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Historical and cultural museum-reserve "Ancient Siberian" received guests
May 19, 2017 in r.p. Bolsherechye hosted a visiting meeting of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy of the regional parliament on the issue “On the activities of the Omsk State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Ancient Siberian” for the implementation of the Strategy of State Cultural Policy for the period until 2030 in the Omsk Region.”
Historical and cultural museum-reserve "Starina Sibirskaya" received guests

May 19, 2017 in r.p. Bolsherechye hosted a visiting meeting of the Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Youth Policy of the regional parliament on the issue “On the activities of the Omsk State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Ancient Siberian” for the implementation of the Strategy of State Cultural Policy for the period until 2030 in the Omsk Region.”

In the meeting took part, in addition to deputies of the regional parliament, members of the Youth Chamber of Deputies at the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, representatives Ministry of Culture of the Omsk Region, Administration and Council of Bolsherechensky municipal district of the Omsk region.
Program The event was eventful and educational. The meeting participants visited memorable places and objects BUK "Museum-Reserve "Starina" Sibirskaya". First, those gathered laid flowers at the memorial complex Bolsherechensk soldiers who fell during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 years. Then there were excursions to the local history museum and art gallery museum-reserve. In addition, the guests took a tour of the architectural and ethnographic complex "Old Sibirskaya", which was accompanied by a theatrical presentation. It should be noted that the historical and cultural museum-reserve "Starina" Sibirskaya" is a multidisciplinary museum-reserve with a large number of areas of activity and various resources: museum collections, architectural monuments, archaeological heritage.
His The peculiarity is that it was created not in an artificially selected place, but in historical part of the village Bolsherechye. The basis of the historical and cultural complex are monuments of wooden architecture. Currently included The museum-reserve includes 12 historical and architectural monuments, 5 of which have the status of monuments of regional significance. The museum-reserve widely archaeological and natural heritage is presented.

Having become acquainted with objects of "Ancient Siberian", those gathered moved on to the plenary part of the meeting, which was chaired by a regional deputy parliament, chairman of the committee on education, science, culture and youth politics Vladimir Polovinko. The first question to be considered was socio-economic development of the Bolsherechensky municipal district of Omsk areas. The head of the district, Vasily Maystepanov, made a report on this topic. IN In his speech, he also spoke about the meaning of "Ancient Siberian" for r.p. Bolsherechye.
About the role and place of the Omsk State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Ancient Siberian" in the system of museums of the Omsk region reported Deputy Minister of Culture of the Omsk Region Lyudmila Chekalina. And the director of the museum-reserve "Old Siberian" Alexander Gulko spoke in detail about the activities of the institution under his jurisdiction for implementation of the State Cultural Policy Strategy for the period until 2030 on the territory of the Omsk region.
He reported that during the existence of "Old Sibirskaya" in the status state regional institution, a lot of work has been done in in particular, architectural monuments of regional significance were restored "House of the merchant P. Gladkov", "House of the merchant N. Gladkov", "House Zemlyanitsyn", "Gladkov's Trading Shop", "Merchant's House A. Kubrin"; scientifically based museum zones have been developed. For history of its existence, "Old Sibirskaya" became integral historical and cultural museum-reserve with a significant volume, diverse in profile, theme and nature of museum activities. For my For its activities, the museum received several grants, including from the President of the Russian Federation.
It was about also about the scientific, educational and cultural-educational activities of "Antiquities" Siberian", including publishing and information activities production and sale of souvenirs. The problems of the museum-reserve were also touched upon, issues of tourism activities. In this regard, much attention has been paid paid to the prospects of "Ancient Siberian" - the main directions of development and improvement of the museum-reserve. The program of comprehensive development of "Ancient Siberian" for the period 2017-2021, regional program "Development of Culture and Tourism" for 2014-2020.
As a result, Having broadly considered the main issue of the retreat, the committee decided, in In particular, it should be noted that the main source ensuring the implementation State cultural policy strategy for the period until 2030 territory of the Omsk region, is a state program of the Omsk region "Development of culture and tourism" for 2014-2020. In addition, it was decided It should be noted that the Omsk State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Starina Sibirskaya" makes an important contribution to the preservation of material and intangible historical, cultural, natural heritage, carries out activities for its study and actualization in modern cultural practices, leads significant educational and cultural work.
Among Committee deputies considered other issues and took into account the recommendations "round table" on the topic "On the implementation of the Law of the Omsk region from July 24, 2008 No. 1070-OZ "On physical culture and sports in Omsk region" (April 26, 2017, BU of the city of Omsk "Sports complex "Red Star").

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