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Plenary session
At the regular plenary meeting held today, April 21, 2022, deputies of the Legislative Assembly considered draft laws regulating various issues in the field of healthcare, education, construction and other industries, as well as a report on the activities of the Commissioner of the Omsk Region for Human Rights and the report of the Chamber of Control and Accounts Omsk region.
Plenary session

At the regular plenary meeting held today, April 21, 2022, deputies of the Legislative Assembly considered draft laws regulating various issues in the field of healthcare, education, construction and other industries, as well as a report on the activities of the Commissioner Omsk Region for Human Rights and the report of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region.

Anticipating consideration of issues on the agenda of the parliamentary meeting, chairman of the Legislative Meetings of the Omsk region Vladimir Varnavsky addressed his colleagues in connection with celebration in our country on April 21 of Local Government Day:

"Dear colleagues!
Today the meeting of the Legislative Assembly coincided with Local Government Day.
I sincerely congratulate you Happy holiday everyone!
The past year can be considered a landmark for its development. The basis was established by amendments to the Constitution of Russia provisions on a unified system of public authority. Active work is underway on a new law on local self-government. Complex law. And we will have to accept active participation in its development at different stages of preparation.

Our common task is to expand it resource and personnel capabilities. It is important to support public initiatives involve residents in the implementation of municipal projects and programs." At the same time, the Speaker of Parliament drew attention colleagues for the excellent practice that has developed in the Omsk region, when the competition is held initiative projects from district residents. And he emphasized that such projects impose greater responsibility on municipal districts.

"Current practice interaction of the Legislative Assembly with local governments, continued Vladimir Varnavsky - contributes effective resolution of issues, creation of conditions for sustainable development municipalities.

Wherever a person has lived, he must live with dignity. With safe and modern roads, illuminated streets, clean and landscaped courtyards, sports and children's playgrounds.
The solution to these problems directly depends on our joint work, professionalism and ability to maintain a constant dialogue with Omsk residents.
I wish you success and all the best."

Among first questions, the deputies heard a report on the activities of the Commissioner of the Omsk region for human rights in 2021, presented by the Commissioner of Omsk region for human rights by Irina Kasyanova. The report dealt with appeals citizens to the Commissioner, on the observance of human and civil rights and freedoms in Omsk region, in particular, socio-economic, political and personal rights
During The meeting also considered a report on the activities of the Chamber of Control and Accounts (CAC) Omsk region in 2021. The chairman introduced him to the parliamentarians Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region Talgat Shugulbaev. The report contained data on the results of control, expert-analytical and other activities of the PSC, conclusions and tasks for 2022.

The agenda of the Meeting was full bills aimed at further socio-economic development Omsk Irtysh region. In all readings, deputies adopted the law “On Amendments to the Law Omsk region "On the budget of the territorial compulsory fund medical insurance of the Omsk region for 2022 and for the planning period 2023 and 2024".
In accordance with it, it is provided increase in the fund’s income and expenses for 2022 due, in particular, to provision of other interbudgetary transfers to the budget of the territorial fund:

- for additional financial support provision of primary health care to persons insured under compulsory health insurance, including with illness and (or) suspected of having a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), as part of implementation of territorial compulsory health insurance programs for account of the reserve fund of the Government of the Russian Federation in the amount of 90 338.8 thousand rubles;
- for the purpose of co-financing from the budget Federal Fund for Compulsory Medical Insurance of Medical Expenses organizations for remuneration of doctors and paramedical personnel in the amount 148,905.5 thousand rubles;
- for financial support for the implementation of budget of the Federal Fund for Compulsory Medical Insurance cash incentive payments to medical workers for identifying oncological diseases during medical examination and preventive medical examinations of the population in the amount of 4,048.6 thousand rubles."

An important social law “On Amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region” was adopted in two readings at once "On the regulation of relations in the field of education on the territory of Omsk region" providing additional guarantees for medical and teaching staff, namely the right to priority admission of their children to training in municipal preschool educational organizations and general educational organizations at the place of residence.

No less relevant socially The Legislative Assembly accepted the bill for consideration, in first and second, final reading - “On monthly monetary compensation for renting residential premises." It establishes additional a measure of social support in the form of monthly monetary compensation for hiring residential premises under a rental agreement for residential premises (residential building, apartment) for account of regional budget funds for residents of the Omsk region, in in particular, persons from among orphans and children left without care parents, persons who belonged to the category of orphans and children, left without parental care, orphans and children, left without parental care who are disabled people of groups I and II.

In general, the deputies adopted several other laws. One of them is “On making amendments to Article 5 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On the Protection of Public Health Omsk region", providing for the addition of this article provisions defining the procedure for informing the population of the municipal education, including through the media, about the possibility spread of socially significant diseases and diseases that carry danger to others, indicating the content and timing, as well as authorized body for the formation and provision of local bodies self-government of municipalities with relevant information.

Another - "About making amendments to Articles 7 and 10 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On the Protection of the Population and territories of the Omsk region from natural and man-made emergencies character." The essence of the law is that in connection with changes in the federal Legislation Commission for the Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations and ensuring fire safety of the Omsk region is vested with the authority to making decisions on carrying out evacuation measures in the event of a threat occurrence or occurrence of emergency situations of regional or intermunicipal nature. The competence of the Government of the Omsk region provision of such evacuation measures is included.

Among the new projects laws included on the agenda of the Assembly for the first time, bills were considered, concerning increasing the investment attractiveness of the Omsk Irtysh region in the field of construction, as well as industrial production.
Another new one bill - "On establishing the size of advance payments when concluding state contracts in 2022 and amending Article 4 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On interbudgetary relations in the Omsk region" - deputies considered in all readings and adopted generally. In accordance with the law, it is proposed in particular, in 2022, allow recipients of regional budget funds establish advance payments in the amount of up to 50 percent of contract amounts (from 50 to 90 percent of the contract amounts, funds for financial support of which are subject to treasury support in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 15 Law of the Omsk region dated December 16, 2021 No. 2450-03 “On regional budget for 2022 and for the planning period 2023 and 2024"), but no more limits of budget obligations communicated to recipients of regional funds budget for the specified purposes for the corresponding financial year.

During the meeting, parliamentarians discussed and adopted in the first reading the revised draft law “On Amendments to Code of the Omsk Region on Administrative Offences", in the first and second second readings of the draft law "On Amendments to Articles 4 and 5 of the Law Omsk region "On hunting and the conservation of hunting resources in Omsk regions" and others.
In addition, deputies approved the project agreement between the Government of the Omsk Region (Russian Federation) and The executive body of state power of the Khatlon region (Republic Tajikistan) on the implementation of international and foreign economic relations in trade and economic, scientific and technical, social, cultural and humanitarian spheres.
Concluding the meeting, Vladimir Varnavsky congratulated colleagues with the approaching holiday of the Great Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

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