The Social Policy Committee of the Legislative Assembly held a round table in the regional parliament on the topic “On socially oriented non-profit organizations operating in the social sphere and ensuring their gradual access to budget funds allocated for the provision of social services to the population of the Omsk region."

To the meeting
deputies of the regional parliament were invited to the round table,
representatives of relevant ministries and departments of the Omsk region, Control and Accounting
Chamber of the Omsk Region, Omsk Regional Union of Trade Union Organizations "Federation of Omsk Trade Unions",
public organizations and media. Meeting
was chaired by a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk
region, deputy chairman of the regional social policy committee
Parliament Yuri Shapovalov.
Opening the round table, he emphasized
that support for socially oriented non-profit organizations (SONCOs) is
one of the long-term priorities of the social policy of the Russian Federation,
promotes active self-organization of citizens and makes a significant contribution to
development of Russian civil society, to ensure growth in quality and
availability of services in the social sphere. In order to support SONCOs and ensure their
activities in the Russian Federation, a number of comprehensive documents have been adopted aimed at expanding
access of non-state, primarily SONCO, to the provision of social services
sphere provided at the expense of budgetary funds. Yuri Shapovalov noted that,
for example, such a public socially oriented movement as volunteers arose
long ago in England; in Russia it is actively developing, and reported that “November 27
2017, the President of the Russian Federation signed a Decree establishing the Day
volunteer (volunteer), which will be celebrated on December 5."
included a wide range of issues. With the keynote speech "On social
oriented non-profit organizations operating in
social sphere, and ensuring their gradual access to budget funds,
allocated for the provision of social services to the population of the Omsk region" was made by
Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Development of the Omsk Region Elena
Shipilova. In order to meet the needs of residents of the Omsk region in providing
social services, the Ministry is carrying out systematic work, including on
development of the non-state market for social services. Socially oriented
non-profit organizations are provided with financial, property, information
and consulting support. SONCOs organize social services
disabled people, including disabled children, citizens without a fixed place
residence, drug addicted citizens.
Socially oriented non-profit organizations
are involved in organizing and conducting various socially significant events
events. More about this and
SONCO activities in the areas of youth policy, physical culture and sports, healthcare,
protecting the health of citizens, promoting a healthy lifestyle, representatives
regional relevant ministries. They also provided detailed information
about the activities of SONCO in the fields of education, culture, art, cinematography,
library and museum studies, art and music education,
Reports were made on the implementation by the Ministry of Economy
Omsk region powers in terms of ensuring phased access to social
oriented non-profit organizations to budget funds allocated for
provision of social services to the population of the Omsk region, and interaction
Main Department of Internal Policy of the Omsk Region with SONCOs working in
social sphere.

of the round table meeting, using specific examples, discussed
work of individual non-profit organizations. Thus, those gathered learned about
activities of the non-profit organization "Radonezh" in the territory
Evgashchinsky rural settlement of Bolsherechensky municipal district of Omsk
regions; about the role of the Omsk regional public organization "Center
development of public initiatives" in the activities of socially oriented
non-profit organizations. Moreover, based on my work experience,
"Center for the Development of Public Initiatives" presented a report on the topic
"Social entrepreneurship as one of the tools for solving
social problems of the region."
approaching the consideration of the main issue on the agenda, those gathered touched upon
and issues of legal regulation of support for SONCOs. At the same time, it was noted that
At the regional level, a number of regulatory legal acts have been adopted aimed at
support for SONCO. Currently, the region has a comprehensive system
support with the involvement of all levels of government, a Coordination Council for
ensuring access of non-governmental organizations to the provision of social
services in the Omsk region, work is underway to form a regional model
social innovation cluster.
In their
speeches and during the discussion of the main issue of the meeting, those gathered agreed
in the opinion that the activities of SONCO in the social sphere certainly allow
increase the efficiency of use of public resources allocated for these
goals, actively introduce innovative social technologies into practice,
attract additional resources through SONCO in the form of charitable funds
funds, donations, grants, make extra-budgetary investments for
development of social infrastructure facilities.
During the meeting
Various problems related to the activities of SONCO were also raised,
comments and suggestions were made for further support and development
socially oriented non-profit organizations.
In the end it was
it was decided to include the proposals made in the speeches and during the discussion in the draft recommendations of the round table, developed in order to increase the effectiveness of measures aimed at creating favorable
conditions for activities in the SONCO region in the social sphere.