The Property Committee of the regional parliament, at its first meeting in the spring session, held on January 17, 2023, considered questions about the current state and prospects for the development of the budgetary institution of the Omsk region "Sports and Concert Complex named after Viktor Blinov" , about plans for legislative work of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region for 2023, information about the activities of the committee and the work of the regional parliament in 2022, other information.
The meeting was held at the SKK named after. V. Blinova. In the event
In addition to the committee members, representatives of the Ministry of Affairs took part in
youth, physical culture and sports of the Omsk region, Ministry
property relations of the Omsk region, Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk
region and the budgetary institution of the Omsk region "Sports and cultural
complex named after V. Blinov." Those gathered toured various premises
sports and concert complex, and then held the plenary part of the meeting.
"Dear colleagues! We had a tour of the complex.
“Thank you to the director of the institution,” said the chairman of the Legislative Committee
Meetings of the Omsk region on property Igor Zuga, anticipating the consideration
items on the agenda of the committee meeting. – Our task is to understand the effectiveness
object, and I want to see the future of the complex."
The first issue considered was the current state and
prospects for the development of the BUOO "Sports and Concert Complex named after Victor
Blinov". Noting, in particular, that SKK has a unique architectural
design (for which the complex was awarded by the Union of Architects of Russia), is included in
program for the socio-economic development of Omsk until 2030, and currently
time it takes to repair the building and equip it with a modern fire alarm system,
The chairman of the committee gave the floor to the speakers.
The Minister of Youth Affairs, Physical Culture and
Sports of the Omsk Region Dmitry Krikoryants, First Deputy Minister of Property
relations of the Omsk region Alexander Matnenko, head of the BUOO "SKK named after V.
Blinov" Oleg Lebedenko, member of the committee of the Legislative Assembly of Omsk
region owned by Dinar Kurmanov.
They reported, in particular, that the JCC building was put into operation
operation in 1986 and is unique for sports,
concerts, leisure and exhibition events. In 2012, 2013 it
World Junior Hockey Championships were held, and the Champions League was held in 2014
European Volleyball Men's Teams.
Over the years, it became necessary to repair certain
structures of the complex, in particular the roof and stylobate. In December 2020 there was
The upper roof of the building was repaired. Currently, to bring the JCC into
regulatory condition, it is necessary to carry out a major overhaul of the building. At this time
design and estimate documentation has been prepared and received on September 23, 2022
positive conclusion of the state examination. Repair cost – more
billion rubles. Work is underway to attract federal budget funds for
building renovation. As noted, so far there are no funds in the federal budget
are provided. Options for financing capital repairs of the building are also being considered.
with the involvement of bank funds.
A wide discussion then took place. Various
proposals on the further development of a budgetary institution. It was about
the need to maintain the functionality of the SCC, since the concert acoustics of the building,
its location, a large number of seats for spectators, a large area for
dance floors, large parking areas make it possible to hold various
sports and cultural events.
Much attention was paid to the use of new energy-saving
technologies and generally more efficient technical operation of the building. Spicy
questions were raised about assessing the complex from an economic point of view
efficiency, they also talked about developing an investment project. As a result of the discussion, it was decided, in particular, to contact
The government of the Omsk region with a proposal to consider the issue of future prospects
development of SKK them. V. Blinova.
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During the meeting, the committee reviewed and decided to recommend
the regional parliament to approve, taking into account the amendments of the committee, the plan of legislative
work of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region for 2023, providing for amendments to various regional laws, as well as take into account information about the work
regional parliament in 2022.
Having discussed information about the committee’s activities in 2022,
the deputies decided to note that the property committee in its activities in
2022 was guided by the resolution of the regional parliament on the plan
legislative work of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region for 2022,
decision of the Council of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region on the work plan of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region for 2022 and the law enforcement monitoring plan
laws of the Omsk region for 2022.
In 2022, 14 committee meetings were held, of which
one took place remotely via videoconference. Total at meetings
94 issues were considered. The main activities of the committee are
legislative activities in the field of property management in the Omsk region,
as well as exercising control functions on issues within the jurisdiction of
Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, within the powers of the committee.