Today, October 23, 2020, a regular meeting of the Council of Chairmen of Representative Bodies of Municipal Districts of the Omsk Region and the Omsk City District under the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region was held in the Legislative Assembly via videoconference. div>
traditions, the meeting of the Council was opened by its chairman - Vladimir Varnavsky, speaker
regional parliament. He, addressing the meeting participants, first of all,
congratulated the newly elected chairmen of district councils on the services rendered to them by the residents
municipalities with high trust, especially emphasizing that this is
well-deserved recognition of their professionalism and business qualities.
supported by Alexander Burkov, Governor of Omsk
region, Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region, who in his address to district deputies focused
your attention to several important points. In particular, he noted that
In the Omsk region, all branches of government traditionally work together and effectively. A
such meetings of the representative and executive powers only contribute to their
even closer unity. In a productive dialogue, understanding arises,
what problems and how to solve to improve the quality of life of Omsk residents. United
and a close-knit team of representative and executive authorities of the Omsk region
is aimed at the effective implementation of large-scale national projects.
welcoming words from the leaders of the region, the meeting participants promptly began discussing
agenda. The first issue considered was the election of a new composition
Presidium of the Council. Vladimir Varnavsky prefaced it with several resonant
conclusions. He drew the attention of the chairmen of the Councils to the current aspects of their
direct activities, as well as joint work with authorities
state authorities of the region. He emphasized that each of the deputies has ahead
big and serious work.
and protecting the interests of voters, they will have to organize the work of the Council in a businesslike manner,
in a respectful atmosphere to ensure efficiency and legality
activities. It is on this approach to work that the future largely depends.
socio-economic development of municipalities, implementation of national
projects in a specific territory - construction and repair of housing and roads,
construction of schools and kindergartens, first aid stations,
water and gas networks, repair of cultural and educational institutions.
It is important that every budget ruble goes into action, and that residents really see
continuation of positive changes despite serious challenges caused by
In this connection, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Vladimir Varnavsky advised his colleagues, it is necessary
focus on work related to the formation of taxable objects,
development of small and medium-sized businesses, solving employment problems, using
huge reserve hidden in participation in federal and regional programs.
after Vladimir Varnavsky spoke in detail about the work of the Council Presidium, there were
election of its new composition of seven people representing various
municipalities of the Omsk region.
Following the program of the meeting and its agenda, on individual issues
interaction between state authorities of the region and local governments of Omsk
region emphasized in his report Yuri Nazarenko, First Deputy Minister of Regional Policy and Mass
communications. How this happens at the local level was outlined in detail by Valentina Vikhrova, chairman
Muromtsevo Municipal Council
The problem of organizing local
self-government from the point of view of public finance management was devoted
speech by Yuri Nadelyaev, first
Deputy Minister of Finance. Vasily Afanasyev, Chairman of the Krutinsky District Council of the Krutinsky Municipal District
provided specific measures of such approaches, based on the experience of his municipality.
spoke about the development of youth parliamentarism in the Omsk region
participants of the “absentee” meeting Pavel Korenny,
Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Committee
Omsk region for education, science, culture and
youth policy.
In the final part of the meeting, answers were given to questions that arose during the discussion,
the results have been summed up.