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Name of municipality (municipal district, urban district) |
Date of meeting |
Main issues considered at the meeting |
Bolsherechensky |
29 |
1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of Bolsherechensky Municipal District "On the budget of Bolsherechensky Municipal District for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022". 2. On work to create safe conditions for the educational process in educational organizations of Bolsherechensky Municipal District |
Gorky |
24 |
1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Gorky Municipal District "On the budget of the Gorky Municipal District for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022". 2. On the receipt of tax and non-tax revenues to the budget of the Gorky Municipal District for the first half of 2020 |
Isilkulsky |
15 |
1. On measures to ensure harvesting and forage procurement in 2020 in the Isilkul Municipal District. 2. On Amendments to the Charter of the Isilkul Municipal District of the Omsk Region |
Kalachinsky |
31 |
1. On Amendments to the Decision of the Council of the Kalachinsky Municipal District "On the Budget of the Kalachinsky Municipal District for 2020 and for the Planning Period of 2021 and 2022". 2. On the work of the legal support department of the Administration of the Kalachinsky municipal district |
Krutinsky |
27 | On amendments to the decision of the Krutinsky District Council of the Krutinsky municipal district "On the budget of the Krutinsky municipal district for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022" |
Lyubinsky |
30 |
1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Lyubinsky Municipal District "On the budget of the Lyubinsky Municipal District for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022". 2. On the long-term work plan of the Council of the Lyubinsky Municipal District for the second half of 2020. 3. On the report of the deputy of the Council of the Lyubinsky Municipal District on work in the electoral district |
Maryanovsky |
24 |
1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Maryanovsky Municipal District "On the budget of the Maryanovsky Municipal District for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022". 2. On the implementation of the subprogram "Development of the education system of the Maryanovsky municipal district" of the municipal program "Development of the socio-cultural sphere of the Maryanovsky municipal district (2014 - 2020)" in 2019. 3. On the implementation of the subprogram "Development of culture and tourism in the Maryanovsky municipal district (2014 - 2020)" of the municipal program "Development of the socio-cultural sphere of the Maryanovsky municipal district (2014 - 2020)" in 2019 |
Muromtsevsky |
24 |
1. On the execution of the budget of the Muromtsevsky municipal district for the first half of 2020. 2. On the implementation of measures to ensure the safety of educational institutions of the Muromtsevsky municipal district. 3. On the development and improvement of work with gifted and talented children in the Muromtsevsky municipal district. 4. On the report of the deputy of the Council of the Muromtsevsky municipal district on work in the electoral district |
Odessa |
30 |
1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Odessa Municipal District "On the budget of the Odessa Municipal District for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022". 2. On the results of financial and economic activities of municipal unitary enterprises of the Odessa municipal district in 2019 |
Pavlograd |
24 | On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Pavlograd municipal district "On the budget of the Pavlograd municipal district for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022" |
Poltava |
29 | On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Poltava municipal district "On the budget of the Poltava municipal district for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022" |
Sedelnikovsky |
29 |
1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of Sedelnikovsky Municipal District "On the budget of Sedelnikovsky Municipal District for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022". 2. On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Sedelnikovsky Municipal District. 3. On the organization of library services to the population in the Sedelnikovsky Municipal District. 4. On the report of the chairman of the standing committee on social issues, education, health care of the Council of Sedelnikovsky municipal district |
Tarsky |
6 |
1. On awarding the title "Honorary Citizen of the City of Tara". 2. On entering names in the Book of Honor of the Tarsky Municipal District |
31 | On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Tarsky Municipal District "On the budget of the Tarsky Municipal District for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022" | |
Tevriz |
31 |
1. On the report of the chairman of the Council of the Tevriz Municipal District on the activities of the Council of the Tevriz Municipal District in 2019. 2. On the progress of the municipal program "Development of the economic potential of the Tevriz municipal district of the Omsk region" (2014-2020)" in 2019. 3. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Tevriz Municipal District "On the budget of the Tevriz Municipal District for 2020 and for the planning period of 2021 and 2022" |
Omsk |
15 |
1. On approval of the Program for the privatization of municipal real estate of the city of Omsk for 2021 and the planning period of 2022 and 2023. 2. On approval of the list of municipal property that is provided for free use in 2021. 3. On Amendments to the Program for the Privatization of Municipal Real Estate of the City of Omsk for 2020 and the Planning Period of 2021 and 2022. 4. On the Procedure for Organizing and Holding Cultural, Entertainment, Sports and Other Mass Events in the City of Omsk. 5. On Amendments to the Decision of the Omsk City Council "On the Procedure for the Creation and Use, Including on a Paid Basis, of Parking Lots (Parking Spaces) Located on Public Roads of Local Importance within the Borders of the City of Omsk". 6. On Amendments to the Decision of the Omsk City Council "On the Budget Process in the City of Omsk" |