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Deputies discussed topical issues
The next meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, held on April 20, 2023, was representative. It was attended by the Acting Governor of the Omsk Region Vitaly Khotsenko, Senator of the Russian Federation Dmitry Perminov, and Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Igor Antropenko. As part of the agenda, draft laws aimed at the socio-economic development of the Omsk Irtysh region were considered. The parliamentarians approved the draft agreement between the Government of the Omsk Region (Russian Federation) and the Khokimiyat of the Navoi Region (Republic of Uzbekistan), discussed the report of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Omsk Region, reports of the Chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region and the Senator of the Russian Federation from the Omsk Region.
Deputies discussed topical issues

The regular meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region, held on April 20, 2023, was representative. It was attended by the Acting Governor of the Omsk Region Vitaly Khotsenko, Senator of the Russian Federation Dmitry Perminov, and Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Igor Antropenko. As part of the agenda, draft laws aimed at the socio-economic development of the Omsk Irtysh region were considered. The parliamentarians approved the draft agreement between the Government of the Omsk Region (Russian Federation) and the Khokimiyat of the Navoi Region (Republic of Uzbekistan), discussed the report of the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Omsk Region, reports of the Chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Omsk Region and the Senator of the Russian Federation from the Omsk Region.

Opening meeting, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Vladimir Varnavsky addressed his colleagues: “Good afternoon, dear colleagues, Vitaly Pavlovich. You have been presented with a draft agenda for the meeting. Any comments or suggestions? on the agenda?" After discussing several proposals received, the speaker of parliament invited the deputies to vote for the agenda and get to work.

B Among the first questions, the deputies heard the report of the Commissioner of the Omsk Region for Human Rights Irina Kasyanova on the activities of the Omsk Commissioner areas on human rights in 2022.

She spoke about citizens’ appeals to the Omsk Region Commissioner for Rights people in 2022, on the observance of human and civil rights and freedoms in Omsk areas, in particular, the rights of citizens to pensions and social security, rights to health protection and medical care, rights to favorable environment and other data. Also reported assistance mobilized and their families.

B During the discussion of the report, deputies asked questions about medical rehabilitation mobilized, about the facts of provision of paid medical care at that time, when it should have been provided free of charge, about the work of guardianship and trusteeship authorities, reasons for changes in statistics on the number of parents deprived of parental rights, and other problems. Having received comprehensive answers, parliamentarians decided to adopt report for your information.

< br> As part of the agenda of the meeting, reports were made by Chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts (CAC) of the Omsk region Talgat Shugulbaev and Senator of the Russian Federation - representative from the Legislative Assembly Omsk region Dmitry Perminov.

The Chairman of the PCB presented detailed information about activities of the Chamber of Control and Accounts in 2022. In particular, about the results control activities in such areas of the economy as road management, transport, housing and communal services, construction of targeted investment program facilities, agriculture, forestry, healthcare, education, culture, sports, management and disposal of property in the Omsk region, about expert and analytical activities and other areas of activity KSP.

Dmitry Perminov reported on his activities in 2022, touching on the work in the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, in which he is a member of, representative and legislative activities, participation in events, carried out in the Omsk region, work with citizens’ appeals and other areas of activity.

Discussion of bills included in the agenda The meeting began with documents submitted for the second reading. Among them are parliamentarians discussed the bill "On amendments to Articles 8 and 9 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in the Omsk region" and decided to adopt a law in in general.

According to the adopted document provides, in particular, the right of the commissioner for the protection of rights entrepreneurs to visit those located within the boundaries of the Omsk region areas of detention and institutions executing criminal punishment in the form of forced labor, arrest, imprisonment, for the purpose of protection rights of suspects, accused and convicted persons.

A similar decision was made on the issue “On the Law Omsk Region "On Amendments to Article 1.1 of the Law of the Omsk Region "On the implementation of local government reform in the Omsk region region." The law was prepared in order to eliminate unnecessary administrative procedures. According to the authors of the document, the adoption of the law will allow optimizing the work of executive authorities of the Omsk region in issues related to the transfer of movable property acquired as part of government programs, into municipal ownership, and also reduce time costs from the moment of acquisition of the relevant property to its transfer to interested municipalities.

IN The agenda of the meeting included a number of new bills. One of them - draft law "On Amendments to the Code of the Omsk Region on administrative offenses." According to the bill, the Code It is proposed to supplement, in particular, a new article establishing administrative responsibility for the placement of seasonal attractions, points rental of bicycles, roller skates, scooters and other sports equipment with violation of their placement scheme approved by local governments.

A namely: it provides for the issuance of a warning or imposition administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to two thousand rubles; for officials - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles. Fines are also provided for repeated violations of the established rules within a year rules

Vo During the discussion of this bill, a discussion arose during which Doubts were expressed about the need to introduce new fines for businesses, and questions were also raised in general about the safety of citizens when using electrical scooters and placement of parking areas for such scooters.

"Problems Of course, there is,” Vladimir Varnavsky noted and turned to the mayor of the city Sergei Rustle. – I’m interested: in the city there is a procedure for placing such sites, Are the places arranged and marked? Is order being restored at such sites?” The mayor of the city informed that the relevant work is underway.

B As a result, parliamentarians decided to accept the bill for consideration.

So The draft law “On Amendments to Article 4” was adopted for consideration. Law of the Omsk region "On certain issues of organizing road traffic on regional or intermunicipal roads values", prepared in accordance with Federal Law dated 29 December 2017 "On the organization of traffic in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation Federation."

The bill provides, in particular, for vesting The Government of the Omsk Region has the authority to establish the procedure for conducting register of public parking lots located on automobile local roads.

Parliamentarians paid special attention to socially significant and economic issues. Thus, in the first and second readings, draft law 1594-7 “On amendments to Article 2” was adopted Law of the Omsk region "On certain issues of the exercise of powers in area of ​​promoting employment and amendments to Article 5 Law of the Omsk region "On quotas for jobs in the Omsk region."

In accordance with the federal legislation has expanded the circle of recipients of government assistance services in moving and relocating to another area for employment in the direction state employment service by including citizens among them, registered with the employment service in order to find a suitable job.

In connection with this, the said regional law specifies powers of the Government of the Omsk region and other executive authorities Omsk region in the field of promoting employment by establishing the size financial support, the procedure and conditions for its provision when providing data public services not only to unemployed citizens, but also to the above categories of citizens.

During the meeting, deputies discussed and decided to adopt a resolution Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region "On approval of the draft agreement between the Government of the Omsk Region (Russian Federation) and the Khokimiyat Navoi region (Republic of Uzbekistan) on the implementation of international and foreign economic relations in trade, economic, scientific and technical, social, cultural, humanitarian and other areas."

A resolution of the regional parliament was also adopted O inclusion of deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk region Ilya Smirnov in composition of the Youth Parliament under the State Duma of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation.

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