Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region Vladimir Varnavsky and Governor of the Omsk Region Alexander Burkov congratulated the residents of the Omsk Region on the holiday.

Dear residents of the Omsk region!
Happy holiday to everyone for whom preservation and increase
natural heritage of our region is a profession and a way of life.
In Omsk
region more than 16 thousand lakes and reservoirs, over four thousand rivers of various lengths
and water content, about 30 specially protected natural areas, more than a third of the area
region is occupied
by forests.
Nature is rightly compared to a unique book, the circulation of which is
There is only one copy, so when reading it, you need to take care of every page. We are all in
responsible for this unique and fragile gift.
We thank everyone who actually proves their concern for questions
ecology. Good luck to you in all your endeavors for the benefit of your fellow countrymen!
Omsk region
Legislative Assembly of the Omsk Region
A.L. Burkov
V.A. Varnavsky