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New title, coefficient and additional guarantees
A regular meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region was held, at which the issues of conferring a new honorary title of the Omsk Region, regulating land relations, increasing the living wage of a pensioner and others were considered.
New title, coefficient and additional guarantees

A regular meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region was held, at which the issues of assigning a new honorary title to the Omsk Region, regulating land relations, increasing the living wage of a pensioner and others were considered.

At the beginning During the meeting, deputies considered the bills submitted for the second reading. These include draft laws “On Amendments to Article 4 of the Law of Omsk region "On state awards of the Omsk region, highest awards government bodies of the Omsk region and honorary titles of the Omsk region" and "On amendments to the Law of Omsk region "On the regulation of land relations in the Omsk region". During the discussion, both documents were decided accept as a whole.

First of of these laws was prepared in order to increase the importance of the profession in the field of information technology. In accordance with it, the list of honorary titles Omsk region was supplemented with the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Sector" information technologies of the Omsk region". This title is planned assign highly professional employees of the information technology industry for services to the Omsk region in the development and improvement of modern information and telecommunications infrastructure.

According to the second is specified, in particular, on the territory of which municipalities of the Omsk region land plots, state ownership of which is not demarcated, but also land plots owned by the Omsk region or municipal property may be provided free of charge use by a citizen for running a personal subsidiary plot or carrying out peasant (farm) enterprise of its activity for a period of no more than six years. In addition, based on proposals from local governments Omsk region is clarifying the list of specialties that will be replaced by main place of work gives citizens the right to receive free use of land plots on the territory of the relevant municipal formations of the Omsk region.

By the way, that concerns land relations, it was adopted at the meeting in the first and second readings, another document regulating relations in this area - the regional Law "On Amendments to the Law of the Omsk Region "On Regulation land relations in the Omsk region." The law is aimed at preserving Omsk region pre-emptive right to purchase land plots from lands agricultural purposes and granting the corresponding right municipalities of the Omsk region that are interested in purchasing such land plots.

The draft law “On the amount of subsistence” was immediately adopted in all readings. minimum pensioner in the Omsk region for 2018." In accordance with By law, the cost of living for a pensioner in the Omsk region for 2018 has been increased and will amount to 8480 rubles. As the speaker of the regional parliament Vladimir emphasized Varnavsky, "precisely to this level an additional payment will be made if the amount of pension and other support measures There will be fewer unemployed pensioners. This year the cost of living The pensioner minimum is 8,217 rubles. Recipients of social supplement to pension There are about 74 thousand unemployed citizens, since January 1, 2018 their number should increase." During consideration of the bill, the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly also said that at the regional government meeting held the day before, the governor Omsk region and the government made a consolidated decision to preserve social orientation of the regional budget.

Another socially oriented draft law - "On amendments to the Omsk Region Code on social protection certain categories of citizens" - it was decided to accept for consideration in the first reading. In accordance with it, from January 1, 2018, it is provided, in in particular, the exercise by a large family of the opportunity to choose to receive the measure social support in the form of a monthly or annual cash payment in the amount established for the corresponding financial year by the law of the Omsk region about the regional budget. Selecting the type of cash payment (monthly or annual) will ensure that these funds are directed to personal the needs of large families, taking into account their individual needs.

In addition, deputies discussed and adopted another socially significant law. It provides additional guarantees for the rights of orphans and children left without care parents, and persons from among orphans and children left without care parents, to provide vouchers for organizing children’s recreation and their health, as well as to pay for travel to the place of treatment (rest) and back.

Regional Parliament also considered new draft laws introduced at the meeting. Among them bill "On establishing a coefficient for 2018 reflecting regional features of the labor market." In accordance with it, the decree the coefficient is planned to be set at 1.487. Establishing a regional coefficient due to the fact that, according to paragraph 3 of Article 227.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the size fixed advance payments for personal income tax in relation to foreign citizens are subject to indexation by a deflator coefficient, which is established for the corresponding calendar year by order of the Ministry of Economic Development Russia, as well as the regional coefficient set for the corresponding calendar year by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

TO After consideration, parliamentarians adopted the draft law “On Amendments to separate laws of the Omsk region in the field of electoral legislation", developed in connection with changes in federal legislation and providing, in in particular, clarification of the grounds for compiling the voter list. Besides this, regional laws in the field of electoral legislation are supplemented provision, according to which the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of social protection and social support of disabled people are obliged assist election commissions, referendum commissions in their work on ensuring voting rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation, who are disabled, taking into account their persistent functional disorders organism, as well as to these citizens in providing the necessary assistance to based on the agreement concluded between them. The draft law specifies the deadlines formation of the Election Commission of the Omsk Region, precinct commission, if the term of office of the commission expires during the election campaign, campaign referendum.

On the agenda day there were also questions about the draft law “On Amendments to the Law Omsk region "On the state policy of the Omsk region in housing sphere", on appointment to the position of justice of the peace and others.

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