On May 29, as part of the events of the Year of Literature in the Russian Federation, a meeting was held between members of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy of the regional parliament with the management and actors of the BUK NGO "Omsk State Drama Theater "Fifth Theater"
In the Year of Literature
On May 29, as part of the events of the Year of Literature in the Russian Federation, a meeting of members of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy of the regional parliament with the management and actors of the BUK NGO "Omsk State Drama Theater "Fifth Theater" took place "
The meeting took place at the Fifth Theater. It was attended by deputies of the Legislative Assembly, representatives of regional ministries, management, theater actors and other invitees. Guests of the theater learned about its history, festival and touring activities, primarily as part of the events of the Year of Literature in the Russian Federation. The talk was about the repertoire of the “Fifth Theatre”: achievements, problems, prospects. They also talked about young theater actors, their role and importance for the future of the theater. The participants paid special attention to the participation of the “Fifth Theater” in the spiritual, moral and civic education of young people. The speech on “Culture as an Investment in Human Capital” was also widely discussed.