The Committee on Property of the Regional Parliament held a round table on the topic "On the implementation of legislation regulating the procedure for transferring for use heat supply facilities that are state or municipal property, local governments and business entities" .
representatives of regional ministries of property were invited to the event
relations, construction and housing and communal services, administrations
municipal districts of the Omsk region, Regional Energy Commission
Omsk region, prosecutor's office of the Omsk region, Siberian department of the federal
services for environmental, technological and nuclear supervision in the Omsk region
and the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the Omsk Region.
extensively reviewed various aspects relating to the issue of transfer of objects
heat supply for use. First, a detailed report was presented on the topic "About
implementation of legislation regulating the procedure for transferring for use
heat supply facilities located in state or municipal
property, local government bodies and economic
Then they sounded
speeches on the issues of transferring heat supply facilities for use,
in state or municipal ownership; on questions
transfer to concession of heat supply facilities, individual objects of such systems,
are in municipal ownership.
speeches also discussed the problems of tariff regulation in the transmission
heat supply facilities on the basis of concession agreements on
legal regulation of issues of transfer of rights to use objects
heat supply, which are in municipal ownership of the city of Omsk, about
issues arising from local government bodies when transferring to
temporary possession and (or) use of communal infrastructure facilities. More
In addition, the results of supervisory activities in the field of ensuring
legality of operation of housing and communal services facilities.
discussion of the issues raised, the round table participants agreed
opinion about the need, in particular, to improve
legislation, as well as the development and adoption of comprehensive measures aimed at
to reduce accounts payable of housing and communal services organizations
complex. At the end of the event, those present reviewed the draft recommendations
"round table". It was decided to finalize it taking into account the proposals made
and consider at the next committee meeting.