On December 11, in the conference hall of the Government of the Omsk Region, a seminar began with the heads of municipal districts of the Omsk Region and the chairmen of the Councils of municipal districts of the Omsk Region on the topic "Topical issues of municipal management." Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Vladimir Varnavsky took part in it.
The seminar program lasts two days and covers a wide range of issues relating to various aspects of municipal management. Heads of regional ministries and departments, representatives of the deputy corps, scientists and other invitees took part in its work. Many seminar participants became heads of districts and chairmen of district councils for the first time in connection with the elections to local government bodies held this year. The seminar is especially relevant for them.
The event was opened by the Governor of the Omsk Region, Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region Viktor Nazarov. The head of the region noted the great importance of such events, emphasizing the importance of such training and communication. Having outlined the goals of the seminar - discussing the necessary measures and steps to strengthen the quality of work of municipalities, increasing the level of professionalism of heads of districts and councils, the governor emphasized that the main task today is the consolidation of district leaders, representatives of authorities at all levels and society.
Then the speaker of the regional parliament, Vladimir Varnavsky, took the floor:
“Greetings, dear colleagues! Today we have gathered for the first time in such a renewed composition, both from the local government bodies and from the executive authorities of the Omsk region.
It so happens that our meeting with you is taking place in eve of Constitution Day. Local self-government is the same age as modern Russia and its Constitution. It was this document that established local self-government as the foundations of the constitutional system, the constitutional right of citizens to participate in solving local affairs, and laid down the principles of municipal government.
Despite this. impeccable legal support, local government faced numerous difficulties in implementing the ideas laid down. There are virtually no financial and economic foundations for local self-government.
In this regard, it is necessary to constantly work to increase the share of your own income. The main reserves lie not in increasing the tax burden, but in the work associated with the formation of taxation objects, especially for two local property taxes; with the development of small and medium-sized businesses; with solving employment problems; with participation in all federal and regional programs, there is a huge reserve here. It is necessary to delve into and know both the programs themselves and the mechanisms for participation in them.
At today's seminar, in one form or another, these issues and, possibly, ways to solve them will be heard in the reports of the speakers.
Acceptance Law of the Omsk Region, which established a new system for electing heads of municipalities of the Omsk Region, is associated with a change in the role of representative bodies of local self-government and the demand for a new formation of heads, who are no longer so much politicians as competent and responsible managers.
I would like to note that In recent years, the political weight of representative bodies of local self-government has noticeably increased. Today, they are responsible not only for the adoption of charters and municipal legal acts. The election of the head of local government depends on their decisions. They play a key role in the formation of the control and accounting body.
A large amount of work is associated with the implementation of control powers, up to the decision to remove the head of a municipal entity from retirement.
This also imposes a special responsibility. The work of the Soviets needs significant changes and must be organized professionally. It requires a lot of time and complete dedication of the chairmen of district councils and their deputies. It is worrying that almost half as many of them have begun to work on an exempt basis. I ask you to consider this issue carefully.
You can often hear complaints that the prosecutor's office makes unreasonable demands on local government bodies. However, if we take the results of checking the implementation of legislation in the property and land spheres, what will we see?!
In 36 rural settlements and 11 municipal districts, administrative regulations for the provision of municipal services in the field of land legal relations have not been adopted. In 24 districts, inconsistency of legal acts with the Land Code was revealed. In 22 districts, municipal acts contradict the Federal Law “On the Privatization of State and Municipal Property,” and in another 10, contradictions were identified with the legislation on the protection of competition. In general, in the first half of this year alone, more than two and a half thousand municipal acts were protested.
The chairmen of the Councils have an important task from the very beginning of their work to build constructive interaction with the heads of municipalities and district prosecutors. In the rule-making process, it is important to become not opponents, but professional partners, on whose joint efforts the quality of adopted municipal acts depends.
This will be facilitated by the established practice of interdepartmental meetings. Issues of ensuring the unity of the legal space should be given special attention.
The interaction of local government bodies and state authorities contributes to the maximum possible improvement of the quality of municipal rule-making. Therefore, we must work as one team.
The Council of Chairmen and its Presidium regularly hold seminars and meetings with deputies of representative bodies. At these events, as a rule, with the participation of heads of municipalities, experience is exchanged, issues of interaction on socio-economic development are discussed, and best practices are considered.
The work of the Council of Heads of Municipal Entities, the Council of Chairmen is also valuable because there is an open dialogue where you see that we not only listen to you, but also hear you.
I hope that today and tomorrow an interesting and meaningful conversation and exchange of views will take place. I would really like for you to be active when you return to municipal areas and not be afraid to make responsible decisions. In a word, they were leaders who see the prospects for the development of territories and achieve their goals. I wish you success."
In the main part of the seminar, deputy governors and heads of regional ministries spoke about the development of agriculture, financial, social issues. Let us note that today, on the first day of the seminar, lectures and speeches are also planned scientists, representatives of the deputy corps and the regional government. The program of the second day of the seminar is also rich and includes various reports, lectures and trainings. We will talk about the development of the economy of the Omsk Irtysh region, cost optimization in the activities of local governments and other issues.