliament, members
Scientific Expert Council under the Property Committee, representatives
Government of the Omsk region and regional ministries, Chamber of Control and Accounts
Omsk Region, Prosecutor's Office of the Omsk Region, Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation
in the Omsk region, Office of the Federal State Registration Service,
cadastre and cartography for the Omsk region, BUOO "Omsk Cadastral Center
assessment and technical documentation", representatives and students of higher education
educational institutions of the Omsk region, media representatives.
Opening the seminar-conference, chairman of the committee on
property of the regional parliament Igor Zuga in his opening speech
noted that since the beginning of its convening, the property committee at its meetings
consistently considers issues of management, disposal of property and
its accounting. "It was determined that it was necessary to adopt a separate law on
property accounting,” the committee chairman emphasized. – Currently preparing
The law is being handled by a working group. The result of its activities - a draft law - is presented
today for a seminar. In fact, the Legislative Assembly has done a great job.
And today we will discuss all this widely."
Event participants discussed accounting issues
property from different sides. With a report on the topic "On problems of accounting and
maintaining the register of state property of the Omsk region" spoke
First Deputy Minister of Property Relations of the Omsk Region Alexander
On the accounting of real estate, owned
Omsk region, the deputy head of the Department told the audience
Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for
Omsk region Olga Shirochenkova. Deputy Chairman of the Control and Accounting Office
chamber of the Omsk region Natalya Evsina spoke about the implementation of external
state financial control in the sphere of property in the Omsk region.
In turn, the Deputy Minister culture of the Omsk region
Svetlana Bakulina reported on the problems of accounting for movable and immovable property
Omsk region - cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments)
peoples of the Russian Federation and other cultural values.
Issues of implementation were also considered prosecutor's office
supervision in the field of accounting of state property in the Omsk region. With detailed
a report on this topic was made by the senior prosecutor of the department for supervision of execution
laws in the field of ecology, on protecting the interests of the state and management society
for supervision of the implementation of federal legislation of the Omsk prosecutor's office
region Svetlana Nepomnyashchikh.
The participants paid special attention to the issue about the project
Law of the Omsk region "On the procedure for accounting property of the Omsk region and maintaining
register of property of the Omsk region." About the work on the bill and the essence
the document was told by the head of the working group under the property committee
Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, member of the property committee Anton
Berendeev. As noted, the adoption of a law in the field of accounting will ensure
quality of accounting and control over effective management and disposal of property
Omsk region at the proper professional level in accordance with the provisions
federal laws.
With analytical characteristics of accounting issues
state property of the Omsk region was made by a member of the Scientific Expert
council under the property committee of the regional parliament, professor of the department
theory and history of state and law Omsk State University. F.M. Dostoevsky Alexander
During the discussion of the presented reports took place
constructive conversation, during which the meeting participants exchanged
opinions on problems of property accounting. Issues of maintaining registers were raised
property of the Omsk region, its assessment and others.
Concluding the event, Igor Zuga expressed gratitude
speakers, “since the topic is not easy,” and said that “the committee
according to the property of the regional parliament, systematizes all submitted materials,
and the working group will continue to prepare the bill."
Commenting on the event
seminar, deputy chairman of the regional parliament Alexander Artemov
noted the importance of the considered issues of management and accounting of property of the Omsk
areas. At the same time, I drew attention to the possibility of increasing it by attracting
investments in the Omsk Irtysh region, which is what the head of the region is actively doing today,
executive and legislative authorities of the Omsk region.