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The regional parliament began its spring session
At the first plenary meeting of the regional parliament in the spring session, deputies discussed bills concerning amendments to the Omsk Region Code of Administrative Offences, on the social protection of certain categories of citizens
The regional parliament began its spring session

At the first plenary meeting of the regional parliament in the spring session, deputies discussed bills concerning amendments to the Omsk Region Code of Administrative Offences, on the social protection of certain categories of citizens

Also reviewed draft laws on the protection of public health in the Omsk region, on the provision measures of social support for citizens of the Russian Federation called up for military service mobilization service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, about objects cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Omsk region. In addition, the results of the activities of the regional parliament in 2022 were summed up and approved work plan for 2023 and made decisions on other issues.

The first item on the agenda of the meeting the deputies considered draft law "On Amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region "On Elections" deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region." The draft law The list of restrictions on passive voting rights in elections is expanding deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region, changes are being made related to the abolition institution of members of election commissions with the right of advisory vote in district, territorial and precinct commissions. The draft law also clarifies certain provisions regarding formation of polling stations, compilation of voter lists, conditions nomination of a candidate (lists of candidates), and other changes are made. Project the law was adopted by deputies as a whole.

Then parliamentarians discussed and adopted in the first reading the draft law “On Amendments to Law of the Omsk Region "On the Referendum of the Omsk Region" and the Law of Omkoy region "On the local referendum in the Omsk region".

The bill, in in accordance with federal legislation, certain provisions are clarified the specified regional laws concerning the procedure for conducting remote electronic voting, holding a referendum in the Omsk region, local referendum when introducing a regime of high alert or emergency situation, compiling lists of referendum participants, conditions for holding campaigning on referendum issues. Among other things, the draft law introduces changes related to the establishment of a ban in relation to persons recognized as foreign agents, make donations to the referendum fund.

At the meeting, parliamentarians considered and adopted in the first reading amendments to the Omsk Code areas of administrative offenses.
The draft law on amendments was developed and introduced in order to clarify the terminology used in regional legislation. The draft law in this part specifies provisions of the Omsk Region Code of Administrative Offences.

Next at the meeting it was considered and adopted in the first reading the draft law of the Omsk region "On amendments to the article of the Law Omsk region "On the protection of health of the population of the Omsk region".
This project was introduced in connection with the adoption on December 5, 2022 of Federal Law No. 505-FZ, which clarifies the powers of state authorities of the constituent entities Russian Federation in the field of preventing the spread of tuberculosis.

In the draft law of Omsk adopted by deputies as a whole region "On amendments to Article 45 of the Code of the Omsk Region on social protection of certain categories citizens and article 4 of the Law of the Omsk region "On the regulation of relations in the field of education on the territory of Omsk region" the appointment procedure is provided and payments of funds for the maintenance of a child under temporary care to the appointed guardian (trustee) in the event of establishment of such a child preliminary guardianship (trusteeship). Proposed the changes will allow a temporarily appointed guardian (trustee) to spend funds due to the child in his care for his primary needs, that will best serve the interests of the child under his care.

Another draft law, unanimously adopted as a whole, Omsk region "On amendments to the Code of the Omsk Region on social protection of certain categories of citizens", provides for the transfer authority to assign and make monthly payments in connection with birth (adoption) of the first child to multifunctional centers provision of state and municipal services administered by executive authority of the Omsk region in the field of social protection. Except In addition, the draft law proposes to simplify the procedure for issuing a certificate for regional maternal (family) capital.

Also by resolution, deputies supported the adoption Federal Law No. 261079-8 "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On additional guarantees of social support for orphans and children left behind without parental care" (in terms of expanding the forms of providing housing for persons from among orphans). The resolution adopted by the deputies is sent to the Committee State Duma on issues of family, women and children.

During plenary session, the deputies were presented by the Committee on Agrarian Policy, Natural Resources resources and ecology draft law "On Amendments to Article 5 of the Law Omsk region "On the regulation of land relations in Omsk area." The document was developed in order to bring it into line with federal legislation. The bill proposes to amend the powers of the specially authorized executive body of Omsk areas in the field of regulation of land relations. In particular, there is a reduction from six to four months of the period during which public auctions are held for the sale of land plots from agricultural lands, and clarification of reference norms to the provisions of the Federal Law of July 24, 2002 No. 101-FZ "On the turnover of agricultural land." Deputies The regional parliament accepted the draft law for consideration.

The same decisions were made parliamentarians after considering two more bills proposed by committee deputies on economic policy and investment. First, the bill “On Amendments to Article 7 of the Law Omsk region "On the protection of the population of the Omsk region from emergency situations natural and man-made." It was developed on the basis of already the Federal Law that came into force. The regional bill specifies authority of the Government of the Omsk region in terms of making decisions on making one-time cash payments to foreign citizens and persons without citizenship affected by emergency situations on an equal basis with citizens Russian Federation.
Next was the draft law of the Omsk region “On introducing amendments to Article 15 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On the organization of capital repairs of common property in apartment buildings located on territory of the Omsk region." This draft law clarifies certain legal grounds for providing state support measures during repair of common property of apartment buildings. In particular, paragraph 3 of Article 15 of the said the regional law is stated in a new edition in accordance with Article 191 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Parliamentarians also considered presented by the education committee, science, culture and youth policy, draft law "On Amendments to Article 5 of the Law Omsk region "On objects of cultural heritage (historical monuments and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Omsk region." Federal Law of October 20, 2022 No. 407-FZ "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Objects cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation" established that preservation, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage sites is carried out, among other things, within the framework of relevant state programs of the Russian Federation, municipal programs provided for by budget legislation.
Deputies accepted the bill for consideration.

The draft was unanimously adopted by parliamentarians as a whole. Law of the Omsk Region "On Amendments to Certain Laws of the Omsk Region" region". Data The bill provides for the transfer for an unlimited period to the authorities local government of municipal districts of the Omsk region, urban district state powers in the field of providing monetary payment as another measures of social support for large families registered for the purpose of free provision of ownership of a land plot for individual housing construction, in exchange for the provision of land plot in accordance with the Code of the Omsk Region on the social protection of individual categories of citizens.

In addition, the draft law proposes to establish the opportunity for citizens living in the city of Omsk to receive land plots in municipal districts of the Omsk region. The proposed change will increase the total number of citizens who have exercised the right to receive land plot.
It is also planned establish as another measure of social support the provision of monetary payments.

Adopted by the deputies at the plenary session to consideration of the draft law "On the establishment of additional grounds for declaring a hopeless collection of debt on payment of regional taxes to the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation" it is proposed to establish additional grounds for declaring it uncollectible debt. According to the developers, this The measure will allow the tax authorities to write off debt on on the above grounds and to exclude unjustified overestimation of the total amount debt.

MPs are not supported the project in the proposed version Law of the Omsk region "On the provision of social support measures to citizens of the Russian Federation, called up for military service upon mobilization into the Armed Forces Forces of the Russian Federation."

During the meeting, deputies considered the question of starting the procedure for electing representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in Qualification Commission of the Omsk Region Bar Association." In the adopted resolution, it was decided to begin election procedure and propose to deputies, committees, commissions of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, the Governor of the Omsk Region to present candidates for election of representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region in Qualification Commission of the Bar Chamber of the Omsk Region.

On Other issues were also considered at the last plenary meeting. Including parliamentary request to the Minister of Energy and Housing and Communal Complex of the Omsk Region, information on the activities of the Youth Chamber of Deputies at the Legislative Assembly of Omsk areas. In addition, the deputies took note of the information about the work of the regional parliament in 2022 and approved the Legislative Work Plan Meetings of the Omsk region for 2023.

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