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November 2016


Name of municipality (municipal district,
urban district)
Date of meeting Main issues considered at the meeting



1. On amendments to the decisions of the Council of the Azov German National Municipal District "On the budget of the Azov German National Municipal District for 2016".

2. On granting a deferment for the transfer of part of the profit remaining at the disposal of enterprises after payment of taxes and other mandatory payments, for 2015 to the budget of the Azov German National Municipal District.

3. On exemption from payment of part of the profit of the production association of public utilities of the Azov German National Municipal District for 2015 to the budget of the Azov German National Municipal District



1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District "On the budget of the Bolsherechensky Municipal District for 2016".

2. On holding public hearings on the draft budget of Bolsherechensky Municipal District for 2017.

3. On amending the decision of the Council of Bolsherechensky Municipal District "On approval of the Control and Accounts Body of Bolsherechensky Municipal District".

4. On amending the decision of the Council of Bolsherechensky Municipal District "On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for establishing and collecting fees for the rental of residential premises occupied under social rental agreements for residential premises of the municipal housing stock of Bolsherechensky Municipal District"
Bolsheukovsky 25 1. On Amending the Resolution of the Council of Bolsheukovsky Municipal District "On the Budget of Bolsheukovsky Municipal District for 2016".

2. Analysis of Tax and Non-Tax Revenues in the Budget of Bolsheukovsky Municipal District by Types of Taxes and Types of Economic Activity and the Forecast of Revenues for 2017.

3.On the Repair of Municipal Roads in Bolsheukovsky Municipal District in 2016
Gorkovsky 11 1.On Amending the Resolution of the Council of Gorky Municipal District "On the Budget of Gorky Municipal District for 2016".

2. On the draft budget of the Gorky municipal district for 2017
Znamensky 11 1. On the work of the Committee on Agriculture and Food of the Administration of the Znamensky municipal district in 2016.

2. On amendments to the Charter of the Znamensky municipal district
Isilkulsky 16 1. On the progress of the implementation of the municipal program "Provision of high-quality services of the transport system and housing and communal services in the Isilkul municipal district for 2014-2020" in 2015.

2. On the organization of the work of voluntary public squads on the territory of the Isilkul municipal district.

3. On Amendments to the Resolution of the Council of the Isilkul Municipal District "On the Procedure for Establishing and Organizing Payment for the Use of Residential Premises for Tenants of Residential Premises under Social Tenancy Agreements, Agreements for the Tenancy of Specialized Residential Premises Owned by the Isilkul Municipal District"
Kalachinsky 23 1. On the Work of Voluntary People's Squads and the Participation of Citizens in Maintaining Public Order in the Kalachinsky Municipal District.

2. On the Draft Resolution of the Council of the Kalachinsky Municipal District "On the Budget of the Kalachinsky Municipal District for 2017".

3. On approval of the Forecast plan (program) for the privatization of property of the Kalachinsky municipal district for 2017.

4. On the progress of housing construction in the territory of Kalachinsky municipal district
Kormilovsky 30 1.On the work of the Administration of the Kormilovsky municipal district on the implementation of investment programs and projects in the territory of the Kormilovsky municipal district and increasing the investment attractiveness of the district.

2.On the draft resolution of the Council of the Kormilovsky municipal district "On the budget of the Kormilovsky municipal district for 2017" and the appointment of public hearings on the draft budget of the Kormilovsky municipal district for 2017
Lyubinsky 14 1. On the draft law of Omsk region "On the regional budget for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019".

2. On the draft resolution of the Council of Lyubinsky municipal district "On the budget of Lyubinsky municipal district for 2017" and on the appointment of public hearings on the draft budget of Lyubinsky municipal district for 2017.

3. On the execution of the budget of Lyubinsky municipal district for 9 months of 2016

4. On Amendments to the Decision of the Council of the Lyubinsky Municipal District "On the Budget of the Lyubinsky Municipal District for 2016"
Maryanovsky 24 1. On the progress of implementation in the territory of the Maryanovsky Municipal District of the Decision of the Council of the Maryanovsky Municipal District "On the Rules for the Installation and Operation of Advertising Structures in the Maryanovsky Municipal District, and the Placement of Advertising on Vehicles Owned by the Municipality of the Maryanovsky Municipal District".

2. On the draft law of the Omsk Region "On the Regional Budget for 2017 and for the Planning Period of 2018 and 2019".

3. On Amendments to the Decision of the Council of Maryanovsky Municipal District "On the Budget of Maryanovsky Municipal District for 2016"
Moskalensky 7 On the Appointment of Public Hearings on the Draft Budget of Moskalensky Municipal District for 2017
Muromtsevsky 18 1. On the Execution of the Budget of Muromtsevsky Municipal District for 9 Months of 2016.

2. On the Progress of Implementation of the Plan for Social and Economic Development of Muromtsevsky Municipal District for 9 Months of 2016.

3. On the draft resolution of the Council of the Muromtsevsky Municipal District "On the budget of the Muromtsevsky Municipal District for 2017"
Nazyvaevsky 30 1. On providing disabled persons and certain categories of citizens living in the territory of the Nazyvaevsky Municipal District with technical rehabilitation equipment and vouchers for spa treatment.

2. On the draft resolution of the Council of Nazyvaevsky Municipal District "On the budget of Nazyvaevsky Municipal District for 2017"
Nizhneomsky 11 On the draft resolution of the Council of Nizhneomsky Municipal District "On the budget of Nizhneomsky Municipal District for 2017"
Novovarshavsky 30 1. On the achieved values of performance indicators of local government bodies of Novovarshavsky Municipal District for 2015 and the planned values for a three-year period.

2. On the procedure for calculating the amount of payment under the contract for the installation and operation of an advertising structure on a land plot, building or other real estate owned by the municipality of the Novovarshavsky municipal district, and on a land plot located on the territory of the Novovarshavsky municipal district, the state ownership of which is not delimited
Odessa 24 1.On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Odessa municipal district "On the budget of the Odessa municipal district for 2016".

2. On the draft resolution of the Council of Odessa Municipal District "On the budget of Odessa Municipal District for 2017"
Okoneshnikovsky 23 1. On the draft plan for socio-economic development of Okoneshnikovsky Municipal District for 2017.

2. On the draft budget of Okoneshnikovsky Municipal District for 2017
Omsky 29
1. On amendments to the resolution of the Council of Omsk Municipal District "On the budget of Omsk Municipal District for 2016".

2. On Amendments to the Regulation on the Budgetary Process and Budgetary Structure in the Omsk Municipal District,approved by the decision of the Council of the Omsk Municipal District
Pavlograd 25 1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Pavlograd Municipal District "On the budget of the Pavlograd Municipal District for 2016".

2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Pavlograd Municipal District "On approval of the procedure for writing off municipal property of the Pavlograd Municipal District"
Poltavsky 30 1. On amendments to the decision of the Poltava Municipal District Council "On the budget of the Poltava Municipal District for 2016".

2.On the draft decision of the Poltava Municipal District Council "On the budget of the Poltava Municipal District for 2017"
Russko-Polyansky 18 1.On scheduling public hearings on the draft budget of the Russko-Polyansky Municipal District for 2017.

2. On the implementation of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2014 No. 2403-r "On approval of the principles of state youth policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025" in the territory of the Russko-Polyansky municipal district
Sargatsky 14 1. On the development and support of individual entrepreneurs, peasant farms in the territory of the Sargatsky municipal district within the framework of the implementation of the subprogram "Development of small and medium entrepreneurship in the Sargatsky municipal district".

2. On the implementation of the decision of the Council of the Sargatsky Municipal District "On the organization and implementation of inter-settlement events to work with children and youth in the territory of the Sargatsky Municipal District"
Sedelnikovsky 16 1.On the appointment of public hearings on the draft budget of the Sedelnikovsky Municipal District for 2017.

2.On the draft law of the Omsk Region "On the regional budget for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019"
Tavrichesky 24 1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Tavrichesky Municipal District "On the budget of the Tavrichesky Municipal District for 2016".

2. On approval of agreements on the transfer of powers to provide low-income citizens residing in the territory of rural settlements of the Tavrichesky Municipal District and in need of housing with housing, the implementation of municipal housing control, as well as other powers of local governments in accordance with housing legislation.

3. On approval of an agreement on the transfer of part of the powers for road activities in relation to local roads within the boundaries of a populated area of the settlement
Tarsky 30 1. On holding public hearings on the draft budget of the Tarsky Municipal District for 2017 and the planning period of 2018 and 2019.

2. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Tarsky Municipal District "On the budget of the Tarsky municipal district for 2016"
Tevrizsky 14 1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Tevriz municipal district "On the budget of the Tevriz municipal district for 2016".

2. On holding public hearings on the draft budget of the Tevriz municipal district for 2017
Ust-Ishimsky 25 1. On the draft budget of the Ust-Ishim municipal district for 2017.

2. On transport services for the population of the Ust-Ishim municipal district.

3. On the work of the Administration of the Ust-Ishim Municipal District to improve the efficiency of using municipal property
Cherlaksky 25 1. On amendments to the decision of the Council of the Cherlaksky Municipal District "On the budget of the Cherlaksky Municipal District for 2016".

2. On approval of the budget of the Cherlaksky Municipal District for 2017.

3. On the implementation of the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the rules for the distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the provision of untied support to agricultural producers in the field of crop production"
Sherbakulsky 23 1. Public hearings on the draft resolution of the Council of the Sherbakulsky municipal district "On the budget of the Sherbakulsky municipal district for 2017".

2. Report of the deputy of the Council of the Sherbakulsky municipal district on work in the electoral district
g.Omsk 23 1. On the draft Resolution of the Omsk City Council "On approval of the Program for the privatization of municipal real estate of the city of Omsk for 2017 and the planning period of 2018 and 2019".

2. On the draft Resolution of the Omsk City Council "On amendments to the Resolution of the Omsk City Council "On the rules for the installation and operation of advertising structures in the city of Omsk, placement of advertising on vehicles owned by the municipality of the city of Omsk"

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