On March 25, 2019, in the exhibition hall of the House of Artists, an award ceremony took place for the winners and laureates of the regional exhibition-competition of children's art creativity “I draw my native land,” dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
The main goal of the exhibition-competition, which was held
regional parliament together with the Omsk branch of the VTOO “Union of Artists
Russia” and for the sake of which it was organized in general, there was only one - to support
gifted children trying their hand at fine arts, give them
a real chance to show yourself.
Participants of the competition competed in painting and
graphic compositions in three age categories: 7-10 years; 10-13 years;
14-17 years old. Each had its own caring viewers and active admirers
talent, as well as the artistic works themselves, the themes of which were chosen as “Modern Omsk”; "Story
Omsk region"; "Nature of the native land"; "Siberian
still life"; "Traditions and life of the peoples of Siberia"; "People and
events of the Omsk Irtysh region", which was noted by the Chairman of the Legislative
Meetings of the Omsk region Vladimir Varnavsky and the chairman of the jury, “Honored
artist of the Russian Federation" Andrey Mashanov, who carefully examined the exhibition before
the beginning of an exciting moment - the presentation of diplomas to the winners and prize-winners of the anniversary
Speaking to the guests and participants of the competition, the Chairman
of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Vladimir Varnavsky noted that the Legislative
For the first time, the meeting acts as the organizer of a regional children's competition
drawing. And therefore it is doubly joyful that the guys enthusiastically responded to
call to take part in the competition. Their decision was actively supported
teachers and parents. The competition aroused genuine interest.
This can be judged by the extent to which
The geography and scale of the exhibition is wide. Guys from 23 districts of the Omsk region and
the city of Omsk presented 265, albeit not yet known, but truly
interesting works of art. An original vision of the world, talented and
an extraordinary view of current events, childlike spontaneity,
sincere feelings captivated everyone who visited the exhibition at least once. And she's on
was actually a great success.
In the paintings they conquered the love for their native land, its
history and people. The speaker also emphasized that each of
The presented works deserve special recognition. The jury was faced with a difficult choice,
who to call the best. But regardless of the place occupied and profession that
whatever the guys choose in the future, they will still remain artists at heart. On any
in life, they will retain enthusiasm, the desire to create, and success
will definitely come to those who overcome this difficult road.
Speaking after the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, “Honored Artists”
Russian Federation", jury members Andrey Mashanov and Ivan Zheliostov added,
that during the exhibition the Artist’s House was filled with light and charm
and kindness. They are happy that there are so many talented children around who are doing
first steps in the fine arts and delighting with their creativity. Ivan Zheliostov
and Andrey Mashanov thanked
The Legislative Assembly for the good organization of the competition and all kinds of support.
The exhibition was great for children
an opportunity to express yourself, your vision of the world, artistic potential,
which every child has, you just need to help open it.
-Happiness shines in every childish drawing, the paintings are filled with truthfulness and
cleanliness,” added Vladimir Varnavsky, “we are glad that the exhibition was a success and
Children and adults liked it. In a series of competitions dedicated to the 25th anniversary
Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, this exposition will have its own special
a unique place. Bright,
The children's lively creativity left no one indifferent.
regional exhibition-competition for children
artistic creativity “I paint the edge
dedicated to
25th anniversary of the Legislative
Meetings of the Omsk region
Nomination “Picturesque”
group 7-10 years
Anna, “Drama Theatre”, Preschool Educational Institution “DSHI No. 9”, Omsk
1st place
Polina, “Winter”, Preschool Educational Institution “Children’s Art School No. 5”, Omsk
2nd place
Daria Moskina, “City Tram”, BOU
DO "DSHI No. 12" Omsk
3rd place
Ivan, “My yard”, MBOU DO “DSHI Omsk region”, Luzinsky branch
Special diploma
Zgurskaya Mlava, “In the Village”, MKU DO
"Pavlograd Children's Art School"
Special diploma
Daria, “Winter's Tale”, Educational Educational Institution “Children's Art School No. 5”
Special diploma
Artyom, “Yamshchik”, MBOU DO “DHSh”, Kalachinsk
Special diploma
group 11-13 years old
Martynova Anastasia, “Self-portrait with
willows", BOU DO "Children's Art School No. 1 named after. Sanins"
1st place
Meline, “My Land”, Preschool Educational Institution “Children’s Art School No. 5”, Omsk
2nd place
Andrey Shcherban, “River Autumn”, BOU DO
"Children's Art School No. 3 named after. E.V. Gurov" Omsk
3rd place
Vasilisa, “Maslenitsa” MBOU DO “DSHI No. 3”, Omsk
Special diploma
Evelina, “On a hot day on the shore of Osha”, MBU DO “Kolosovskaya Children’s Art School”
Special diploma
group 14-17 years old
Polina, “Ski walk” MBOU DO “Isilkul Children’s Art School”
1st place
Ekaterina Borisova, “Market in the old
city", BOU DO "Children's Art School No. 3 named after. E.V.Gurova" Omsk
2nd place
Anastasia, “House of A.V. Pechokas", BOU DO "DSHI No. 18 "School Years" Omsk
3rd place
Okhrimenko Anastasia, “Builders of Omsk”,
BOU DO "Children's Art School No. 3 named after. E.V.Gurova" Omsk
Special diploma
Ksenia, “Holiday bustle”, BOU DO “Children’s Art School No. 1 named after. Sanin" Omsk
Special diploma
Nomination “Graphic”
group 7-10 years
Teslov Vadim, “True Friends”, MBOU DO “Cherlakskaya Children’s Art School”
1st place
Taisiya, “Salting. Siberian still life", BOU DO "DHSh No. 2", Omsk
2nd place
Novel, “Travel through Siberia”, Nazyvaevskaya Children’s School of Education
3rd place
group 11-13 years old
Valeria, “Winter is Coming,” BOU “DSHI No. 12”, Omsk
1st place
Alena, “The Road to the Temple”, Preschool Educational Institution “Children’s Art School No. 5”, Omsk
2nd place
Kovalenko Polina, “Salvation”, BOU DO
"Children's Art School No. 1 named after. Sanin" Omsk
3rd place
Irina, “Easter still life”, preschool education institution “Children's Art School No. 2”, Omsk
Special diploma
Timofey, “Still Life with Fruit”, MBU DO “Kormilovskaya Children’s Art School”
Special diploma
Sofia, “Mart”, pre-school educational institution “Children’s Art School No. 5”, Omsk
Special diploma
Miroshnichenko Anastasia, “G. Gasford - Governor General
Western Siberia", MBU DO "Sherbakul Children's Art School"
Special diploma
group 14-17 years old
Olga, “Private Sector”, Children's Art School No. 3, Omsk
1st place
Malykh Maria,
“Mushroom Pickers”, Preschool Educational Institution “DSHI No. 10”, Omsk
2nd place
Alexandra Zykova, “First Snow”, BOU
DO "DSHI No. 12" Omsk
3rd place