On December 19, 2023, a meeting of the Youth Chamber of Deputies under the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region was held at the Regional Center for Public Relations. At the meeting, parliamentarians considered a number of organizational issues and discussed information from relevant ministries.
In the event
attended by Deputy Chairman of the regional parliament Pavel Korenny,
members of the chamber, deputies of the Legislative Assembly and Omsk city
Council, representatives of relevant departments and the Public Chamber
Omsk region.
began with consideration of organizational issues. The first to discuss was the issue of
termination of powers of members of the Youth Chamber.
Thus, in connection with the termination of the parliamentary powers of the deputy
Council of the Izyumovsky rural settlement of the Sherbakul municipal district
Omsk region Anton Pogorelov, deputy
regional parliament Daria Bikmaeva, it was decided to terminate their powers as
members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies at the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region.
Next was
considered the application received by the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and
youth policy, for inclusion in the Youth Chamber of Deputies under
regional parliament. After discussion, the results of the open
voting on the election of the chairman of the Youth Chamber under the Council
Sherbakul municipal district of the Omsk region - it became Amina Bukatova.
During work
young deputies heard and discussed information about the activities of the Youth
chambers in 2023. Chairman of the Chamber Ilya Smirnov spoke in detail about
work in municipal areas. As a result, it was decided, in particular,
recommend to the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy
consider the possibility of indexing compensation payments to young teachers for
housing and communal services. In addition, a number of recommendations have been developed for regional ministries.
Next in
agenda, the Chairman of the Youth Chamber proposed to consider the results
summer health campaign 2023. The presented report discussed
in particular, on the organization of recreation and health improvement for children in difficult
life situation, and children of participants in a special military operation.
Also special
attention at the meeting was paid to the practice of targeted training in higher and
secondary vocational educational institutions on the territory of Omsk
areas. They spoke, in particular, about admission to targeted training within the quota,
on concluding a training contract, legislative changes.
comprehensive discussion, the young deputies decided to accept all presented
take note of the information and use it in your future work.
In conclusion
meeting, members of the chamber were invited to submit their
proposals for the work plan for the next year.