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Social support measures are expanding
The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region held a regular meeting on June 8, 2023, considering several dozen issues. Laws have been adopted aimed at improving and expanding measures of social support for certain categories of citizens, developing the transport system, and clarifying the requirements for organizations implementing an investment project.
Social support measures are expanding

The Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region held a regular meeting on June 8, 2023, considering several dozen issues. Laws have been adopted aimed at improving and expanding measures of social support for certain categories of citizens, developing the transport system, and clarifying the requirements for organizations implementing an investment project.

Opening the meeting, the deputy chairman of the regional Parliament Alexander Artemov addressed those present: “12 On April 1994, our parliament began working within these walls. May 18, 2023 under Chairmanship of Vladimir Alekseevich Varnavsky held the next meeting of the Legislative Assembly. Total such meetings under his there were about 400 chairmanships. But this is only the outer side of the coin. Behind this thousands of meetings, hours-long discussions, sleepless nights, nerves, heart, soul of Vladimir Alekseevich. He passed all this through himself. Thanks to to his enormous titanic work, our parliament, which made its uncertain steps, became a full-fledged regional body of representative power. Our task is keep this high bar."
After which Alexander Artemov announced a minute of silence in memory of the person who died suddenly on May 23 2023 Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Vladimir Varnavsky.

Then the speaker suggested to his colleagues vote on the meeting agenda and begin work. Having discussed the package of organizational legal issues, parliamentarians moved on to discuss bills. Part of they concerned social policy. Deputies adopted the regional law "On Amendments to Article 44 Code of the Omsk Region on Social Protection of Certain Categories of Citizens". in accordance with it, the amount of compensation for part of the repair costs will be increased residential premises owned by right of ownership to persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, taking into account the index consumer prices for goods and services (109%). Current size compensation is 40,000 rubles. After this law came into force the amount of compensation will be 43,600 rubles.

During During the meeting, deputies were asked to consider a new socially significant project law, presented by the regional Ministry of Property Relations, - “On amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region." The bill provides, according to developers, "amending the Code of the Omsk Region on social protection of certain categories of citizens in order to speed up the procedure providing cash payments as another measure of social support for large families families registered for free provision of property land plot for individual housing construction, in return provision of a land plot in accordance with the Code of the Omsk Region on social protection of certain categories of citizens."

As the authors of the document noted, “in 2023 planned establishing the total volume of the subvention and its distribution between municipalities entities of the Omsk region by a legal act of the Government of the Omsk region, in 2024 - the law on the regional budget for the next financial year and planning period.

In addition, the draft law proposes to amend the Article 3 of the Law of the Omsk region dated February 27, 2023 No. 2565-03 “On introducing amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region" in order to provide monetary payments to large families registered for free provision of ownership of a land plot for individual housing construction, in return for the provision of a land plot from July 1, 2023." It was decided to adopt this draft law in all readings.

The law “On Budget Execution” was also adopted. territorial fund of compulsory medical insurance of the Omsk region for 2022", the expenses of which were aimed at paying the cost medical care provided by medical organizations located on territories of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation; to pay the cost of medical care, provided in the Omsk region to persons insured in the territories of other subjects of the Russian Federation; on financial support for activities to organize additional professional education of medical workers under advanced programs qualifications, as well as for the acquisition and repair of medical equipment and for other events.

The agenda included consideration a package of bills aimed at regulating issues in the areas of road activities and passenger transportation. Thus, in general, the law “On amendments to Articles 3 and 4 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On Automobile roads and on road activities in the Omsk region", according to which The government of the Omsk region is vested with the authority, in particular, to establishing a procedure for providing preferential travel on toll roads roads and toll sections of highways.

For purposes improving the legal regulation of liability in the field carrying out regular transportation at unregulated tariffs according to intermunicipal and (or) municipal routes regular regional parliament adopted the law "On Amendments to Article 9 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On the organization of regular transportation of passengers and luggage by road transport and urban ground electric transport in municipal and intermunicipal communication, water transport in suburban and intermunicipal communication and rail transport in suburban traffic in the territory Omsk region".

In connection with the planned introduction of administrative liability for non-compliance requirements for real-time transmission to the state information system of the Omsk region "Regional navigation and information system of the Omsk region" information about the location of transport means used for transportation, the law specifies that circumstance for applying to court to terminate the validity of the certificate about the implementation of transportation is repeated within one year bringing to administrative responsibility.

Another The document concerning passenger transportation was accepted by the deputies for consideration. This is draft law No. 1622-7 "On the introduction amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region "On the organization of regular transportation passengers and luggage by road and urban ground transport electric transport in municipal and intermunicipal transport, water transport in suburban and intermunicipal communication and railway transport in suburban traffic in the Omsk region."

"His preparation is conditioned bringing the provisions of the regional law into compliance with the requirements federal legislation, - noted in the explanatory note to the project law. - Federal Law of November 21, 2022 No. 459-FZ “On introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" in Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 220-FZ “On the organization of regular transportation of passengers and luggage by road and urban ground transport electric transport in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" introduces the concepts "regional comprehensive plan for transport services for the population" and “regional standard of transport services for the population”... In connection with which the Government of the Omsk Region is assigned the appropriate powers."

The draft law also provides for provisions aimed at bringing regional law into line with Federal Law of July 31, 2020 No. 247-FZ “On Mandatory requirements in the Russian Federation", which defines the conditions establishing mandatory requirements contained in regulatory legal acts, related to the implementation of entrepreneurial and other economic activities.

In two readings, a law was considered and adopted clarifying the requirements for organizations implementing an investment project that claims to be included, in particular, in register of large-scale investment projects. This is the law "On introducing amendments to certain laws of the Omsk region."
IN in accordance with it in the regional law "On state policy of the Omsk region in the field of investment activities" the requirements for the organization that implements investment project applying for inclusion in the register of large-scale investment projects, as well as to organizations that apply for inclusion in the register of participants in regional investment projects, in part changing the date on which there should be no arrears in payment taxes, fees, penalties and fines for violation of tax laws and fees.

Except Moreover, in the Law of the Omsk region of December 25, 2012 No. 1505-03 “On investment tax credit" changes have been made to increase quality and accessibility of the results of providing public services for provision of investment tax credit for income tax organizations in terms of the amount to be credited to the regional budget, and according to regional taxes.

The law also corrects the date on which bank certificates are submitted for the accounts of the interested organization about the absence settlement documents placed in the corresponding file of unpaid settlement documents.

Other documents were also considered during the meeting. Among them is draft law No. 1620-7 "On amendments to Article 5 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On Individual issues of state regulation of tariffs." As stated in explanatory note to the document, the bill was developed in order to establish for certain categories of consumers of preferential tariffs in the field of water supply and water disposal, for thermal energy (power), coolant, as well as in the field management of municipal solid waste for the period until December 31, 2026. According to the current law, the grace period is set until December 31, 2023. Acceptance Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments to Article 5 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On certain issues of state regulation of tariffs" will lead to an additional increase in regional budget expenditures for 2024-2026 years.

During the discussion bill, a discussion arose during which deputies raised issues about the need to reduce tariffs and develop a regional program. To sum up consideration of the draft law, Speaker Alexander Artemov noted that “this burning question. Tariffs are getting higher. We need to look at everything carefully and make decisions. We are now accepting the bill for consideration and will continue work."

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