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The next plenary meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region took place
Deputies approved the first changes to the regional budget for 2019-2021, considered bills regulating housing policy, healthcare, forestry relations, and other issues.
The next plenary meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region was held

Deputies approved the first changes to the regional budget for 2019-2021, considered bills regulating housing policy, healthcare, forestry relations, and other issues.

One of the main issues on the agenda included the discussion and adoption of the law “On the Introduction amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On the regional budget for 2019 and planning period 2020 and 2021", presented by the Ministry of Finance of the Omsk Region. These are the first changes to the main financial document of the Omsk Irtysh region for the next three year. Revenues and expenses of the regional budget for 2019-2021 have been increased. For 2019 year, the total volume of regional budget expenditures increased, in particular, due to gratuitous receipts of a targeted nature, including as part of the implementation national projects "Culture", "Education", "Housing and urban environment", "Ecology", "Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiatives", "Healthcare", "Demography", "Safe and high-quality roads."
Also increase funding is provided for the provision of interbudgetary transfers municipalities of the Omsk region, for the implementation of budget investments in objects of the Targeted Investment Program of the Omsk Region and other items expenses.

It was accepted several more laws related to financial issues. Including the law "On amendments to the Law of the Omsk region "On the budget of the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund of the Omsk region for 2019 and planning period 2020 and 2021". In accordance with it, the fund's expenses increased. The funds are planned to be used for financial support activities for the organization of additional professional education medical workers in advanced training programs, as well as purchasing and repairing medical equipment.

Questions health care were also discussed during the discussion of the draft law "On amendments to Article 3 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On Health Protection population of the Omsk region." It was decided to adopt this document in the first and second readings. It provides for supplementing the powers of a public authority Omsk region in the field of public health protection in terms of decision-making on use in the Omsk region along with prescriptions for medications drugs drawn up on paper, prescriptions drawn up in the form electronic documents.

During the meeting Deputies adopted several new bills for consideration. One of them is draft law "On Amendments to Articles 3 and 5 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On the regulation of forest relations in the Omsk region." Due to changes in federal legislation for executive authorities Omsk region in the field of forest relations is assigned powers to establishment of public easements in relation to forest areas located in boundaries of forest fund lands, making decisions on classifying forests as forests, located in forest park areas, and forests located in green areas, determination of functional zones in forest park areas in which the forests, establishing and changing the area and boundaries of the lands on which they are located forests. The draft law also clarifies the provisions defining standards harvesting of wood by citizens for heating residential premises with a stove heating, in order to eliminate the possibility of their ambiguous interpretation and applications.

Among the documents accepted for consideration is a draft law "On amendments to Article 4 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On the criteria which objects of socio-cultural and for public utility purposes, large-scale investment projects for provision of land plots for lease without bidding."

It provides measures to support citizen participants shared construction of apartment buildings, in front of which developers are not fulfilled their obligations to complete the construction of apartment buildings on the territory of the Omsk region. It is assumed that the establishment of such measures will expand the options for solving the problems of participants in shared construction housing included in the register of citizens whose funds were raised for construction apartment buildings and whose rights are violated. As the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly emphasized Meetings of the Omsk region Vladimir Varnavsky when discussing the bill, “we We are expanding the possibilities for resolving this issue. Russian President Vladimir Putin at meeting of the State Council in Tatarstan set a clear task for the regions - to solve problems shareholders."

Legislative The meeting adopted a number of resolutions. Thus, having considered the application of the deputy of the Legislative Meetings of the Omsk region S.P. Kalinin on the resignation of parliamentary powers, the regional parliament decided: 1. Accept the application of the deputy of the Legislative Meetings of the Omsk region S.P. Kalinin on the resignation of deputy powers to consideration. 2. Resolution of the issue of early termination of the powers of a deputy Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region S.P. Kalinin to be postponed until the end of the inspection compliance with the restrictions and prohibitions established by current legislation.

The regional parliament also decided to introduce in order legislative initiative of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the draft federal law "On introducing amendments to Article 24 of the Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric air" and Article 65 of the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection Wednesday".

The bill proposes establish additional grounds for conducting an unscheduled inspection, providing for the possibility of immediately conducting an unscheduled on-site visit inspections without prior notice to a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, in case of admission to the state supervisory authority official data from state monitoring of atmospheric air, indicating the entry into atmospheric air or the formation in it harmful (pollutant) substances in concentrations exceeding established state hygienic and environmental standards for atmospheric quality air.

The proposed bill, if adopted, will allow increase the efficiency of state environmental supervision, identification and suppression of environmental offenses related to violation legislation on atmospheric air protection.

In the section Deputies heard and thoroughly discussed the “miscellaneous” agenda of the meeting information about the “garbage” reform in the Omsk region. Speech discussed, in particular, the size of the tariff for garbage removal, accumulation standards, work of waste carriers.

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