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Composition of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of the seventh convocation and its working bodies
On September 29, 2021, the first meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of the seventh convocation took place. We formed the working bodies of the Legislative Assembly and elected their composition.
Composition of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of the seventh convocation and its working bodies

On September 29, 2021, the first meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of the seventh convocation took place. The working bodies of the Legislative Assembly were formed and their composition was elected.

Composition of deputies of the Legislative Meetings of the Omsk region of the seventh convocation.
According to the general election results deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of the seventh convocation to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of the seventh convocation 44 deputies were elected: 22 deputies - in a single regional electoral district and 22 deputies – in single-mandate electoral districts.

Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of the seventh convocation, elected as part of the lists of candidates nominated by electoral associations in a single regional electoral district.

Omsk regional branch of the All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA":

1. Berezhnoy Vadim Grigorievich (regional unit, number 1).
2. Artemov Alexander Vasilievich (regional unit, number 2).
3. Perminov Dmitry Sergeevich (regional unit, number 3). In accordance with the Resolution of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region dated September 29, 2021 No. 13 “On the Senator of the Russian Federation - Representative from the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region”, he is vested with the powers of a Senator of the Russian Federation - Representative from the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
4. Antropenko Igor Aleksandrovich (regional group No. 17, number 1).
5. Kurmanov Dinar Khusnutdinovich (regional group No. 14, number 1).
6. Elovik Evgeniy Aleksandrovich (regional group No. 15, number 1).
7. Balandina Tamara Petrovna (regional group No. 16, number 1).
8. Gerk Vladimir Iosifovich (regional group No. 20, number 1).

Omsk regional branch of the political party "COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION

1. Pogarsky Adam Ostapovich (regional part, number 2).
2. Lisin Vladimir Andreevich (regional unit, number 3).
3. Ivchenko Elena Anatolyevna (regional group No. 7, number 1).
4. Arkhipov Vasily Nikolaevich (regional group No. 1, number 1).
5. Markov Boris Vladimirovich (regional group No. 4, number 2).
6. Mikhailenko Leonid Dmitrievich (regional group No. 11, number 2).

Omsk regional branch of the Political Party COMMUNIST PARTY COMMUNISTS OF RUSSIA

1. Kazanin Vladimir Borisovich (regional part, number 2).
2. Andrushko Svetlana Vasilievna (regional unit, number 3).
3. Bikmaeva Daria Denisovna (regional group No. 21, number 1).

Omsk regional branch of the Political Party LDPR – Liberal Democratic Party of Russia

1. Berendeev Anton Yurievich (regional part, number 2).

Regional branch in the Omsk region of the Political party "NEW PEOPLE"

1. Smirnov Ilya Yurievich (regional unit, number 1).
2. Tuzova Natalia Alexandrovna (regional group No. 8, number 1).

Regional branch of the Socialist political party “A JUST RUSSIA – PATRIOTS” – FOR THE TRUTH" in the Omsk region

1. Zhukovsky Andrey Alexandrovich (regional unit, number 2).
2. Guseletov Vladimir Vladimirovich (regional part, number 3).

Deputies of the Legislative Assembly Omsk region of the seventh convocation, elected by single-mandate elections districts.

Electoral district number
F.I.O. elected deputies Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region of the seventh convocation
Tohe has been nominated
Kokorin Valery Mikhailovich
Omsk regional branch All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA"
(hereinafter referred to as the "UNITED RUSSIA" Party)
Kipervar Andrey Yakovlevich
Vasiliev Vyacheslav Mikhailovich
Vinichenko Vladimir Alekseevich
Omsk regional branch political party "COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION" (hereinafter - Party "Communist Party of the Russian Federation")
Tkachev Konstantin Germanovich
Party "Communist Party of the Russian Federation"
Spindle Igor Vladimirovich
Shishkin Dmitry Sergeevich
Popov Igor Vladimirovich
Cossack Anatoly Antonovich
Party "Communist Party of the Russian Federation"
Zuga Igor Mikhailovich
Mikhailenko Maxim Leonidovich
Party "Communist Party of the Russian Federation"
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Berezovsky
Sedelnikov Vladimir Lukyanovich
Polezhaev Konstantin Leonidovich
Adyrbaev Murat Shakenovich
Vladimir Alekseevich Varnavsky
Velichev Nikolay Gennadievich
Kolodezhny Igor Vitalievich
Enverova Svetlana Arkadyevna
Korenoy Pavel Alekseevich
Pushkarev Vladimir Ivanovich
Dubovsky Evgeniy Yurievich

Composition Counting Commission of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region:

1) Root Pavel Alekseevich, deputy for electoral district No. 20;

2) Kurmanov Dinar Khusnutdinovich, deputy from the Omsk regional branch of the All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA";

3) Tuzova Natalya Aleksandrovna, deputy from the Regional branch in the Omsk region Political party "NEW PEOPLE".

Composition of the Secretariat of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk areas:

1) Adyrbaev Murat Shakenovich, deputy for constituency No. 15;

2) Lisin Vladimir Andreevich, deputy from Omsk regional branch of the political party "COMMUNIST PARTY" RUSSIAN FEDERATION";

3) Sedelnikov Vladimir Lukyanovich, deputy for electoral district No. 13.

Head of the Secretariat Murat Shakenovich Adyrbaev was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.

Composition of the Credentials and Deputy Ethics Commission of the Legislative Meetings of the Omsk region:

1) Balandina Tamara Petrovna, deputy from the Omsk regional branch of the All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA";

2) Guseletov Vladimir Vladimirovich, deputy from the Regional Branch of the Socialist Political party A JUST RUSSIA - PATRIOTS - FOR TRUTH" in the Omsk region;

3) Pogarsky Adam Ostapovich, deputy from the Omsk regional branch of the political party "COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION".

Chairman of the commission mandate and according to parliamentary ethics of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, elected Pogarsky Adam Ostapovich.

Committees of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, their composition and management.

The following committees of the Legislative Meetings of the Omsk region:
- on legislation and local government;
- financial and budget policy;
- on social policy;
- By agricultural policy, natural resources and ecology;
- by property;
- on economic policy and investment;
- on education, science, culture and youth policy.

Composition of committees Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region:

according to legislation and local government:

Arkhipov Vasily Nikolaevich
Herk Vladimir Iosifovich
Dubovsky Evgeniy Yurievich
Zhukovsky Andrey Alexandrovich
Cossack Anatoly Antonovich
Kazanin Vladimir Borisovich
Kokorin Valery Mihailovich
Korenny Pavel Alekseevich
Lisin Vladimir Andreevich
Mikhailenko Leonid Dmitrievich
Sedelnikov Vladimir Lukyanovich
Tuzova Natalya Alexandrovna

financial and budgetary policies:

Berezhnoy Vadim Grigorievich
Velichev Nikolay Gennadievich
Spindle Igor Vladimirovich
Kokorin Valery Mihailovich
Mikhailenko Maxim Leonidovich
Mikhailenko Leonid Dmitrievich
Polezhaev Konstantin Leonidovich
Pushkarev Vladimir Ivanovich
Smirnov Ilya Yurievich
Shishkin Dmitry Sergeevich

on social policy:

Adyrbaev Murat Shakenovich
Arkhipov Vasily Nikolaevich
Berezhnoy Vadim Grigorievich
Vasiliev Vyacheslav Mihailovich
Cossack Anatoly Antonovich
Polezhaev Konstantin Leonidovich
Popov Igor Vladimirovich
Tkachev Konstantin Germanovich
Tuzova Natalya Alexandrovna
Enverova Svetlana Arkadyevna

on agricultural policy, natural resources and ecology:

Andrushko Svetlana Vasilievna
Balandina Tamara Petrovna
Velichev Nikolay Gennadievich
Spindle Igor Vladimirovich
Vinichenko Vladimir Alekseevich
Herk Vladimir Iosifovich
Kolodezhny Igor Vitalievich
Markov Boris Vladimirovich
Pogarsky Adam Ostapovich
Pushkarev Vladimir Ivanovich
Sedelnikov Vladimir Lukyanovich
Enverova Svetlana Arkadyevna

by property:

Berendeev Anton Yurievich
Guseletov Vladimir Vladimirovich
Elovik Evgeniy Alexandrovich
Zuga Igor Mihailovich
Ivchenko Elena Anatolyevna
Kurmanov Dinar Khusnutdinovich
Mikhailenko Maxim Leonidovich
Perminov Dmitry Sergeevich
Popov Igor Vladimirovich

on economic policy and investment:

Vladimir Berezovsky Alexandrovich
Vasilev Vyacheslav Mihailovich
Vinichenko Vladimir Alekseevich
Guseletov Vladimir Vladimirovich
Elovik Evgeniy Alexandrovich
Zhukovsky Andrey Alexandrovich
Kazanin Vladimir Borisovich
Kipervar Andrey Yakovlevich
Kurmanov Dinar Khusnutdinovich
Markov Boris Vladimirovich
Shishkin Dmitry Sergeevich

on education, science, culture and youth policy:

Adyrbaev Murat Shakenovich
Andrushko Svetlana Vasilievna
Balandina Tamara Petrovna
Vladimir Berezovsky Alexandrovich
Berendeev Anton Yurievich
Dubovsky Evgeniy Yurievich
Ivchenko Elena Anatolyevna
Kipervar Andrey Yakovlevich
Kolodezhny Igor Vitalievich
Korenny Pavel Alekseevich
Lisin Vladimir Andreevich
Perminov Dmitry Sergeevich
Pogarsky Adam Ostapovich
Smirnov Ilya Yurievich
Tkachev Konstantin Germanovich

Committee leadership:

Chairman of the Committee on Legislation and Local self-government
- Sedelnikov Vladimir Lukyanovich;
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Legislation and local government

- Kazanin Vladimir Borisovich;

Chairman of the Financial and Budgetary Policy Committee
- Berezhnoy Vadim Grigorievich;
Deputy Chairman of the Finance and Budget Committee politics

- Vereteno Igor Vladimirovich;
Chairman of the Social Policy Committee
- Popov Igor Vladimirovich;
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy

- Adyrbaev Murat Shakenovich;

Chairman of the Committee on Agrarian Policy, Natural Resources resources and ecology
- Pushkarev Vladimir Ivanovich;
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Agrarian Policy, natural resources and ecology
- Kolodezhny Igor Vitalievich;
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Agrarian Policy, natural resources and ecology

- Enverova Svetlana Arkadyevna

Chairman of the Property Committee
- Zuga Igor Mikhailovich;
Deputy Chairman of the Property Committee

- Mikhailenko Maxim Leonidovich;

Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy and investments
- Shishkin Dmitry Sergeevich;
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic politics and investment

- Zhukovsky Andrey Alexandrovich;
Chairman of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and youth policy
- Korenny Pavel Alekseevich;
Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy - Berendeev Anton Yurievich.

Composition commission of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region for control over authenticity information about income, property and property-related liabilities, represented by deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region:

1) Arkhipov Vasily Nikolaevich, deputy from Omsk regional branch of the political party "COMMUNIST PARTY" RUSSIAN FEDERATION";

2) Berezovsky Vladimir Aleksandrovich, deputy for constituency No. 12;

3) Berendeev Anton Yurievich, deputy from Omsk regional branch of the LDPR Political Party - Liberal Democratic Party of Russia;

4) Dubovsky Evgeniy Yuryevich, deputy for electoral District No. 22;

5) Elovik Evgeniy Aleksandrovich, deputy from Omsk regional branch of the All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA".

Chairman of the commission - Vladimir Aleksandrovich Berezovsky.

Deputy Chairman of the commission - Arkhipov Vasily Nikolaevich.

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