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To make help more accessible
At the initiative of parliamentarians, today the Committee on Social Policy held a round table meeting on the topic “On providing specialized, including high-tech, medical care to citizens in need of endoprosthetics of large joints.”
To make help more accessible

At the initiative of parliamentarians, today the Committee on Social Policy held a round table meeting on the topic “On providing specialized, including high-tech, medical care to citizens in need of endoprosthetics of large joints.”< /div>

The meeting adopted participation of deputies of the Legislative Assembly; representatives of ministries healthcare; finance; labor and social development of the Omsk region; territorial compulsory health insurance fund; territorial body of the Federal Service for Surveillance in Health Care; Commissioner for Human Rights; Public Chamber; public council for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the provision of medical services organizations; Omsk State Medical University; medical institutions and public organizations of the Omsk region, as well as patients in need of endoprosthetics of large joints.

< br> After presented report on the state of this type of medical care in the region, a wide exchange of views took place, following which adopted the relevant recommendations. In them, in in particular, it is noted that in accordance with the Federal Law “On basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation" high-tech medical care is part of specialized medical care and involves the use of new complex or unique treatment methods, and as well as resource-intensive treatment methods with scientifically proven effectiveness. Add to list These types of medical care also include joint replacement. The right to receive it for medical reasons all citizens of the Russian Federation have.

However, to Unfortunately, in the Omsk region, as in many Russian regions, endoprosthetics knee joint there is a significant sequence, despite all medical resources involved. Thus, endoprosthetics of large joints is carried out in "KHMC MZOO", "MSCh No. 4", "GKB No. 1 named after. Kabanova A.N.,"GKBSMP No. 1", GKBSMP No. 2, "Tarskaya Central District Hospital", Federal State Budgetary Institution "West Siberian Medical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological agency", "Multidisciplinary Center for Modern Medicine "Euromed".

Volumes of high-tech medical care are being formed based on the needs of the residents of the region and are based on the structure and dynamics of morbidity, and based on real statistical data, they are clearly today insufficient.

Considering importance of the issue, committee members noted in their recommendations the need will return to this issue next year. In addition, the ministry health care of the Omsk region it was proposed to prepare and ensure implementation complex of organizational measures for meeting the needs of residents of the Omsk region in receiving high-tech medical care, primarily in endoprosthetics knee joint, calculate the rationale for increasing the number of quotas for residents of the Omsk region on the basis of non-resident nearby specialized medical centers, to be provided for in the regional budget for 2020 and beyond annually funds for additional financing of activities to double number of knee replacement surgeries performed in budgetary healthcare institutions of the Omsk region. There is such an opportunity.

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