At the next meeting, the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government considered changes to election laws, issues regarding the implementation of regional legislation, the appointment of a justice of the peace in the Omsk region, and others.
Implementation of regional legislation
At the next meeting, the Committee on Legislation and Local Self-Government considered changes to election laws, issues regarding the implementation of regional legislation, the appointment of a justice of the peace in the Omsk region, and others.
Committee meetings were traditionally eventful. Deputies considered the issue of
appointment to the post of magistrate of the Omsk region, and then began to discuss
bills. Among them were draft laws, according to which it is proposed to amend regional laws on the election of deputies
Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region and the election of the Governor of Omsk
areas. The essence of the changes in the first case is that, in particular, it clarifies
number of voter signatures collected in support of a candidate, list
candidates to be verified.
Both bills are supplemented by the provision that citizens
not having registration at the place of residence within the Russian Federation, if available
registration at the place of residence in the Omsk region have the right
elect, respectively, deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region and
Governor of the Omsk region. It was decided to recommend these draft laws
The Legislative Assembly should adopt it in the second reading.
The draft laws “On length of service” were also considered.
municipal service in the Omsk region" and "On amendments to
Article 34 of the Code on public positions of the Omsk region and on state
civil service of the Omsk region".
The Committee comprehensively and deeply considered the issue of
implementation of the regional law of September 24, 2015 "On securing
issues of local importance for rural settlements of the Omsk region." Information was provided by the Ministry
construction of the Omsk region, Main Directorate of Regional Security
Omsk region, administrations of municipal districts of the Omsk region. During
topical issues were raised during the discussion, individual proposals were made for
distribution of powers between government bodies at different levels.