On May 18, 2023, the next plenary meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region was held. Deputies discussed bills amending regional laws relating to the organization of road activities and passenger transportation, expanding social support measures for certain categories of citizens, and regulating urban planning activities. The agenda also included questions about the early termination of powers of regional parliament deputy Dinar Kurmanov, a report on the situation of youth and the implementation of state youth policy in the Omsk region for 2022. They also talked about the fire situation in the Omsk region.
Youth policy
Opening the meeting, the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly
Omsk region Vladimir Varnavsky presented the agenda of the meeting to his colleagues and,
Having proposed to vote for it, he began the procedure for considering the issues.
First parliamentarians discussed the issue of early termination
powers of the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region Kurmanov D.Kh. By
the results of the discussion and in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 4 of the Law of the Omsk Region
"On the status of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region"
The regional parliament decided: "Consider the powers of the deputy
Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region for a single regional electoral
district from the electoral association "Omsk regional branch
All-Russian political party "UNITED RUSSIA" Kurmanova Dinara
Khusnutdinovich terminated early on May 15, 2023."
Among the first questions, the deputies heard a report on
the situation of youth and the implementation of state youth policy in Omsk
region for 2022, presented by the First Deputy Minister for Affairs
youth, physical culture and sports of the Omsk region by Ivan Kolesnik. In the report
contained information about the situation of youth, young families and youth
public associations, on the implementation of the main directions of youth
policy, on financial support for youth policy, on regulatory legal
acts in the field of youth policy, including changes made to them, and
other information.
During the discussion of the presented report deputies raised
questions about the development of the children's movement in the Omsk region, preparation and
activities of children's health summer camps, the amount of funding
activities aimed at implementing youth policy, about systemic
approach to the development of youth policy. As a result, it was decided to accept the report
Concluding the discussion of the issue, the speaker regional parliament
Vladimir Varnavsky noted: “In fact, work in this direction
revived... The government of the Omsk region is doing a lot of work to prepare
young specialists. Young people study and master complex high-tech
equipment...A connection is being built: school-university-enterprise.
Thanks to Vitaly Pavlovich for asking the ministers about
results of working with young people...We have a lot of joint work ahead."
Urban planning activities Then the regional parliament considered a package of bills,
included in the agenda of the meeting. In general, the law “On Amendments to
Law of the Omsk Region "On the regulation of urban planning activities in
Omsk region". It was developed in accordance with several
federal laws that supplement the powers of the Government of Omsk
area in terms of making a decision on the preparation of a single document
territorial planning and urban zoning of the settlement,
city district and decisions on preparing changes to the specified document.
The law supplements the list of powers of the Government of the Omsk region in the field of
town planning activities with the authority to determine capital objects
construction, the approval of the architectural and urban design of which is not
required. It is possible to make changes to the rules
land use and development without public discussions or
public hearings in cases provided for by federal legislation.
The time frame for checking planning documentation is being reduced
territory for compliance with the requirements specified in Part 10 of Article 45
Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, from twenty working days to
fifteen working days from the date of receipt of the documentation.
Road activities In the first and second, final reading, several
laws, including the law relating to the organization of road traffic, -
"On amendments to Article 4 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On Individual
issues of traffic management on regional roads
or intermunicipal significance." In accordance with it, the Government of the Omsk region is vested
authority to establish the procedure for maintaining a register of general parking lots
use located on local roads.
The revised bill on road traffic was adopted in the first reading
activities - "On amendments to Articles 3 and 4 of the Law of the Omsk Region
"On highways and road activities on the territory of Omsk
region". According to this document, the Government of the Omsk region is endowed
authority, in particular, to establish the procedure for providing preferential benefits
travel on toll roads and toll sections of roads.
Another one was discussed at the meeting bill related to
roads. This is the draft law of the Omsk region "On amendments to the article
9 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On the organization of regular transportation of passengers and
luggage by road and urban ground electric transport
in municipal and intermunicipal transport, by water transport in suburban
and intermunicipal communication and railway transport in suburban
communication on the territory of the Omsk region."
It was prepared in order to improve the legal
regulation of liability in the field of regular transportation
unregulated tariffs on intermunicipal and (or) municipal routes
In connection with the planned introduction of administrative
liability for failure to comply with the requirement to transfer in real time
time to the state information system of the Omsk region
"Regional navigation and information system of the Omsk region"
information about the location of the vehicle used for
implementation of transportation, the draft law proposes to clarify that
circumstance for applying to court to terminate the action
certificate of transportation is repeated throughout
one year administrative liability. Bill resolved
adopted in the first reading.
Social support New bills were also considered at the meeting. IN
in particular, draft law No. 1619-7 “On amendments to Article 47
Code of the Omsk region on social protection of certain categories of citizens",
providing for a new measure of social support.
In accordance with it, it is proposed acknowledge the status
a disabled child is a sufficient basis for establishing for this category
children studying in educational organizations of the Omsk region, implementing
educational programs of primary general education, basic general
education, secondary general education, additional social security measures
support in the form of compensation for losses incurred by their parents (legal
representatives) food costs in these organizations. Bill resolved
forward to the Governor of the Omsk region for conclusion.
During the meeting, questions “About the project” were considered
Law of the Omsk Region No. 1608-7 "On the execution of the territorial budget
compulsory medical insurance fund of the Omsk region for 2022", about
appointment to the post of magistrate of the Omsk region.
About the fire situation In the “Miscellaneous” section, parliamentarians discussed the issue of
information from the Minister of Health of the Omsk Region on assistance to military personnel,
taking part in the SVO, and others.
Deputies paid special attention to current issues
issues of fire safety in the Omsk region. About what is planned to be done in the region for
preventing wildfires, the acting acting representative told parliamentarians
duties of the Governor of the Omsk Region Vitaly Khotsenko, emphasizing that “lessons
from previous years, together with the heads of districts and deputies, we made decisions
are clear... I set the task to the heads so that the mineralized strips were no less
20 meters. But this is not a quick solution, the heads are trying as best they can."
According to him
According to him, in the future it is planned to increase funding by
logistics support for districts. An instruction has already been given to the head
regional Ministry of Finance Vadim Chechenko to provide 100 million rubles for
logistics in the 2024 budget. In subsequent years this
the amount will increase by 50 million rubles. The funds will also be used for
acquisition of necessary equipment.
< br>As Vitaly Khotsenko emphasized, in case
disappointing weather forecasts, hot winds and hot weather will be introduced
moratorium on hunting: “The main thing we need is for people not to get burned or die.
It is also important to prevent loss and loss of property. So next year
We will make tough decisions. Let's see about hunting. Different opinions
are expressed by the heads, someone says that hunters have nothing to do with natural
fires, some, on the contrary, categorically speak out for a moratorium on
fire danger period. This decision is difficult, there are many hunters in the region, we will think about it.”
He also
told what changes are planned to be introduced for fire victims. Will be worked out
standard of care. Currently, forest fire victims receive 50
thousand rubles from the Ministry of Labor, 100 thousand rubles - from the reserve fund and financial
support from the municipality. This financial assistance varies and depends on
budget possibilities. Next year there will be assistance from municipalities
fixed - 50 thousand rubles. In addition, those who lost their housing during
landscape fires, regional authorities are helping to purchase new ones. Vitaly Khotsenko
reported that about 9 million rubles were allocated from the reserve fund for the purchase of houses
for residents of Bolsherechensky, Krutinsky, Tarsky and Tyukalinsky districts,
which suffered from landscape fires in late April - early May.
Help to DonbassVedya
conversation about assistance to military personnel taking part in the North Military District, Vitaly Khotsenko
urged those gathered to contact him and the regional government in case of any
organizational issues.
During the conversation, the chairman of the regional parliament, Vladimir Varnavasky, said that
“yesterday I met with the deputy commander of the regiment formed in Omsk.
The meeting also took place with deputies of United Russia. He asked me to convey
Many thanks to both the deputies and the government, the Omsk residents who provide assistance
to the guys on the front line."
The speaker said that on May 9, 2023, another humanitarian aid truck was sent
assistance for SVO participants. At the same time, the Chairman of the Parliament expressed words of gratitude
Vitaly Khotsenko for assistance in solving organizational issues. Vladimir
Varnavsky also announced the participation
factions of the regional parliament in providing support to the participants of the SVO.