Today, May 31, a meeting of the Ethics Commission of the Legislative Assembly took place. The agenda included consideration of an appeal from education workers of the Bolsherechensky municipal district and one of the residents of the regional center regarding the unethical behavior of regional parliament deputy Konstantin Tkachev at one of the meetings with Bolsherechensky residents on April 21 of this year.
Meeting of the Ethics Commission was held
Today, May 31, a meeting of the Ethics Commission of the Legislative Assembly took place. The agenda included consideration of an appeal from education workers of the Bolsherechensky municipal district and one of the residents of the regional center regarding the unethical behavior of regional parliament member Konstantin Tkachev at one of the meetings with Bolsherechensky residents on April 21 of this year.
visiting the MBOU "Bolsherechenskaya secondary school", the education committee of the administration
Bolsherechensky municipal district, MKU "Center"
financial, economic and economic support for institutions in the field of
education" the deputy allowed the creation of a conflict situation, which served
the reason for requests from education workers and parents of schoolchildren to the reception
President of the Russian Federation in the Omsk region, to the Main Federal
inspector for the Omsk region, to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region.
Television filming was carried out by a deputy during the educational process, without
After approval from the school administration, children were included in the photo.
meeting, members of the commission, deputies Nikolai Ivanov, Murat Adyrbaev and Vladimir Pushkarev,
listened to the deputy’s own explanations on the facts stated in the documents received
Legislative Assembly appeals.
In the decision adopted by the ethics commission
it is noted that the deputy of the Legislative Assembly Konstantin Tkachev violated
rules of parliamentary ethics established by a resolution of the Legislative
Meetings of the Omsk region from October 22, 2009
No. 299.
Konstantin Tkachev’s colleagues pointed out the inadmissibility of such actions. According to them
opinion, a deputy should show respect when communicating with voters,
refrain from behavior that could damage his authority.