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Districts | Date of meeting | Main issues considered at the meeting |
Azov | 15 | On the work of the agricultural department of the administration of the Azov German National Municipal District on the integrated development of the agro-industrial complex |
Bolsherechensky | 22 |
1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District "On the budget of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District for 2011". 2. On the work of a deputy of the Council of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District in the electoral district |
Bolsheukovsky | 24 |
1. On approval of the action plan of the administration of the Bolsheukovsky Municipal District for 2011, aimed at improving the indicators based on the results of the assessment of the effectiveness of local government. 2. On the work of local governments of the Bolsheukovsky Municipal District on the development of industrial production. 3. Report of the deputy of the Bolsheukovsky Municipal District Council on work in the electoral district |
Gorkovsky | 3 |
1. On the development of private subsidiary farms in the Gorkovsky Municipal District. 2. On amendments to the decision of the Gorkovsky Municipal District Council "On the budget of the Gorkovsky Municipal District for 2011". 3. On the draft decision of the Gorkovsky Municipal District Council "On amendments to the Charter of the Gorkovsky Municipal District of Omsk Region". 4. On amendments to the regulation on the management of municipal property of the Gorkovsky Municipal District. 5. On Amending the Decision of the Council of the Gorky Municipal District "On the Control Body of the Council of the Gorky Municipal District of the Omsk Region" |
Znamensky | 17 |
1. On the Progress of Preparations for Licensing of the Municipal Health Institution "Znamenskaya Central District Hospital". 2. On the Results of the Implementation of the Target Program "Development of the Human Resources Potential of the Znamensky Municipal District for 2008-2010". 3.On awarding the title "Honorary Citizen of Znamensky Municipal District" |
Isilkulsky | 23 |
1. On the progress of implementing the target program of the Isilkulsky Municipal District "Housing" (2010 - 2015). 2. On the exercise of powers of the municipal district to organize gas supply. 3. On the implementation of the demographic development program of the Isilkulsky Municipal District for 2006 - 2010. 4. Reports of deputies of the Council of the Isilkulsky Municipal District on work in electoral districts |
Kalachinsky | 23 |
1. On the prospects for the development of the education system in the Kalachinsky Municipal District. 2. On the progress of the implementation of the long-term target program of the Kalachinsky municipal district "Clean Water (2010 - 2015)" |
Kolosovsky | 24 |
1. On the implementation of the Federal Law "On Guardianship and Trusteeship" on the territory of the Kolosovsky municipal district. 2. Report on the work of the standing commission of the Council of Kolosovsky municipal district on the agro-industrial complex, construction, transport, energy and communications |
Kormilovsky | 29 |
On amendments to the budget of Kormilovsky municipal district for 2011 |
Krutinsky | 27 |
1. On amendments and additions to the decision of the District Council of Krutinsky municipal district "On the budget of Krutinsky municipal district for 2011". 2. On the execution of the budget of Krutinsky municipal district for the first quarter of 2011 |
Lyubinsky | 24 |
1. On the draft resolution of the Council of Lyubinsky municipal district "On amendments to the budget of Lyubinsky municipal district for 2011". 2. On amendments to the resolution of the Council of Lyubinsky municipal district "On approval of the regulation on the procedure for considering deputy inquiries and appeals of the Council of Lyubinsky municipal district of Omsk region". 3. On amendments to the Regulation "On deputy ethics in the Council of Lyubinsky municipal district". 4. On the report of the chairman of the commission on agrarian issues of the Council of Lyubinsky municipal district. 5. Reports of deputies of the Council of Lyubinsky municipal district on work in electoral districts. 6. On the long-term work plan of the Council of the Lyubinsky Municipal District for the second half of 2011 |
Maryanovsky | 30 |
1.On the progress of the Program for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports within the Framework of the Socioeconomic Development of the Maryanovsky Municipal District for 2010-2014. 2. On the progress of licensing and certification of workplaces in municipal educational institutions of the Maryanovsky Municipal District. 3. Reports of deputies of the Council of the Maryanovsky Municipal District on work in electoral districts |
Moskalensky | 29 |
1. On the progress of gasification in the Moskalensky Municipal District. 2. Report on the work of the commission on housing and communal services and construction of the Council of the Moskalensky Municipal District. 3. Reports of deputies on work in electoral districts |
Muromtsevsky | 24 |
1. On the progress of implementation of the municipal program for the development of individual and small entrepreneurship in the territory of the Muromtsevsky municipal district. 2. On information on the prevention and warning of child neglect, identification and placement of orphans and children left without parental care in the territory of the Muromtsevsky municipal district. 3. Reports of deputies of the Council of the Muromtsevsky municipal district on work in electoral districts |
Novovarshavsky | 23 |
1. On the state and prospects for the development of the additional education system in the territory of the Novovarshavsky municipal district. 2. On the status and prospects of library services to the population of Novovarshavsky municipal district 3. Report of the deputy of the Novovarshavsky municipal district Council on work in the electoral district |
Odessa | 27 |
1. On the implementation of the Federal Law "On the general principles of local self-government in the Russian Federation" on the territory of the Lukyanovsky rural settlement of the Odessa municipal district. 2. On amendments to the decision of the district Council of Deputies of the Odessa municipal district "On the budget of the Odessa municipal district for 2011". 3. On the work of the deputy of the district Council of Deputies of the Odessa municipal district in the electoral district |
Okoneshnikovsky | 22 |
1. On the measures taken by Chistovsky and Andreevsky settlements for the efficient use of agricultural land, other settlement lands and increasing the collection of land tax. 2. On the execution of the deputy's request Beschatnykh N.I. |
Omsky | 30 |
1. Report of the head of the Omsk municipal district on the results of his activities and the activities of the administration during his period of work as the head of the Omsk municipal district. 2.On Amending the Resolution of the Council of the Omsk Municipal District "On the Budget of the Omsk Municipal District for 2011" |
Pavlograd | 27 |
1. Report on the execution of the budget of the Pavlograd Municipal District for 2010. 2. On the draft amendments and additions to the Charter of the Pavlograd Municipal District of Omsk Oblast. 3. On the procedure for taking into account proposals and participation of citizens of the Pavlograd Municipal District in public hearings on the draft amendments and additions to the Charter of the Pavlograd Municipal District of Omsk Oblast. 4. On Amending the Resolution of the Council of the Pavlograd Municipal District of Omsk Oblast "On Approval of the Regulation on the Management of Municipal Property of the Pavlograd Municipal District". 5. On the Regulation "On the title of "Honorary Citizen of the Pavlograd Municipal District of the Omsk Region". 6. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Pavlograd Municipal District "On the standards for providing land plots to citizens in the territory of the Pavlograd Municipal District" |
Poltava | 30 |
1. On the progress of the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On assessing the effectiveness of the activities of local government bodies of urban districts and municipal districts" in the territory of the Poltava Municipal District based on the results of 2010. 2. On the work of the Department of Architecture, Capital Construction and Life Support of the Poltava Municipal District Administration on the implementation of powers in the field of architecture and urban planning. 3. On the register of municipal property of the Poltava Municipal District. 4. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Poltava Municipal District "On the budget of the Poltava Municipal District for 2011 year" |
Russko-Polyansky | 24 |
1. On approval of the report on the execution of the budget of the Russko-Polyansky municipal district for 2010. 2. On establishing the amount of parental fees in municipal preschool institutions of the Russko-Polyansky municipal district. 3. On the work of the bodies of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency in the Russko-Polyansky municipal district on the implementation of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Delinquency" |
Sargatsky | 1 |
1. On approval of the list of objects transferred from the ownership of the Sargatsky municipal district to federal ownership. 2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Sargatsky Municipal District of the Omsk Region dated July 22, 2010 No. 42 "On the preparation of social, domestic and cultural facilities,housing stock and life-support structures and communications in the winter period". 3. On the issues of privatization of property owned by the Sargatsky municipal district |
Sedelnikovsky | 28 |
1. On improving work with disabled children and children with disabilities in the Sedelnikovsky municipal district. 2. On the progress of the implementation of the priority national project "Education" in the territory of the Sedelnikovsky municipal district. 3. On the state of work on the prevention of socially dangerous phenomena among minors and youth in the Sedelnikovsky municipal district |
Tavrichesky | 23 |
1. Report on the execution of the budget of the Tavrichesky municipal district for 2010. 2. On the progress of implementation of the Law of the Omsk Region in the territory of the Tavrichesky municipal district "On the regulation of land relations in the Omsk region". 3. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Tavrichesky municipal district "On the budget of the Tavrichesky municipal district for 2011" |
Tarsky | 17 |
1. On the draft forecast plan for the privatization of municipal property of the Tarsky municipal district for 2012 - 2014. 2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Tarsky municipal district "On the budget of the Tarsky municipal district for 2011". 3. Report of the deputy of the Council of Tarsky Municipal District on work in the electoral district |
Tevriz | 27 |
1. On the progress of the target program "Ensuring road safety in the territory of Tevriz Municipal District for 2007-2012". 2. On the progress of the program for spiritual and moral education of children and adolescents "Origins" for 2008-2011. 3. On the results of the heating season in the social sphere and housing and communal services facilities of Tevriz Municipal District |
Tyukalinsky | 24 |
1. On amendments to the Charter of Tyukalinsky Municipal District of Omsk Region. 2. On the results of the budget execution of the Tyukalinsky municipal district for the first half of 2011. 3. On the implementation of the municipal long-term target program "Formation and development of property of the Tyukalinsky municipal district "On the budget of the Tyukalinsky municipal district of the Omsk region" for 2010 - 2012. 4. Reports of the standing committees of the Council of the Tyukalinsky municipal district on work for the first half of 2011 |
Cherlaksky | 24 |
1.On the activities of public organizations in the Cherlaksky municipal district. 2. On the progress of implementing the national project "Health" in the Cherlaksky municipal district. 3. On the progress of implementing the long-term target program of the Cherlaksky municipal district "Housing" (for 2010-2015) for 2010. 4. On the work of the standing commission on social issues, health care, culture, youth policy and sports of the Council of the Cherlaksky municipal district in 2010. 5. On the work of a deputy of the Council of the Cherlaksky municipal district in the electoral district |
Sherbakulsky | 29 |
1. On amendments and additions to the Charter of the Sherbakulsky municipal district of Omsk region. 2. On the execution of the budget of the Sherbakulsky municipal district for the first quarter of 2011. 3. On Amending the Regulation "On the Management of Municipal Property of the Sherbakulsky Municipal District". 4. Report of the Deputy of the Council of the Sherbakulsky Municipal District on the Implementation of Voter Instructions |
Omsk | 15 |
1. Report on the Implementation of the Omsk City Budget for 2010. 2. On the draft resolution of the Omsk City Council "On Amending the Resolution of the Omsk City Council of November 16, 2005 No. 298 "On Land Tax in the Territory of the City of Omsk" |